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2 Book Bundle Her Last Love Affair II: Breathing Without You And Her Last Love Affair III: The Final Journey

Page 8

by James, Clara

  Allie wanted to turn, even if it was just her face. But she remained motionless, until she felt Jack’s hand in the middle of her back. It was applying subtle pressure, encouraging her to lean forward. She did so with a mewl of pent up desire, placing her hands out in front of her and resting on all fours.

  He pulled her underwear down to just above her knees and kept it there, urging her to part her legs as far as she could with the elastic of the panties constricting her stance.

  By now, following his instructions came easily to her and she shuffled her knees as far as she could. “Jack,” she panted, flicking her hair off her face, as she strained to see him over her shoulder.

  “You want this?” he asked, taking his cock into his hand and bringing it to her tender sex. He rubbed the head between her lips, finding her entrance and dipping just a fraction into her warmth, before pulling back again.

  Allie was digging her fingers into the rug at the foot of his bed and biting down hard on her lower lip. Unaware of her body’s movement, her hips leaned back, instinctively trying to sheath him.

  The tip of his member moved once again up and down the length of her outer lips, teasing her clitoris, before moving back down to her opening. “Oh, yeah,” he mumbled, pushing his hips forward slowly. He slid back and forth, warming her up to him and each time delving a little deeper.

  Allie’s head flopped listlessly forwards, and her eyes clamped shut as she moaned which each push of his hips. She whimpered, trying to part her legs further, but having stretched the panties to their limit, she could manage no more.

  Gradually, Jack slipped deep inside her, releasing a shaky exhalation as his hips met her ass and he could go no further. “Yes,” he hissed.

  “Ahh,” Allie cried, her face lifting as she felt him fill her completely. “Jack,” she wailed, her hands slipping out in front of her.

  Jack held himself still, enjoying the feel of her softness and warmth, while he used his right hand to trace patterns on the flawless skin at her back. However, eventually, the drive to move was too great and he began to jerk his hips. He attempted to stroke back and forth in smooth movements, but his breath would catch and his hips would suddenly lunge forwards or pull back further than he’d expected.

  Not that Allie was aware of Jack’s struggle. She was reveling in the feel of his hard shaft, and the way his masculine hands moved over her. Bracing herself on just her right arm, she slipped the fingers of her left hand between her legs and began to stroke her engorged clitoris, which was crying out to be touched. She rubbed gently at first, and increased the pressure and speed as Jack began to pick up his momentum. After years of practice in masturbation, it took little time to reach climax and as she panted and moaned her release, the strength on her right arm gave out and she flopped forwards.

  Jack quickly looped an arm around her waist, keeping her ass at his hips, as he thrust once, “Ugh.” Twice, “Oh, yeah!” Three more times, “Holy shit.” Before a grunt of release signaled he’d reached his own orgasm.

  Chapter Ten

  Breathing Without You

  Allie remained flat out on the rug for some time, exactly how long, she’d never be able to say. Her breathing was coming rampantly and the residual tingles from her orgasm were rolling through her like the aftershocks of an earthquake, so she guessed it hadn’t been long. And yet, despite the climax and its lingering sensations, she didn’t feel the sense of relaxation that normally came with sexual release.

  “Hey, you all right?” Jack eventually asked, releasing her and slipping from her sex, before throwing himself onto his back by her side. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No,” she replied, forcing a smile for him.

  “So, what’s up?” he continued. “I mean,” he added, “unless I’m very much mistaken, you enjoyed that.”

  “Yeah,” she confirmed, the uncomfortable fake smile still plastered on her lips. “I did.”

  Forcing himself onto his side, Jack rested his elbow on the floor and propped his head on his hand as he peered down at her. “So...” he urged. “What is wrong?”

  “I’ve...umm,” she began, her breathing beginning to ease. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”

  “Okay,” he offered, extending his free hand and laying it on the small of her back.

  His touch reminded her that she still hadn’t moved, and she used her hands to slowly push herself from the floor. Turning, she settled on her butt and looked down at him. “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “There’s no need,” he insisted, sitting up, crossing his legs and sliding the condom off his flaccid shaft. He tied a knot in the latex, before dropping it onto the rug. “Your mind wasn’t elsewhere at the time, was it?” he queried, a knowing smile suggesting that he didn’t actually require an answer.

  Allie provided him with one anyway. “No,” she sighed. “No, you were the only thing on my mind.”

  “Good,” he nodded, a satisfied grin brightening his whole face.

  “Anyway,” she mumbled, suddenly feeling very cold and crossing her arms over her bare breasts. “Umm, do you mind if I take a shower?”

  “No problem,” he replied instantly, leaping to his feet with a sudden burst of energy. Not making any attempt to conceal his nudity, he confidently walked to the threshold of his bedroom and pointed to his left. “Second door,” he indicated.

  Forcing herself to her feet, Allie wasn’t quite as comfortable in her state of undress and awkwardly pulled her panties back up. She noticed as she did so that they had been stretched beyond being much use as underwear. Nevertheless, they’d provide her with some dignity while she made her way to Jack’s bathroom. She passed him, noting that he didn’t step back, forcing her to brush against him as she exited the room. Something that should have brought forth another frisson of excitement and arousal, but didn’t. “Thank you,” she muttered, not meeting his eyes as she hurried down the corridor to the room he’d pointed out.


  Once she’d washed and got her clothes, minus her thong, back on Allie was in a hurry to get out of Jack’s apartment. He tried to convince her to stay the night, but nothing could tempt her. She needed to be alone with her thoughts; to try to work out why she wasn’t able to find any kind of satisfaction from sex. No, she told herself as she climbed into a cab and gave the driver her address, it was worse than not getting any satisfaction from sex. She felt completely empty.

  During the trip back to her place, she stared out the window and watched the tiny droplets of rain that began to fall from the sky. She wasn’t sure whether the vacuum she felt in her lower abdomen could ever be filled. She suspected that another fling certainly wasn’t going to do it. This time, unlike her night with Patrick, she couldn’t blame it on how quickly it had been over nor could she claim that her thoughts had drifted to Reece. Throughout the encounter, she’d been unable to think of anything other than Jack. So, why didn’t she feel better? Why didn’t she feel the sense of freedom and liberation that had come after her other encounters?

  “Here we go,” the driver said, applying the brakes and pulling to a gradual stop outside Allie’s building. “That’ll be 15.20,” he announced.

  She quickly handed him a twenty dollar bill, told him to keep the change and climbed out of the car. She dashed from the sidewalk to the building’s front doors, pushing open the heavy glass and shaking the water droplets from her face. Glancing up at the large clock above the elevators, she saw that it was 1:40 am, she’d spent almost two hours at Jack’s, at least three quarters of that was spent having sex with him. Funny, she thought, it seemed to pass much quicker.

  The elevator call button illuminated when she pushed it, but she was still forced to wait while the car slowly made its way down to her. She was close to leaving it and taking the stairs, when the doors finally whirred open.

  “You’re an idiot,” she mumbled angrily to herself. She sensed that she’d been looking for comfort in the wrong places, she was also aware that the luster of c
asual sex had probably worn off for her. What had seemed like a great buzz initially, now seemed rather pointless. What was sex without some kind of emotional attachment?

  She watched the numbers on the top of the elevator car, make their steady way to her floor. Exiting, she breathed a heavy sigh and reached into her purse for her keys. Not really looking where she was going, she stepped down the familiar hallway, able to avoid the large plant pots through memory alone. It was only when her fingers wrapped tightly around her key chain and slipped it out of her bag, then she looked up. And she was astonished by what she saw.

  Outside her front door, sitting on the ground, with his back against the wall, was Reece. His head was dropped forward, his knees lifted towards his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. He must have sensed her approach rather than heard her, because as Allie came to a surprised stop, he glanced up. He found her with unfocused eyes and a weary half-smile.

  “Hey, Al,” he greeted her excitedly, struggling with uncoordinated limbs to his feet.

  Allie had never seen him drunk. In fact, when she had known him, he wasn’t much of a drinker at all. The odd beer now and again or a wine with dinner, but he definitely had no previous form for drowning his sorrows. “Reece,” she mumbled, struggling to speak his name. “What are you doing here?”

  “Waiting for you,” he responded simply.

  Allie tried again, “Why are you waiting for me?”

  “Because you’re not at home,” he reasoned, his right hand making a fist and knocking on her front door.

  If Allie had ever wondered, at least that answered the question of what kind of drunk Reece would make: a silly one. She rolled her eyes. “We’re just going around in circles like this,” she said, placing her index finger to her lips, to hush him, as he continued to knock at her door. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

  “Umm,” he hesitated, before checking his watch. “It’s a quarter till two,” he told her, beaming as though he believed he’d been very helpful.

  “Oh, Reece,” she sighed, staring at the ceiling in despair. “You can’t be here. We agreed, remember?”

  “Yep,” he nodded. “I know,” he added swaying unsteadily, and propping himself against the wall. “But the thing is, we never really did agree.”

  His voice was getting louder and Allie was concerned about disturbing her neighbors, so shushing him with another gesture of her finger, she moved toward the door. Hurriedly, she unlocked it and ushered him inside, knowing even as she did so, that it would be something she’d regret later. “Sit down,” she encouraged.

  “Thanks,” he nodded, moving unbalanced to the couch and dropping himself into it.

  Closing the door, she locked it, and then chucked her purse and keys onto the side table. “Listen,” she told him, speaking the words over her shoulder. “Why don’t you stay there for the night. Get some sleep and then we can talk in the morning maybe.”

  “No,” he insisted, shaking his head determinedly. “I’ve been waiting for you for three hours, I have to talk to you now.”

  “Reece,” Allie sighed, turning to face him. “It’s late and I don’t think either of us are in the right frame of mind to talk.”

  Reece was still shaking his head, as he pushed himself forward and stood up. “We don’t have to talk,” he informed her, his right hand moving of its own volition to her face and stroking the hair off her cheek.

  Allie instantly jumped back. “Please don’t do that,” she mumbled, stepping back until she came into contact with the wall.

  “Look,” he said, clearing his throat in an attempt to compose himself. He gave her the space she needed remaining still in the middle of the room. However, he didn’t take his eyes from her and he wasn’t willing to let the subject lie. “I know you’ve probably been with someone else tonight.”

  Allie opened her mouth to reply, but the words stuck in her throat. What could she say, ‘yes’?

  “I don’t know who he is or whether he means anything to you,” Reece added calmly, taking a small step toward her. “But I do know that he doesn’t mean anything to me.”

  Meeting his eyes, the pupils of which were dilated, Allie shook her head. “You’ve been drinking, you don’t know what you’re saying.”

  “For the first time in my life, I do know what I’m saying,” he countered. When she didn’t baulk, he took another tiny step forwards and then another and another, until he was finally no more than a foot in front of her. “I can’t stop thinking about you,” he said softly, his voice heavy and thick due to the alcohol he’d consumed. “And you know what I’ve discovered?” he asked rhetorically. “I don’t want to stop thinking about you.”

  Allie found it difficult to swallow. All she could do was look up into the face that loomed over her and studied her eyes, as though he could read every thought that had ever drifted across her mind. And then, painfully slowly, his face was drawing closer to hers. Allie knew that she should walk away or, at the very least, tell him to stop, but she couldn’t. Instead, she continued to gaze deep into his bright, twinkling blue eyes. For a moment, her focus darted down to his lips and that seemed to be all the invitation he needed.

  Reece closed the small gap between them quickly, covering her mouth with his own and kissing her passionately.

  Surrendering to the sensation, Allie felt herself melt back into the wall. His arms snaking around her waist and tugging her against his firm chest was the only thing that kept her standing. She whimpered as he sucked her bottom lip between his teeth and began nibbling gently. Her breath began to come in hurried pants, as she coaxed her tongue into his mouth and across the beer flavored roof of his mouth. Her hands shot out, grasping his head and fisting into the light brown hair she found there.

  His need for her was growing and in a bid to find more satisfying contact with her body, he scooped her up and swung her around. Keeping his arms tightly wrapped around her, his mouth refused to leave hers, as he gently walked her backwards.

  When the backs of Allie’s legs met the arm of the couch, she expected him to stop, but he either didn’t realize or was too carried away and continued to push against her. She toppled back along the length of the couch and he landed on top of her in tangled mess of limbs. It was only then that their mouths abruptly broke apart. “Reece,” she said, breathing heavily. “We can’t do this.”

  His chest heaving against hers, one leg nestled between her thighs and the other brushing against her right leg, Reece struggled to reconcile her words with the position they had found themselves in. “I don’t care,” he said shaking his head, before silencing her with another deep, frenzied kiss.

  Allie savored it, knowing that it might well be their last, before she gently slipped her hands between their bodies and pushed on his chest. “Hmm,” she mumbled, as he reluctantly pulled his lips from hers. “You know that it’s impossible for us to be together.”

  “No, I don’t,” he urgently whispered, rolling towards the back of the couch to take some of his weight off her. “You keep saying that, but it doesn’t mean it’s true.”


  “We can be together,” he continued, refusing to allow her to interrupt him. “Okay,” he admitted, lifting his left hand and running it through his hair, the way he always did when he was anxious or frustrated. “We don’t know how long you’ve got.” The words were like bile in his throat and he tossed them out quickly, as though that would somehow make them easier to say. “But however long that is, we can spend it together.”

  Allie’s bottom lip trembled, as she fought back tears, “I don’t want to hurt you,” she admitted, as a single tear zigzagged its way down her right cheek.

  Leaning forward, Reece captured the teardrop with his lips just before it rolled off her jaw. “Then let me spend the rest of your life with you,” he pleaded, staring into her eyes.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked quietly, sounding like a lost little girl.

  He took a deep breath
before, responding with a question of his own. “Do you love me?”

  Allie’s voice cracked as she offered a watery, “Yes.”

  “Well,” he sighed, smiling. “I love you, too,” he announced solemnly. “I love you more than anything in the world. I can’t bear the thought that I’m not spending every moment that I can with you.”

  Silent tears were streaming down Allie’s face, as she absorbed the sentiment. It was, without doubt, the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to her, and she realized she wouldn’t have wanted it to have come from any other man. She also knew that he meant it. A bit drunk he might have been, but she’d never known him to be more sincere. “So, what are we going to do?” she blubbed, running a hand through his hair and gripping the back of his neck tightly.

  “Right now,” he sighed serenely, “we’re going to love each other. We can worry about the rest tomorrow.” With that, he captured her mouth in a sweet, calm and tender kiss.

  Her Last Love Affair III

  The Final Journey


  Clara James

  Copyright © 2013 by Clara James

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Her Last Love Affair III: The Final Journey

  All rights reserved.

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. No part of this work may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording and faxing, or by any information storage and retrieval system by anyone but the purchaser for their own personal use.

  This Book may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Clara James, except in the case of a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages for the sake of a review written for inclusions in a magazine, newspaper, or journal—and these cases require written approval from Clara James prior to publication. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.


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