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The Rise of House Valdis

Page 5

by Naomi Valkyrie

  The sight that greets us as we enter the room makes me wonder what exactly has been happening. There is a man standing behind Maggie. Maggie’s face looks lust struck and there are a few spots of blood on her neck. Meanwhile, Mercy looks fit to kill.

  I don’t even get a chance to ask what is going on because there is an inhuman growl coming from Matthew as he utters the word “vampire.”


  What fresh hell is this! Vampires. Seriously. Again, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, I’m not exactly human, and I’ve met a shifter. But vampires…geez. What’s next, zombies? Wait, no, pretend I never asked that. I can’t take any more weird right now.

  “Step out where I can see you,” Matthew orders. No movement. “I said, step out where I can see you. I won’t repeat myself again.”

  “I’m trying. Unfortunately, I seem to be…stuck.”

  A likely story. I’ve had enough of this. I walk toward Maggie and pull her away from the man, I mean vampire. She still has that lust struck look in her eyes, but she doesn’t fight me. What did this bastard do to her?



  My stomach is in knots as I make my way up the front walk of Xenobia’s house/business. I have a legitimate reason to be here, but I also want to see her again. I have no idea how she will react though. I stuck my foot in my mouth pretty thoroughly the last time I saw her.

  The welcome sign is on the door, so I walk in. Xenobia is coming through the foyer, just as I enter. Yep, she’s still just as hot and intriguing as when I first met her. Don’t make a fool out of yourself this time, Matthew. I roll my eyes. Here I go, talking to myself again.

  She doesn’t even speak to me. She just motions for me to follow her. I’m right in the middle of figuring out how to start a conversation when she falls to her knees. Her eyes are squeezed shut and her glamour wavers. For a moment I see the real her, the blue skin and the black hair with blue highlights. I have no idea what is happening. I’m not that familiar with her powers, but this doesn’t look like something good.

  Just then her eyes open. It takes her a minute to refocus. “You ok?” Did I seriously just ask that? Of course she’s not ok you idiot. I reach out my hand to help her up. Now she just looks irritated and shoves my hand away. I can’t tell if she is upset with me, or just the situation in general. I don’t have time to analyze it though because Mercy’s voice reaches my ears and she doesn’t sound happy.

  As we near the office, I smell it. I don’t know how I missed it before. I guess I was so focused on Xenobia that I wasn’t paying attention.

  “Vampire!” I know it comes out with a growl, but I can’t help it, vampires piss me off.



  “What did you do to Maggie?” I ask, still eyeing the vampire. From what I can tell, he looks just like a normal human. On the surface, you’d never know he wasn’t. Nice to know that I could walk right by one and never know it. Unsettling to say the least.

  “I just sampled a bit of her blood.” I want to wipe that smirk off of his face. “She’s perfectly fine.”

  I glance at Maggie unconvinced. The faraway look is starting to leave her so, maybe he is telling the truth. Maybe.

  “What do you want?” I have my suspicions. No evidence for them, but I’m pretty certain this has something to do with Javier.

  “Since Javier’s first messenger caused a bit of a mess, he sent someone who would convey the seriousness of his request.”

  And there it is. “Request!” Did I just snort? Maybe. “You make it sound so civil, yet three men are dead. Granted, two of them probably deserved it, but still. Why is this so imperative all of a sudden? These girls are nothing but acquisitions to him, they have no real meaning as human beings in his eyes.”

  The vampire simply looks at me. No expression. No response. I guess he’s done talking.

  “Ok, message received. Now get out.”

  “As I stated before, I appear to be unable to move from this location.” Oh, he can speak still. A look of unease briefly crosses his face. Oh, goody! It looks like we’ve found a weakness. I’m not sure exactly what we’ve discovered yet, but if it gives us an advantage, I’ll take it.

  “Since I am well aware that wolf boy does not have the power to hold me here, it has to be one of you three.” I can feel Matt’s energy becoming increasingly more agitated. The last thing we need is for him to shift. I look back at him and shake my head slightly. His eyes narrow. Apparently, he doesn’t like taking directions from me. So sorry. I can’t have him starting something that could turn dangerous, we have enough of that potential just having a vampire in the building.

  This new development has to be an aspect of Mercy’s powers. I meet Mercy’s eyes and she looks shocked. I can tell that even though she is surprised, she is also pleased that she has discovered this new aspect of her abilities.

  I have a decision to make. We can use this situation as a testing ground to gauge the depth of Mercy’s power, but that would also give the vampire an opportunity to see that we aren’t merely human. There is also the possibility that we could lose control of the power and then the vampire would get the upper hand.

  “Mercy, how would you like to play a bit?” The gleam in her eye says it all. “You understand the risks?” I just have to be sure. She nods.

  I look at the vampire as I send out my powers to read him. His eyes widen as my powers connect, but he doesn’t speak. His energy is a paradox, both light, and dark. I don’t sense a blatant evil, it is more like a heaviness weighs on him. As I touch the lighter part of him, he flinches and looks away. I have already seen the brief hint of sadness in his eyes though. This is the part of him I want to speak to, the part of him that is still connected to his humanity.

  “Why is Javier so insistent on getting the girls back?”


  “Ok, just remember that I gave you the opportunity to speak willingly.” I look at Mercy. “Ask him.” Mercy repeats my question to the vampire.


  “ANSWER ME!” Mercy is shouting. I rest my hand on her arm to calm her. I can tell the vampire is fighting back the words, but they tumble out anyway. “He wants to be turned and Master Kage will not do it because he believes Javier is not worthy. Javier could not exert enough control to keep his own property. Kage feels it is irresponsible to grant him any more power. Javier believes that if he gets the girls back, it will change the Master’s decision.”

  I am trying to absorb this new information. There are two things to deal with now, Javier’s motives, and the fact that Mercy can compel vampires. The thirst for power is quite a motivator. Javier is not going to give up easily. I have a feeling this is going to get worse before it gets better. I need a plan, and it is probably going to involve using Mercy’s newly acquired abilities.



  Wolf boy! Damn vampires. If I don’t keep myself in check, I’ll lose it and tear this guy apart. Apparently, Xenobia can sense just how close to the edge I am because she’s subtly shaking her head at me. I know she is just trying to keep things from escalating.

  Of all of the vampires that could have shown up here, it had to be Onyx. I have to wonder if that is a coincidence, or if Javier somehow knows I’m now connected to Xenobia through the case. It wouldn’t surprise me. I’m the one the Conclave sends when a supernatural makes a mistake. Even though the revelation that Mercy has powers is a shock, and I want answers about that, I need to push that to the side. This new development could work in my favor. I might finally get some real answers to something that has been plaguing me for most of my adult life.

  There is a lull in the women’s interrogation, so I take the opportunity provided. “I have a question for him, Mercy.” I walk up to Onyx, so close that I’m almost touching him. “Ask him why he killed my sister.”

  I know I just crossed the line from professional to personal, but I’ll be damne
d if I’m going to miss this chance to get the truth. Mercy repeats my question to him. I feel like I’m finally going to get closure, finally at least understand why.



  Holy Shit! Matthew knows this guy! Another thing that shouldn’t be a surprise. The level of anger coming off of him is so overpowering it can be nothing but personal. On the one hand, I get he wants answers. On the other hand, I need to have time to think about our next move with Javier. Every minute that goes by puts the lives of the girls in danger. We don’t have time for his personal grievances.

  An image of Urd pops into my head. I felt so angry and lost after she was taken from me, and she wasn’t even my blood. Looking at Matthew, I know I can’t take this chance away from him.

  Maggie, who is back to her old self, comes over to me. “What are we going to do? Clearly, there are some unexpected issues here. I mean, vampires. What the hell?”

  “Go up and get everyone together for a meeting. This involves all of them and it isn’t fair to keep it from them anymore. They need to know what we are dealing with. I’ll be up after I handle this,” I say, motioning between the two men.

  “This means telling them about what you really are. Are you prepared for that?”

  “At this point, I don’t have much of a choice. I only hope they take it well and don’t freak out. I need their trust, especially now.” Maggie hugs me and leaves to make the arrangements. I turn my attention back to Matthew and the vampire.



  I want to believe what Onyx just told me. I know it is the truth, Mercy’s powers made sure of it, but I have hated him for so long. I don’t know how to hear this. There is so much pain in his eyes, and I feel like someone stabbed me through the heart because I put it there. I’ve got to get out of here. I have to think…



  I can feel so much pain and sadness flowing between Matthew and this vampire. Clearly there is a deep history between them. I’m so caught up in the emotions that I don’t realize that Matthew has gone until Mercy puts her hand on my arm and brings me back to the present moment.

  “What are we going to do about him?” She motions toward the vampire.

  “Send him back to Javier with a message for him to back off. And a command not to reveal anything about what happened here, especially the use of our powers.”

  Mercy takes care of the message and command. When she is positive he is unable to repeat anything about our powers, and makes him unable to harm me or anyone under my protection, she releases him. After we are sure he is gone, I send Mercy upstairs to join the others. I need a few minutes to digest everything that has just happened, and figure out how I’m going to tell the girls that I am not human.

  Sinking down onto the couch in my office, I’m at least grateful that we now know why Javier has decided to poke the bear after all of this time. We are going to have to come up with a plan soon because he isn’t going to let up. His methods would get more and more dangerous. I’m not looking forward to having this conversation with the girls, not only because of the danger now facing all of us, but because everything about me is going to have to come out. In a way, it will be a relief, not having to hide who I am from them. However, I could very well lose their trust, which is something we can’t afford with Javier focused on us.

  I had hoped that I might make an ally with Matthew and he would be able to help us. After his confrontation with the vampire, my hope is dwindling. He left so abruptly that I didn’t have a chance to see if he’d even be willing to help. He didn’t even follow up with Mercy, which was the whole reason he came over in the first place. From the intense emotions coming off of him when he left, it is probably best I don’t contact him for a while. He needs to deal with his personal shit before he is of any use to me.

  Sitting here in the quiet of my office, it is apparent that my mind can’t stay focused on any one thing. I’m all over the place. I’m not making any headway toward a solution to any of it, so I may as well go get this conversation with the girls over with.



  The conversation with the girls went much better than I feared it would. It helped to have Maggie on my side. The girls look up to her and she has been everything to me since my arrival here. I’m sure it will take some time to adjust to the idea of me being something other than human, but at least none of them ran screaming into the night, so to speak. I’m calling it a win.

  We haven’t come up with a conclusion yet about the Javier situation, but at least they know what is going on. No one is going anywhere alone for awhile. I won’t be meeting potential clients at the house for interviews until we get this settled. It is inconvenient, but we don’t know who, or what he will send next. Better safe than sorry.

  I open the door to my room and make my way to my meditation cushion. I need some serious quiet time, creating enough space in my brain to allow a solution to come through. As I light the incense, I begin to relax my breath and body. Even though my mind wants to figure out a solution, I know ultimately what I need to do is to allow one to come, not force one. Moving further and further into stillness, I feel a strange but gentle tugging sensation in my forehead. Allowing myself to go with it, I notice that I appear to now be in a forest. The sun is just starting to set and I can still see where I am going, but I know it will be dark soon.

  I follow the sensation as it guides me further into the trees. I don’t sense anything dangerous. But with everything that has been going on I feel it would be unwise to let my guard down completely. After a few minutes of walking I hear a voice. It sounds like a man. Crouching behind some bushes I look into a clearing where there appears to be an old, abandoned cabin. The man I heard is pacing back and forth in front of it apparently talking to himself. I can feel nervousness coming off of him in waves.

  Abruptly the man stops and looks up. Instantly I recognize him as the vampire that was in my office. I know this should cause me alarm, but right in this moment I don’t get the feeling that he is a threat. He is still as a statue, waiting. Several minutes pass and I begin to wonder what the point of all of this is; it can’t be to sit here in the middle of nowhere and stare at a vampire from behind some bushes. It is then that I hear someone else approaching. Another man steps into the clearing, but his back is to me. The vampire walks to meet him. I don’t know what I expected exactly, but it wasn’t the fiery, all-consuming kiss between them.

  The vampire is still nervous, but it is completely outshined by the intense passion and love being generated. Breaking the kiss, the vampire places their foreheads together. “Matthew, I love you. Let us leave this place and be together.”

  Matthew. That explains the intensity between the two of them in my office. Nothing turns to hate faster than being betrayed by someone you love.

  “Onyx, you know if it were just me I would leave everything behind, but I can’t leave my sister. I hate to think what would happen to her without me here.”

  So the vampire has a name. His previous nervousness must have been about asking Matthew to leave with him. It takes courage to ask someone to leave everything behind just to be with you.

  “How much longer do you think we can keep meeting in secret? Someone is bound to catch on. You know what that would mean.” Onyx is not even bothering to hide his worry.

  “We haven’t done anything to warrant punishment. There is nothing for anyone to tell.” Matthew states.

  The vampire I now know as Onyx pauses before responding. He is considering his next words carefully it appears. “I was hoping to change that tonight.” He draws Matthew in for another kiss.

  Wait. What? Ohhhhhh. I stand corrected. Maybe THIS is why he was so nervous before. Clothes are starting to come off and I really think it is time for me to be done with this vision. Crap! Now I’m the one invading someone’s personal space. I guess I shouldn’t judge what I don’t
understand. I have absolutely no control over where these visions take me apparently. How would Matthew feel knowing that I was seeing his private life?

  Matthew turns in that moment and looks at the bushes where I am hiding and straight into my eyes. Shit! I guess I am going to find out.

  We really have to stop meeting like this.



  The look in Matthew’s eyes when I was finally able to tell him the truth nearly broke my heart. They want you to believe that men don’t feel much emotion. Well, I’m here to tell you that we do. It is unfortunate that we do not feel allowed to express it more openly because all I wanted at that moment was to cry for all of the pain and heartache between us. I want to erase all of the anger and sadness he must feel from believing that I took his sister’s life. There were so many times I wanted to explain what happened. In the beginning, circumstances kept me from him, and when I was finally free of it he was gone. All of these years believing that I betrayed him have no doubt turned the love he felt for me to hatred.

  I can’t change what happened in the past. Now that he knows the truth maybe we can find our way back to each other. I have done many awful things in my life, but the one true regret I have is the way things ended between Matthew and me. No matter what, he has always been the one I could never let go of. This torment has followed me everywhere.

  I want to believe that we can be together. It is not without its challenges though. It takes time to stop harboring resentment. Matthew may be too far into his feelings on the matter to make the change. There is also the issue of Javier. Even though I don’t have many dealings with him of my own accord, I am still connected to him. I’m unsure if Matthew can look past that. And I can’t ignore his attraction to Xenobia. No one else may have picked up on it, but I know his body. The language it was speaking was telling, subtle, but telling. What I would not give to go to him now and try to work this out, but he needs time.


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