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The Rise of House Valdis

Page 6

by Naomi Valkyrie



  I expected Matt to call me after the vision incident, but he never did. I’m not really sure whether I should contact him. It just feels like there is this uncomfortable thing between us now. We don’t know each other very well and jumping straight into sharing deeply personal secrets has left us in the position to have to trust each other. It’s an odd feeling that I don’t quite know what to do with.

  I can’t deny that part of me is attracted to him, but I haven’t ever felt the need to pursue a serious relationship. My business keeps my needs satisfied, and watching over the girls gives me purpose. This whole thing with Javier has turned my life inside out, in more ways than one. Maggie has been after me to start a relationship.

  Now just doesn’t seem like the time to deal with this. The one plus is that if I did consider it at least he isn’t human so he won’t freak out about me. If we decided to pursue something he’s going in with all of the facts. Then again, maybe it is pointless to even think about Matt this way. After all, there’s Onyx. I mean, that is a whole piece of his life that I know very little about. Maybe he prefers men. Maybe this whole song and dance with me is just a distraction for him. After all, he clearly has opinions about what I do for a living. That in itself may be a deal-breaker. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t respect me.

  Damn it! This is why I don’t do relationships. This whole thing has my head all twisted around. Why do I even care about any of this?

  I know why I care. Maggie is right, I can’t keep everyone at arm’s length forever. Eventually, I will have to let someone into my heart. As much as I love Maggie, she and I will never have a truly romantic relationship. It just isn’t our thing.

  Around and around the thoughts swirl through my mind as I drive to interview a potential client. I’m a little irritated that I’m not doing this is my office, but we have to limit the number of unknown people coming in and out of our place and I can’t keep putting off interviews. I’m good at reading people, but we see what happened with Smith. He was a good person who made a bad choice that ultimately brought chaos to my doorstep.

  Pulling into a parking space at the local coffee shop, I turn off the car and close my eyes. I’m early, which is good because I need to recenter myself and get focused. Seems like that is something that has to happen a lot lately. I guess I just got complacent over the past few years and let myself fall too far into the illusion that we were out from under all of this, that maybe Javier had just let it go. I suppose he might have too if this Master vampire hadn’t poked at that particular failing like it is the linchpin to turning him. The lust for power and ever-lasting life proved too tempting.

  Opening the car door, I look around at the outdoor seating options. I wouldn’t normally pick such a public place for a meeting of this nature, but I need to play it safe for now. Spotting a table in the corner with no other tables directly beside it, I head over to stake my claim. I want this interview away from prying ears. Anyone looking at us would see a business meeting, but having access to audio would be an ear-opening experience. As you would expect, our clients like a certain amount of privacy. Thankfully the guy I am meeting today has no issue interviewing in public.

  I’m getting out my notebook and pen to prepare to take notes when I get the sense that someone is watching me. Taking in the area around me, I don’t readily see anyone that seems suspicious. Of course, if someone is purposefully spying on me, I doubt they would make it obvious. I probably just have a case of overactive imagination with everything that has been going on. Still, no such thing as too paranoid when you are in the crosshairs of a power-hungry scum bag.

  Bringing my attention back to the area immediately around me, I see a man nearing my table. “Ms. Valdis, I presume?”

  “You presume correctly,” I say with a smile I don’t feel. “You must be Mr. Bello.” I motion for him to sit so we can get this show on the road. Normally I love client interviews. It gives me a chance to use my powers so I am not on edge, but today I’m uneasy. I take a deep breath to center myself. I can’t afford to miss anything in an interview because it could mean trouble for the girls later if I do. “Shall we get started?”

  “As you wish. And please, call me Ezrah.”

  “Ok, Ezrah, let’s begin with why you are looking to hiring one of the Companions.”

  Ezrah studies my face for a moment and the silence unnerves me. I start to wonder if I’m about to have a repeat of Mr. Smith. I don’t sense any negative emotion or anything that would cause me to question Ezrah, but I haven’t scanned him thoroughly yet either.

  “Actually, Ms. Valdis, I am not here for myself. This is why I agreed to meet in a more public place. I’m here for my employer.”

  Well, this is new. Usually, men make their own arrangements to keep things from prying eyes and ears. How am I supposed to do a proper reading if I’m not even meeting the person that will be attending the appointment? No, this won’t do at all. Too risky. “My apologies, Ezrah, but I must insist on meeting the person who will actually attend the session with our companion.”

  Again, he stares at me intently. “He will be here shortly. I just needed to establish a connection first. My employer’s method of communication during the day is quite…unusual.”

  Okkkaaaaayyyy. This isn’t weird at all. What is it with me and attracting bizarre shit lately? Now extremely wary, I send my power into Ezrah. I can sense no dangerous or threatening energy from him. The only thing I sense is that he probably could use a visit with one of the girls. The poor guy is lonely. We have an abundance of clients that visit the girls to feel a connection with another person, so he wouldn’t be the first.

  As my power works its way around Ezrah I notice that something is shifting. Looking into his eyes I can see that they have changed color. Instead of the honey color they were when he sat down, they are now a deep brown, almost black. I’m still not sensing any danger, so I try not to let on that I’m startled by the change.

  “He is here now, Ms. Valdis.”

  Please don’t be a ghost. Please don’t be a ghost. I mean, there is no one else here. With all of the strange showing up lately, it would figure that I’d be dealing with some sort of oddity like a disembodied spirit. Is there even such a thing? At this point, I’m beginning to think anything is possible.

  “I know this must be disconcerting. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Chiamaka Stone. Please call me Chi.”

  The voice coming from Ezrah and the look in his eyes are completely different. The energy is now extremely self-assured and has a commanding presence.

  “Interesting to meet you, Chi.” I have no idea what else to say right this minute so I fall back on professionalism.

  “What has brought your interest to the Companions?”

  “I’m not interested in the Companions, I’m interested in you, Ms. Valdis.”



  I’ve been keeping myself busy with work, distracting myself from thinking about Onyx too much. I tried to think it through for a while, but it is like a whirlwind in my mind. Now I just want some peace. I had to take a day off before I worked myself to exhaustion. I’m still finding things to occupy my attention. Right now that is preparing for a little road trip I want to take over the weekend. If I just get out into nature and away from this town for awhile, maybe I can work it all out.

  As I pull up to the gas station I happen to look up and see Xenobia across the street at the coffee shop. I notice that she has altered her glamour a bit today. Her hair is an inky black without her usual blue highlights and falls down in waves past her shoulders. I wonder if other people think that she wears wigs? Surely they notice how her look changes periodically.

  She’s wearing business casual, which totally clashes with the more relaxed image I’ve had the privilege of seeing. My body is definitely drawn to her, and my mind finds her intriguing. Maybe I could just distract myself with her for a while.
I shake my head, disappointed in myself. Not only is that disrespectful to her as a person, but I went down that road once before after the death of my sister. Fucked my way through half of the single women in my former pack because none of the men interested me before I realized that I was never going to get Onyx out of my system.

  No one was ever going to be him. Not ever.

  What a twisted, fucked-up mess. My interest in someone is finally awakened and I can’t even trust my own motivations to pursue it. Such great timing, Onyx. Thank you for fucking with my head, again.

  Even as I’m thinking these angry thoughts I feel that old stirring again. I never stopped loving him. I just shoved it so far down that I could ignore it, pretending it didn’t exist. It was easier to be angry, hate him, than feel the sorrow of betrayal and a broken heart. I’ve tried having other relationships with women, but I always felt like something was missing. And, I have never had a relationship with another man because they weren’t him. Even in the midst of my anger and hate, there was a part of me that never wanted to dishonor the memory of what we once had.

  Meeting Xenobia has sparked something in me. This strange connection we have through dreams, visions, whatever you want to call it, draws me in even more. I haven’t done a very good job of impressing her though. My snarky, judgmental remarks are part of my emotional shielding now. They slip out before I even know what I’m saying. Having her tap into my private moments with Onyx has left me wondering what to say to her. She’s probably making assumptions and everything just feels awkward.

  The man approaching Xen breaks into my awareness and clears the fog my thoughts have been creating. I don’t know who he is, but I’m guessing from the business suit that this is a professional meeting. I’m taking that to mean she’s interviewing since she’s been preparing to take notes while waiting.

  I watch them speak for a few minutes. I know this is bordering on stalking because I have no right to be watching her. I could try and justify it by saying I am making sure she is safe. That would be partially true. The real truth is, I am captivated by her. I don’t know how to deal with it, especially now. I know we are going to have to talk. This awkwardness can’t go on in the event progress is made on Mercy’s case, I need her to trust me.

  When they both stand up by the table I see the man kiss Xen on the cheek. Now I know I shouldn’t get angry, but for reasons I don’t want to examine right now, that action pisses me off. She’s made it clear she doesn’t like people in her personal space. Why would she let a stranger be so familiar with her? Knowing what her profession is, when I’m smacked in the face with its reality, it doesn’t sit well. I want to be the one in her personal space.

  I drop my head back onto the headrest and sigh. I’m so fucked. If there was ever a time I needed to get away from everything and clear my head, this is it.



  He’s interested in me. Well, get in line. Although I don’t get the feeling that Chi is interested for the same reason Javier is, thank goodness. My power is poking around inside of Ezrah, but reading Chi. This is one of the most bizarre experiences with my powers that I have had, and that’s saying something. I have never felt the energy of two people inside of one body before.

  “Would you expand on that, please? What can I help you with, specifically?”

  “I was aware of your arrival here several years ago. I have been watching you ever since. It has only been recently that I felt it an appropriate time to make my presence known to you. You were unaware of what humans might call the supernatural element of this world. This business with Javier has changed all of that. It has introduced you to the other side and has given me the opening to connect with you. I’m a guardian, and I believe you are the next individual I am to support.”

  He’s telling the truth. I can feel no deceit in him. I’m just unclear as to what this all means. I know Javier is dangerous, but how is some disembodied voice going to help me? On the plus side, this might be the answer to my stress with Matthew. I’ll still have to deal with him for case-related matters, but I won’t need to ask him for anything else. We’ll be able to keep things professional and I can erase this attraction that is slowly building between us. I don’t need all of the complicated emotional stuff clouding up my mind. Of course, I’m going to have to get to know Chi before I can put my full faith in him. It pays to be cautious, especially when I’m dealing with a side of life that is brand new to me.

  “This may sound harsh, but, how are you going to help me? You are a voice being channeled through a human body. And what makes you think I would accept your support, we literally just met. If our roles were reversed, would you readily trust me?” I’m about ninety-nine percent sure I can trust him. I learned quickly to trust my instincts and my powers. But there is that one percent that I have to acknowledge. I mean, look what happened with Matthew. The man has a wolf hiding inside of him and I couldn’t read that.

  “Ah, yes. Appearances being what they are I can see how you would assume I don’t have a body. I assure you, I do have one. Unfortunately, I’m confined until nightfall. I wanted to meet with you as soon as possible so, I sent Ezrah to you as a bridge. I will meet with you personally tonight so that we can speak further and get acquainted. Now, I must go as this connection does put a strain on both Ezrah and myself if we prolong it.” He rises, or rather, Ezrah’s body rises. I stand up too as apparently our meeting is over. “Until tonight, my angel,” Chi whispers. Leaning in,he kisses me gently on the cheek.

  I don’t say anything as Ezrah walks away, or would that be Chi, god this is confusing. This has been the most unexpected meeting. It dawns on me that my life is never going back to what I considered normal. It is one thing to have the urge to help people like I do. Helping women who are mistreated and doing things on a small scale is how I have been working things thus far. Getting Maggie and the other girls out from under Javier’s control and creating a safer working environment for them happened spur-of-the-moment. Because I wanted to stay hidden, it has all been low-key.

  Now I know something bigger than me is working on this. I’m slowly realizing I’m not as hidden as I thought. Chi has known about me since day one. Why do I have this sinking feeling that hiding out is no longer going to be an option?



  Waking up to the crisp mountain air is something that I will always revel in. I got to the cabin I rented late last night so I didn’t even bother to unload the car. I’m up bright and early because who can sleep in when there is exploring to do? My wolf needs to run, allowing my mind off the hook for a while.

  Before I shift and let loose, I grab my bags out of the trunk and dump them off inside of the door. I’d prefer to pack even lighter than this, but I had to bring a few extra changes of clothes in case I ruin some by shifting unexpectedly. I would hate to have to drive back to civilization naked. I shed what little I’m still wearing and decide to let my wolf take a morning run. This climate makes her playful and happy. Yes, my wolf is female. Don’t ask why. I don’t know that I’ll ever understand it either. I know there is a lake a little ways from the cabin so I figure I will take a morning swim as a man, after my wolf gets her way.

  Letting my wolf take over, I shift. She runs us straight into the surrounding woods. She is in her element here, basking in the light of the morning sun as it runs through the trees. She runs after small animals she doesn’t intend to catch at the moment. She only truly hunts when she is hungry. The rest of the time she just likes to scare the bejesus out of anything she can. Feisty girl. Sometimes it seems she is part dog. No one should ever make that mistake though, my wolf can turn deadly on a dime.

  After about an hour of being one with nature, my wolf trots down to the shore of the lake so we can get in our swim. The beauty of being out in the middle of nowhere is I don’t have to worry about anyone seeing me shift. I can get naked! It is quite liberating and I wish I could do this more frequently. L
iving in a city can be confining, especially when you house a wild animal inside of you. I take as many trips to the wilderness as I can, but right now it doesn’t seem like enough.

  I shift to human and slide into the water. It would be too cold for a normal human, but it is perfect for me. I swim a few laps out to the middle of the lake and back, cooling off. Afterward, I float for a bit. Everything falls away as I let myself move into stillness.


  I have no idea how long I’ve been in the water, but I’m suddenly aware that I’m hungry. I didn’t eat before I left the cabin so all the exercise must have worked up an appetite. I don’t really want to leave this place of peacefulness, but my body and my wolf are going to rebel if I don’t feed them.

  I guide myself toward the shoreline and have to practically drag myself out of the water. My body has gotten so relaxed it feels like it weighs a ton. Straightening up, I’m preparing to shift when I realize I’m not alone. Onyx is standing on the shore waiting for me.

  Irritation rises up in me. I came out here to be alone, to think, or not think, whatever. If we were going to meet again, this is not how I would have chosen for it to go. I’m at a severe disadvantage because, damn it, I’m naked. And he must have done this on purpose to throw me off. What exactly is he playing at here? There goes my morning of peace.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Onyx looks down. “I wanted to see how you are doing after the last time we saw each other. I know this can’t be easy for you, having everything you thought you knew turned on its head. To be perfectly honest, I couldn’t wait to see you. I’ve tried to give you space, but knowing that you are so close to me and choosing not to see me is painful.”


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