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Three Rivers (A Gateway to Love Novel)

Page 18

by Barlow, Chloe T.

"Yes! He tried to make me drink one of those once. No way! And he would make 'lemon chicken' with it. So awful."

  "Come on, gorgeous, you were lucky. By the time he was with you I'm sure he'd fine-tuned the recipe. I was his guinea pig with that shit. He didn't inherit whatever cooking gene Baxter got."

  "No definitely not."

  "Hey, what's Baxter up to? He was just a little kid the last time I saw him."

  "Oh, he's quite the player. When he's not chasing girls, he's training to be a chef and he got a business degree in undergrad so he can run Viola. That can't come soon enough." And with that they snuggled and talked of happier things late into the night.


  Griffen arrived at Schenley Park for Carol's picnic with his mother. As he opened the door for her, she craned her neck behind her. "She's really quite lovely."

  "What?" Griffen hadn't even realized he was already staring at Althea over his mother's shoulder. Apparently he had no control over any part of himself when she was nearby.

  "You're spending a lot of time with her, aren't you?"

  "Mom, stop."

  "Look, honey, no one knows better than me what Jack did for you." Her voice lowered, "What he meant to you. Is that what this is about?"

  "No. Dammit. I don't know. Yeah, it's about Jack. Or it was," Griffen rubbed his neck, walking away from her.

  "I see the way you look at her. You've never looked at anyone like that before. What's happening with you two?"

  "Mom, I have no idea."

  "You don't always have to know what's going to happen. Sometimes you can just fall."

  "Like you did with Dad?" Griffen cringed when he saw her face twist.

  "Oh, Griffen, you know I wish I'd stopped him sooner."

  "So do I," he groaned. "But neither of us was strong enough, were we? Jack saved us. Now I'm hung up on his wife, so everything's pretty messed up, I guess," Griffen grunted, kicking a tire.

  "Stop it. You're just looking for a reason to mess this up. Maybe you two need each other, you asshole."

  "Mom, you never curse."

  "Yeah, well, I'm a little sick of watching you be unhappy. You've been completely lost since Jack died. Maybe you need each other because he died, but that doesn't change the fact that you may love each other."

  Her words twisted his insides. "I can't stand being away from her. I know that."

  "So stay. Be with her a while longer."

  Griffen's heart fluttered at the thought, then it sank right back into his stomach.

  "Doubt she'd go for it. She's been pretty clear she doesn't want me to stick around. I guess that's only fair, right? I finally want to try for something with a woman and she's already got my bags packed for me."

  "You can be very persuasive, honey. Maybe you shouldn't give up so easily."

  "Maybe. How about we stick with going to the picnic for now?"

  "Sure, dear," she said slowly.

  They walked toward the crowd and he felt his jaw tic when he saw David hovering over Althea possessively. David looked up and jealousy flared in his eyes when they landed on Griffen. David gave him a self-satisfied smirk as he placed a hand on Althea's lower back, steering her back over to the food.

  Griffen felt his hands clench into fists, wishing he could grab this woman and kiss her firmly until the whole world knew she was his. Instead he simply tried to calm his breathing, his nostrils flaring.

  Going full Neanderthal at her family picnic because she was being friendly to her dead husband's former boss wasn't going to help him gain any favor with her. Particularly since she clearly credited David with helping her through many hard years when Griffen hadn't even been in her life.

  His mother walked up behind him, hefting a pastry carrier full of cookies when she followed his line of sight. "Humph. You're fine with just walking away, huh? Right."

  "Mom," Griffen said in a warning tone.

  "Here," she smiled, thrusting the cookies into his hand. "Get those over to the food table. Maybe Althea could use some help with something."

  "You got it, Mom. I do aim to help."

  "Good boy. Now get over there before someone else monopolizes her time that's not you." Griffen couldn't help but smile. He knew his mom could tell he was twisted in knots over this woman. He strode over to the table, decked out in every picnic treat and type of dessert imaginable. Althea turned and saw him and her answering smile immediately made him feel lighter.

  "Hi Griffen," she said, clearly trying to seem casual, but he was thrilled to see the spark of desire and excitement that flashed across her beautiful eyes at seeing him. The sun was illuminating her hair to a warm, golden fire, matched by the golden flecks in her eyes.

  He stepped forward, placing the cookies down on the table, making sure to break the connection between her and David, brushing her waist gently as he walked by. He was sure he didn't imagine the small gasp that escaped her throat.

  "My mom baked more cookies. Your little functions are keeping her on top of her game for sure. I also brought this." He handed her the bag of food he'd brought in his other hand and was thrilled to see her eyes widen with happiness when she peeked in to see pulled pork, potato rolls, and fried chicken.

  "How did you get North Carolina barbecue?"

  "Not just any North Carolina barbecue," he said with a glimmer of pride in his eye. "Look."

  "Holy crap, Griffen! This is from my favorite place back home."

  "Yup. I had it delivered overnight, just for you." Griffen put down the food and hugged her. She smelled so good he couldn't resist nuzzling into her neck with his face. When she physically stiffened and pulled back, he couldn't help the spark of frustration he felt.

  He was seething when she moved back to him and whispered so only he could hear her.

  "Come on, Griffen, you know the rules. There are tons of people here."

  "Right, of course. Your fucking rules," he bristled, stepping back.

  "Don't be mad, please. I just don't want Carol to see."

  "Or anyone else, right? David over there looks pretty pissed. Maybe you're embarrassed to have the Viola staff see me touch you. Is your mailman here? Now that would be embarrassing."

  "Griffen, please keep your voice down," she whispered.

  Althea leaned back and forced a smile and laugh as she looked around. Her brazen pretense was tossing kerosene on Griffen's fiery emotions.

  With each nervous dart of her eyes, Griffen's heart pounded with more anger. He leaned closer and whispered hotly in her ear, "Is that better? Am I making you uncomfortable? God forbid someone thinks you aren't perfect, that you're living an adult life," he growled. "Maybe I should ignore your rules and touch you anyway. I know you like it when I do."

  "Stop it, please." She breathed slowly, calming herself. "We can touch. Just not here."

  "Fine. I get it." Griffen couldn't stop how angry he felt. The irony wasn't lost on him. Most women he'd been with begged him to be serious with them and tell the world they were together. That had never appealed to him, until now. Yet here was this beautiful, desirable woman that he wanted to express affection to and she couldn't bear to let anyone know they were together. He hadn't even realized how furious it made him until he found his heart was racing and he was feeling hot with anger.

  Althea must've sensed it because she leaned over and whispered, "No. You don't get it, and you shouldn't have to. This is my thing. My issue." She looked around to see if anyone was staring at them and looked into his eyes. "I do want to touch you. I want you to touch me." She swallowed and lowered her voice even more. "Very much."

  "Fine," he gritted out. When he looked down at her, with her eyes turned up so full of concern while her lips parted and she panted just a little from the desire that coursed through them every time they were near each other, his heart pounded for a different reason. "I need to touch you, too...everywhere."

  "Yes, please," she whispered. He glanced to his right and
saw Johnny was happily playing with friends under the watchful gaze of Aubrey and Jenna, who were also looking at the two of them with concern.

  He looked to the left and saw his mother was working hard to keep Carol well distracted. Ensuring Carol's back was to them Valerie gave Griffen the slightest nod, so that he knew he could slink off with Althea's mother-in-law being none the wiser.

  "Come on," he said on a swallow, "let's go for a walk."

  "Okay," she turned and he walked near her, careful to resist the urge to touch her. Out of the corner of his eye he caught David glowering at them. Griffen glared back at him, in no mood to humor the guy. David was smart enough to stay in the same spot, staring at them as they walked away.

  As soon as they got to the wooded walking path, Althea took his hand and entwined her fingers with his. She slowed and looked up at him in that sweet way that always made him feel warm and liquid-like inside, even now, as mad as he was, it still got to him. "Griffen, I'm sorry. That was rude and insensitive of me. I shouldn't have reacted to you like that."

  Griffen tried to shove down his anger from before, but it just wouldn't go away. He'd been feeling closer to her by the minute, more eager to open up and show her how special she him. But when she insisted on hiding whatever they were from everyone that mattered to her it made him feel like he was all alone in feeling whatever was developing inside of him.

  There were tears in her eyes and Griffen felt terrible. He was being a prick but he just couldn't stop. He felt hostility and frustration down to his fingertips. "Look, I'm sorry I'm being an ass. I know your rules. But that doesn't mean I have to like them."

  "I'm sorry," she whispered.

  "I understand. You've got an image to maintain and God forbid you not always be a good girl. The perfect widow."

  "Come on, please, don't be like that," she said. "That's not how it is at all."

  He breathed hard and looked across her shoulder into the woods. He turned back to gaze in her eyes and said, "Then tell me how it really is, Althea."

  "It's just that I can't be in public with you and then you leave."

  "What if I didn't leave next week, what then?" he asked softly, but his heart sank to see how her eyes widened with fear and panic.

  "Stop that, Griffen. You know I'm not ready for that...for more."

  "Then what the fuck are you ready for Althea?" he bit out.

  She jumped at his visible anger, but regained control and slowly wrapped her arms around his shoulders, looking deeply into his eyes. "This," she said. "What we are right now, for these few days. It makes sense. This I can do. I just need it to still be only for us, though. I'm sorry. You've been nothing but kind to me. I hate the idea that my weakness is hurting you."

  "You aren't weak Althea," Griffen wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against him where she belonged. "You're the strongest person I've ever met."

  "But I did hurt you, and I'm so sorry for that."

  She placed a hand behind his head and pulled him down to her hungry mouth. He loved when she took the lead with him. It showed him that at least when it came to their intense attraction, he wasn't alone in that.

  He pulled her off the ground against him.

  She moaned in his mouth as her tongue parted his lips. She nibbled and sucked at his tongue, his lips, everywhere, as she rubbed her perfect, tight body deliciously against him. Her eagerness was driving him crazy. Griffen pulled back and looked around them. Even though it was a public park they were in a pretty deserted area. It would have to do because he was bursting to be inside her. He leaned down to kiss her again. All his anger and frustration from before was pouring into his almost violent kisses and every scorching touch of his fingers against her smooth skin.

  "Griffen, I want"

  "Fuck, gorgeous, that's all I needed to hear." He spun her around and she pressed her hands against a large tree. Sliding his hand up her leg he whispered in her ear, "I'm so glad you wore a dress. Did you want me to do this? Fuck you up against a tree here in the woods?"

  "Yes," she was already breathless and he loved it.

  He pulled the hem of her sundress up and breathed in sharply when he felt her warm pussy in his hands. "Jesus, no panties, gorgeous? Are you trying to kill me?"

  "I was hoping we could sneak away and I didn't want to slow you down. Oh!" He slipped two fingers inside her and groaned.

  "So wet. My good girl is a little dirty, huh?"

  "Only for you. You make me crazy, Griffen."

  "Did you think about me when you put this dress on, leaving yourself uncovered for me?"

  "Yes. I couldn't wait. I touched myself just thinking about you pulling my dress up here." She reached down and rubbed her fingers across her clit, touching him lightly with each stroke as he pushed his fingers in and out of her. Griffen unzipped quickly and his cock fell out hard and heavy into his hand. He took a condom from his pocket, tore the wrapper with his teeth and slid it on. They were both panting and desperate, all pretense of sweetness gone. She looked back at him over her shoulder and he saw the same need and frustration he felt. In that moment he knew she felt the same way he did, overwhelmed by their attraction to each other. Still reeling from their argument.

  He turned her around so she could wrap her legs around him and he thrust into her, hard. He stroked in and out, pulling her soft legs tightly around him, but he needed more. Her sundress had little buttons at the top and he fumbled with them until her breasts fell out. She was wearing the thinnest lace bra and with his next thrust he ran his tongue hotly across the tops of her beautiful breasts. She squeezed her legs around his waist so that he could go deeper and as she arched her back he was able to enfold her breasts in his hands and lick each nipple with abandon.

  "Harder, Griffen, please. I need you to fuck me harder." The words drove him over the edge of sanity so fast that he began pounding into her, pressing her back roughly against the hard bark of the tree. He sensed her release coming and knew she would need to scream. Griffen kissed her roughly, rubbing his tongue over hers in and out, mirroring the thrusts of his hard cock in her body. She tightened around him and he swallowed her cries of pleasure. He grunted long and hard as he fell over the edge with her.

  He leaned his face into her neck, breathing heavily into her hair as she slowly lowered her legs.


  Griffen chuckled and rested his forehead on hers. "Yeah. Wow." He removed the condom, tied it off and put it in his jean pocket with a grimace.

  He wrapped his arms around her again and they stood like that for a while, holding each other tightly as they regained some semblance of composure.

  Griffen still hated that he would have to leave this beautiful moment and go back to acting like they were the vaguest of acquaintances, brought together by six degrees of grief.

  Yes, he understood where she was coming from, but he also knew he needed time with her away from all of this sense of duty and embarrassment that wracked her every move — a chance to let him show her how good being open with him could be.

  The sun was starting to get lower in the sky and he kissed her deeply and pulled back. "I hate to say it but we should probably head back before they form a search party."

  Althea laughed, nodding in agreement. As they started to approach their group Althea looked at him with what he could only read as sadness in her eyes and dropped his hand.

  "It's okay. I get it. For now." But even then the germ of an idea began working in his mind. He needed to get her out of town and he knew just where he wanted to take her as he led her back to the picnicking crowd.

  Griffen sat up in Althea's bed and watched her as the sun was gradually peeking through her bedroom window and across her lovely face. He wasn't ashamed to admit he spent most of the time they were together just staring at her, whether she was awake or not. It was still pretty early, but Griffen knew he had to leave soon before Johnny woke up. That was another of her r
ules — Johnny couldn't know they were together, either.

  His heart raced a bit as he saw Althea stirring. It still excited him to wait for the moment those beautiful eyes opened and looked up at him, wide and a little hazy from sleep, but still so hypnotic to him.

  "Morning, gorgeous. How'd you sleep?" he asked.

  "Mmm, good," she said on a stretch. "It helped that I was dreaming of all the deviant things I want to do to you," she said reaching up to stroke his cheek and kiss him softly on the lips.

  The sheet fell down revealing more of her full breasts. Griffen didn't wait and cupped one with his hand, stroking the sides while his thumb brushed over her nipple. She groaned and he leaned in, whispering into her lips, "I like the sound of that. Glad you brought it up actually because I have to leave tonight for a meeting with my publisher in New York. It's just for a couple nights but I'll need to cancel my classes tomorrow..."

  "Oh," she said suddenly stiffening as she leaned away. She pulled the sheet up against her and started to look anywhere but at him. "Well, I guess I can't expect to monopolize all your time. Um, I hope you have fun."


  "No, it's okay, I get it," she muttered, starting to sit up.

  Griffen grabbed her, yanked down the sheet and rolled on top of her, penning her beneath him. She gasped at the force of his movement and her eyes widened when she looked into what he was sure was fierceness in his. "No, Althea, I don't think you do get it." Her breath caught and he brushed a hand against her cheek, running it down her throat and back over her breast. "I was going to say that I would like you to come with me," he said with a smile.

  "Oh? Really?"

  "Yes. We can stay in my apartment. We'll be back in time for my Wednesday classes and you to go to work."

  "Um," she said, biting her lower lip and making him even more desperate to get her out of town with him.

  "Pleeeease," he said with a fake pout, dipping his hand between her breasts, sliding down until he palmed her mound, testing her and gladly finding she was already getting wet. "I can spoil you and do dirty things with you," he promised as he slipped two rough fingers inside her, making her moan with pleasure and arch her breasts closer to his mouth. He leaned down and took a nipple between his teeth, nibbling gently.


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