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Just a Little Complicated: A Highschool Sports Romance (SANCTUARY COVE Book 1)

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  "My clothes are still wet from yesterday." I wince, motioning to them still in a pile on the bathroom floor.

  "Just wear that." He points to his shirt and shorts I am currently wearing. "I'll take you straight home and no one will even see you.”

  "They better not!" I growl before successfully striking him with another pillow.

  Chapter 24

  "So, did you, you know, do it?" Issy whispers, leaning closer.

  Smothering a laugh at her inability to say the actual words, images of last weekend float back through my mind. It has easily without a doubt become the single best night of my life.

  I still shake my head at the confidence I possessed when I walked out the bathroom to Nick. I've come a long way from the girl who couldn't stand him five months ago.

  This moment, our moment has been a long time coming for both of us. Somewhere over the past few months, my heart had betrayed my head and healed on its own, effectively letting Nick back into it. I hadn't fully realized it, until I was wrapped up in his arms that night, already unable to imagine being anywhere else.

  "You totally did!" Issy hisses jumping up from her spot on my bedroom floor.

  "Why are you whispering? My dad isn't home?" I point out but smile at her excitement.

  I also say nothing to confirm or deny. That's purely between me and Nick.

  "But you're together, together? Like he's officially your boyfriend?"

  "Umm, I think so?" I hesitate, "But we aren't telling anyone yet. We need to talk to Mason first, it's only fair he hears it from us."

  "Poor guy." She shakes her head which doesn’t help my guilt.

  It was only a week ago, he had come over and point-blank asked what was going on between Nick and me. I had flat out refused because, well, there wasn’t, at the time.

  How quickly things can change. I brought it up in the car on the way home and Nick reluctantly agreed to keep us quiet until we could talk to him. I think once I reminded him it's Homecoming and Mason is the team's star wide receiver; he was then worried it might mess with his head for the game, so he suggested we wait until after. If they win this game, they go straight to the playoffs in two weeks.

  It's Monday afternoon now, so we only need to wait until the weekend. I don't feel good about lying to Mason, but a few days surely won't hurt…

  "What are you wearing tomorrow?” I inquire as I organize my outfits for Homecoming week.

  Today was Pajamas. Tomorrow is when I grow up – I have a cute doctor's coat and stethoscope that I will wear with shorts and a black top. Wednesday is toga – that's self-explanatory and Thursday is 90s – I ordered a cute Cher look-alike outfit and it came today just in time. Then Friday - my cheer uniform.

  "I have a black skirt and white blouse and will add a scarf and be a stewardess." Issy shrugs. "That was the best thing I could think of."

  When I grow up theme isn't technically what you want to be when you grow up, more just fun to dress up as different careers.

  "That's a cute photo." Issy is sitting at my white timber dresser and points to the photo of Mason and me at our first Halloween dance in matching Grease costumes. Him as Danny and me Sandy, complete with a blonde wig.

  "Yeah, that was a great night." I muse remembering our first dance together. I literally didn't sleep at all the night before I was that nervous and excited.

  "What time was the movie again?" I turn back to organizing my outfits for the week, leaving the past in the past.

  "Seven. We should leave soon."

  "Sounds good." I answer just as my phone alerts me to a new message.

  Nick: Are you going to the movies?

  Me: Yep!

  Nick: Can I pick you up? I'll park down the block and we can walk in separately?

  Me: Issy is already here but you can give me a ride home?

  Nick: I'm available to give you a ride anytime Munroe…

  I gasp and suppress a giggle. That is so not what I meant! Typical boy. Their minds are always going dirty. This is a new trait with Nick that I'm only just seeing, he's always been charming, but I feel like he is a lot more confident and comfortable with me, and I guess us now.

  "Is that lover boy?" Issy teases.

  "Maybe." I sing back unable to hide the stupid grin spreading across my face.

  Half an hour later we walk into the movies and it appears we are the last to arrive, with most of the group already there.

  Mads and Chelsea from the squad are here with their boyfriends Dale and Sean from the football team and Tyler, Mason, and Nick. Well, this shouldn't be awkward at all.

  Issy and I quickly get our tickets and snacks. I'm the biggest popcorn addict, so I go large with a matching large frozen cola. Tyler is super sweet and pays for Issy without question, and she just beams at him like he's the center of the universe.

  My phone beeps as we enter the theater and I quickly grab it from my pocket to turn it to silent, before I get too many glares.

  Nick: You look nice tonight x

  This has been Nick all week since the lake house. If he isn't staying over, which he has taken to doing when Dad's at work, he is continuously sending me cute messages, memes or jokes to make me laugh. I read one in Physics today and burst out laughing, way too loud. I swear I was going to get detention. Thankfully, Mr. Gregory was in a good mood.

  The couples break off like some unspoken rule, and Issy gives me a panicked look on my behalf.

  "It's fine." I assure her and nudge her to follow Tyler. I'm not going to third wheel on that.

  "Hails, over here!" Mason calls out, waving me over to the back row where he and Nick are already seated.

  As I approach, Mason gets up and moves over one seat to the left, allowing me to sit down. So, that ladies and gentlemen is how I end up in a dark movie theater, sitting between my ex-boyfriend and my new secret boyfriend, inhaling popcorn like it's not the most awkward situation ever.

  "Do you need a lift?" Mason asks me as we walk out after the movie.

  "Thanks, but I have my car." I lie, pointing in the opposite direction that I know Mason normally parks.

  “All right see ya, Hails. See ya Nick." Mason waves to me and fist punches with Nick, before turning in the direction I had assumed.

  Phew! Nick and I stroll to his car in silence and when we reach it, he grabs my hips pushing me gently against his truck, before leaning in and kissing me with a deep intensity, only made sweeter by the salty taste of popcorn still lingering on our lips.

  "I have been waiting to do that all day," he whispers, his forehead resting against mine when we break apart.

  This is fast becoming his trademark move when he needs a breather.

  "Hmm. I hope it was worth the wait."

  "You have no idea." He grins before kissing me again.

  Chapter 25

  The next three days pass super quick in a flurry of Homecoming excitement.

  Before long, it's the morning of the big game. I am amped up and feeling confident for the team. I know it would mean a lot to them to make the playoffs, especially since they only just missed out last year.

  Issy is picking me for school today and I'm waiting on my front step, legs bouncing from the cold air. Our uniform doesn't have tights because it's not normally this cold in Sanctuary Cove, but Mother Nature is obviously having a moment and turned down the temperature dial overnight. I really hope it returns to normal November temperature fast.

  Nick insisted last night that I get a lift to school today. He wants to do something together after the game and it would be easier if I didn't have my car there. Despite my pleading, he wouldn't give up any hints on what he has planned.

  Our first two weeks together have been dreamy, to say the least. At school we've both been super busy with cheer and football practice every lunch and afternoon, but we've talked constantly by text during the day. It's surprising and a little frightening how quickly and easily we have settled into an easy-going…relationship? Is that the right word?

; Dad has been on day flights this week; therefore, Nick hasn't stayed over and I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I haven't been having the best sleep without him there. I've had three nightmares this week alone.

  My phone buzzes in my hand and I can't control the laugh that explodes out. It's from Nick and a picture of Tank's locker covered in pictures of male underwear models. The football team has always played pranks on each other, but it's amped up lately. You'd think Homecoming week they'd be focused more on football, but nope, not eighteen-year-old boys.

  Already, this week they have changed Mason's pin code and fingerprint ID on his phone, making it useless, and someone put a wanted ad on Craigslist for a female dominatrix with Nick's phone number. He's been getting calls all week – so hilarious!

  Issy pulls up and not a moment too soon. I feel like I'm about to turn into Elsa and start projecting ice.

  "Ahh, it's so cold!" I whine as I reach for the heater controls, shivering.

  "It's already turned right up, just give it a second and you'll thaw out." Issy laughs. "Why were you waiting outside, anyway?"

  "Because I didn't think you'd be late!" I say, teeth chattering, pulling my cheer jacket tighter. It's virtually useless though, it's more a windbreaker than anything.

  "Oh yeah, sorry I slept in and then couldn't find my favorite jeans." She gives me an apologetic smile.

  It is then that I notice what she is wearing. It's Friday, so the theme is school colors. Paired with her dark blue skinny jeans is a Sanctuary Cove High football jersey. A proper home game, one at that.

  "What are you wearing?" I squeal, forgetting the cold.

  "What?! Does it look okay? It's Ty's spare, he came over last night and gave it to me to wear today."

  "Whoa Issy, do you know what that means?" I grin at her with excitement. "No…" she trails off, looking nervous. "Should I change?"

  “Oh right, I forgot you're not used to all this football stuff. Okay, so giving a girl your jersey, even a spare one, it's like a huge deal.” I emphasize trying to express the seriousness of it.

  "Really?" She breaks out into the biggest grin I've ever seen on her.

  "I think that boy is in looooove." I sing before starting on Love Song by Taylor Swift.

  "Shut up, he is not!" But the massive grin on her face tells me she is just as much in love as he is.

  Issy finally joins in, singing at the top of her lungs, because seriously who cannot sing along to Taylor?

  Walking the halls today, there's a clear electricity of excitement in the air. School spirit is at an all-time high, with everyone in school colors of some shape or form, even if it's a school cap or yellow ribbon wrapped around a ponytail. Yesterday afternoon the squad, along with a few helpers decorated the halls with streamers and balloons, which now adds to the overall Homecoming atmosphere.

  As a bonus, because of the cold, they move the pep rally inside to the gym. We don't have them every game, only the special ones. When we do, however, it replaces all afternoon classes after lunch. Today's rally starts with the marching band playing while everyone was filing in, I like this part it really pumps everyone up. The coach then introduces the team and says a few words about the season so far. We do our extended routine and nail it. The dance crew then do an incredible number to a mashup of songs. We dance in our routines, but it's nothing compared to these guys. They are easily the standouts of the rally.

  Homecoming King and Queen are announced for both the Junior and Senior classes. Mason and Maddy take the Senior honors this year, and I jump around excitedly for them both.

  After the performances, we play a few games of tug of war. My favorite was the JV football team versus the cheerleaders, we were losing considerably until Nick, Mason, and Tank jumped in and helped us pull it back over the line. The JV team whined a little, but it was all taken in good spirit. Overall, I feel everyone had a great afternoon, and the atmosphere is alive with anticipation for the game.

  After the rally, most students go home and come back for the game, however, the football team and cheerleaders must stay on the grounds. Normally we would lounge around the bleachers or the field outside, but it's too cold today, so we hang in the gym.

  I look over to Nick standing at the bleachers and watch while he animatedly tells a story to a captive group with extreme hand gestures. Must be another prank I'm yet to hear about. This is a big game for him, there will be a few scouts on the sidelines today and he is nervous as all hell. Ultimately, he wants to get into UCLA. His dad, however, is still refusing to even discuss it, so there's the added pressure of getting a full scholarship. I hope for Nick's sake that he comes around.

  Inspiration strikes and I pull out my phone from my jacket pocket and send him a quick text.

  Me: Meet me behind the field house in five?

  I watch him closely, butterflies in my stomach waiting to see his reaction. He pulls his phone out of his jacket pocket and snaps his head up instantly, searching the room for me. When he finds me, I'm privy to a gorgeous light up a dark room smile. I'll take that as a yes!

  "I'll be back!" I say cheerfully to the girls and practically skip out the internal gym door.

  Once I'm in the empty hallway, I veer left and follow it around to the closest side exit door. Immediately I am blasted with cold air as I open it.

  Shit, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

  I break into a jog to warm up and circle back around the outside of the gym towards the field. The back of the field house is a known spot for the smokers, but since school is technically out, it should be clear. When I round the corner of the field house, which is just a storage shed for all the sports equipment, I see Nick already there looking like a daydream, leaning against the shed.

  "How did you get here before me!" I remark surprised and stop in front of him, hand on my hips.

  "I'm talented, remember?" He winks back with my favorite cheeky grin

  Hmm, yes, I remember.

  "This is a bit risky, considering they might miss us from the gym." He raises an eyebrow at me, but the light tone in his voice tells me he's not exactly complaining.

  "And you call yourself a badass." I tease standing directly in front of him.

  "Well… I just thought." I continue softly and push his hair back, our bodies almost, but not quite touching.

  Heat and sparks radiating between us. I take a breath before continuing and looking directly into his wide eyes, attempting a sexy husky voice.

  "That you might want a good luck kiss, before the big game. But you know, if you don't…" I trail off, pretending to turn and leave, but he pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around my waist.

  "Now, hang on a minute," he says, and I can see the twinkle in his emerald eyes. "Tell me more about this good luck kiss.”

  "I have a better idea. Let me show you." I whisper, and I do.

  I intended it as a sweet innocent kiss but it quickly escalates into something else entirely. We kiss like never before. As if our life depends on it. The fire inside me is all destroying. My lips tingle, my skin is burning, and my heart erupts. All my senses come to life in that moment, as we melt into each other. A low throaty groan escapes Nick as the kiss, all too soon dissolves, and our mouths separate, but only just. The air around is full and thick with desire and is pierced only by our heavy breathing.

  Nick mumbles after a moment, "Damn Munroe, what have you done to me?"

  No, QB, a better question would be. What have you done to me?

  "How am I supposed to concentrate on the game now? That kiss is all I will think about when I look at you."

  "Don't look at me then." I tease, biting my bottom lip.

  "Impossible," he breathes, as he tucks the strands of hair that have come loose behind my ear.

  "Absolutely. Impossible."

  "What the fuck!"

  We are snapped from our little bubble so fast that my head spins. Mason is standing a few feet away, by the corner of the field house. I look down and realize I'm presse
d up against the shed with Nick holding me, my arms are tightly around his neck and legs are locked around his waist.

  First, shit! Second, um when the fuck did that happen?

  Chapter 26

  I turn back to Mason, his face is twisted into an angry scowl, but I can see past it, to the hurt and betrayal in his eyes.

  Oh, crap.

  "I knew it! I had a feeling something was going on and stupid me believed you when you said there wasn't!" He shouts and points an accusing finger at us.

  I slide out of Nick's hold, because that probably doesn't help the situation and take a step towards Mason's offensive pose.

  "Mason nothing-" I hold my hands up like I'm approaching a wild animal.

  "You call that nothing?" he laughs bitterly cutting me off

  "You two looked like you were going to fuck right here behind the shed! You're a fucking liar Hailee and obviously, not the person I thought you were."

  "Hey, easy man, you don't need to talk to her like that." Nick defends and takes a step forward positioning himself in front of me in a protective type stance.

  "She wasn't lying, it's only new."

  "Why the fuck would I believe either of you?" Mason yells with fresh venom. "You're both liars and fucking cheats. Hailee, he cheated on Hope and he'll do the same to you. And when it happens, I won't be there to forgive you - again."

  The way he says 'again', makes me shudder and want to curl up in a ball. Now, don't I feel like the scum of the scum. Just throw me into the pits of Mordor and be done with it.

  "I said." Nick roars advancing right up in Mason's face. "Don't fucking talk to her like that!"

  Mason, for all his credit, doesn't flinch even though Nick snaps from zero to fifty instantly. I mean, it made me jump and I'm not even the recipient of his fiery glare.

  "What, huh?" Mason taunts, their faces and bodies only separated by a mere few inches

  "You're going to hit me? You steal my girl, and now you're going to hit me? Go on! I fucking dare you!" Mason is baiting him; we all know it.


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