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Just a Little Complicated: A Highschool Sports Romance (SANCTUARY COVE Book 1)

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  If Nick was to hit him, he would be benched instantly and miss the Homecoming game and possibly lose any shot at being recruited. Goodbye NFL career. The hatred between the two hangs in the air and envelops us like an ash cloud. Choking up the air and making it hard to breathe or think straight.

  A low growl escapes from one of them, I'm not sure who but it kicks me into action. I maneuver myself in between them as much as possible facing Nick.

  "Nick." I whisper gently but with conviction.

  I push on his chest firmly, and he takes a step back to my relief.

  "Don't do it. Please, it's not worth it."

  When he continues to stare down Mason, with such fury I wouldn't be surprised if death rays started to beam out, I place my hand gently on his left cheek and angle his face down to look at me. Surprisingly, he doesn't resist, and when his eyes meet mine, his features crumble into a mixture of angst and torment.

  “Wimp." Mason baits again and I feel Nick's muscles tense, as his head snaps up towards Mason again.

  This time I'm equally enraged and spin around to face Mason with Nick behind me.

  "Mason, you need to leave. Right now! You are acting like an absolute dick and if Nick did hit you, it would be completely justified!"

  He falters briefly with the shock of my outburst, but within seconds hostility washes back over him.

  "Whatever, you two deserve each other," he mumbles unable to come up with a better comeback, before storming around the shed and out of sight.

  "Oh Lee, I am so sorry," Nick says with dejection and pulls me into his chest.

  "Don't listen to anything he said, you're not a bad person." I let him wrap his arms around me and curl into him.

  It's overwhelming, how much he knows what is going through my head and where my thoughts would already race ahead to analyze.

  "He's right though, we did lie, and I cheated on him." I reply glumly, referring to the kiss we shared last summer.

  "It doesn't matter. I won't let anyone speak to you like that, even if he is supposed to be my best friend." He soothes, giving me a kiss on the forehead and stroking my hair.

  Despite the shitty encounter that just happened, I can't help the swarm of butterflies that have taken flight at his sweet protective words.

  Chapter 27

  "The Panthers are going to the playoffs!"

  The crowd roars at a catastrophic level. The boys run in from the field chanting, slapping each other on the back and holding their helmets above their heads. Normally we would continue with a cheer on the sidelines, but tonight we break formation and run in to greet the guys in celebration. They so deserve this.

  I'm congratulating Tank on the win when suddenly I'm lifted from behind and spun around.

  "Nick! What are you doing!” I squeal when my feet hit the ground again, but he stays wrapped around me, his face alight with pure joy.

  "Hopefully, getting a celebratory kiss from my girl." A cheeky smile erupts, as he cups my face with his palms.

  "Nick, everyone can see us!" I whisper, looking around.

  A few people have already turned to look with surprise written all over their faces. We are definitely not the most obvious pairing.

  "I don't care. I've been waiting too long to call you my girl, I'm not waiting any longer.”

  He has? His lips take over mine instantly, and all resolve disappears. It's not an intense earth exploding kiss like earlier, but it still revs the spark inside me that seems to be constantly lit these days.

  I guess it's official then, I'm his girl.

  Nick is pulled away by the boys and lifted up, as they chant the Panthers song. Parents and friends have now descended on the field to offer congratulations and join the celebration. Issy comes over and gives me a hug.

  "That was some PDA." She nudges my shoulder.

  "Hmm." I mutter, unable to control my grin.

  "It's a love story." Issy sings, mocking me from earlier.

  "You can't talk!" I laugh, throwing my pom-poms at her.

  Tyler appears behind Issy, wrapping his arms around her, giving her a quick peck on her cheek, causing her to turn a bright shade of red.

  "Congrats Tyler, great game and nice footwork you smashed it!" I offer genuinely.

  He was awesome out there and they couldn't have done it without him, that's for sure.

  "Thanks Hails.” he replies, but only takes his eyes off Issy for a split second.

  So, frickin’ cute.

  "What about me?" Nick whispers in my ear from behind, sliding his arms around my waist.

  "Aren't you going to compliment me?"

  I know he's just teasing, but I'll let him have this one. I don't turn around, instead lean into him.

  "I think you already know how I feel about your skills."

  I feel him tense up and tighten his hold on me, making me break out in a laugh.

  "On the football field." I clarify.

  "You're bad," he mutters, resting his chin on the top of my head.

  A few people come up and offer congratulations to him and Tyler, but he doesn't move except to shake a few hands.

  "Nick Marshall?"A guy in his thirties, holding a silver clipboard, approaches us.

  I notice a UCLA sticker on the front.

  "Lucas Cohen." He offers a hand that Nick shakes.

  He's of medium height and build and what you'd call typically good-looking but with a slightly crooked nose, that only comes from a few breaks.

  "I'm the head recruiter for UCLA. Nice game tonight, Congrats."

  "Uh, nice to meet you. Thanks," Nick confidently replies, straightening up.

  "I'll cut to the chase," Cohen declares with a no bull shit manner.

  "We are interested. Very interested. Riggs, our current QB is graduating in the Spring and our second string, can't measure up to what I just saw you do tonight. So, I'd like to chat more about specifics later, but I can offer you right now, a full ride and guaranteed start next season."

  "Are you serious?" Nick asks in disbelief.

  Cohen nods with a genuine smile.

  "Here's my card." As he holds out a black and white business card. "I'm in town until Sunday. Call me tomorrow and we'll meet up to discuss it more. Congratulations, Nick."

  “Thank you. Thank you, very much." Nick and Cohen shake hands again.

  I turn to face him, just as he pulls me into a smothering bear hug and lifts me up.

  "I'm going to UCLA!" he shouts.

  Holy shit. He did it. Thoughts about next year briefly enter my mind, he'll be in California, I'll be in Connecticut. He'll be on the west coast, I’ll be on the east coast. I push it back, just as quickly, that's over six months away. No need to think about that now, right?

  "Are you ready?" Nick turns to me from the driver's seat of his truck, grinning like an eight-year-old who just got his first PlayStation.

  "How can I be?" I cry out. "You haven't told me what we are doing yet, remember?"

  "Patience grasshopper, patience." Nick glances at his watch nervously before turning back to the road.

  We sit in silence, not feeling the need to talk with our hands intertwined and resting on the seat. The game ended over an hour ago, and finally we are leaving. It took a lot longer than normal, to get off the field and into the change rooms with all the celebrations going on.

  The car slows, and Nick pulls into a free carpark. I notice we are in the center of town. Looking around, I can see a few people outside the restaurants and take away places. The park behind us is dark, with only a few lamps lighting the path.

  "I'll be back in a second!" he tells me and jumps out of the car, not waiting for my response.

  I watch him jog down the sidewalk before he walks into El Paco's. El Paco's is seriously my all-time favorite take away and best Mexican food. Short of actual Mexican food in Mexico. Not that I've been. One day, though.

  Nick is back within minutes with a large brown take away bag that he rests on the back seat before jumping back into the

  "Patience grasshopper," he repeats with a grin before I can start interrogating him again.

  "Okay, Okay, I won't say a word." I concede with a chuckle and let him take my hand again after we're back on the main road that leads North out of town.

  Fifteen minutes later, we pull off onto a dirt road and stop at a locked gate. Nick reaches into the glove compartment and pulls out a key chain before jumping out to unlock the padlock on the gate. He returns, drives his truck forward slightly before jumping back out to lock it again. I am so confused right now, but I don't question him, I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. We continue along the dirt road that weaves tightly between dense forest.

  "Umm." I say, "Is this the part where you've now gained my trust, so you lure me out here and hack me to death before burying me in a shallow grave?"

  I look around at the darkness engulfing the car.

  "Ha. Ha." He mocks.

  The car halts and Nick swings it around and reverses up. I still can't see anything except solid black.

  "Wait here!" he demands and gets out of the car.

  I watch him grab the El Paco's bag and then go around to the tray, but I can't see what he's doing. Five minutes go by before he appears at my window, scaring the shit out of me.

  "Nick!" I scream and punch him hard in the chest when he opens the door. Well, hard for me, he doesn't even flinch. Jerk.

  "Now, close your eyes," he instructs, putting his giant hand over my eyes and the other arm wraps around my waist.

  "Trust me, Lee.”

  "Yeah, says just about every serial killer in the history of serial killers," I mutter but I lean into his chest while taking in his familiar scent and wrapping my hands around the arm that's holding me.

  I do trust him completely and totally. I hear crunching of leaves and sticks under my boots as he edges me forward. Without my sight, it heightens my other senses. The smell of the ocean fills my nostrils, seconds before I hear the calming sound of waves softly crashing. It would have only been thirty feet before he let go of me.

  "You can open them!"

  I blink rapidly, adjusting from the darkness. Gasping, my hand rushes up to cover my mouth in surprise. In front of me is a large red and white blanket spread out on the sand. Atop the blanket is another gray fluffy one, some cushions and a picnic basket sitting in the middle. Surrounding the blanket are several tiki torches, illuminating the area with a soft romantic glow.

  “Whoa." Is all I can manage, as I take in the scene.

  "Come sit down." He pulls me forward on the blanket.

  Opening the picnic basket, he pulls out the El Paco bag from earlier.

  "Tacos? And hot sauce" He offers, pulling out a little bottle.

  "You remembered?" I question in astonishment.

  “Lee, when are you going to stop questioning my brilliance?" He laughs as he empties the rest of the bag.

  "Hmm, still not convinced." I say seriously, giddy with excitement by what he has done.

  It's incredible. No one had ever done anything like this for me before, not even in the almost two years Mason and I dated.

  Ten minutes and three tacos later, I am lying back, rubbing my stomach in circular motions.

  "That was unbelievably good." I groan unattractively, but zero fucks are given.

  I am me and if someone doesn't like it, then that's their issue, not mine. Nick lies down next to me with his hands behind his head.

  "It was good." he agrees.

  A loud crackle makes me shoot upright. In front of us, directly across the water, fireworks are going off in rapid succession. I look back at Nick who is just grinning like the cat that got the cream.

  "It's the carnival.” he explains. "We're out on a point that looks back towards Sanctuary Cove.”

  "Oh, wow." I exhale lying back down, transfixed by the stunning fireworks lighting up the clear sky.

  It's not as cold lying here. Maybe the adrenaline from tonight is still coursing through me, keeping me warm. Maybe it's just because of the insanely hot guy lying next to me. Either way, I'm good.

  Speaking of, I can't believe Nick will play for UCLA. Well, I can believe it, he's an incredible player but still, to actually get offered a full ride, it's amazing. It's one of those life altering moments that can change everything.

  "What are you thinking about?" He whispers rolling onto his side to face me after the fireworks finish.

  "You." I grin back but elaborate before his ego explodes.

  “Going to UCLA. That's so amazing Nick. See, I told you, that you could do it." I brag poking him in the chest.

  Not that I had anything to do with it. That was all him.

  "No, you're amazing." He grabs my hip and pulls me close, so we are flush against each other.

  "Thank you, for believing in me. You'll never know how much that has meant to me, even just the last few weeks. I don't know what I would do without you."

  Before I can reply, he kisses me. Tender, sweet and full of so much promise. Just call me Alice, because I've fallen so far down the rabbit hole it's not funny.

  Chapter 28

  "Nick, that tickles." I shriek, kicking his hands away.

  We are watching a movie in the media room, my legs draped over his lap and he's running his fingers up and down my legs making shapes.

  "Okay kids, I'm off to work." Dad walks into the media room, looking at us with a knowing smile.

  "Love you, Dad." I jump up and give him a hug.

  "Laters, Sully." Nick calls out.

  I snap my head around to look at him.

  "I'll be back Monday night, I'll let you know if I am delayed and won't be home." He gives Nick a wink.

  Whoa, what is going on here? My eyes dart back and forth between the two most important men in my life, completely confused. Am I missing something?

  "Yeah, good luck with that Nick." Dad chuckles, tilting his head towards me, before sauntering out of the room.

  "Umm, since when are you and my Dad on a first-name basis?" I narrow my eyes, resuming my position on the sofa.

  He shrugs "I'm everyone's favorite QB, remember?" He grins throwing my own words back at me.

  "Cocky much." I mutter

  "Very much." He grins, forcing me to throw a cushion at his head.

  Yes, direct hit! After the events of Homecoming yesterday and last night, we have spent most of the day here watching movies. Nick didn't stay over last night, but he came over at nine and then left for an hour at one to meet with the UCLA scout. School doesn't start until September, however; he needs to be over by the end of July for training camp. So much for the last summer.

  Early acceptance emails also come out on Monday. This means I'm either already a Yale freshman or I'm wait-listed and have to wait until April to know my fate.

  "You okay?" Nick tickles my toes to get my attention.

  "Yeah, just thinking about Monday.” I sigh, unable to stop the knots in my stomach.

  “Don't stress, there's nothing you can do now. Plus, you're like the top five in our class, they have to take you." He squeezes my legs in support.

  "But everyone that applies to Yale is top five and they don't have to do anything, it's Yale!" I whine, burrowing my face into the side of the sofa.

  I know I'm being a sad sack, but I've had my heart set on Yale for so long. I don't even know what my backup schools will be.

  "Hey." Nick grabs my hands pulling me into his lap. Holding his hands on my cheeks to make me look at him, he whispers.

  "Babe, you've got this."

  "Thanks." I smile back at him and kiss his pretty mouth that is grinning back at me.

  "Lee." Nick is gently shaking me awake.

  "Hmm." I moan snuggling against his bare chest, feeling it shake as he laughs.

  "Lee, you need to get up. Tyler and Issy are here and as much as I enjoy you with no shirt on, I'm not letting West see that." He says brushing the hair off my face.

  Oh crap, I forgot they were coming over before the
carnival. I sit up so quickly, I end up falling off the sofa onto my bum. Ouch.

  Nick's booming laugh vibrates around the room, earning a sharp glare from me before I pick myself up and storm upstairs to get dressed. Jerk. I walk out of my bathroom a few minutes later to find Issy laying across my bed on her stomach, flicking through a magazine.

  “Hey, Is." I flop down beside her.

  "Hey." She replies and throws my discarded top from earlier at me.

  "You left this downstairs." She smugly states.

  "Shut up! Now are we going to the carnival or what?" I push her off the bed with a laugh.

  "Where to first?" I turn to face our little group, half an hour later as we walk through the gates, giddy with excitement.

  I love carnivals. The atmosphere, the rides, the food, just everything, it's always been a happy place for me.

  "Bumper cars!" Tyler shouts at the same time that Issy shouts, "Hurricane!"

  Nick and I share a look before laughing.

  "Hurricane, it is then!" I proclaim linking arms with Issy.

  "Sorry Tyler, but I know Issy wears the pants," I say over my shoulder and notice his cheeks reddening with embarrassment at being called out on it.

  First, we ride the Hurricane, followed by the bumper cars and then have a few runs on the giant slide. We surprisingly get a bit of speed going down that thing, and I thought it was kid friendly. Armed with a giant stick of fairy floss each, we stop to watch the magician show on the main stage. Nick stands behind, letting me lean against him. The show is more aimed at kids, but he's not bad.

  "Your lips are blue,” I laugh when I tilt my head around to look at him.

  "And yours are purple," he counters, giving me a quick kiss. "And taste like Hubba Bubba.”

  "You like?" I tease.

  "More than you know," he whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

  I suddenly feel him tense behind me and tightening his grip around me. I follow his murderous scowl to see Mason across the crowd, glaring at us with a similar expression. Mason's eyes shift down to mine for a split second before he turns away and storms off. Too soon, obviously.


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