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Just a Little Complicated: A Highschool Sports Romance (SANCTUARY COVE Book 1)

Page 13


  "Come on, let's go to Sideshow Alley." Nick breaks the silence "I want to win my girl an obnoxiously large stuffed toy."

  And he does. A giant cuddly Koala. I name him Malcolm.

  Chapter 29

  Caught up in our own little blissful reality, the next four weeks speed by.

  The football team wins state, in a thrilling edge of your seat game against Fairfield. They only just got over the line in the last play, but it's still a win that was heavily celebrated.

  All the attention we first received from our coming out at Homecoming and then from arriving at school together, hand in hand on the following Monday, soon died down and we are no longer a hot topic of gossip, which is a relief. Mason still isn't talking to either of us. I know he will come around, but the way he spoke to me that day behind the field house, doesn't give me any desire to be the first to mend things. He said some awful things and even if he was hurting; it was no excuse.

  I heard from Yale and have been wait-listed. Which now means I won’t know if I'm accepted until April. I was super bummed at first but feeling confident again after talking with Ms. Evans. It also helps that my GPA is now up to 4.8 after this semester. Just to be safe though, I have sent applications to a few other schools because I'm not silly enough to place all my eggs in one basket.

  "Isn't it just beautiful?" Issy croons as she lies on her back across my bed, holding up the charm bracelet that Tyler gave her last night for Christmas.

  Christmas isn't until tomorrow, but Tyler's going away over Christmas, so they exchanged presents early. Nick and I are going out tonight to do ours since I am flying to LA tomorrow morning with Dad for a week.

  Paul, who dad works with, and Laine had their little girl, Marley, last Friday. She came six weeks early but only spent two days in special care and then they were home by the end of the weekend. She is the sweetest little thing. Dad caught me gushing over her when we visited yesterday and made a stern warning that it wasn't all sweet cuddles and that in no uncertain terms was I to get any ideas.

  As if, Dad, I had exclaimed. Do you even know me? I have things to do and places to see before I would even consider that!

  So, since Paul wasn't due to go on leave just yet, Dad offered to take his Christmas Day flight to LA, so he could be home with Laine and Marley for their first Christmas as a family. Dad then has the rest of the week off to spend with me before we fly home just in time for New Year's Eve.

  "Lucky you got back in time." I tease, nudging her in the side with my foot.

  She's so easily embarrassed when I tease her about Tyler, it almost seems cruel to do it to her. Almost.

  "How was Seattle by the way?"

  "Yeah, fine," She replies, still fiddling with her bracelet.

  Issy has been in Seattle for the past week. She got a call from her dad and flew out the next morning. It was all very sudden and seemed important, but she didn't elaborate. I tried to ask last week, but she just brushed it off with a generic 'just family stuff' excuse.

  "Is, you know I'm here if you ever want to talk or whatever, hey?"

  She finally looks over at me with a small smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

  "Thanks, Hails."

  I hope it's nothing serious with her Dad. I'm sure she will tell me when she is ready though.

  "I better get going and leave you to get ready for your romantic date. Have funnnn." She teases, switching back to high spirited, carefree Issy.

  It's only three o'clock, but okay. I throw a pillow at her before following her downstairs and letting her out the front door. Just as I'm waving out the door, Dad comes down the stairs.

  "Hey Kiddo, did Isobel just leave?"

  "Yeah." I follow him into the kitchen, grabbing a soda and sliding onto a stool, before opening it.

  "So, what's new?" He quizzes me, and I eye him suspiciously.

  "Hmm nothing, what's new with you?"

  I've become a Jedi Master level over the years at sensing when something was up with him. I'm proven right when I notice a brief flicker of something cross his face. Oh, maybe he is going to finally tell me about Ms. Evans.

  "Actually Kiddo-"

  "Yes, Dad" I smile sweetly.

  This is fun, I make him squirm a little.

  "There is something I wanted to talk to you about.” He is nervously tapping his finger against his coffee mug.

  He pauses for a few moments, trying to figure out the right words.

  "I've been seeing someone for a few months now and well I'd like you to meet her."

  Whoa, maybe he isn't talking about Ms. Evans. Now I'm confused. How many women has my Dad been seeing? Please God, don't let my Dad be a manwhore. If he is, I don't want to know because gross.

  "Well, officially I mean. You already know her, it's Ms. Evans your coach… and well Principal I guess too."

  Yep, and there it is! Phew! I let out a sigh of relief, which makes him raise a brow at me.

  "I know." I finally confess, plastering on my most innocent smile.


  "Yeah. I saw you two at the Halloween dance. I was getting something from my car when you pulled in and she met you in the carpark." I explain taking a sip of my soda.

  "You've known all this time and said nothing? I'm sorry, kiddo. I didn't want you to find out like that.”

  I just shrug. "It's fine, no big deal. I knew if it was to get serious, that you'd fill me in, eventually. So, does that mean it's serious?"

  "I think so," He says and gets a dreamy look about him. "I hope so, anyway."

  "Well, I'm happy for you, Dad. Just don't go shacking up with her until I've gone to college because she is my principal and I'm the only lady of this house!" I joke, but he knows I'm deadly serious.

  I don't say it to be mean, I just think it would just be weird and awkward for another female to move in when it's only been us for so long.

  "Trust me kiddo, that won't be happening for a long time.” he promises.

  Chapter 30

  “Hey Beautiful!” Nick greets me as I skip out the front door.

  Holding the passenger door open, he swipes a quick kiss on my lips as I brush past and climb into his truck. The stupid grin I’ve been trying to contain escapes and takes over.

  "Still not telling me?" I pout to hide my embarrassment.

  I’ve been hounding him all week about this ‘surprise’ he’s planned but so far he’s been tight-lipped and not giving anything away.

  "Patience grasshopper.” He teases, kissing the back of my hand, before starting the truck.

  I notice the twinkle in his eye and realize how excited he is by all of this. Because of this, I let it slide with the reference he likes to make to me and a green ugly looking insect that pounces on unsuspecting enemies. What is it with people nicknaming me after green things anyway?

  "It's about a fifty-minute drive and then we'll be there.” He continues.

  "Fifty? That's like the next town over!" I cry out in surprise.

  He gives me his best cheeky smile.

  “Carpool Karaoke to pass the time? You pick first.”

  Cheater. He knows I can’t resist a car sing-along. We pass the drive taking turns selecting the next song and filling Nick’s truck with probably the worst noise ever heard on the planet, but hey who cares? If you can't be yourself, then who can you be?

  "We're here?" I look around surprised mid song, as we eventually slow down and turn into a basement carpark I don’t recognize.

  "Not yet." He winks back before turning into a parking space.

  Taking my hand with a backpack hitched over his shoulder, Nick leads me to a set of lifts and presses the button for the ground floor. The suspense is killing me. I’m not one for surprises. In case you hadn’t already realized I like control and I like to know what’s happening. But I’m working on it because, as I’ve also come to realize, is that some of my best memories have been purely spontaneous and ones I’ve had absolutely no control over.

  “Surprise!” he s
uddenly exclaims, gesturing me through a set of glass doors.

  I gasp at what he is referring to. Across the street nestled on the edge of the park is the most magical scene. Adorned with a million fairy lights and softly playing Christmas music is a temporary ice-skating rink.

  "This is awesome!" I squeak jumping up and down in excitement before grabbing his hand.

  "Come on, let’s go get our skate on!"

  “That was so much fun!” I gush, skipping away from the skate hire window after handing our skates back.

  “Yeah, real fun landing on my arse.” He grimaces. “I swear I’ve got a bruise”

  “Ha, that was fun too!” I tease. “How many times was it again?”

  “Watch it Lee or you won’t get the rest of your surprise!” he warns with a grin, wrapping his arms around me from behind and snuggling into my neck.

  “Plus, we can’t all be naturals like you, but I am surprised you didn't stack it, we both know you can be a bit gumby.”

  "Hey!" I squeal, pinching his arm. "Maybe you just don't make me nervous anymore." I whisper before turning around to face him.

  "But seriously thank you, that was one of your best surprises yet.

  "Really?" he tilts his head, raising a brow.

  "Yep, definitely top three."

  “Good to know, but the night's not over yet little one.” He laces his fingers through mine and leads me down a lantern-lit path that weaves through the park.

  I've been to Helensville before for games, but because it's only an hour away, we've never stayed overnight, always coming back on the bus after the game. I’m in awe of the size of the park, it's huge.

  We stroll past multiple water features with twinkle lights projecting through the water, a life-size chess board with life-size chess pieces, a fairy garden dedicated to the child's hospital and a civil war statue with a soldier on the back of a rearing horse looking determined and harrowing. We round the narrow path and I cry out in shock at what’s in front of us. The path opens up three times as wide with a lush canopy of trees that intertwined overhead.

  “It’s like a mini mall.” I whisper.

  “A mall?” Nick asks, confused.

  "Yeah, like in Central Park. They have something similar called The Mall. It's stunning, especially in the spring when all the leaves start to grow back.”

  “I've never been to New York.” He muses. “Maybe one day you can take me.”

  “It would be an honor, QB.” I bow at him in mockery.

  But in all honesty, I would love to one day take him to see my favorite city in the entire world. Mom and I used to take a girls' trip every April for her birthday, and it was easily the highlight of my year. High tea at the Plaza, shopping and pedis at Barney’s and trying out all the newest bakeries that were forever popping up. Just mom and me. Maybe if he comes to visit me at Yale, we can go.

  We stop at the top of a grassy hill, and I survey the scene. Holy crap, it’s like a scene from a movie. Food trucks line the road to our left, while scattered down the hill are people on blankets facing a large white screen which takes center stage at the bottom of the hill.

  “I've always wanted to go to an outdoor movie!” I squeal with delight, letting him lead me to a free patch of grass and watch as he pulls out a picnic rug and a cooler bag.

  “Whoa, QB this is a bit romantic.”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet, Lee.” He winks, pulling me down onto the rug and into a tender kiss.

  Chapter 31

  "What do you want to do today, Kiddo?" Dad is cradling his morning coffee on our hotel balcony.

  We've been in LA for three days already. I'm reclined and feeling very relaxed looking out at Santa Monica Beach. It's a gorgeous California winters day and the sun on my face is heaven.

  "I don't mind…" I lazily reply fiddling with the new delicate shiny gold necklace that is clasped around my neck. Nick surprised me with it on Christmas eve. It's adorned with a circle pendant engraved with an H and a small diamond for my birthstone. It’s gorgeous and I don’t even want to think about how he afforded it.

  "Well, I was thinking, I could show you around your mom and mine's old stomping ground?" he grins hopefully.

  "Actually, yeah that sounds cool! I'll go get ready." I jump up and race inside our hotel room.

  Despite living in LA for most of my life, I've never been to UCLA campus. I've heard the stories of how my parents met and some of their obviously censored college stories, but it would be nice to see it and also visualize where Nick will be next year.

  I type out a quick text message to him because I know he'll be excited.

  Me: Guess where I'm going today?

  Nick: Disneyland?

  Me: Guess again

  Nick: The Hollywood Sign?

  Me: Have you forgotten I used to live in LA? I'm not a tourist!

  Nick: Universal Studios

  Me: NO! UCLA!

  Nick: No way that's awesome! Visit the stadium for me?

  I roll my eyes. He is yet to visit UCLA, even with his acceptance signed, sealed and delivered. After a quick shower, I pull my hair into a high pony and put on some tinted moisturizer. I'm fully taking advantage of the warmer weather and opt for a black and white polka dot wrap skirt and a plain white tee finished off with my white converse since we will probably be doing a bit of walking.

  "Ready!" I call out to Dad as I gather up my phone and purse.

  "I've got the room key" I mention as he comes inside.

  "Awesome Kiddo, let's do this." he says, grabbing his wallet before guiding me out the hotel room.

  A stunning mix of older stone buildings and modern slick architectural buildings with sharp edges surround the substantial UCLA campus. It's absolutely stunning and I can see why Mom and Dad loved it here so much.

  First Dad shows me the dorm hall that he lived in during his first two years. Then he points out where he used to hang out and recounts numerous stories of his four years spent here. We walk past the UCLA gift store and I pause, an idea forming. Telling Dad to wait a minute, I pop inside and flick through the shirt racks for one that jumps out at me.

  "Ahh yes!" I say to myself as I find the perfect one.

  It's a white and blue short sleeved tee with UCLA Bruins written around a picture of their mascot. I close the curtain of the change room and pull the tee on over my current plain white one. Getting the right angle, I take a picture and send it to Nick with the caption 'UCLA's new QB's #1 fan! Go Bruins!' I slip the shirt back off and take it to the register to pay before meeting Dad back outside.

  My stomach is churning with nerves. I wish I could see his reaction in person, I hope he doesn't think it's too cheesy. Dad guides us down Greek row and stops out the front of a large two storey brick house.

  "This was your mom's Sorority house." He muses, lost in memories.

  My eyes travel over the cute front porch the width of the house that is complete with a double swing. Two large white ceramic pots with pink rose bushes are adorning either side of the white front door and a gold plaque with the sorority’s name takes pride above the door. Christmas lights are wrapped around the front beams and along the eaves. The house looks out of place in LA but I love it. After a few minutes he continues.

  "I still remember the night we met like it was yesterday.”

  I've heard the story of the night they met a million times, but I will never get sick of hearing it. I remain silent letting him tell the tale of how my parents came to be, picturing the scene in my head.

  "I knew instantly that I would marry her one day before I even spoke to her. It was love at first sight. Well, for me anyway.” He laughs.

  “January 8th and we had just come back from winter break. Paul and I came to a party here. He was keen on this girl named Sue. He was off with her when I was wandering around looking for someone I knew and then there she was. A perfect angel, standing at the top of the staircase. Her blonde wavy hair spilled out over her shoulders and her hazel eyes squinting whe
n she laughed. I couldn't hear it but, I just knew it would be the most beautiful sound I would ever hear. I couldn't look away, I didn't even care that I was staring, she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. When she turned to walk down the stairs, it was like a movie, the way the people parted for her. She got to the bottom of the stairs and then just walked right past me."

  "Ouch, brutal Dad." I chuckle .

  "She always claimed she never saw me. She insisted that if she had, she would have stopped. Clearly, I didn't let it deter me though, I followed her to the kitchen and introduced myself. Then the rest is history, as they say, we were inseparable from that night.”

  "You were meant to be," I say simply, not even fighting the tears that are sliding down my face.

  I give his hand a squeeze noticing he is overcome with emotion also. We stand there not caring how it must look for another few minutes before I break the silence.

  "Come on Casanova, let's go get some lunch and you can scar me with more stories about you and mom."

  "You asked for it!" He grins looking down at me before we turn back along the sidewalk.

  My phone beeps alerting me to a new message from Nick. I open it to find a picture of him in the UCLA jersey I got him for Christmas customized with his number and name on the back. The caption reads 'Twinning!'.

  I can’t help but laugh. What a dork.

  Chapter 32

  "Dad! I'm off-" I call out to Dad, just before I pop my head into the media room.

  "Whoa, sorry! Uh Hi, Ms. Evans." Dad and Ms. Evans are cuddled up on the couch watching a movie like a bunch of teenagers.

  Awkward but in their defense, I have been upstairs, for over two hours getting ready for the New Year's Eve party at Mason's.

  "Please Hailee, call me Carley outside of school." She lets out a girly giggle.

  If I wasn't so happy for my Dad, I'd be thoroughly grossed out right now.


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