Book Read Free

Fairies of Light

Page 21

by J. E Hanson

  “You have my dance studio, and the clearing out back, if you need to practice your routine.”

  I have to see his dance studio. We walk downstairs together, and he flips on the lights. There are no trophies, or pictures of him dancing anywhere. The floor is perfect to dance on, but I also prefer to dance outside. He also has a large stereo system. After viewing his dance studio, we return upstairs to see a stunned Ember.

  “You have a very nice house, Spike.”

  He hands her a bottle of water, “Thanks a lot Ember, and I appreciate all the compliments.”

  With my backpack and my suitcases, we ascend the stairs. Blade shows us our bedroom. We drop our suitcases at the same time on the floor, and we stare at each other in unison. We realize that we have two king size beds in a gigantic bedroom. There’s even a fireplace in it. The sheets and blanket on both beds appear top of the line.

  She whistles, “I want to know what he’s selling, Rosalie, and you make a valid point.”

  The bathroom is also huge. There is a bathtub, shower, and two vanities. A garden pool sits in the center of the bathroom.

  I point at the hair dryers, “I want to know what exactly he’s selling too. He has to be involved in something illegal to afford all this.” We glance at each other and laugh nervously.

  I missed the last couple of days of practice. Ember and I walk a mile until we make it to the clearing. She carries the stereo for me. I start with the move and my body feels comfortable with my routine. With his help, I’m able to nail my whole routine down. I practice the whole routine to make sure that everything is perfect.

  On the second day, it rains and I have to use his expensive dance studio downstairs. Ice and Snow watch me intently. Snow tries to get me to dance with him, but I refuse. I’m almost at the point of throwing him out. Ice makes sure to give me a signal, if Spike is coming downstairs. The doorbell sounds a couple times today. I run through my routine one more time, and I have to take a break. After soaking wet with sweat, we walk upstairs to find a few women standing at his bar talking to him. They are all finely dressed, and they all seem like supermodels. The women are leaning over him seductively. A strange woman who appears vaguely familiar enters his house, and she hands him folders with papers in it.

  “I need your signature, Spike,” the woman orders him.

  The call girls giggle, when she mentions his name.

  Snow nudges me, “I would ignore it, Rosalie.”

  I start to walk upstairs for my shower, but Spike stops me, “I want you to meet someone special to me, Rosalie.”

  I wheel around to see three women sticking their noses up at me. I drink the expensive bottle of water quickly, “I’m really a mess right now, Spike.”

  He holds out his hand, and he escorts me to a familiar woman. I’m in a cream tank with a pair of teal shorts.

  He pulls me in front of the fourth woman, “This is my personal assistant, Mary Jane. MJ, this is Rosalie Ocean-McCloud.”

  MJ's face shifts, “Oh! You’re that Rosalie! It’s such an honor to meet you, and I’ve heard so much about you.”

  I smile at her warmly, “I’m sorry for the way I appear right now, and I hope that it’s all good things too.”

  We giggle at each other and she adds, “Oh, it’s all good—trust me, and you’re all sweaty too. What have you been up to, Rosalie?”

  “I have a dance competition coming up, and I have to practice my routine,” I answer her sheepishly.

  MJ grins at me, and then she kisses my cheeks, “I would love to see that routine someday, and I hope you give Spike a run for his money.”

  Spike kisses my forehead in front of all these women, “She refuses to show me, MJ. I’ve tried numerous times, but she still refuses to show me.”

  I pull my hair down, “I would, but he would glow too much.”

  MJ laughs approvingly, “She’s definitely like her mother.”

  Spike winks at me, and I hug him. The three women stand even straighter, and they’re rolling their eyes at me. I politely excuse myself to take a shower.

  Upon returning, now there are five additional women giggling with Spike and his brother. I watch him rub a few of their thighs. Gadriel and Gabe have one each hanging off their arms too. Ember appears extremely upset with Gabe.

  I saunter over to where MJ is sitting at, “Why are there more guests?” I whisper.

  MJ waves her hand, “They are all here for that stupid ‘marry me if you out dance me’ contest of Joey’s. These broads are sucking up to Spike.”

  The doorbell rings and one of Spike’s followers answers the door. Terrance and Alston Wind show up. Elvin and Dain follow right behind them. They are all wearing their official FOL beanies. I’m so happy to see all of them. They completely ignore Spike, and each one walks over to hug me. They also plant a kiss on my cheeks.

  “How have you been these last couple of months, chick?” Dain asks first.

  Spike is furious with the Enforcers for kissing my cheeks. He’s actually rolling his eyes.

  I study them and inquire, “Are you here on official FOL business?”

  They grimace at me, “We miss having you around, kid. A little birdie tells us that you’re entering a contest, is that true?” Dain leans in, and he eagerly waits for my answer.

  I take out another expensive bottle of water, and the Enforcers wait patiently for my answer, “I’m in it, and you know I couldn’t pass this one up.”

  Elvin laughs at me, “You’re fucking crazy! This is either going to end very badly, or this will be the funniest fucking thing we’ve ever seen! Either way, good luck Rosalie.”

  They each hug me again right in front of him. In return, Spike kisses another woman on the cheek. He even allows her to lean her head on his lap. Snow and Ice strut over to us, and they make jokes. I laugh over their silliness.

  Terrance smiles, and he kisses my cheek, “I want to see your routine, chick. Will you please show us?”

  I wink at the men, “Of course, I will show you guys.”

  I escort the Enforcers downstairs to show them my ten-minute routine. At first, I leave the heels off, and I keep my hair down.

  Ember remains crying in our bedroom, and she wants to be left alone. I tried to comfort her, but she knew Gabe has a girlfriend.

  I quickly show Elvin, Snow, Ice, Dain, Alston, and Terrance my routine. I stand in a short teal summer dress. Not only am I barefoot, but I can move in this dress with ease. I take the center stage and Snow hits play. The music starts, and I nail my routine down. I make sure to nail each move with perfection. The men whistle, and they would glow if they could. I have to use Snow for what I want him to do. The chair is an additional effect. Snow is always my guinea pig for any new moves I want to try out. I make sure every bit of the ten minutes has action. The Enforcers continue to whistle at me, and I enjoy every minute of it. The music ends after ten minutes. The Enforcers walk around me to tame their lust.

  Dain grins and he nods approvingly, “I will put money on you, Princess. You’ve got this one in the bag, chick.”

  “It is not a hundred percent perfect yet, and I still feel like I’m missing something.”

  Elvin gazes at me for a minute, “This is what I would do, if I were able to dance. We all know that I have no dancing skills, but I would have someone hand the DJ your music. I would make the DJ give your name, before the routine. Alternatively, you can also have the DJ give your name after your routine. I would use the invisibility spell. Do you remember that one?”

  I sit on the floor to stretch my legs out, “I remember it well.”

  Terrance grins, “If we were back in Avalon, you would see me glowing in two seconds. You have this in the fucking bag, chick. You need to stop overthinking your routine so much. I know who can dance, and who shouldn’t even attempt it. I’m betting on you, kid. You obviously put in more moves this time than the last time.”

  “You got the moves, chick. Kick his fucking ass. Look, I’m willing to make ‘Rosalie Rule
s’ shirts. You got this shit, kid! We have seen you dance thousands of times before. You don’t need us to give you feedback. We have been your biggest fans, since day one. We have nothing but love for you, Princess.”

  I stand up, and the Enforcers are giving me helpful ideas.

  MJ interrupts us, “I will also say that you have it in the bag. Now I’m convinced, and I’m guessing that you’re entering Joseph's stupid contest.”

  I gasp, and I never realized that she’s in here.

  Alston laughs, “Hell yeah she’s entering it, and she will fucking win too.”

  My face stares at MJ with horror, “You can’t say anything to Spike! He will be so upset with me, if he ever finds out. I’m not doing this for the money either. I’m doing this only to make him return home to his parents. They miss him so much. I know that this is a very bad idea, but I also want to beat his ass for bragging rights too.”

  MJ howls with laughter, “Oh dear… oh dear, me! Oh, and this is the stupid shit that Spike comes up with these days! I would love to say something to you right now, but I unfortunately signed one of his stupid confidentiality agreements. I’m going to give you some words of wisdom. Try not to overthink your routine. Here is the only hint that I’m willing to give you. You need to make him fall in love with you even more. I’m saying this, and I want you to hear me well. You have convinced me that you’re an excellent dancer, and you’re one of the best that I’ve ever seen. I think that if you keep up with this routine, you will indeed win. I want you to win, and you need to put an end to his stupid ego. Joseph is extremely cocky, and he drives even the most sanest people insane. I want you to listen to your friends. These dudes are your friends, and they clearly want you to win. I would do something unexpected, or take him by surprise. I know you have this, Rosalie. You’re definitely nothing like your mother. You’re way above your mom, and I never thought there would ever be anyone better than her. I rarely give out a compliment freely. I fully support you, but I will keep my mouth shut to Spike.”

  Spike storms downstairs to see MJ hugging me. He is about to blast me again, but he stops when MJ kisses my cheek, “Good luck, Princess.”

  He turns suspicious, and he pouts, “Will you ever allow me to see you dance? I believe it’s extremely unfair that my assistant watches you dance—but not me. I find it even more unfair that your friends get to see you dance—but not me! Do you see where I’m going with this, Rosalie?”

  “Oh you’re such an asshole at times, Spike. You’re highly critical of everyone. If Rosalie wants to show you her moves, she would have already done it. If I have to be around you twenty-four hours a day, I would have gone mental ages ago. Rosalie deserves her privacy. I’m certain that you will see her moves one day, when she’s ready to reveal them to you, but until then, you really need to back off for a fucking change,” MJ defends me.

  “You really need to stay out of my business MJ! I pay you, and never forget that!” Spike hisses at MJ.

  MJ rolls her eyes at him, “Oh go suck a dick, Spike. I’ve been with you for a long time now, and I’ve seen your business a thousand times before. I’m finally speaking up for someone else for a change. Give Rosalie a fucking break. Do you always have to be such a wanker?”

  He storms back upstairs, and he slams the door.

  MJ groans, and then she rolls her eyes, “I’m so sorry that he’s such a prick today. That’s what happens when he hasn’t have sex in a long time.”

  We laugh, and she left us. I put my heels on, and practice in them. I struggle with deciding which way to dance. I love the heels, but I also love to be barefoot.

  I spin around the room, and the guys are ultimately lost in awe. I finish my routine a second time, and they give me even more pointers. After dancing for an hour, I walk upstairs with my hair down. A girl sits on his lap, and she’s nibbling on Spike’s ears. MJ rolls her eyes, and then she makes a jackoff sign to me. I seductively move across the room, and I can hear something hit the floor. I glance over my shoulder to see that the girl, who was nibbling on his ear lobe, is now sitting on the floor. I found my cell phone charger in his living room, and I pick it up.

  Spike walks behind me, and he grips my hips, “I’m sorry for being such an asshole today,” he whispers through my hair.

  I ignore him, by politely excusing myself to take my charger upstairs.

  Ember wakes up, “I think I can sleep for a while longer.”

  My phone continues to charge up. Ember begins to sing a love song, and I help her a little bit with the chorus. The door is wide open, and her voice carries. I continue to help her with the background vocals.

  We finish singing, and Blade claps his hands, “That was awesome, Ember!”

  She giggles, and she playfully takes a bow. I take her arm in mine, and we dance around the room for fun. We could pass for mirror twins today. Spike steps in the room, and he watches me dance a few steps. He shakes his head with amusement in his eyes. This is when he chose to join me, by clasping both of his hands over my hips. We dance a few steps together, and he dips me only to bring me back up. The sparks still fly between us. He places a hand behind my neck, and he makes his move, by kissing my lips. My right leg is next to his left hip.

  She remarks, “Oh that’s freaking hot!”

  He spins me very fast, and I still hit all my marks. He never anticipates it either. MJ joins my room too, and she watches us dance together. She shakes her head, and smiles at us. He takes the lead, and I still hit all my marks. Blade doesn’t realize what’s happening between us.

  I make another bold move, and kiss his lush lips again, but he pulls me back, “I can’t do this, Rosalie. You’re still young, and a kid.”

  MJ shakes her head with disappointment in her eyes.

  He finally pushed me to where I’ve had enough, “You’re being such an ass, Spike! You will one day regret saying this shit to me! You remember this, and you remember it well! I hope that one day, you realize the mistake that you’re making right now!”

  “If that’s true, then I better make this mistake now!”

  The three of them left our guest bedroom. I crumble to the floor, and cry again.

  Ember joins me on the floor, and she holds me close to her, “You have to let him go, Rosalie. He clearly doesn’t want to be with you. I love you, and I’m sick of him playing games with your heart. I think you need to focus Joseph instead.”


  The rain continues to pour, and it lasts for the whole week. The extra women stay in Spike’s extra guest rooms with Gabe and Gadriel. We feel even lonelier. By the time the week is over, Spike has ten women fawning over him. She wants to take my mind off Spike, and in return, I want to help her get over Gabe.

  She hands me music, “Nobody has this music. Snow gave this to me, to give to you.”

  I took the CD from her hand, and hid it in the RV. I return to a muddy ground. After losing my balance in the mud, I take her down with me, “Holy shit, EMBER!”

  We laugh as we slide down the hill together. We stop, and stare at each other like this is a new invention. With amusement in our eyes, once again, we’re at the bottom of the hill. We stare at each other, and say at the same time, “DUDE! That was so much fun!”

  We trudge uphill to find that same slide. Once again, we slide down the hill, and we laugh insanely. We do this several more times. Spike and Gabe must have heard our laughter, because they’re standing on his front porch watching us intently.

  I laugh with her, “I’m so fucking muddy!”

  She throws a mud pile at me, and I yell at her with amusement, “GACK! You got me!”

  I peek at the front porch, and both men are laughing at us. I pick up another mud pile with my hands, and chuck the gross substance in her direction. We fall down, and trip in the mud, while laughing insanely. The female fairies, who are staying with Spike are not happy with us waking them up—nor are the angels’ girlfriends. They are arguing with them, but Gabe and Spike refuse to hear any of their mes
s. They sent the women packing. One by one, they make them leave. There is one trying to force Spike to kiss her, and that one only pisses him off. We ignore their little controversy, by continuing to slide down the hill of mud again.

  Ember follows right behind me, “Dude! This is so fun!”

  We continue to chuck mud at each other, while we laugh at the mess we’re making together.

  Spike and Gabe walk over to us in pairs of tight blue jeans, and a button down ivory and cobalt shirt. I love his charcoal shirt underneath.

  “Have you girls had enough?” Spike asks us.

  I answer his question, by chucking a mud pile at him. Instead of him losing his temper, he wasn’t upset with me for a change. He picks me up, and he tosses me in the mud with him. I smack his ass hard, but he retaliates. The slap on my ass burns. I pelt with even more mud piles. He laughs for a change, and he smacks a huge pile over my ass.

  We stop playing around in the mud, and he escorts us to the other side of his house. The water hose is on full blast, and he sprays us down. He goes through these moments of wanting me, and then these moments of wanting to avoid me. I take my shirt off to spray my chest down. I’m even nice enough to spray the mud from his hair. I pull all the grass, and signs of Earth from his body. He reciprocates with my hair. Gabe takes care of Ember’s hair and body.

  With deliberate intentions, I watch him jerk his shirt off. It’s hard not to help him with the mud. He pulls me close to him, and he kisses me viciously again. I think he’s afraid to fall for me, and I can see his eyes pleading with mine. I chose to wait patiently for him, and my kisses are even softer.

  I gape into his crystal eyes, and I erase his fears automatically, “I have to take a shower, and then I will make you something to eat.”

  Gabe and Ember are having their own make out session around the corner. Gabe has none of his shirts on either, and she appears happy again.

  I know that our time together is winding down. Maybe it’s time that I stop fighting with him. I shower, and finish in record time. While Ember takes her shower, my fingers snap. I style my hair and makeup to perfection. Tonight, calls for an extremely short and strapless canary dress. To accentuate my dress, it needs a pair of killer heels. After everything is in its proper place, I move to his kitchen to cook him a great meal. Things move even faster, since Oberon returned my snap. Spike appears amazingly hot, with only a pair of eggshell dress slacks, and a cream buttoned shirt. The cream shirt covers a very tight citrine shirt underneath. He wears his expensive leather belt, and to finish his ensemble, he wears flip-flops.


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