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Fairies of Light

Page 24

by J. E Hanson

  I ask for the number and Gabriel gives it to me. I dial his number, and he answers on the second ring, “I need to talk to you, Blade. I have to make sure that he doesn’t know what you’re doing either.”

  “I will be there, and where are you at?” he hisses over the phone.

  I give him directions, “I will be there in a minute,” he sounds irritable.

  We wait and a knock on the door comes. Violet has two batches of her chocolate chip cookies ready. Gabriel opens the door.

  Blade walks in, “SHIT! Hi mom and dad, and how are you?”

  I smile big, and confirm who he really is.

  Violet runs to her son, and she hugs him tightly, “Oh praise my lucky stars! Thanks to the Creator for keeping you alive! I missed you so much!”

  Puck and Skylar snap just in time. Puck runs over to his middle brother, “You stupid ass! Where the fuck, have you been?”

  Blade frowns at me, and he gives me a nasty expression.

  I grin and point him out, “I want to say that it’s so nice to finally meet you Blade, or should I call you, Wally?”

  Wally is upset with me, “Rosalie! I just busted you! I should tell him right now, but he’s a complete mess, since you left him this evening! I hate dealing with him when he’s this upset! What did you say to him?”

  Puck raises an eyebrow, “Rosalie, did you find my baby brother too? I knew you of all people would find him.”

  “I think it’s more complicated than that. It’s more of a little girl's wish from many years ago, and a loving uncle who made sure it happened,” I informed all of them.

  Wally plops next to his dad, “We want you to know, momma and daddy that we never left because of you, or anyone else in the family. After the shit that went down with Clover and Jackson Hurst, Joey needed to get away. I went with him to make sure he stayed out of trouble. I wanted to make sure that even in his rage he didn’t do anything stupid. I’ve been saving him from himself until this girl walks into his existence. I have never heard so much about Rosalie in one month. Spike is all over Rosalie.”

  Puck laughs, and he hugs me, “I think in ways that this is gross, but I had the luxury to watch you grow up, Rosalie. I guess you have always had your heart set on my baby brother. This is going to take a little getting used to.”

  “Spike is really upset! What did you tell him? Did you call him names again? Did you tell him that you’re never going out with him? What did you tell him to make him start punching walls again?” Wally accuses me.

  Violet waits for my answer, and I close my eyes, “I just begged him to come home numerous times and he refused numerous times. I finally asked the waiter for a Band-Aid—or superglue.”

  Puck seems lost, “Why would you ask a waiter for that?”

  I sit around his family and answer slowly, “I wanted the waiter to piece my heart back together, because he just broke it.”

  Tears are falling down as I summon up enough courage to tell his brothers and parents.

  Skylar holds me tightly, “Oh, sweetie! You fell in love with him! I should have seen this coming a mile away! I’m so sorry, Rosalie!”

  Violet seems even more upset, “I’m sorry too, and it’s my own son doing the damage this time.”

  Wally raises an eyebrow in surprise, “Oh, so it’s the other way around then.”

  “Rosalie, there’s a dance competition tomorrow night,” Wally informs me, but he’s a little late for the party.

  “I know, and I wanted him to cancel his competition for me, but he wouldn’t do it. Now he has left me with no other choice, but to compete.”

  Skylar claps her hands with excitement, “My girl is entering! Oh, yes… YES! I knew you would! I knew you couldn’t resist his stupid competition! You’re going to kick his ass tomorrow night!”

  “You will beat him, and I know you can,” Ember also cheers for me.

  “I know Rosalie can beat him,” Violet informed Wally.

  Wally interrupts her, “Wait a minute, momma! Are you betting against your own son?”

  Violet wraps her arm around my shoulders, “Have you ever seen this girl dance? She makes two of your brother. She has done a lot more things than your brother could ever do. Your brother always walks the line, but Rosalie is the only one, who crosses that line. I know she has him beat!”

  Violet snaps the television set on to show my last dance off against the other cadets. I’m the one who stands out, and I have the others beat in two seconds flat.

  Wally sits down and watches me move, “Holy shit! Okay, you might have a leg to stand on.”

  For the last dance that year, I had a chair and it was deadly. That was when majority of the fairies complained about my style of dancing. They were calling me a stripper.

  Wally kept gawking at the television set, “Holy shit! That was you! I think I am also on team Rosalie too!”

  Wally has to return to Spike, but before he left, I managed to keep him silent. The rest of us sleep until the next day. We wake up early to go over my routine. Wally decides to abandon Joey’s side, long enough to see me practice. He starts selling “Team Rosalie” shirts. I shake my head at him, and he makes sure all of the Enforcers buy my shirts. They make ones that say, “Joey is dead & rise of Rosalie.” I thought this is awful of them. Snow and Ice are both wearing matching shirts that say, “Joey who?” I have over twenty people supporting me. All of the male fairies recognize me, and even they bought my shirts. The pressure is starting to mount up. Ember puts a “Rosalie's sister” on the back of her shirt. His parents are wearing a supporting shirt too.

  His parents will wait in the penthouse suite. Wally and the others will ‘hide’ my support shirts until I hit the dance floor.

  Oberon makes a funny one, “Joey is Rosalie's bitch.” I laugh at that thought. Skylar loves his shirt even better, and so she places it over her pregnant belly, along with Puck. They will also remain in the hotel room with his parents to watch the competition live on the Fairy Channel.

  Skylar snaps in my royal fairy outfit. I will start out with a canary dress, and then flip over to my fairy outfit as soon as the music starts. The FOL brought out the limousines. The Enforcers put an invisibility spell over me to sneak me inside. Ember walks beside Gabriel, while holding his hand. I follow Wally, and he keeps pointing to me. He motions with his hand to signal to me that Spike is on his way.

  Spike is wearing an ivory Armani suit with a lemon vest underneath. He slicks his hair back in a low ponytail before he dances.

  Wally peers at Spike, “Are you sure you want to go through with this, man?”

  He stares at his Rolex, “I already started this. I’m searching for someone special, and I’m done with all this dating bullshit.”

  “Have you tried to call Rosalie?”

  Spike stares at him annoyed, “Never mention her name again! If you must know, I have already left three messages on her phone. She’s probably gone by now. I hate letting her go, but this is for the best. She needs someone better than me anyway.”

  “Dude, you know that I would normally have your back, but I’ve seen her cry a few times over you. I believe you’re making the biggest mistake of your existence. What did she say to you anyway? You were livid when you came home this morning.”

  “I refuse to talk about her, Wally. She’s probably enjoying her human dance competition right now. I won’t make her stay with me. Her heart is with Avalon. She is better off back there—you know.”

  “I still believe that you’re making one of the biggest boneheaded decisions you have ever made. I just wish you would tell me, what she said to you.”

  “This will make me upset again. Rosalie asked the waiter, if he could give her a Band-Aid, or superglue. She wanted the waiter to piece her broken heart back together. That fucking killed me, when she said that to him. The waiter gave me a nasty glare. Rosalie just left me standing there. That is the first, and probably the only time; someone has left me at high-end restaurant! Rosalie even sat on my lap, and
she kissed me with those lips. I don’t have a clue, or even know where she learned to kiss like that, but I want her badly. Trust me, I feel stupid, but I guess that I’m hoping she will show up here tonight. I think she realizes who I am now. She even hinted to me good luck in finding a wife tonight. I would stop it, but I’ve invested millions in finding a wife.”

  “Rosalie could be your wife. Maybe you should try to call her again.”

  “It’s already too late, bro. I have already lost her.”

  I wait and he walks over to the DJ. The women are catcalling at him.

  “This is DJ Mike coming to you fine fairies live! We are broadcasting in New York City! For all you fine fairies back in Avalon—stay tuned! May I have your attention, fairies! Welcome to Joey's great dance off! Joey is issuing one lucky woman one million dollars, and a hand in marriage! The catch is only if you can out dance him. I will have you know that my man Joe can really bust a move. All you fine looking women, who are here, or back home, better shake your asses down here, if you want a piece of this billionaire!” DJ Mike spoke from his mix table.

  I gawk over at the man formally known as Spike. The same man who is Spike is actually the infamous Joseph Cirrus. He takes the center stage of his dance floor. He’s the one who saved my existence twice. I remember even rubbing his man wand, while watching a movie together. To think this entire time, I was actually making out with Joseph Cirrus. I close my eyes and remember saying a few choice words to him over these past few months. I have slid my tongue in his mouth numerous times. I even danced with him a couple of times. This man helps me with his own move that I was struggling to nail down. I remember every single moment of being in his arms. He’s actually Joseph Cirrus, the infamous male dancer that legends come from. I watch him move to the dance floor to take his spotlight. I will finally have a chance to see him dance live for the first time in my existence. This is equivalent to viewing your favorite team, singer, or rock band live. The excitement mounts inside of me. I will have a chance to see my idol dance live for the very first time.

  Ember reaches out to me to bring me back down to Earth. I hold her hand tightly. “He’s incredibly attractive for a fairy, Rosalie. And it seems like you have stiff competition tonight,” she whispers as she studies the crowd.

  Joey takes the microphone to speak into it, “I’m done with the fucking mind games, and all the bullshit. If you believe that you can out dance me, then I will hook you up. I just want that one female fairy to knock me off my feet!”

  He throws the microphone back at DJ Mike. The lights dim, and the spotlight shines brightly on him. A large lump forms in my throat.

  Chapter 13

  I wait patiently for his music to start. The anticipation builds inside of me to the point of eruption. He chose to go with the band, ‘The Weeknd.’ And, this song makes me crumble when I hear it, “Wicked Games.” He makes one move, and the stereo automatically hits. I know that his parents are watching along with thousands of other fairies. His music is intense, and he moves without missing a step. He’s an extremely accurate dancer. My mouth drops, and the members of the FOL find me. They point at him, but I remain in hiding. He moves and hits all his marks. He makes sure to play a song that hits me hard. He’s beautiful to watch.

  I listen to the lyrics, but all the female fairies are glowing. His jacket flies off, and he chucks it in the audience. All the women scream, and they want a piece of him. I’m probably the only female fairy who isn’t glowing in this room. I’m too busy studying his technical moves, and watching him in awe. He never looked better than he does tonight. I move in front of a couple of women. The invisibility powder serves me justice. He shows the women what he has, and he dances to them. I never dance to the crowd like that. He moves his hips seductively to the women. I watch him jerk his head back and forth, and he blows me away with how he moves. I smile, and I know that I might have him in checkmate. I guess I’m more of a teaser. At the end of his ten minutes of erotic dancing, women are begging him to fuck them. His fans cause me to roll my eyes, and it’s insane to see just how many fans he has.

  The men suggest that I wait it out a little bit to make him believe that I’m not coming. We are playing the excruciating waiting game. He takes his place on stage.

  “Here is how this will go down. I will only stand up to any woman, who can move. The trick is that you have to get my ass out of this chair,” he reminds us of the rules.

  “Do you hear that ladies? You got to make my main man move!” DJ Mike adds.

  The games start as soon as he sits down in a pallid chair in the middle of the dance floor. I notice that he’s crossing his arms. The first woman takes her place on the dance floor. She completely misses ‘dancing’ all together. All of us watch in horror as one after another are shot down. A few of them even make me laugh, because the dancers tonight are terrible. Ember stands beside me. Gabriel and Ember are the only ones, who can see me.

  Ember tries to be nice, but she lets it slip a few times, “Those girls are really bad, and they move like robots.”

  A few girls did make me nervous. They came close to moving him from his chair, but they mess up by a half step. He’s starts to show his frustration, and his gorgeous face has a frown on it. We wait for four hours for all the competitors to finish. He yawns, and he appears even more agitated. The crowd starts to thin, and dwindle to almost nothing.

  He impatiently stands up, and his cocky arrogance takes over the microphone, “I just want one woman to show me what she has! Is that so fucking hard to do? I will raise it to two million if you can dance!”

  “Come on ladies! My man Joe is a meticulous fairy! He’s just asking for one female fairy to show him what she has! There has to be one fine lady out there, who will take my man up on his offer!” DJ Mike laughs.

  There are female fairies there, but none of them wants to step forward. I wait ten more minutes and the Enforcers give me the thumbs up sign. Ember hands the cd to Wally. Spike finally takes his seat, and he seems like his irritable self. Spike remains sitting in the middle of the dance floor in his chair. I follow him, and I remain invisible. I stand directly in front of him. Wally will give DJ Mike explicit instructions that he has to follow. Instead of introducing me in the beginning, he will wait until I finish dancing.

  Spike takes the microphone, “My instructions are fucking simple! I just want one fairy, and you have to be a female! No dudes either! Is there any women in the house, or am I wasting my time again?”

  I stand within inches of him. He’s unable to smell me, because I’m still invisible.

  DJ Mike laughs, “You have a challenger, and she’s standing right in front of you. I will let her fans show you who she is.”

  My fans wait to reveal who I am, and Spike raises an eyebrow, “Okay mystery woman. Show yourself.”

  He tips his chair backwards, waiting to see who is standing right in front of him.

  I start to take form, and then I snap my fingers once the music starts. His face changes from frustration to happiness. As soon as I hit the dance floor, all my fans show up by clapping, and whistling for me. I do the first step and turn. My canary dress automatically flips into my teal fairy outfit. The members of his audience are going ballistic. I have every single fairy both male and female lighting up.

  Ember cheers for me, “GO GET HIM GIRL!” I move seductively on him, and he never expects me to do that. I throw my leg over his shoulder, and he catches it right on cue. I get him to stand up from his throne. We improvise, and the crowd doubles in size to watch. My dancing style is highly erotic, and he participates in it. This routine is much better now, since he joins.

  I bump and grind my ass into him, “I thought you had a human dance competition you had to go to?” he whispers to me.

  I quickly turn again, and shove my ass hard into his groin. He lights up this time. He rips off his vest, and I threw it in the crowd. He grins, and I glance down to see that not only does he glow, but I’m also glowing too.

I gesture to him, “I forgot to mention that my human dance competition has been over with, since last spring. I hope you don’t mind me crashing your little dance competition.”

  He picks me up, and he kisses my lips furiously.

  I kiss his neck, “I love you Rosalie,” he whispers to me.

  I stare into those crystal eyes of his, and I ignore all his piercings, “I love you more, Joey.”

  We dance around the floor for ten minutes straight. The moves are provocative and highly sexual. I’m sure parents back in Avalon are hiding their kids from watching television. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The music ends, and I nailed all my marks with perfection.

  DJ Mike laughs, “I want Joey to peek at the crowd! A very young and extremely hot princess chose to take you up on that offer! Folks, I want to introduce you to the one and only, Princess Rosalie Summer Ocean-McCloud! Yes, folks that fine fairy is Rosebud and Blaze's baby girl all grown up! I believe that Joey has finally met his match! Congratulations to Rosalie, and her backup team.”

  He peers over to the crowd, and he notices that all the shirts have my name on it. He laughs knowing that he lost fair and square. He mashes my lips feverishly with his. After our long embrace, he hands me the check for two million dollars. I cock my head to the side with shock.

  His check doesn’t sit well with me, and so I jerk his microphone from him, “I believe that I have a lot of family members backing me up, including your own family. I made a promise to your mom. I know you think that I only did this for money, but that’s not the case. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but this check isn’t what I want. You know exactly what I want. If you truly love me as you say you do, then you will come home with me.”

  I rip up the check in a million tiny little pieces, and this makes other fairies cheer for me even more. The self-centered brat realizes what’s truly important.

  “I love you very much, Joey. I love my arrogant asshole of a boyfriend, but it’s time to come home. I’m giving you this one last opportunity, and I need you to prove your love for me this time. You have precisely one hour to decide, what you really want.”


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