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Fairies of Light

Page 23

by J. E Hanson

  I try to talk to her, but she refuses to hear another word from me. Gabriel keeps her next to his side. I beg her to reconsider, but she left with them.

  Spike holds me close to his chest, “We knew this was a possibility. At least she will still stay in Avalon with you.”

  We finish the evening off, by dismissing all the Enforcers. My tiara rests on my head now. Spike stares at my dirty little secret. He knew that I’m a princess, but this makes it even more real to him. I’m still crying, knowing that the angels are taking my biggest supporter. I need her more than she will ever know. All of her things disappear except for the cd she left me. For once, I think of someone else besides myself. I kneel down and cry. The Fairy Enforcers continue to comfort me.


  We make it to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I stare at the battlefield where so many American soldiers died during the American Civil War. I could feel their anguish here. I know that we’re about to face our own supernatural war ourselves.

  With a loud snap of a twig, hideous rogues move in on us. I study the sky, and I see thirty rogues hurling towards us. Spike jumps in front of me. We don’t use any guns, because of our fingers. Spike wants me to run, but I refuse. He quickly taught me how to kill them. I watch head after head pop off their bodies like cherry water balloons. Their heads swell like overfilled balloons, and their bodies follow behind. The Enforcers fight them off, but we’re lucky that no mortals are visiting the battlefield today. I save Oberon and Dain from having their existences stolen from them. The rogues can drain a fairy quick. The sunglow flares of light pop the remaining rogues. Spike and Oberon stack the rogues on top of each other. They torch their bodies with a zippo, and we watch them turn into saffron ashes. The saffron ashes disappear in the air.

  Oberon glances at his watch, “We need to make sure you arrive at New York City in one piece.”

  As I return to take my seat inside the RV, I still search for Ember. I continue to hope that she will be here, but Gabriel took her back to Avalon for the changeover. I have to finish the rest of our trip without her. I remain visibly upset knowing that she’s gone. On top of losing Ember, I also have to finish the competition against Joseph.

  We make it to New York City in three days. We left flowers on the World Trade Center Site. We tour Grand Central Station, the Statue of Liberty, and we are currently standing at the base of The Empire State Building. Spike holds me in his arms through all the tourist destinations. He tries his best to comfort me, but I also realize that I’m about to lose him too. I hate both of my situations. I’m here with Oberon's support. I’m about to have my expensive date with Spike, before I face Joey at his dance off tomorrow.

  I wish she was here with me to view all the sites, but she will never see any of this. For Ember, I take tons of pictures for her. Oberon walks in the elevator with me. Brandy is his date tonight. We make it to the top floor of the Empire State Building. I mope outside to see the city better. I snap more pictures for Ember to see, and I must have taken a dozen shots. I stare at all the skyscrapers. Today is the nineteenth of August, and I just lost my best friend over a week ago. I just have today, before the big competition against Joseph tomorrow. Oberon sneaks behind me, and he wraps his arms around me.

  Oberon hugs me, “I know you’re really upset, squirt, but this is probably the best thing for all of us. She needs to make a name for herself. If she stays with us, she will always be in your shadow. She deserves to shine just as you do, and you will have to learn to let her go.”

  “I know you want me to return home tomorrow, but I promised a special mom that I would bring her son home.”

  Oberon laughs hysterically for five minutes straight, and then he nods his head with understanding, “I think he’s out of his mind, but I’m so proud that you’re throwing it down.”

  “I don’t have a clue on how to win without her here. I love her like a sister, and I feel as if my soul is breaking in half. I understand her reasoning, but I miss her terribly.”

  “I know you will, squirt—but you also have to let her go. I’m sure you will see her after her transformation is complete.”

  “Are they turning her right now?”

  Oberon hands me a tissue, “They are changing her as we speak. I just checked in on her over an hour ago. There’s no going back now. They are changing her fairy side, and infusing it with her angel side. Gadriel is the one, who is giving his blood to change her. Angels are almost like vampires, when you think about it. I will go ahead and tell you that she will be okay, and she will have to forgive you now, because she’s an angel. Angels surely don’t hate anything. You should see it when they kill demons. Angels make great soul suckers. I promise that you will see her soon enough”

  I notice that Spike is dressed up for a change, and I smirk at him, “I have a date with Spike, and who knew that he can clean up nicely?”

  Oberon peeks at him, “You really have no idea, who he is—do you?” He has a mischievous grin on his face, “Be careful for what you wish for, because you have been begging me to meet this person for such a long time. I made sure to inform him too. I hope you figured out who Spike really is.”

  I’m lost in total confusion.

  “Here is another hint. Spike is Puck's youngest brother,” he gave me another clue.

  My eyes bulge out of my sockets. Spike is talking to Brandy right now. I focus between Oberon and Spike with disbelief.

  “There’s no fucking way! Are you telling me? NO! You can’t be fucking serious! There’s no fucking way that he is! Oh! Please tell me that you’re playing another cruel joke on me!”

  Oberon outwits me this time, and he never gives me a hint that this is a joke, “I had to help out my niece. I swore him to secrecy, because I didn’t want you to know anything during your trip, but since you’re entering the contest anyway, I feel that you need to know. He has been a good friend to our family for many years. Mom never complained when you would come in late, because Violet always sent her a signal to let her know that you were at her house. How many times have you asked about him?”

  My face turns bright red, and I bury my head in his shoulder, “You should have dropped me a hint sooner! I was so rude to him! I have insulted him all this time! He must think that I’m the biggest bitch walking around! Oh, fuck! I feel incredibly stupid right now!”

  “I gave you a hint in the beginning, because I told you to be nice to him.”

  “No you did not! Oh! Oberon! This is such a mean trick!”

  He laughs hysterically, “That’s exactly how fairies trick other fairies. I believe you have a date with the infamous Spike.”

  I toy with him, by pretending to wrap my hands around his neck, “I could kill you for this! You set me up! I will get you back for this real soon!”

  He laughs enthusiastically, “How many years now? Oh, yes! For the past thirteen years, you’ve idolized this man. Now go and enjoy your date with him. Call me later, and tell me all about it.”

  He walks over to Brandy, and they leave. I lean over the railing feeling completely embarrassed. I just trashed him over a thousand times, and the worst part is that I stripped right in front of him. I wait for the support beams to crumble beneath my feet. I have to keep up with the Spike charade a little while longer.

  Spike steps in behind me, and he wraps his arms around me, “I believe someone makes great cookies, and you have a date with me.”

  I laugh and I nervously feel stupid, “I feel like an idiot! Yes, I’m ready, and I’m sorry for everything.”

  He gapes at me with confusion. I take his hand in mine, as we briskly stroll through downtown. He pulls me in a dark alley, and he snaps his fingers. We teleport to an expensive restaurant, and this is a restaurant only for fairies. He pulls his jacket off to show a canary sweater, and a pair of charcoal dress slacks. I watch him flash a Rolex. My jacket snaps to the closet. I gawk at him as some kind of stupid teenage stalker. Ashe and Daisy were right. After all these years, I realize that I’m a cr
azy stalker. I’m so glad that I went with the canary dress this evening. I cross my legs at my thighs. He orders expensive wine for us. My heels have the right height, and they wrap around my ankles. I close my eyes from the embarrassment for everything I have done to this poor man.

  Spike taps my arm, “Are you okay, Rosalie?”

  This is the man; I want to ask thousands of questions, and this man beats everyone. This is equivalent to sitting in front of your hero—or idol. I’m having a one-on-one conversation with him. I try to act normal, but I want to scream inside.

  After I take a deep breath, I finally open my eyes, “I think I’m going to be sick. I will be right back.”

  He seems concerned. I run to the bathroom, and my stomach feels like a bouncing ball. A part of me wants to make a break for it. I have to think of some questions to ask him, and I remember the dance competition tomorrow. I have to continue with my game plan. I casually saunter back to my seat and sit down. He has a few admirers gawking at him, and now I can see why. Of course, women love to follow him. I face him finally, and stare into his crystal eyes. For once, I peer past all his tattoos and his piercings to recognize those gorgeous eyes. I dreamt of those eyes for so many years, and I often wondered what he would be like. I remember all those pictures, and his trophy room. How could I be so stupid? He even dropped me hints! I remember staring dreamily into his crystal eyes a thousand times in at least a thousand different pictures. I should have recognized those eyes by now. The piercings and tattoos just threw me off. I casually muster up the strength to keep calm and rational. I want to squeal like a stupid fan of his, but I gracefully lift the wine glass to take a sip.

  He takes my other hand, “She will be okay, and Gabriel is taking great care of her.”

  I glance down at his hand, and I close my eyes knowing that I might have blown my opportunity to be with him. I remember all those countless videos, and years of studying his moves.

  I stare back into his eyes, and I have this man on a pedestal. Now this man is talking to me, and I need to give him a response, “I know she will be okay, but I miss her. She was my biggest supporter, and it will be hard without her here with me.”

  “I want to wish you good luck at your human competition tomorrow. I will be thinking of you, and I hope you will be happy in Avalon.”

  “So what will happen with you? You need to return with me, and we need you back, Spike.”

  He orders our food, and he shakes his head, “I think your grandparents will never welcome me with my new appearance. I have violated every single fairy code and conduct imaginable.”

  I gasp for air, while I stare out the window. The tears start to trickle down again, but he shows concern for my feelings, “What’s wrong, Rosalie? I enjoyed our time together, but we must separate. You will be much safer in Avalon than on Earth. Khan wants you dead, so please go back for me.”

  I shed a few more tears, while I hold his hand still. I stare back at him, and he notices the tears in my eyes. He hates it when I cry, “I can’t go back—not yet. I made a huge promise to someone very important to me. I still have one more request from you for winning that golf game. You said that anything I asked for, you will do for me.”

  “I also said within reason, Rosalie. I want you to remember that first. I knew you were going to bring this up. What do you want from me?”

  I stand up and I flip my chair over. I march over to him. He backs his chair up, and I chose to sit in his lap inappropriately. My hands jerk his hair back. I stare directly into those gorgeous crystal eyes of his, and I recognize those eyes that I’ve seen over the years. I know all of his secrets from the time he was a baby to now. I place both my hands in his hair, which is long and golden.

  “I’m asking you one last time to come home with me. I’m asking you this as one last favor.”

  He closes his eyes, and tears stream down his cheeks, “Rosalie, I said within reason.”

  Without any objections, I kiss his lips passionately. I make all the other women in the restaurant huff at my rude tableside manners.

  I refuse to let up until he stops me, “Rosalie, you must understand that I can’t, even if I wanted to. I have to remain here. I really care for you deeply, but we can never be lovers—or a couple. You have to understand me.”

  “You said that my grandparents will never approve of you. I want you to know that they accept you for who you are, and they would gladly welcome you back to Avalon. They know where my heart is. Please come home with me! If you have any care for me, or any love for me. Please, Spike! I’m begging you to come home!”

  “You have to understand that I can’t! I have a big dance competition coming up tomorrow, and I have to be there. I want you to know how truly sorry I am, and that I care for you deeply. Please keep a piece of my love with you always.”

  I stand up and pick my chair up. I plop down on my seat. The waiter comes, and I continue to stare out the window crying.

  “Can I get you anything else—miss?”

  My head turns to the waiter, “I don’t want anything to eat. But do you have a Band-Aid—or superglue?”

  He stares with confusion in his eyes, “Mam, why would you need superglue—or a Band-Aid? We only serve food here.”

  I stare directly into Spike’s eyes, and he notices my tears, “Because my heart just broke into a million pieces. And I was wondering if you have the cure to put it back together for me?”

  Spike went to stand up, but I’m already up, “I want to wish you good luck in finding a wife tomorrow, and I have to leave right now.”

  I take my jacket from the closet, and I snap my fingers to stay at a motel. I make sure to check in unlisted. I continue to cry for majority of the night until there’s a knock on the door. Gabriel and Ember are standing right there.

  A forgiving Ember returns, “Rosalie! Are you okay? I know that I said some mean things to you, but I never meant them. I’m at a better place now, and can I help you win this competition?”

  I close my eyes, and I take in another deep breath. I jump into her arms, hugging her tightly, “I need you of all people in my corner, and now I know who Spike really is.”

  Gabriel grimaces, “How did you find out?”

  My tears continue to fall, “Uncle Oberon came clean with me. Please don’t tell him that I know. I plan on facing him at the competition tomorrow evening.”

  Gabriel sighs, “You have my word. I’m going to stay with you two, if that’s okay?”

  I nod a quick yes. Gabe snaps his fingers to bring in a couple of suitcases. Ember and I sit down for the rest of the night, and we laugh about her new ability to snap.

  “I am supposed to be imagining a red rose, but I snap an ebony rose in his hand instead!” she jokes.

  I laugh for the first time in days, “How is the flying?”

  She rolls her eyes, “Oh! Don’t get me started on flying! Gadriel tells me not to look down, and the first thing that I do in the air—is look down at the ground. I’m hurling towards the ground, but luckily for me, Gabe catches me.”

  We laugh through the night at her lack of imagination skills.

  “We have to work on her teleportation skills. She accidentally snapped herself to the lower dimensions. We had to save her from the hideous dragons,” he informs me.

  I laugh again, and hug her tightly, “I missed you so much, and I’m so sorry for everything! I love you, Ember!”

  She hugs me in return, “I don’t enjoy being mad at you. I love you too, Rosalie. We are sisters for life—or existences.”

  Violet calls and she interrupts our reunion. “Where are you at, Rosalie? You are in desperate need of moral support. I’m so thankful that you’re entering his foolish competition. Where is it being held at?” momma asks.

  “His dance off is being held at Club 2000 tomorrow night in New York City,” I answer momma

  She sounds like she’s snapping her fingers, “I will be there in five minutes at the Pennsylvania Hotel. You need to take all of your thin
gs, and meet me there. I may be many things, but I’m one determined momma. I will see my sons one way—or another! Do you think his older brother Wally is with him?”

  I repack our suitcases too, “I’m pretty sure he’s with him too.”

  “That’s okay, because their father is coming with me too. I think Puck and Skylar might join me also. You need to call my middle son for me and make him meet me at the Pennsylvania. Don’t tell him that we are there either.”

  I stop sobbing knowing that momma Cirrus is coming, and she’s really pissed at her boys. I quickly inform Gabriel and Ember of the new change in plans, and for them to meet me at the Pennsylvania Hotel. I snap my fingers, and finally face Violet Cirrus.

  I smile at momma, and hug her tightly, “He has your eyes, momma.”

  Violet snaps her fingers, and her new penthouse suite opens up, “This is our secret penthouse suite. My sons don’t even know about this place either.”

  We enter her secret lair. Walter Sr. snaps himself on the couch. I stare at the long golden hair man, and I can see where their three sons get their appearances from now.

  Walter Sr. flashes his cobalt eyes at me, “Good evening, Rosalie. Thanks for helping us find our boys. I need to lay into both of them. Is he still going through with that idiotic competition?”

  I took my spot next to dad, “He refuses to come home on his own.”

  Walter Cirrus Sr. smiles affectionately at me, “I bet you will win, and I’ve never betted against my son before either. You need to realize that I believe you can shoot his huge ego down. This will mean that he has to accept you as his wife—if you win.”

  “There are thousands of female fairies out there, who could probably beat me.”

  Walter yanks down his newspaper, “Rosalie Summer Ocean-McCloud! You my dear… have been winning competitions for many years! We are not talking by an inch. Your mom won by inches, and you win by miles. Only my son has ever charmed a crowd like you. Even with that said, you are still going to win, and I want to enjoy his graceful downfall too. Now I need my other son.”


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