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Discovering Lucy

Page 10

by Laura Dunaway

  Knox stopped talking in mid-sentence when he saw me enter the room. His eyes widened, and he started toward me, flowers in his hand.

  “Hi,” he said when he reached me.

  I smiled up at him. “Hi yourself.” He looked amazing in a tux. His long and lean body fit it perfectly in all of the right places. He wore black cufflinks and his diamond encrusted watch.

  “You look stunning, Lucy,” he told me as he handed me the flowers. I lifted them to my nose, smelling the delicious scent, and thanked him. “You didn’t have to get me flowers,” I replied as I went to the kitchen to put them in the only vase we had. I suspected Megan had told him yellow roses were my favorite.

  He followed me, and Megan discreetly excused herself to go to her room. “I know I didn’t, I wanted to,” he acknowledged. After I’d filled the vase and put the roses in, I felt his hands on my shoulders, turning me around. His eyes were looking intently at me, almost smoldering. I felt it everywhere.

  He bent his head and kissed my forehead, then looked back into my eyes. “You take my breath away, Lucy,” he whispered. “Are you ready to go?”

  I nodded, still trying to process what Megan had told me and then what Knox said. He never failed to surprise me, and make me feel like the only girl in the world. I wasn’t sure I would ever get used to it.

  He put his arm around my waist as we walked to the door. I called out to Megan that we were leaving and shut the door behind me. Knox took my hand in his as he led me to the elevators. “Are you still nervous?” he asked, holding my hand tight in his.

  My nerves were all over the place, but I didn’t want to tell him that. “Yeah, a bit.”

  He chuckled, and I turned to look at him. “What?” I asked.

  He raised his hand and lightly grazed his knuckles across my cheek. “You are always so nervous, angel,” he murmured, looking in my eyes. I lowered mine, embarrassed that he always read me so well. His finger tipped my chin to look at him.

  “I’ll be by your side all night, Lucy,” he assured me. “I won’t leave you.”

  That helped the butterflies in my stomach calm down…a little. “Thank you,” I responded softly.

  The elevator reached the lobby, and he took my hand again as he led me out. After Knox had helped me into his car, I sat back in the seat, telling myself to let go and just enjoy the evening.

  “Good evening, Ms. Simmons,” Maxwell greeted me, a warm smile on his face. “How are you tonight?”

  Knox got in the car and put his seatbelt on.

  “I’m doing fine, Maxwell, thank you.”

  “Are we ready, sir?” he asked Knox.

  Knox looked at me. “We’re as ready as we’ll ever be.”

  Maxwell eased into traffic, and I looked at Knox. “You never told me what the gala is for.”

  He reached over and started to run his index finger up and down my arm. He grinned as he watched me shiver from his touch.

  “It’s the CFDA Fashion Awards actually. It’s a huge event in the world of fashion, and Andy Cooper is hosting. Since I’m on the board of directors at Armstrong’s, I’m expected to attend.”

  Andy Cooper? Board of Directors? The butterflies were back, flapping their wings at full throttle. I gulped, trying to concentrate on what he was doing to my arm.

  “Oh, wow,” I muttered. “I forgot you’re on the Board of Directors,” I said, looking back at his face.

  His smile grew wider as he moved to hold my hand. “I’m not surprised,” he teased as he ran circles over my wrist with his thumb.

  I rolled my eyes. “Knox.”

  He chuckled. “I love to tease you. Looks like we’re here, we just pulled up.”

  I darted my head to the window. There was a lot of activity in front of the hotel—people were running around, and the flash of cameras were blinding. Once again I felt completely out of place. I considered asking Maxwell to drive me home, but Knox opened my door and helped me out, wrapping me in his arms as he shut it.

  “No need to be nervous, Lucy. You look so damn hot in that dress. All I want to do is kiss that lipstick off of your perfect lips, and I assure you I will later, but for now, stop worrying and let me show you off.”

  He grabbed my hand and led me into the hotel, smiling at the cameras and pulling me close by his side. I held his hand so tightly that I was sure my fingernails made permanent indentations in his palm.

  Here goes nothing.

  THE LOBBY WAS OVERWHELMINGLY BEAUTIFUL—high ceilings draped with crystal chandeliers and flowers adorning mahogany tables. Sky-blue, velvet couches and cream, overstuffed chairs surrounded the tables with fireplaces nearby. It was stunning.

  Photographers and reporters got right in our faces, asking Knox who his date was, where we’d met, and if we were serious. I felt the blood rushing through my ears, but Knox held onto me as promised, rubbing small circles on my lower back as he gave them short but polite answers.

  “This is Lucy Simmons.”

  “We met at Armstrong’s.”

  “Not yet,” he answered the ‘is it serious’ question while looking at me with a grin on his face, making me feel shivers down my spine.

  I followed him into the gigantic dining room where the event was being held. More chandeliers on the ceiling and large, round tables covered in red tablecloths awaited us. Waiters in crisp white tuxes walked around with trays of champagne and shrimp cocktails, and a large stage with a huge banner stating ‘Council of Fashion Designers of America’s Awards with Andy Cooper’ in big gold letters. I was enamored by everything.

  We had only taken a few steps before Knox was intercepted by business associates, and of course, his admiring female fans. I was amazed at the audacity of some of them—they couldn’t care less that I was right there, on his arm, and obviously with him. They still threw themselves at him, and a few slipped him their phone numbers. As we passed a garbage can, Knox dropped all of the papers into it, not missing a beat. I couldn’t hide my smile.

  “I love it when you smile,” he told me.

  We found our table. Knox pulled out my chair for me, scooting me in gently. He then sat down and took my hand in his. He raised a brow when he felt how clammy my hand was, knowing I was still feeling nervous. He brushed some hair behind my ear.

  “What is something that makes you feel calm when you think about it?”

  The first thing that came to my mind was his voice, but there was no way I’d tell him that.

  “What is it?” he asked, looking into my eyes.

  I turned to look around the room. “I can’t think of anything,” I lied.

  I felt his warm breath on my neck as he leaned in to whisper. “You’re lying. Tell me.”

  I turned back to face him. “Your voice.”

  He looked confused for a minute, then he grinned. “Are you serious?”

  I felt stupid and looked down at my lap. He turned my cheek so that I’d look at him. “Don’t do that, angel,” he whispered. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. I just had no idea, and you know what?” I looked at him. “I love that. I think that’s the biggest compliment I’ve ever received.”

  An older couple came and sat down across from us. The man reached over to shake Knox’s hand, and I breathed a sigh of relief that our conversation was interrupted.

  “Lucy, this is Dr. and Mrs. John Mason. Dr. Mason is a neurosurgeon and is on the Board of Directors at Armstrong’s as well’,” Knox said as he introduced me to them. “Lucy recently started working at the cosmetics counter there.”

  Mrs. Mason immediately started asking me about our products, and we had a good conversation while the men talked business. Eventually, the rest of our table arrived. I noticed that one of the women immediately flirted heavily with Knox, and I wondered if they had a history. When Knox introduced her as Blair Monroe, an acquaintance, she glared at him, and when he told her my name in introduction, she glared at me. Megan’s words came rushing back.

  Blair zeroed right in on me. “So tell m
e, Lucy, how long have you worked at Armstrong’s? You’re a cosmetics girl?” She said that last part like it was the scum of the earth job, and unfortunately, it hit the target.

  I did my best to stay calm and casual. “Yes, I work in cosmetics. I’ve been there a few months.”

  She started to ask something else, but Knox interrupted. “How’s the modeling agency going these days, Blair?”

  My eyes shot to his, then to her. Greaaat, she was a model. I wanted to dig a hole, crawl in, and die. I ripped a piece of the roll placed in front of me and didn’t even pay attention to what she was saying. It was obvious she reveled in any attention Knox would give her. I looked around the room, amazed at how many celebrities were in attendance.

  Knox tapped me on my arm. “Did you hear Mrs. Mason’s question?” he asked softly.

  Embarrassment flooded over me as I looked at her. “No, I’m sorry. Would you mind repeating it?”

  Mrs. Mason was an elegant woman—silver hair styled in short waves, and dazzling light-blue eyes. Her dark-blue dress made them shine. “I was just asking if the sale for the new men’s line was still going on?”

  I answered the question, then continued engaging in small talk for a few minutes until our salads arrived.

  “How are you doing?” Knox asked, setting his hand on my thigh. I jumped a little, which only made him laugh. I gave him a look, which made him laugh harder. “Oh, Lucy, if you could only see half of the looks you give me.”

  I ignored him, taking a bite of my salad. “Look at me,” he said quietly.

  I turned to face him, and even though I’d seen him tonight, I was blown away. His hair was styled to the side with a little gel, and his scruff was begging to be touched. I wished I was more daring, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it, especially not in public. His eyes surrounded by such thick lashes were staring straight at me, the corners of his lips turned up.

  “Like what you see?” he teased once again.

  The smart-ass part of me made a brief return. “Sometimes,” I replied.

  He chuckled as he squeezed my thigh. “You have no idea how much I want to leave here and be alone with you, Lucy. There’s a spot on your neck by your collarbone that is begging to be kissed. ”

  I stared at him wide eyed, not believing he had just said that in front of our table. He shrugged. “It’s the truth.”

  Blair spoke to him then, and I heard him quietly groan before addressing her. I took the opportunity to look at her, and as much as I hated to admit it, she was very pretty. She had dark-red, straight hair that ran down her back, and ice blue eyes. Her lips were full and pouty and painted a deep violet. Her diamond earrings were shining bright, and her strapless, violet dress helped display her well-endowed cleavage.

  Our main course of chicken risotto with asiago and spinach was served, and toward the end of it, Andy Cooper stood up to thunderous applause and started the evening. I did my best to pay attention, but at times found myself only being able to think about the man sitting next to me. Crème Brule was set in front of me for dessert.

  Knox noticed I wasn’t eating and asked if I was okay. “Yes, I’m just so full.” I looked at his plate and saw he was almost finished with his. I scooted my dish toward him. “The way you’re going, you’ll want this,” I teased.

  He raised a brow and took my spoon in his hand. I watched as he scooped some of the dessert onto it, then held it up to my lips. Not knowing what else to do, I opened them and felt him gently push the spoon inside. My lips settled over it, taking the delicious food into my mouth as he slowly took the spoon back out, watching me the whole time. He repeated it once more, only the second time, he leaned over to kiss some crème off the corner of my mouth, his tongue darting out and sending lightning bolts throughout my whole body.

  His eyes became hooded, and he dropped the spoon on the table. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I can’t take it anymore, come with me.” I didn’t resist when he took my hand and stood, excusing us. I didn’t miss Blair’s glare as we walked out of the dining room, into the deserted hallway.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, trying to keep up with him.

  He didn’t answer, just kept pulling me behind him. We turned a few corners before he finally led us into a large restroom for one and locked the door. I had never seen a bigger restroom in my life. It had a vanity made of black granite and a mirror surrounded with light bulbs. The tile was made of white marble and seemed to shine. I saw a cream velvet couch against the wall that was large and plush, making me want to sit down and avoid the rest of the gala, but Knox had other plans. When he turned to face me, it felt as if I were his prey with no hope of escape. I backed up a few paces, but he reached me and grabbed the top of my arms with his hands pushing me up against the wall.

  He lowered his head and seared his lips onto mine. Every nerve on my body went into high alert as his tongue plunged in my mouth while his hand went to the back of my neck, caressing it. I whimpered as he started to suck gently on my tongue and pressed himself into me, his erection pushing on my stomach. He had never been this bold with me before, and I was pleased to find it wasn’t frightening me. It only made me want more.

  He tore his lips from mine, resting his forehead on my own, breathing hard. “I couldn’t wait any longer to do that,” he breathed out. “You are killing me in all the right ways, Lucy Simmons. I thought I was going to explode.”

  I stared into his eyes, loving his words. I decided to take Megan’s advice and just go with it. I reached up to feel the scruff I’d wanted to touch all night, running my hand down his face. He closed his eyes as I did, leaning into my hand.

  “You have no idea.” He lifted his head off my forehead and pinned me with his eyes. “You have no idea how I feel about you, do you?” he asked, never taking his gaze off mine. He bent down to kiss me lightly. “It’s crazy, Lucy,” he continued. “We hardly know each other, and I can’t explain it, but the intensity scares me too. I’ve dated a lot,” he said, smiling when he saw me wince a little at that, then kissed me lightly again. “I’ve dated a lot, but no one, no one, has made me feel the way you do.”

  I was tired of fighting it, fighting my immense attraction for him. I realized it wasn’t Drake holding me back anymore, it was me. I pulled his head to me and kissed him harder than I ever had before, then framed his face with my hands. He grabbed onto my waist, and pushed me against the wall again, never breaking our kiss. His hands shoved into my hair as he turned my head to deepen the kiss. I dropped my hands from his face and wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him tight against me. When I felt his fingers start to run a path down my face, then my neck, I didn’t stop him.

  When his hand reached my chest and gently grazed my breast, I moaned softly, pushing myself into it. He squeezed and massaged, brushing his thumb over my nipple, all the while giving me a bruising kiss. When his hand suddenly left my breast and started to go down my body, more bolts of lightning went off in my stomach.

  He broke our kiss as his hand found the most sensitive part of my body, then he started kissing down my neck, just above my collarbone. “This spot has been calling to me all night,” he said huskily as he started to rub me over my dress. I moaned at his touch.

  “Do you like that, angel?” he asked as he started to suck on my neck. I was sure he would leave a mark.


  When I felt his hand start to lift up my dress, my breathing hitched. It surprised me how much I needed his touch. I opened my legs just a little, and felt him smile against my neck as his fingers started to rub over my thin, black lace panties.

  “Ah shit Lucy, can you feel how wet you are?” he moaned, moving his lips back to mine again. I ran my fingers through his hair, loving the soft feel of it, and threw my head back against the wall as I felt his fingers slide inside my panties.

  At the first stroke of his finger over my sensitive spot, I cried out. He lifted his head from mine. “Is this okay?” he asked, stilling his finger.
br />   “Yes,” I breathed, “don’t stop.”

  He started stroking me again, and I felt my knees start to buckle. He thrust his leg between mine, steadying me. His fingers started to move faster, circling, then moving back and forth. A sensational tingling started to build inside my body, beginning in my toes, and I bit down on my lip, trying not to cry out.

  Knox nuzzled my neck, planting kisses below my ear. “Don’t fight it, baby, let it come. No one can hear you, we’re too far away.”

  As his finger kept moving at its dizzying pace, the pressure continued to build, and I knew I was close. I clutched onto his shoulders, digging my fingernails in, and held on as the pressure erupted into the most amazing waves of pleasure I had ever experienced. I screamed his name over and over, and he didn’t stop until I pushed his hand away, not being able to take anymore, and collapsed against his chest. His arms wrapped around me as he led me over to the sofa, and sat me down on his lap.

  He ran his hand up and down my back, letting me enjoy the last bit of my pleasure as he planted kisses in my hair.

  “You are so amazing,” he whispered when he felt my body finally go still, wrapping me in his arms tighter. “That was amazing.”

  I kept my eyes closed as I enjoyed what just happened, and the soothing motion of his hand rubbing my back, but maybe… maybe he thought I was a whore?

  “What is it?” he asked as I stiffened against him.

  “Do you…” I swallowed the bile that threatened to come up.

  “Do I what, baby?” he asked, still rubbing my back.

  I reached for the little courage I had and looked him in the eye. “Do you think I’m a whore now?”


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