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Discovering Lucy

Page 11

by Laura Dunaway

  HIS EYES WIDENED IN SHOCK, and he framed my face with his hands, making me look at him. “What did you just say?”

  I couldn’t tell if he was angry or not. “You heard me,” I whispered, lowering my eyes.

  “Yes, I heard you, I just can’t believe what I heard. Of course I don’t think you’re a whore,” he said, choking on that last word. “Why the hell would you even think that?”

  I ran my hand through my hair, now feeling like an idiot for letting my insecurities take over, again. Having been called a whore and a bitch for most of my relationship with Drake, those words were scarred on my brain. Drake had succeeded in making me think every man would, at some point, see me that way.

  Knox pressed a sweet kiss on my lips, rubbing his thumbs in circles on my cheeks. “Lucy, talk to me.”

  I finally looked up at him, and the concern and tenderness in his beautiful eyes made the tears start to well in mine. I sighed as he wiped one away with his thumb. “I’ve only been with one other guy,” I started, doing my best to stay calm, “and needless to say, he wasn’t very kind to me.”

  I looked back at him, and saw his expression had only changed slightly. “What do you mean?”

  I looked away, and he removed his hands from my face, then picked one of my hands up and held it between his own, giving me the comfort I needed.

  “He called me names. Whore, bitch, slut, you name it,” I said quietly. I felt him go rigid behind me, but he didn’t say anything. “It wasn’t always like that. At first he was sweet and made me feel special, but after a while, he started changing.”

  Knox squeezed my hand, encouraging me to continue.

  “I kept telling myself I was reading too much into things. He was stressed at work because his boss was always on his case. He didn’t have a great relationship with his family, especially his mom. I just kept making excuses.”

  When I looked up at him, I saw a nerve ticking in his jaw. I wasn’t sure I could do this.

  You can trust him, Lucy.

  He started massaging my hand with his fingers, and I let my head fall back onto his chest. “Lucy, this is about that scar on your ribs, isn’t it?”

  I nodded. “We had just gotten home from the carnival, and he was angry because he’d lost at one of the batting games. He’s very competitive and hates to lose. I was doing my best to try to calm him down, but nothing was working. When we walked into our apartment, I gave it one more shot, and he just reached out and pushed me, yelling for me to shut up.”

  Knox stiffened behind me, but didn’t say anything.

  “When I stayed silent, it enraged him. He stalked over to me, taunting me about how I was suddenly silent, not trying to make him feel better. When I opened my mouth to respond, he slapped me across the face.” The memory flashed in my head, and it was as if Drake had slapped me all over again. I put a hand to my cheek and gently rubbed.

  Knox swore under his breath. “Son of a bitch. I knew something had happened to you, I knew, even before I saw your scar. Any man who hits a woman is the biggest coward on earth. Shit, Lucy!” he yelled, running both hands through his hair. I jolted at his tone, and he immediately apologized.

  “I’m sorry, that wasn’t toward you. If I could, I would beat the living shit out of him right now.” He pulled back to look in my eyes. He wiped away another tear with his thumb, his expression softening. He then asked the question I dreaded answering.

  “How long did it last?”

  Shame filled my gut. The fact that I hadn’t left when it first happened showed what a coward I was and the fact that I stayed with Drake for three years? That was something I’d never forgive myself for.

  He saw me thinking and leaned in to kiss my lips. When he looked back at me, he ran a hand through my hair, gently massaging my scalp. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “It doesn’t matter how long, what’s important is that you got out.”

  I started to twist my hands in my lap. “Three years,” I barely whispered.

  He kept massaging my scalp, then moved down to my neck. “Lucy,” he said quietly. “Do you realize how many women never leave? I am so proud of you for leaving, for getting away from that bastard. Don’t ever feel nervous to tell me anything, because I will never judge you.”

  Relief flooded over me. “You mean that?” I asked faintly.

  “Look at me,” he commanded. When I did, he gave me a slight smile. “I mean it with all of my heart. I’ll never lie to you, Lucy.”

  I was feeling so many emotions, and I could barely process them all. Talking about Drake, Knox’s words of comfort and the shock that he didn’t judge me sent me reeling.

  “What happened to him?” Knox asked.

  “I don’t know. When I finally left, I got a protective order against him. He spent a night in jail and hasn’t tried to contact me since. Because it was his first offense, he got six months of community service and anger management. I had no desire to stay in that town, so I moved here. To my knowledge, he has no idea where I am.”

  He rested his chin on my head, not saying anything. I could feel the wheels spinning in his head. “How did he give you that scar?”

  I cringed, and focused on a painting on the wall as I spoke. “I got home really late from work one night. I used to work at a diner, closing shift. Usually there wasn’t much to do, so I was rarely home late, but that night the local bowling team had rented out the diner. The guys got pretty crazy, so there was a ton of clean up afterwards. I should have texted him, but I got busy and forgot. When I finally walked in our apartment, two hours later than I usually would have, he lost it. He accused me of having an affair, of being a whore, and started beating me. He hit me in my gut more than once, and I fell to the floor, then he started kicking. He kicked me in that same place over and over as he yelled, and the edge of his boot sliced my skin open and broke my ribs.”

  When I looked up at him, his eyes were staring at something in the distance, and his hands were fisted at his sides. “Are you okay, Knox?”

  He exhaled, then ran a hand down his face. “You just told me that bastard beat the shit out of you, and you’re asking me if I’m okay? I would kill that son of a bitch in a heartbeat if I could. I’ve never been more enraged than I am right now, so no, I’m definitely not okay.”

  I didn’t want him to be upset. “It was a while ago, Knox,” I whispered. “Please don’t let it make you so upset. It’s in the past.”

  “Listen to me,” he said quietly. “This man beat you severely, breaking your ribs. He beat you over and over. That’s not something that’s just in the past, he should be rotting in a jail cell. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Lucy, and I’m humbled you opened up to me. I promise I will never betray you or your trust.”

  I sat back and studied him, really studied him. I was in awe of his absolute raw beauty, and knew I would be for as long as I lived. What he had just said and how he had just said it, was by far the most beautiful thing he could do for me.


  I reached up and pressed my lips lightly to his, touching my hand to his face. “Thank you.”

  He sat back and smiled at me. Not his regular Knox smile. This one was new, meant to comfort me, and it did. “Are you ready to go back?” he gently asked.

  I nodded. He stood, then extended his hand to help me up. We didn’t say anything as we exited the restroom, hand in hand.


  I turned my head and saw Justin. What are at the chances of running into him there, in a deserted hallway? I looked at him curiously. “Uh, hey Justin.”

  He turned to Knox and stuck his hand out for him to shake. Knox shook, then released it, putting his arm around me.

  “What are you guys doing?” he asked, raising a brow.

  Knox pulled me closer. “Lucy wasn’t feeling well, so I came to make sure she was okay. What are you doing here?”

  Justin looked at me, concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I’m fine, than

  “Good,” Justin replied. “I was actually coming to find a restroom myself because the one by the ballroom is full. Are you here for the Andy Cooper thing too?”

  Knox nodded. They talked a few more minutes, then Justin reached out and placed a hand on my arm. “I hope you’re feeling better, Lucy. It’s good to see you both.” He dropped his hand and continued walking down the hall. I saw him pull out his cell phone.

  When Knox and I were back in the ballroom, I looked up at him. “That was weird.”

  He nodded, thinking about something. “Yeah, very.”

  We reached our table and Blair shot me daggers as we sat down. I needed to remember to ask Knox about her. I felt him put his arm around the back of my chair, and I instinctually leaned into him.

  “Is everything okay?” Blair asked. “You sure were gone a long time.”

  Knox gave a curt nod. “We’re fine Blair, thank you.” It pleased me he offered no explanation. It obviously didn’t please her by the look on her face. Honestly, how many women were out there besides Mindy and Blair who wanted him?

  Andy Cooper thanked us all for coming and closed the evening, telling everyone to please stay and enjoy some dancing and cocktails.

  “What do you want to do Lucy? Should we stay and dance for a while, or are you ready to go home?”

  Before I could answer, Dr. Mason pulled Knox aside. As I watched them chat, I felt Blair’s eyes blazing into me. It took all of my effort not to turn and glare back at her. I refused to stoop to her level. As Knox was walking toward me, she intercepted him. “Knox, don’t go yet, hon. Let’s dance.”

  I stiffened, but he put his hands on her shoulders, and moved her aside. “If I’m going to dance, Blair, it’s going to be with Lucy. Please excuse me.”

  Happiness soared through me. I stood up from my chair, grabbed my clutch, and stood on my tiptoes so I could whisper in his ear. “I want to go home,” I said quietly, taking his hand.

  “Your wish is my command,” he told me as he took my hand, leading me out the door.

  Justin walked into the restroom holding his phone. He flipped it open and punched in a number. He listened until the other line picked up.

  “It’s me,” he said. “She definitely has settled here. Seems she’s also found herself a new man, and this isn’t just your average Joe. The guy is Knox Taylor. He’s huge here in the city. We definitely need to be even more careful now, but you’re damn lucky I’m an attorney here in New York …Why? Because it doesn’t look weird at all for me to be seen at these stupid social functions. I just tell them my firm bought a table, and they don’t think twice.”

  He continued listening to the other end of the line, a slow grin appearing over his face. “Consider it done, man,” he said, putting his phone back in his pocket. He started whistling as he shut the stall door.

  This would be fun.

  WHEN WE GOT BACK TO my apartment, I was relieved to see that Megan and Sean weren’t home. The last thing I wanted was to have her all over us, especially after what had happened earlier. I just wanted to have Knox to myself for a little more…if he wanted to stay.

  I set my clutch down on the table and turned to look at him. “Do you want to stay and hang out for a while, or do you need to get going?” I tried to act like I didn’t care either way, but inside I was dying for him to stay. Now that I had let him in, I couldn’t stand the thought of him running.

  He shook his head, which was telling me he couldn’t believe I’d asked that. “What do you think?” he asked softly.

  I looked up at him, falling more and more in the depths of his beautiful eyes. I smiled. “I’m guessing you want to stay and hang out for a while?”

  He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. “Bingo.” He lifted his head and took my hand, leading me to the couch.

  He pulled me down on his lap and pulled me against his chest. “You smell so good,” he whispered.

  We stayed that way for a few minutes, just enjoying each other’s company. My arm started to fall asleep, so I stretched out on the couch, resting my head on his lap. He started to run his fingers through my hair.

  “Comfy?” he asked, looking down at me.


  He continued running his fingers through my hair and my eyes started to flutter. I was falling asleep when I heard him ask me a question.

  “Do you have the protective order here, Lucy?”

  I opened my eyes and sighed. “Yes, it’s in my file cabinet in my room, and I have another in my purse. I don’t go anywhere without it, just in case.”

  He ran a hand down his face. “I don’t want to push you, but I can’t stop thinking about what you told me. May I at least ask the bastard’s name?”

  I took a deep breath. “Drake,” I said, exhaling.

  A nerve in his jaw started to tick. “Drake,” he said under his breath. “Bastard. Do you have any idea where he is?”

  I looked up at him. “I assume he’s still back home.”

  “Do you have any family?”

  I cringed. “Sort of.”

  He stopped moving his fingers in my hair, and I groaned at the loss. He tipped my chin up to look at him. “Sort of? What does that mean exactly?”

  I sat up and crossed my legs underneath me, then leaned my arm against the back of the couch, and rested my head in my hand. I fiddled with a string on my dress, trying to keep myself occupied.

  “I never knew my dad,” I started. “He’d left before I was born, and my mom never got over it. She was constantly telling me how pathetic men were, and how they didn’t give a shit about us. She was an okay mom until I started high school. She wasn’t around much after that. She’d go to work, then go spend time with her boyfriend of the week. She never took much interest in my schooling or me. I’m still not sure to this day why she checked out.”

  He shook his head, then put his arm around me, pulling me close. “I’m so sorry Lucy. I can’t imagine having to grow up like that. You are the most intriguing, beautiful person I know, and she of all people should have realized that.”

  He was too good to be true. “Honestly, Knox, who are you?”

  He chuckled, running his fingers through my hair again. “Where’s your mom now?” he asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “Back home, living in the same house she raised me in. I told her I was leaving town, but she doesn’t care. I’ve only talked to her a few times and only when I’ve called her.”

  He took a deep breath. “Does she know about Drake?”

  “She found out when I left him and got the protective order. I had to move in with her for a while. She told me it was a good thing I left, and that was it.”

  His jaw was clenched, and it mystified me how upset he was over everything. He looked at me intently. “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m just a little confused why you are so upset about what I’ve told you. You didn’t know me then, and you couldn’t have changed what happened.” I wasn’t sure what he was thinking. I hadn’t meant to offend him…maybe he was mad at me? I started to tremble with nervousness.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” he said, pulling me to him. “What happened? Why are you shaking?”

  “Are you angry with me?” I asked him quietly.

  He pulled me closer, and kissed my hair. “How could I be mad at you? I’m not him, and I will never treat you like he did, ever. I still want to hunt him down and kill him though. I’m not sure that desire will ever go away.”

  I had wanted to kill Drake many times too. He was the most disgusting human being I’d ever met.

  “To answer your question,” he continued, “I think anyone would be upset hearing what you went through, but for me, it’s more than that. Lucy, my feelings for you are strong, stronger than you realize.”

  My eyes widened. I had always been attracted to him, but I hadn’t wanted more until recently. A part of me was immediately scared and wanted to hide, but a stronger part was excited.

sp; He ran a hand down my face. “Don’t be scared,” he whispered. “I won’t ever hurt you. Let me show you just how good I can be to you, let me show you how a real man treats a woman.”

  I wanted him to do those things. I wanted to know how all of that felt. I deserved it didn’t I? I hadn’t done anything in my life not to have all of those things. I wanted those things.

  I turned and looked him straight in the eye. “Yes. Yes, I want those things…if you mean it.”

  “I meant every word. Get ready for the ride of your life.” He grinned as he bent his head and kissed me, making me forget about everything else but him.

  True to his word, Knox started to show me how a woman should be treated. He sent me flowers every other day, and wined and dined me every night. When we weren’t working or sleeping, we were together, and I loved every minute of it.

  Thoughts of Drake still slipped in, but Knox was patient, and understanding, never pushing me to tell him more than what I was ready to. I realized as each day went by that he had given me a huge gift, the gift of enjoying life.

  A few weeks after the gala, I was helping a customer when I saw the flower deliveryman approach. I smiled as I finished telling her about the different mascaras she was inquiring about, excited that Knox was sending me flowers. When she told me she was going to think about it and walked away, I turned my attention to the deliveryman.


  “Hello again, Ms. Simmons,” he smiled. “I have another delivery for you.”

  He handed the beautiful bouquet of yellow roses to me, and the slip of paper to sign. I signed my name and thanked him, sniffing the roses as he walked away. I would never tire of Knox doing this.

  “For someone who told me a while back they weren’t interested in Mr. Taylor, you could have fooled me.” I looked up to see Mindy staring me down as she walked toward me.

  I put the flowers down on the counter. “Well, things change, Mindy.” She rolled her eyes and picked up the bouquet. I forced myself not to reach out and grab them from her.

  “Things change, huh?” she hissed. “Believe me, Lucy, I know. Before you came along, Knox was mine.”


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