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Captured (Conner West Book 2)

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by River Van Zandt


  Conner West Series, #2

  River Van Zandt


  Text Copyright © 2015 River Van Zandt

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, or any events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author's imagination.

  Cover Design by DL Designs


  I've been sitting here looking out the window of my office for who knows how long now. If I were a smoker, I'd probably be having a cigarette right now. I've been trying to clear my mind, decide what I want to do with myself, if I wanted to go after her. You see, everyone knows who I am. If I go after this girl, claws would come out because I'm the ever elusive, most eligible bachelor, Conner West.

  God, some women would kill someone to be with me. To be the one that makes me settle down, to be the one that actually gets the girlfriend title. Sad to say, it will never happen. First thing, I don't want a girlfriend. I like being on my own, no one to check in with. It allows me to focus on my now international company, West Security. The second thing is that none of those women are Maggie May. She's the only one that has ever gotten close enough to get that girlfriend title. By close enough, I mean right under my skin to where I can't forget that she was there. She was intriguing.

  At first, Maggie didn't appear to be my type. She was the sweet girl-next-door type. She put everyone else first before herself, their happiness came before her own. Hell, that's what made her the best damn assistant anyone could ask for. Anything I needed, she jumped right to it. She was always two steps ahead of the others in the meetings, being anyone I needed her to be. She was just good at the job and I couldn't fuck it up, but I did. I should have never let her get to me like she did. That damn night in the garage changed that perception of her and Maggie then became my biggest temptation. A temptation I couldn't resist, which led to her quitting. She felt so good under me. It was the first time in my life that I wished I did things differently. I should have left her alone, not let her get to me.

  I sighed staring out into the darkness. The city lights were vast in front of me but in the distance, there was just a dark, depressing open void. I knew the mountains were there. I could never get enough of them, but in the darkness of the night, they were hidden from view. You wouldn't know they were there until you were right up against them. I looked over at the clock. It was half past eight. I didn't want to leave the building. I had nothing waiting for me at home, not that I ever did before though. That was one of the great things about being a bachelor, I could do whatever I wanted, when I wanted, but after Maggie May walked out on me a couple months ago, something shifted in my life.

  I picked up my phone and stared at the screen. I scrolled down into my contacts and landed on Maggie's number. I hadn't called or tried to text her since she quit, but I've come close several times. She was the itch I couldn't scratch. No matter what I did, I could remedy the feeling. I hovered over the send button, hoping that my resolve would stay strong. It didn't. I pressed send for the first time in weeks, showing my weakness for her.

  It rang as I lifted it up to my ear. I held my breath, praying she would answer.

  "Maggie May?" Her voice was calm, relaxed, like she didn't know who was calling. "Hello?" she spoke again.

  "Uh, hi," I answered. I couldn't figure out what else to say. I mean what could I say after the way we left things.


  I froze as she said my name. There was a jolt of electricity that ran through me as I heard my name on her lips. Never before did I have such a strong reaction to a woman, let alone the feeling slowly starting to emerge within me. "I'm sorry, this was a mistake." I ended the call before she had a chance to speak again.

  I stood up and headed over to my small closet where my jacket was hanging. I took it off the hanger and slipped it on. I just needed to get out and get someone under me. Something to take my mind of Maggie and I knew just the place to do it.


  Walking out of the building, I was met by the night's cool air. I adjusted the collar of my jacket as I walked down the road. The spot I was going to was just a couple blocks away, no need to move my car. That was nice thing about downtown. There were a few places to meet up after work and they were within walking distance from my building.

  I turned the corner and saw the line leading up to the nightclub. It was definitely one of the more popular spots downtown, but I made my way to the front. I provided some of the security in this nightclub so I never waited in line. This place was once known as the place to come to get murdered, mugged, or even raped. Since I took over security, it's one of the top now. No more nastiness in the place, no more thugs. Security details and cameras were to thank for that, let's not forget the change in management either. Part of the deal with the owner, who had several other separate locations, was I controlled the management. I didn't want this place's then reputation to interfere with my business reputation. One bad location and it could potentially ruin everything I built.

  "Evening, Mr. West," the bouncer greeted.

  "Evening, Beau. We about ready to open the doors?" I glanced at my watch. It was almost nine which is when we opened.

  "Yes sir, as always."

  "Good. Keep them all in line out here," I chuckled as I clapped him on the back as I headed in. I knew nothing ever went wrong with Beau on duty.

  Walking inside I was greeted by various workers. I sat at the bar and waited for one to become available. They were busy getting a few things ready before patrons started flooding through the door. I looked over at Sean who was bringing in some more glasses. Terrence waltzed by with some limes. I watched her slice through them quickly and place them. When she was done, she quickly washed the knife and dried her hand.

  "Mr. West, what can I get you?"

  "Crown please."


  I nodded. She quickly poured me a tumbler glass of Crown and set it in front on me. "Tab please." I raised the glass and she turned to the system to start me one. I had a feeling that in order to get Maggie out of my mind, I would be drinking several of these. I took a sip and felt the smooth fire run down the back of my throat. I took another and then another. So much for taking it slow like I thought I would. Sipping on Crown was not what I was doing. I set the empty glass down. I heard the doors open behind me. I waived down Terrance and she filled me up again.

  This time I took my time drinking as patrons began to fill the counter space around me. I watched as they received their drink orders and scurried out to various regions of the club. The music started playing within minutes of the doors opening. Between the volume of the music and the drink in my hand, I was sure that Miss May would soon be forgotten.

  Grabbing my drink, I left to find myself a corner table so I could sit without being in the way. I saw the dance floor filling up as I headed over to the table area. I saw one open and headed towards it when I noticed the ladies at the table next to it. They began whispered amongst themselves when they saw me heading their way. I gave them a smile and decided to approach them instead.

  "Good evening ladies," I winked at the blonde. "How are we doing tonight?" Hopefully within the hour I will have them eating out of my hand and ready to go home with me.

  "Better now that you're here," she smiled back. "Ashley," she stuck her hand out. My, my...we had a formal one here.

  "Conner." I took
it and turned her hand, kissing her on the knuckles. This may not be too hard after all.

  "Tara," the other one said, not offering her hand.

  "Mind if I join you ladies?"

  "Please do," Ashley smiled. I knew that I could get Ashley to my bed easier than I could Tara. Tara seemed a little put off by me, but maybe I could change her mind.

  I set my drink down and leaned against the table when a third woman joined us. "Sorry it took so long, some jerk in front of me cut me off before I got up to order." She placed one down in front of Tara and kissed her temple. Lovers, that's why Tara didn't seem interested in me. The woman looked over at me. "Sam," she held her hand out.


  "Nice to meet you. I take it you already know my girlfriend Tara and our friend Ashley."

  "Sure do," I winked over at Ashley. She smiled and leaned in to take a drink, exposing her rack to me. I smiled as she gazed up at me. She wasn't a ten but still fucking hot enough for me.

  "Come on Tara, let's dance. Leave these two to get to know each other. They both have looks like they could fuck each other right here on the floor." Sam dragged Tara away.

  I looked over at Ashley who was beet red now. "Sorry about Sam, she thinks because I flirt a little with any guy and he responds, we are instantly fucking each other at the end of the night."

  We both smiled. Sam wasn't exactly wrong. If I were really on my game we would be heading to the back office within ten minutes.

  It wasn't long before we fell into easy conversation. We both finished our drinks and I waived a server down and ordered our next round. I was definitely turning on the charm. She kept on talking and I just listened to her. I found out through our little conversation that I was her boss's boss. Ashley didn't seem to recognize who I was, but then again I had no idea she worked in my building either, only a few floors down from me. After a few more drinks, I was ready to get out of the nightclub. "Wanna head back to my place?" I offered.

  "Yes," she agreed much too quickly. Lucky for me I didn't have to ask again. I stood up and grabbed my suit jacket. She grabbed her clutch and I led her out of the nightclub.

  "Let me call a cab," I smiled as I kissed her temple. She giggled as she took her phone out.

  "Gonna text Tara let know I'm leaving."

  "Good plan," I smiled as I held my phone up to my ear, calling a cab.

  Within minutes the cab was picking us up. I gave my address and the cab took off. I pulled Ashley in closer and ran my finger up and down her arm as she snuggled in under the crook of my arm. She nestled her head on my shoulder. Before long, she kissed the base of my neck, twisting her body halfway over mine. This cabbie needed to hurry it up.


  We finally pulled up to my building. I gave the cabbie thirty dollars and told him to keep the change. The doorman opened up the door for us and tipped his hat. I ushered Ashley in who seemed to be in awe about the new building. In reality my building was only a few miles away from the center of downtown. We climbed into the elevator and I entered the numerical code that would take us to the top floor. That was where my penthouse was nestled. I stood in front of her and pressed my lips firmly against hers. She greedily took my kiss and began to unbutton my shirt. I grabbed her wrists and held them above her head. She wasn't going to lead this, I was. I pressed my body against hers and I felt every curve Ashley had. She felt good against me and I felt my cock harden against my zipper.

  The elevator dinged and opened up I turned her around and led her into the foyer. I broke contact as I grabbed her purse and threw it on the counter. I emptied my keys out of my pocket and threw them next to her stuff. I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards my bedroom. My cock was in need of a sweet, tight pussy and Ashley was my ticket tonight. I led her to the bed and turned to her. I unzipped her dress and let it pool around her ankles. She wore no bra but a very sexy thong. I sucked in air admiring the true beauty that stood before me.

  The corner of her mouth lifted as she took a half step forward. She grabbed on to the tie still wrapped around my neck and loosened it, kissing the stubble on my jaw. She lifted her head and she took the tie off. This time as she began to unbutton my shirt, I let her. She laid an ever gentle kiss on my lips and I wrapped both my hand in her hair, pressing harder against her lips. A small groan escaped me as she tugged my shirt out of my slacks. I pulled my shirt off and she started in on my belt. I couldn't handle any more of her slow seduction. I pushed her down on the bed and she pulled my belt halfway off as she fell backwards. I quickly got rid of the only clothing obstacle left on me. She watched me as I climbed over her.

  "I'm ready for you to fuck me, Conner."

  "Who am I to keep you waiting then," I smiled as I slid two of my fingers into her.

  I was surprised by how wet she was. She was beyond ready for me. No prep work needed. I removed my fingers and slid my begging cock into her. I held myself above her on my forearms. I felt her relax under me as she got used to me being in her. She was just as tight as I could have imagined. I looked down at her face and she had a 'come-and-get-me' grin plastered on her face. She was ready. I started moving my hips, slowly but forcefully. She closed her eyes and tipped her head back, arching herself underneath me to try to steady herself and keep her from sliding. I suddenly thought of Maggie and quickly stopped. I stood up and backed a few steps away. This was supposed to keep Maggie off my mind, not bring images of her under me to the forefront.

  "Flip over," I commanded. "I want you on all fours."

  She stared at me for a few moments before she obeyed. I took notice of her shapely ass. She must work out to keep it that good looking. I nestled myself against her and she wiggled her ass. She turned her head to look back at me, inviting me in her again. "Ready to play?" she asked.

  I answered her when I shoved my cock back into her. She moaned in pleasure. Her hips started to match my unforgiving rhythm. She took every ounce of me, she rocked back for more. Ashley was a rare breed of a woman. She seemed to enjoy the rougher stuff without going over the edge. She was a one-night stand sort of woman. I could tell when I fucked her, which only reminded me even more that I wanted Maggie. I wanted her to be in this room with me, not some floozy I met at the bar. Becoming angry with myself, I slammed into her with such ferocity, I'm surprised we both aren't crying out in pain. My frustrations were being taken out on Ashley, but she didn't seem to mind. Before I knew it, she cried out in pleasure before her top half slumped down on the bed. I was nowhere near finished.

  She slid forward, stopping me from continuing. Breathlessly she flipped over. She had a devilish look on her face like she was trying to prepare herself for more. She got up on her knees and kissed me. My cock throbbed hanging there, not getting the attention it wanted. "Let me take care of you now," she pushed me back slightly. Quietly demanding that I lay down. I told myself earlier I wouldn't lose control again, but here I was, giving in.

  Ashley climbed on top of me and gently lowered herself on me. She let herself get used to me once again even though it hadn't been more than three minutes since she pulled away from me. Her hips started moving in slow circles. My cock felt every small movement. I grabbed on to her hips as she sped up to help keep her stabilized. She ran her hands up and down my chest and then dragged her nails down the skin of my stomach. She slowly raised herself up, tightening around my already begging cock. She let herself fall back down to where our hips met. The sudden change of pace from her lifting herself up and letting herself back down was amazing. My cock begged for more as she continued to speed up and really ride me. It wouldn't be too long before I came inside her.

  She leaned back slightly, repositioning herself on top of me. She arched her back as on hand rested on my thigh and she moved up and down my cock. This time she tightened her muscles to make her pussy feel as tight as I remembered Maggie’s to be. I shut my eyes and just allowed myself to think of her, of Maggie even though I was inside another woman and desperately wanted Maggie out of my head. Maybe thi
s was the only way it could happen. Just let myself imagine and then I could focus on the woman that was really with me. Was it wrong, fuck yes, but it felt oh so good. A low growl escaped me as Maggie took over in my mind. Ashley responded as well, moving faster, her nails digging into my thighs. Fuck if this were Maggie I don't think I could contain myself this long. I would have been spent by now. I started moving my own hips to match Ashley's rhythm which only seemed to bring her closer to her own orgasm.

  "Fuck," I breathed. She leaned forward and fucked me like her life depended on it. I could tell she was getting right on the edge of her own ecstasy by the way she took it to the next level. I stopped her a few inches above me and held her there. I took over on the fucking right there. I raised my hips to meet her going faster than her rhythm. She clutched onto my arms and leaned forward as her slick pussy took my beating once more. I felt my orgasm coming close and starting fucking her like there was no tomorrow. I felt my body seize up as my release came. She lowered down with my hips, collapsing onto my chest as my cock continued to fill her.

  Fuck, I just now though about a condom. I didn't use one. "You protected? Safe?" I asked.

  In between her heavy breaths, she answered, "Of course and trust me, I'm clean. It's been awhile since I've been with anyone. I had a bad break up a few months back. For rebound sex, this was amazing."

  I didn't know how I felt about being rebound sex, but I kept silent. She rolled off of my and headed to the bathroom. I assume she wanted to clean up. When she came out, she grabbed her clothes. "I need to call a cab," she stated as she slipped her dress back on.

  I looked at her dumbfounded. Usually I had to kick girls out of my room, but not this one. "Let me do that."

  "No I got it. I know how you operate Mr. West," she smirked. So she did know me. I never gave her my last name at the club. "Don't worry about it. I had the time of my life tonight, but I'm a big girl and know how these one-night stands work. Let me have some dignity by hailing my own ride."


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