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Captured (Conner West Book 2)

Page 2

by River Van Zandt

  "Ok." I managed to say quickly. I don't know why those words came out versus anything else, but they did. She left the room without saying another word. I heard the elevator ding within a couple minutes and just like that she was gone.


  I sat in the boardroom not paying attention to what was going on. Jeff was trying to strike the deal but this owner was being extremely difficult. My assistant Amelia sat there doodling on her notebook. If Maggie were here, she would be engaged in the conversation when she was needed. She also had a way of charming clients by simply sitting there. Things she anticipated they may need: drinks/snacks they may like were always readily available. Amelia was none of that. She did the bare minimum like most assistants. I would be surprised if she talked badly about me behind my back.

  Jeff gave our final counter offer as we planned. Jeff and I always made a plan before any big meeting. We went over every possible move we anticipated from Mr. Hemingway. We knew he was going to be a tough sell but he is recognized anywhere he goes. If we get in with him it would build our reputation to a solid one, much like the Dimond Resort chain took us to the international level. Hemingway's business was on the same scale as Dimond was, if not higher. Sitting here looking at Mr. Hemingway, I was doubting our strategy that Jeff and I came up. Mr. Hemingway didn't seem to be biting at anything we offered.

  "Mr. West," Hemingway turned his attention on me. "Why do you think you are the best?"

  I stared at him, Jeff has already answered this question. I knew he was testing to see if Jeff and I were on the same page. "Why are we the best? Look at our reputation, it speaks for itself." Vague, but satisfying enough. It would led him to his own conclusions and he could see some of our client list that we provided him. Of course it was listing the ones that were non-competitors and wouldn't break any non-disclosures.

  I heard him sigh as he leaned back. "Well Mr. West, let me get this contract over to legal. You and Mr. Cutter have yourself a deal." He stood and extended his hand. I smiled and followed his suit, grasping his hand as I stood up and smiled. He shook hands with Jeff and we all left the meeting in a good mood. I knew I was going to have a few busy weeks ahead of me as we went through all the paperwork together. I hoped that with this new deal, I can finally move on, get back to business and of course, not let a woman drive my every waking thought.

  Walking out of the meeting, I ran into Ashley on the elevator. She smiled at me, but because we weren't alone in the elevator, she didn't say a word to me. The elevator stopped on a floor, letting the other two people out. Then it was just Ashley and I.

  "Afternoon Mr. West."

  "Ashley," I smiled. "How are you today?"

  "Well, I'm doing well. How about yourself?"

  "Great. Wanna get together later?" I asked her. I saw her switch from one foot to another. I only asked because she was fantastic in bed. Many women I brought home laid there, not really interacting. I had to do a lot of work, but not with Ashley.

  "I can't. I'm a hit-it-and-quit-it type," she smirked as the elevator stopped and she stepped off. My stare followed her as she walked down the hallway. Her hips swayed as she walked and I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not. What was with these women lately? The elevator dinged as it announced it's arrival on my floor. I stepped off knowing that I needed to find new women to pick up. I couldn't handle another woman getting under my skin. One is enough.


  I walked into my penthouse, mentally exhausted from the day at West Security. The last couple of weeks have been gruesome as we finalized the deal with Hemingway and started the initial setup of our security protocols. It almost reminded me of the couple months I spent traveling around the world getting the Dimond Resorts up and running. I did my final resort two weeks ago. It reminded me of Maggie and my never-ending struggle with her. It had been almost three months since she walked out on me. It had been three weeks since I broke down and pressed the send button to call her. Right now though, I needed to focus on tonight.

  I had a couple hours before I would head over the club. We were in for a larger crowd tonight that worried me. I brought on a couple extra guys for the security team. I would be there in the office, making sure things went smoothly. The reputation of this club was finally turned around and I won't let anything destroy it. Of course, a possible hostile crowd is what happens when you bring in a popular DJ.

  Walking into my room, I turned on the water for a hot shower to wash the day away. I stripped out of my suit and stepped into the shower, letting the steam billow around me. It felt amazing and I knew this is what I needed. I needed to focus on myself and my business and I have succeeded for the most part today. Tonight I would put on jeans and tee, completely forgoing the businessman look. I would melt into the crowd and just have a good time, while making sure everyone was safe in my club. If needed, I would have a wireless ear piece in my ear and my guys could talk to me. I could also stay apprised of the situation throughout the night.

  It didn't take me long to dry off my hair and throw some briefs on. For a while, I laid in my bed, just enjoying the silence and calm, the relaxed stated the shower left me in. It wasn't very often that I could have a few stolen moments in my day before I laid down where I can just completely relax and not focus on a thing. I let my mind wander from one thought to the next, just aimlessly thinking about things I would like to do. Things that I could cross off my bucket list so to speak. I decided that maybe in the summertime I would head back home and see my family in the Midwest. Maybe even take them on a trip, all expenses paid of course. I wanted to expand some of the clubs by opening up a secondary location. I could possibly get that going if I can find some good locations. Looking at the clock, I knew my relaxing time was up. I rolled out of bed and headed towards my closet.

  I put on a pair of dark jeans, a belt and a plain white fitted shirt. I threw on a simple black suit jacket. It was a dressy casual but I was coming in as a business manager. Did I need suit and tie? No, but this would do. It looked like I was more than just your average night club manager. I looked over in the full-length mirror that my interior designer installed in my closet. My hair was a mess and I ran my fingers through it. I ran my hand along my chin, my stubble has grown a little longer, but I liked my new shadowed look. I went to the bathroom to finish getting ready.


  I walked into the club and made my way through the patrons that have already arrived. Aidan, one of the extra security details I brought in, said that the DJ was in house and about to go on. He met with the night manager and things seemed to be going smoothly already. I told him I would be watching from the VIP section beside the stage. He nodded before I left him to focus on the crowd that was steadily building once more.

  As I got to the VIP section, I had a table reserved for me. DJ Kingsley came up to greet me. We talked for a few minutes about his flight in and small talk. I wished him luck as he climbed up into the booth that we had set up earlier today. I looked around as the lights dimmed, seeing plenty of security in place. The night should go pretty smoothly.

  "GOOD EVENIN' EV'RYBODY!" DJ Kingsley greeted. He was met by the crowd yelling for him. "Who's ready to get this party STAARRRTED?" Again he was met by cheers and I smiled as I clapped for him. He started pumping music through the speakers. I felt the bass in my chest with as close to the stage as I was. This was definitely going to be a good night. I already saw many people with drinks in there hands, ready to party. If they got too out of control, Aidan and my security team would be right there to handle it. I put my ear piece in so I could hear the chatter among them.

  I ordered a drink as a server came by. I tipped generously as she walked away, taking care of the other patrons in the VIP section. Those people paid top dollar to get this close to the DJ. Hell anyone who walked through those doors tonight paid a pretty penny for this experience. I didn't know how well it would go over, but now that I do, I need to do this a couple times a year as a special event. I scanned the crowd, noticing a lo
t of voluptuous women were in front of me. I could easily pick one who would give their right arm for a chance to get into the VIP section. That's when I spotted her. Maggie was here. She wore a short little dress that showed a little too much. I wanted to run down there and cover her up but I refrained. She wasn't mine and it appeared that she brought a date.

  I don't know how much time had passed, but the music faded into the background as my eyes never left Maggie. She was rubbing up against another man. Basically having sex on my dance floor. I tried to look away, but if he so much as breathed on her the wrong way, I would take care of him myself. He placed his hands on Maggie's hips and tried moving her dress up. She quickly pushed his hands away, but he wasn't taking the hint. I found myself rising from my seat and heading towards them. The crowd parted and when I reached them, I came up from behind and ripped him off of her. "Get the fuck out now." I hollered over the music. He fell backwards. He came back towards me with murderous rage in his eyes. I knocked him out in one punch. My security team came moments after. "Get this piece of shit out of my club. He's banned."

  "Conner!" Maggie yelled behind me. "Stop, he didn't do anything!"

  "He was fucking groping you!" I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards my office. She was protesting all the way, trying to get out of my grip, but she was no match to my true strength. My knuckles were red and swollen from throwing the punch. It hurt like hell and I knew I needed to get some ice on them. We walked into my office and I slammed the door behind me, releasing my grip on Maggie. She rubbed her wrist and stared at me.

  "You have no right,"

  "I have every right!" I argued, interrupting her. "I have every single fucking right," I breathed. My anger level was slowly coming down but I could see a feisty Maggie coming out.

  "Fuck off Conner. You have no reign over me," she tried to storm past me but I caught her arm. She stopped at my side and I glanced down at her.

  "Don't leave." She didn't look at me, but she didn't progress any further. "I want you Maggie." Still no answer but I saw her breathing slightly pick up. I noticed her dress completely exposed her smooth back. I ran my hand down her bare spine. I saw the goosebumps form on her delicate skin.

  "I can't do this Conner. You don't fuck women more than once," she looked up at me. Her brown eyes were soft and I could see the hurt that laid behind them. I hurt her. I fucking hurt her. That's why she quit. "You don't fuck any woman more than once," she said again. "You don't. No woman has ever been given a second chance with you. You ignore them and I can't let you do that to me."

  She didn't know about the handful of women that did come back a second time, but she was right. The ladies that I don’t want a return visit from get ignored. I used them and threw them away. She unhooked her arm from my grasp and reached for the door. I didn't stop her. I let her walk out of the office and away from me. It took all the strength I had to not go after her. I couldn't force her to do anything in these circumstances. I would be no better than the guy I just threw out. She was hurt and I just manhandled her into my office. Sighing I headed out of the club. I told Aidan that if I was needed to call me. I needed to clear my head.


  I sat in my office. It was after five and everyone had gone home, including Amelia. It had been days since my run in with Maggie at the club. I have yet to go back to check on things and thankfully the guy decided not to press charges for whatever reason. If roles were reversed, you bet your ass I would be filing charges. I looked back down at the papers in front of me. It was for a Dimond Resort over in Dubai. A new addition to the deal we made earlier this year. Did I need to stay late to look it over? No, but I had nothing else to do, no one waiting for me.

  I don't know how I got so wrapped up in Maggie but my emotions are all over the place. I couldn't get the image of her standing before me with hurt hidden behind her eyes out of my head. It was something I never thought about. The destruction I caused. I had not slept with anyone since Ashley and all I could think about was my run in with Maggie. I hated that she had changed me. She walked into my empty heart, turned a light on in the dark space, and moved into my life before I even realized it. I never saw myself settling down because I enjoyed the bachelor life so much. I liked not having anyone to answer to, but now I just felt empty. When Maggie left, she left the light on and there was nothing to fill the void. My heart ached for her, wanted her, but my mind refused to entertain the idea of settling down. Whenever I thought about it, I felt like my tie was tightening around my neck, suffocating me.

  I sighed as I closed my eyes for a moment. I let an image of her come to the forefront, my hand running down Maggie's back. If she would have let me that night at the club, I would've let my hands roam along her body until she begged me to take her. Then I would slowly tease her until she was about to explode from just my touch. My cock was getting hard just thinking about her.

  "You would be the last one in the office," the soft voice sounded. I looked up and Maggie stood before me taking off her jacket, wearing a small, little red dress. Her heels were sky high, making her look irresistible. I stared at her mile-long legs, taking it the sight of her. I wanted her. I felt my cock bulge in my pants.

  "Maggie," I breathed. I stood and went to her, erection be damned. I cupped her face into my hands. "What are you doing here?"

  "I want to know why."

  "Why what?"

  "Why you pulled me into the office at the club? Why you were upset?"

  "Because that guy was all over you, touching you," I paused. That sounded more jealous-like than anything. I couldn't let her know right off the bat how it made me feel "Besides, I have to protect my patrons when I see stuff like that. I can't let the bar's reputation turn around and head back to where it started at when I took over." Complete bullshit but I had to figure out why she was here first. I couldn't let her break my heart because she didn't even know she held it in her hands.

  "That's it?" I saw her brow furrow and her big brown eyes were pleading for there to be more to the story.

  "Sorta," I admitted. "I just needed to know you were okay, you know as a patron of the bar," I said nonchalantly. It was a partial truth. She whispered something to herself but I couldn't understand it, even though I wasn't more than five inches from her. She looked down. I sensed her sadness. I leaned into her ear. "Are you okay?" I whispered. I wanted so badly for her to say yes, to know I didn’t cause her any heartache.

  "No." Her voice came through a little stronger. I leaned back to look at her. She lifted her eyes back up to mine. "I'm not okay," she flung herself around me. Her body crashing into mine, her lips on mine. She tasted like cherry lipstick but she pushed me backwards towards my desk. Her fingers fumbled around as she attempted to unbutton my shirt. I spun her around and unzipped the dress she had on. She just willingly gave herself to me and I wasn't going to waste it on my own pleasure and enjoyment.

  I pulled her into me, her back pressing into my chest. I kissed the base of her neck. "Fuck Maggie, what have you done to me?" I whispered in her ear.

  "What have we done to each other?" she answered. We went over to my desk and she pulled herself up on it. "Take me Mr. West. Make me yours, conquer me all over again."

  "With pleasure Miss May," I moved towards her. Our lips met once again. I planted light kisses down her neck as I released her breasts from the confining bra she was wearing I stepped back and admired her in her thong and heels on my desk. I would never be able to concentrate in here again. This image would be burned into my mind. Her white thong against her lightly tanned skin. Her white heels on her perfect feet. I was a lucky man to have her walk back into my life. I growled as I knelt down in front of her. I slowly peeled off her thong. I kissed the inside of her knee, moving up to her inner thigh. I saw her watching me in anticipation. I gave her a smirk. She groaned quietly as her eagerness got the best of her. I leaned in gave her a small lick. I heard her inhale at the slight touch of my tongue. I leaned back in and swirled my tongue slowly around he
r clit. I dipped my head down and gave her one long lick. Her hand shot out and she grabbed my head, pushing me in to her further. I let my mouth run wild. I brought two fingers up and let them slide into her. I heard her moan I slide them in and out, still teasing her clit with my mouth. She was so wet. I felt my cock protest against my zipper. He wanted to come out and play. I was more than ready to let him dominate the woman in front of me.

  I stood and she sat up to look at me. My desk was a mess now. Papers flew everywhere as she laid back on it. I didn't care though. My hands went to my pants. I unbuckled my belt and slowly slid the ends of the belt apart. She watched every move my hands made. I unzipped my pants and my cock sprang free. I wrapped my hand around my raging hard-on and stroked it a couple times to the image before me. Maggie licked her lips and sat up. She pulled me closer as I let my slacks drop to the floor. She pulled herself up onto me and I felt every curve of her body against mine. "Own me, Mr. West."

  I smirked. I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around me as I slowly entered her. I gently laid her back on my desk, over the papers I was looking at. I pulled my cock out and slammed it back it in. She smiled. I felt her muscles tighten around me. It unraveled me. I didn't want to take my time with her anymore. I wanted her and wanted her now. I rammed into her over and over again. She grabbed my biceps to steady herself beneath me. I bent over and kissed the side of her neck. I moved faster as I felt her orgasm just about to peak. She kept me close and her muscles were starting to tighten again.

  "Come for me Maggie," I commanded.

  "Conner," she moaned. My name on the edge of her orgasm was beyond sexy. I wanted to hear it more from her. I sped up my rhythm as my own orgasm was about to arrive.

  "Come Miss May. Scream my name," I ordered once more.


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