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Fate's Intentions

Page 6

by Stevens, Dawn Nicole

  Adam swiped the sweat pants off the floor and pulled them up. "Okay, I'm covered." Scarlett and Ashlynn turned back to him as he walked over to Scarlett. "You need to lay down. Prop your feet up and take slow deep breaths in through your nose and out your mouth."

  Scarlett did as he said, she laid back and tried to breath as he instructed but it wasn't going to happen. She never took her eyes off him and the longer she thought about what had just happened she began to pant. "Your not going to eat us are you?"

  Adam laughed. "No we are not going to eat you. Werewolves don't eat people."

  "Well I don't want to be eaten. Are you going to bite us and make us werewolves too? Oh God! You bit Cody! Is he going to become a werewolf too?"

  Adam cut her off before she could rant anymore. "Shhh, nobody is eating anyone and nobody is turning into wolves. Well, besides from Ben and I."

  "So Cody won't become a werewolf?"

  "No. In order to become a werewolf he would have had to drink my blood. My bite does nothing."

  "So were you the wolf that attacked him in the field last night?"

  "No. It was Ben." Adam said looking back at Ben.

  Scarlett sat up looking across the room to Ben. He hadn't said a word about anything. She stood and walked over to where he was sitting. She crouched down on the floor in front of him and looked into his eyes. She could get lost in those eyes. It was like sailing out into the ocean, looking across the sea, getting lost in the blue. "Thank you!" Those two words just couldn't express how thankful she truly was he had been there. She flung herself onto him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You have no idea how grateful I am! Thank you so much!" He was tense. She could feel the muscles in his arms and across his shoulders twitching. He took in a deep breath through his nose. She was the most delightful scent to ever touch his nose. She smelled of lavender and lemons. Sweet and soothing with a touch of tang. The scent felt like it had whisked around him, enveloping him and caressing him. She felt him relax and was surprised when he placed his own arm around her as well. She leaned back and stared into his eyes again. She had lost sight of the shore. She was bouncing on the waves with no sense of direction.

  Ben looked into her eyes. He could see the sincerity of her words. He could feel it. He could also smell the fear on her. He didn't think it was fear of him but the memory of the fear she had felt the previous night. He didn't understand it but he was drawn to her like a magnet. In his long life he had never felt like this before and it frightened him. She had some kind of gravitational pull he couldn't resist. Her beautiful green eyes danced and sparkled. He almost cried himself when he saw tears well up in those eyes of hers.

  Scarlett tried to block the images from her mind but there was no use. Her self control was like a damn that had came crashing down as the river gushed against it. And like a busted damn the water flowed. Tears flowed from her eyes and down her face. All of the emotion she had been blocking out was turning to tears and spilling out her eyes. She didn't know why but this strange man she'd just met seemed to comfort her more than anyone she'd ever known. She held onto him and wept allowing it all to surface. She wasn't trying to be strong anymore. She felt his other arm slip up around her and his hold on her tightened. She shook as she cried and he held her even tighter.

  He rubbed her back trying to sooth her as best he could. Then he wondered why he had such desire to comfort this girl. He didn't know her. He didn't even know her last name or where she was from or why she was here. He didn't question it though. He ignored the momentary thought and held her. She was tiny in his big arms. Her small frame seemed even more fragile as she cried. He looked up to Ashlynn and Adam who was now sitting where Scarlett had laid next to Ashlynn and saw they too were mesmerized and questioning what was happening.

  They looked at each other and then back to Ben. "I think we are going to step outside. I'd like to check things out and make sure the intruder is gone." Adam stood and held his hand out to Ashlynn. "Come on. She is in good hands with Ben. If she needs you we will be right outside." Ashlynn looked down at Scarlett and Ben one more time and then took Adam's hand and left him lead her outside. Once they were outside Adam looked around to Ashlynn. "Wait here. Don't move. I'm going to scout the perimeter."

  Ashlynn nodded. "Okay. I'll be right here." Before she knew what he was doing he was covered in fur on all fours running into the woods. She looked down at the sweat pants laying in front of her. "He might want these when he gets back." She thought to herself. "Then again maybe I'll just hide them." She looked up and was surprised to realize she could hardly hear Adam as he ran through the woods. After a few minutes he was back. The wolf walked up and was standing directly in front of her. She looked down at him a moment and then said, "Oh! You probably want me to turn around huh!" She spun around and held the sweat pants behind her.

  She felt him take the pants and then heard Adam speak. "It's safe. There isn't anyone around." She turned around and looked out into the woods and then focused her eyes on Adam. "I'm sure you have more questions." Adam stated.

  "Not really. Not right now at least. I think my brain is busy trying to file the information it already has. No need to give it more to handle."

  Adam laughed. "That makes sense. I just hope you aren't frightened."

  Ashlynn giggled. "I'm more frightened that I'm not!"

  "I'm glad!" Adam's face grew serious. "I'd really hate myself for scaring you."

  "I'm not sure what emotion I'm feeling. I'm totally amazed but also a little disappointed."

  "What are you disappointed about?" Adam was baffled.

  "That I finally met the man of my dreams and he's not really a man!" Ashlynn spoke each word with complete confidence. Not a hint of insecurity. Being blunt was always one of her strong suits.

  Adam looked down at her. "Well I am a man most of the time!" He winked at her.

  Ashlynn smiled. "I never said I had anything against a man that acted like an animal once in a while." She winked back at him.

  "Come on animal, let's go check on Scarlett." They walked back into the house and saw Ben holding Scarlett across his lap rocking her like you would a child. She was asleep. "I guess the caffeine wore off and the meds you gave her kicked in."

  "Not soon enough!" Adam sighed. They both looked at Ben.

  Ben was staring down at her. He swiped her hair back off of her face. He stood with her in his arms with no effort at all. He was unbelievably strong. "Which room is hers?" He asked Ashlynn.

  Ashlynn walked back the hall into Scarlett's room. She didn't turn on the light just walked to the bed and pulled the covers back. Ben laid Scarlett down and pulled the covers up over her. Ashlynn was taken aback at his seemingly fond attitude towards her friend. She started to move out of the room into the hallway and realized Ben wasn't following her. He was sitting on the edge of the bed still staring at Scarlett. She paused for a moment but then relented and left him at Scarlett's side. She found Adam sitting on the sofa in the living room and sat next to him. "Okay, should I even ask what the deal is with Uncle Ben?"

  Adam looked over at her and shook his head. "Honestly I have no idea. I've never seen him act this way before. The man doesn't have a nurturing bone in his body, at least I thought."

  Ashlynn nodded. "I can't believe Scarlett just climbed in his arms and cried herself to sleep."

  "I assume it's probably because he was the one to save her last night. He was her rescuer and he makes her feel safe. Well that and the whole werewolf thing." Adam snickered.

  "What whole werewolf thing?" Ashlynn asked not amused that he found any part of it funny.

  "Well, we excrete a chemical that females react to. Just consider it nature's Spanish Fly."

  "Oh so is that what's happening between us? My body is simply reacting to yours without my knowledge!"

  "I'd like to think it's a little more than that!" Adam said winking at her again.

  "Hold up a minute! Does that mean that every girl you pass on the street is gonna wa
nna come barking up your tree?"

  "That's an odd way to put it but yes I do draw attention from females. Some more than others. If I one day have a mate that I think will change. I don't have any solid evidence about this but I believe my body chemistry will change therefore other female's reactions to me will change."

  "A mate?" Ashlynn looked at him quizzically.

  "Yes. Wolves have mates. We thrive when we have a female at our side. Sadly there are no female werewolves and I'm not about to mate with a female who is 100 percent wolf. There have been stories of other males who became rogue and ran with a wild pack. I'm not sure if there is truth to it. Wolves are very intelligent but werewolves reason as humans even when we are in our wolf form, so I don't know how one could give up the human life completely."

  "Well as old as you are and you haven't found one? They must be extinct or something."

  "I have faith I will have a mate one day! God has a plan for all of his creatures even those like me."

  "You're a Christian?" She was completely blown away at this.

  "Well yes! I share the same beliefs as normal people."

  "So how did you become a werewolf?"

  "I was born one. My parents were both werewolves. My grandparents also."

  "Wow! The more you talk the faster my mind races!"

  "You need to rest your mind and try to get some sleep. I am not leaving. Ben and I are going to stick around and make sure that you and Scarlett are safe. So why don't you go get in bed and I'll answer the rest of your questions tomorrow."

  "Okay, I guess I've had enough for one day. Maybe Scarlett's right and when I wake up this will have all been just a dream. I do have to add though, I prefer you not to be just an figment of my imagination. I want you to still be here when I wake up."

  "I promise I will be." He brushed the knuckles of his fingers across her cheek and whispered to her, "I'm not going anywhere."

  She reached up and took his hand in hers. She squeezed it gently and whispered back, "I trust you." She stepped back and slipped her hand away from his. "Goodnight."

  "Goodnight." He whispered as she walked into her room.

  Chapter 9

  Scarlett opened her eyes and laid in her bed wondering about the dream she had had about werewolves. Was it a dream? She thought to herself. Everything was a little fuzzy from the medicine she had taken. Must have knocked me out pretty good. Maybe the dreams are a side effect. She wiggled and stretched as she tried to decipher which events from last night were real and which ones her subconscious had cooked up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes and decided a little splash of cold water in her face might wake her up and help her think a little straighter. She had already decided that Ashlynn was going to help her figure out last night's events whether she was already up or if she had to wake her. Sleep still blurred her eyes as she scooted to the edge of the bed and began to slide off. She landed on something. She jumped back onto the bed and looked down to see Ben. "What the fuck?" She screamed.

  Ben jumped to his feet. "I'm sorry, um, I didn't think that you may be upset to see me when you woke up." Ben was nervous fumbling for words. "I just wanted to be sure you were safe as you slept. I sat here most of the night listening and observing. I must have fallen asleep."

  "OH MY GOD! Last night wasn't a dream was it? It couldn't have been because you're here!"

  Ashlynn and Adam jumped through the open doorway into her room. "Are you okay? I was sound asleep and heard you scream!" Ashlynn looked around wondering what had happened.

  "I climbed out of bed and stepped on Ben! And in the process realized last night wasn't some strange dream!" Scarlett looked freaked out but then started to laugh.

  "What on earth is funny?" Ashlynn asked as she looked at Scarlett in an accusing fashion.

  "Come on Ash! A week ago would you have expected to wake up one morning like this?"

  Ashlynn cracked a smile. "I guess you got a good point!"

  Adam stepped in and clapped his hands together. "Come on girls let's go round up some breakfast. You two need some food that isn't made almost entirely of sugar!"

  Adam and Ashlynn walked out of the room. Ben started to follow but Scarlett grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back. "I just want to thank you again for what you did the other night. And thank you for last night too. You don't know what it means that you made me feel safe again."

  Ben took a step closer to her and put his hand on her elbow. "No need to thank me. Really. I can't explain it but you being in danger and then seeing you upset, it hasn't settled well with me."

  "Me either." Scarlett said sarcastically.

  "Come on, let's go get you something to eat." He turned back to the door and she tugged his shirt again.

  Before he even spun around she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. "I know we don't know each other but for some reason I feel like I've known you all my life. I am forever in your debt."

  "You just get yourself cheered up and stop worrying about what could've been, know that you are no longer in any danger and that is all I ask." She smiled at him then let go and they walked to the kitchen.

  Adam was making eggs and bacon and Ashlynn sat at the small table watching him. "So should we call the police again and let them know what happened last night? Well, the part about Cody."

  Adam shook his head. "They really wouldn't do anything about it. Just make some more paper work. Ben and I aren't leaving you until this is over so you don't need to worry about your safety."

  Ashlynn all of a sudden felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. They were planning on leaving when this was all over. What did she expect? She really hated feeling needy and she was feeling extremely needy right now.

  Adam looked over to her and then to Scarlett. "I don't know how you girls would feel about it but I think it maybe would be best if you two came to our place. You are not in danger here but if we can avoid anymore interactions with Cody it would be best. After breakfast Ben and I will give you two some privacy to discuss it."

  "Yes, my motto is never discuss important things before noon because until then I'm not in my right mind." Ashlynn laughed.

  "Well maybe a healthy breakfast will cause your mind to function a bit earlier." Adam laughed.

  Scarlett sat down at the little table with Ashlynn. "I can't believe all the things that have happened in the past couple weeks! Heck the last couple days have been nuts!"

  "You're not kidding!" Ashlynn snorted.

  Adam smiled at Scarlett. "How is your wrist feeling?"

  She smiled back. "Better today, but let's not worry about it right now. I want someone to fill me in on this whole werewolf thing." Scarlett said as she looked from person to person. "Where did you guys come from? Why are you protecting us?" She turned to Ben. "Why were you in the field that night?"

  Ben looked down at the floor for a moment then he looked up to Scarlett. "I was hunting."

  "Hunting?" Scarlett asked apprehensively.

  "Yes. I trailed some deer to that field. When the truck pulled in, it scared them off. I waited to see what was going on."

  "Well I'm glad you happened to be hunting there at that point in time." Scarlett replied.

  There was an awkward silence for a few seconds but then she said, "Okay, so what is the deal with you guys?" She asked looking to Ben and Adam.

  Ashlynn drummed her fingers on the table and when they didn't answer she slapped her hand down. "Let me fill you in sister! You see, Adam here is like 70 years old and Ben is, I don't know like double that. We can't help but think they are drop dead sexy because they sweat out some kind of sexual aphrodisiac that has all the girls falling at their feet. If they find a mate that changes, they might sweat out a repellent or something. I don't know. They are the only two werewolves left in their pack, all the others were killed by hunters. Oh and they don't go all berserk on the nights of a full moon and eat people's brains or anything, instead they hunt like deer and rabbits and things. They can control themselves and
change at will except under the full moon they transform and can't stop it, so they hunt." She looked to Adam and Ben. "That about cover it?" She asked them.

  Ben shot a serious look to Adam. "You told her we sweat an aphrodisiac?"

  Adam laughed. "Not exactly. But I guess it could have been interpreted that way."

  Scarlett sat watching the exchange between them, but then interrupted, "Hold up! How old are you two?"

  Both men took a breath and let it out. Adam spoke, "I am 73."

  Ben looked up at her briefly but then looked back down to the floor. "I'm 128."

  "Wow!" Scarlett looked back and forth between them. "Wait a minute Adam! Didn't you tell us you were like 28?"

  "Well I couldn't very well tell you that I'm 73!"

  "Yea, I guess we might have had a little trouble digesting that one. And here I thought it might be too much of an age difference between you and Ash when we thought you were 28!" Scarlett laughed and looked over to Ashlynn.

  "You are so not funny!" Ashlynn told her giving her the dirtiest look she could muster.

  Adam interrupted, "Okay girls, let's continue this conversation at a later time. Your breakfast is ready."

  "I just have one more thing to add!" Scarlett said looking up at him and then back to Ashlynn. "It is zombies who eat brains in the horror flicks, not werewolves!" This erupted a laugh from all of them.


  After the girls finished breakfast they sat on the sofa together, each with a mug of coffee in hand. Ben and Adam were outside investigating. They had heard a vehicle drive by slower than usual and wanted to be sure no one was around.

  "So do you think we should go with them?" Scarlett asked Ashlynn knowing she would not turn down the invitation to spend more time with Adam.

  "Well, I think Adam is right. Cody might come back and although we have the guys to protect us and don't need to really worry, we shouldn't just sit here and wait to see if he shows. One of the guys might end up eating him or something and although that wouldn't be a horrible thing, I'd rather it not go to that extreme. The police will punish him."


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