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Fate's Intentions

Page 7

by Stevens, Dawn Nicole

  "Yea, you're right. No sense in letting them eat anyone if we can avoid it. Even if he does deserve it!" Scarlett snorted.

  "I wonder how long it will take before the police get him in custody. Wouldn't you think they would've already picked him up?" Ashlynn pondered.

  "I would've thought so. Even if they do, he may be able to get out on bail or something. Then he's out until he goes to court." Scarlett told her.

  "Our justice system is a joke!" Ashlynn was riled. "People who are caught with drugs end up with longer sentences than serious criminals sometimes!"

  "I know! You're right! Yea, people shouldn't be doing the hard stuff that's bought and sold on the street but nobody is holding them down sticking the needle in their arm against their will! They harm themselves, they aren't hurting other people! I did a search once online for sexual offenders in our neighborhood, it was ridiculous! You would not believe how many of them infest our streets! They take plea deals and they get a break, they don't have to serve a lot of time and in some cases aren't even labeled as an offender. Then they let them out of jail and they are standing behind you at the grocery store, out on the streets at night as you walk to your door, sitting next to you at the theatre! And we are totally oblivious to it! I don't know about you but I'd rather be walking on a dark street with a pillhead rather than a rapist!"

  "Okay, we have to stop talking about this! My blood pressure is going through the roof right now!" Ashlynn scoffed.

  "Don't want you to pop a vessel in your forehead or anything!" Scarlett laughed.

  "It just makes me mad that things like that aren't taken as seriously as they should be. How many stories do you hear about women being stalked. They go to the police and if they know who the stalker is they can get a restraining order but what the hell kinda protection is that? 'STAY AWAY I GOT THIS PIECE OF PAPER!' It's stupid. Then the woman goes missing or is attacked and only then, once it's too late, the cops decide to do something!" Ashlynn was panting from all her excitement.

  "You're right. We need to change the subject!" Scarlett said looking away.

  "Well, I guess we should pack some things if we are going with the guys." Ashlynn said sounding happy about going with them.

  Scarlett laughed. "I know you aren't happy about the current circumstances, but you are just loving it that you get to go to Adam's place!"

  "Well duh!" Ashlynn laughed. "You mean you aren't excited about staying with that other hunk of beef?"

  "The way I feel about him is so strange. I don't know the guy and I've barely even talked to him but there is something between us I can't even begin to describe."

  "You certainly wasn't having any boundary issues with him last night!" Ashlynn giggled.

  "I know, right? I intended to thank him, but I got so upset. That should've been so awkward but something about him seemed to calm me."

  Ashlynn gave her a serious look. "I don't know what kind of future either of us could have with them. They aren't human. In fifty years we'll be old and wrinkly and they'll look the same as they do right now. How would we explain that to people? How would we feel when our man looked the same age as our grandchildren?"

  "Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down a minute! I don't even wanna think about all that right now. I'm just saying I feel comfortable around Ben, not that I wanna marry him and have his babies! I'm still in love with Aaron! Did you forget about him?" Scarlett looked upset.

  "Actually yea, I did forget about him! You need to forget him too Scarlett! He's out of the picture! I don't want to put it so simply and sound insensitive but he doesn't want to be with you and you shouldn't keep punishing yourself for it, you deserve to be happy!"

  "It's just hard to move on knowing that I caused the mess between us." Scarlett looked down into her coffee.

  "I told you before Scarlett, you need to just let things happen, let fate take its course."

  "Yea, I begged and pleaded and it didn't get me anywhere. If it's meant to be he won't be able to live without me and it'll work out. So I'm just going to let it go and try to be positive that life has lead me in the direction it has for a reason."

  Ashlynn smiled and nodded. She was going to speak again but Adam and Ben walked inside. Adam sat down on the chair next to the sofa and Ben sat down on the floor.

  "So have you girls made up your minds about coming to stay at our place for a while?" Adam asked looking back and forth between them.

  "We decided that staying with you would probably be best." Scarlett answered him.

  "Okay. Well if that's what you've decided, the sooner the better. Do you need any help packing?" Adam said as he stood.

  "I think we can handle it." Ashlynn said standing as well.

  "I guess you two are suggesting we should go now?" Scarlett asked knowing the answer.

  "The sooner the better!" Ashlynn grinned down at her friend.

  "Actually Adam, if you guys would like, you could pack up the things in the kitchen. No need to let the food in the fridge go to waste." Scarlett said, assuming the guys wanted a job to do.

  "Okay, we can do that." Adam nodded.

  The girls went into their bedrooms and began packing up the clothes they had just put away days ago. They gathered all the bags and piled them into the hall and then went into the bathroom to bag up the things in there. When they were finished Adam and Ben loaded their things into the trunk of the car. Adam offered to drive so Ashlynn rode in the backseat with Scarlett and Ben sat in the passenger.

  Scarlett gave the cottage one last look as they pulled out thinking to herself that the changes that had recently happened in her life were nothing compared to the sharp left turn she had just taken.

  Chapter 10

  They pulled out onto the road and Scarlett sat up in her seat. "Why are you guys so worried about us? I don't mean to sound ungrateful because I totally am, but seriously, you guys don't know us. Why are you protecting two complete strangers?"

  Adam looked over to Ben and then in his rear view mirror at Scarlett. "If we didn't who would?"

  Scarlett sat back in the seat once again and thought about what he'd said. Would she go to such lengths to help a stranger? She wasn't sure.

  Ben sat looking out the passenger window. He never turned as he spoke, "It's in our nature to be protective. Just as wild wolves protect and provide for the weaker members of their pack, so do we."

  "We are part of your pack?" Ashlynn asked astounded.

  "In a way, you are now." Adam answered.

  "So where is your place?" Scarlett asked.

  "It's out past the campground you were at the other night, up the mountain a little ways." Adam pointed towards the mountain.

  "Okay, I still haven't moved on. Why were you guys outside our place last night?" Ashlynn questioned.

  Ben answered again. "After what I witnessed the other night in the field, I began following Cody."

  Ashlynn didn't ask anymore questions. She figured they should just be happy for Ben and Adam's help. They drove the rest of the way listening to the radio. The girls weren't really listening to it, they were caught up in their thoughts but then Tim Mcgraw's voice came through the speakers. 'It's Your Love' with Faith Hill. The girls both looked at each other and Ashlynn reached up and turned the volume up a tad. They sang along never missing a word.

  When the song was over Ashlynn looked over to Scarlett. "Isn't that what love is supposed to be like? So totally wrapped up in each other that the rest of the world no longer exists to either of you." Scarlett smiled but didn't reply. Ashlynn had stars in her eyes.

  "I agree with you." Adam stated matter-of-fact like.

  "You do?" Ashlynn asked.

  "Yes. I believe that two people in real love will not get distracted from everyday life. I believe loving someone means spending the rest of your life reminding them everyday that they are all you need to be happy." Ashlynn had never seen Adam this serious. It didn't last that long. He laughed and hit Ben in the arm. "What do you think Ben?"

  Ben didn't a
nswer for a moment but then he spoke, "I agree with you." He paused and Adam smiled. "But I think there is more to it than that."

  Adam glanced at him and then back to the road. "Explain."

  Ben drew in a breath and let it out as he continued to stare out the window. "I think that just as you remind her that she is all you need to be happy, you also need to remind her that she is the best thing you've ever known in your entire existence. That without her, you are just a beast with no meaning to life. Because a life without love is not worth living."

  Ashlynn and Scarlett sat in silence. They were blown away by Ben and Adam's responses about love. Once again they sat in silence consumed with their thoughts. They stared out the window and watched as they drove past the camp ground and toward the mountain. They turned onto a dirt road and after a few miles came to a small bridge. They went over the bridge, across the river and continued up another dirt road leading up the mountain. They turned onto a narrow dirt road and Scarlett noticed a mailbox as they turned onto it. She assumed it was the driveway but after about five minutes she thought maybe she'd been wrong and it was just another road. But then the house came into view. It wasn't big but it was bigger than she had expected. It was a beautiful log home. Not a new one but it had been maintained well. It was two story with a high peak and a big deck on the front. There were huge windows on the front of the house that looked like mirrors. She was suddenly excited. She couldn't wait to get inside.

  As they got out of the car Adam said, "Don't worry about your bags. Ben and I will get them after we give you a tour."

  Ashlynn and Scarlett both grinned at each other. They followed Adam and Ben up the steps to the front door. Adam pushed the door open and Ben stepped aside as well letting the girls enter before them. They each had a big smile on their face when they stepped inside and looked around. The first thing they noticed was the balcony. Across from the front door was a set of steps that lead to the upstairs which had a balcony to look down over the living area. To the left was the living room. It was huge with over stuffed leather couches and a big screen TV. There were hardwood floors throughout that looked to be glossed instead of stained. The kitchen was to the right. It wasn't big but it was beautiful. Along the far wall was the refrigerator, cabinets and the stove. There was an island in front of the stove which included the sink and from the sink was a gorgeous view out of the windows over the driveway, down across the hill. There was a high bar on the nearest side with four bar stools under it. To the far right on the other side of the kitchen was a dining room table that seated six. There were windows on the lower end of the house as well with a good view from the table. Ashlynn turned to Scarlett, "I may never leave!" And then to Adam and Ben, "This place is breathtaking!"

  Adam and Ben both laughed and Adam started to the stairs. "Come on I'll show you your rooms."

  The girls followed Adam up the steps and into the hall. There were four doors, two on each side. Adam pointed to the second one on the right, "That is the bathroom and the two rooms on the left are yours to fight over." He snickered.

  "What is the other room?" Scarlett asked.

  "The other is Ben's room." Adam said with a smirk.

  "Where is your room?" Ashlynn asked.

  "When I stay here I sleep in the room down stairs."

  "There are more bedrooms down there?" Scarlett asked.

  "Yes, there are two more bedrooms, another bathroom and a laundry room down there."

  Scarlett twirled and looked all around. The craftsmanship in the house was beautiful. "This place truly is incredible!"

  "I second that!" Ashlynn busted in. She turned and opened the door leading into the second bedroom on the left. It took her breath away when she saw what was inside. The focal point was a large four poster bed with a leather padded headboard that almost reached the ceiling. There were two end tables on each side of the bed with lamps sitting on them. The base of the lamp were beautiful gray wolves topped with a simple white shade. The lighting was dim and seemed inviting and elegant. The bed was draped with a thick, white comforter and there were a dozen pillows piled at the top. There were large paintings all around the room of wolves. One painting in particular stood out to Ashlynn and she moved closer to it. It was a picture of wolves along a river running, jumping and playing. She walked to the next painting. It was a picture of a large grey wolf standing on a mountain top looking down as if he was watching over all those beneath him. "These paintings are magnificent!"

  She turned to see Adam watching her. Scarlett wasn't in sight. She must have went into the other room. As Adam made his way closer to her she felt butterflies in her stomach. The anxious side of her wanted to step around him and find Scarlett but the other half of her was stuck, her feet wouldn't move and she felt as if she couldn't breath as he stood before her and pushed her hair back away from her face. "I hope it suits you." He said as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

  "How could it not?" Ashlynn asked completely blown away by Adam and this place.

  "I'm going to bring in your things so you can get settled." He grazed his hand across her face again then turned and left the room.

  Ashlynn stood dumbfounded for a minute but then shook off the emotions that were covering her like a blanket. She went out into the hall and turned into the next room to find Scarlett laid out on her back across the bed. This room was similar to hers in most ways. The paintings were different, it had a wooden headboard and a dark brown comforter on the bed but in every other way it was the same.

  "Isn't this place amazing?" Scarlett asked as she bounced and flopped on the bed. "I feel like a kid. I want to kick and squeal and jump on the bed!"

  Ashlynn laughed. "I know the feeling! Come on, I feel like we should do something to thank Adam and Ben for what they are doing for us. Let's unload the food and fix them some lunch."

  Scarlett snorted. "You mean you want me to make lunch while you sit and watch?"

  "I promise to help in every possible way I can!" Ashlynn grinned.

  "And that would mean you sitting a watching!" Scarlett laughed.

  They walked out of the room and as they approached the stairs they realized they could see out of the windows and down over the mountain. It was breathtaking. They both paused and glared out the window.

  A voice brought them out of their trans, "Wait till you see it at night!" Adam smiled from the front door as he and Ben carried their bags in.

  They came down the stairs and gathered the bags which contained the food. "We are going to put this away and make you guys some lunch." Scarlett grinned at the men standing in front of them.

  "You don't have to do that. We have invited you here, you are guests." Ben explained.

  "I don't want any argument about it. Please let us show a little appreciation." Ashlynn said daring them to object.

  Adam and Ben shrugged and picked up the other bags. They carried them up the stairs as Ashlynn and Scarlett began putting the food in the fridge and in the cabinets. "What should we make?" Scarlett asked with a confused look on her face. "What the hell do werewolves eat?"

  Ashlynn laughed. "Beats me!"

  Scarlett decided on sloppy joe's. It wasn't fancy but they were full of meat and she expected the guys to prefer that to a salad. "Ashlynn, can you chop the onions and peppers for me? It's not an easy task with this damn brace on my wrist."

  "Well I guess I can do that much. I can't set anything on fire with this job!" She laughed.

  Scarlett laughed sarcastically, "I'm sure if anyone could figure out how, it would be you!" She dug through the cabinets looking for a big skillet. She found a wok. "Perfect!" She sat it on the stove and turned to get the onions and peppers and caught a glimpse of the dirty look Ashlynn was giving her. She added some vegetable oil and set the burner to medium-high, then stirred the vegetables around the pan. When the green peppers started to get soft she added the hamburger, mixing everything evenly. She pulled a bag of brown sugar out of one of the cabinets and tossed a few spoonfuls into the pot
then squirted some Worcestershire sauce in and stirred it again. When the hamburger was cooked she opened a can of sloppy joe sauce and dumped it in. She stirred it continuously as she added some salt, pepper and mustard. When the sauce was bubbling pretty good she turned the burner off and slid the wok off of it. "It's finished."

  Adam and Ben had been sitting at the bar watching as she cooked and Ashlynn put everything else away. Ben walked to the cabinet next to the fridge and pulled down four plates. He looked over at Scarlett and smiled. "Where did you learn to cook?"

  She smiled back. "My mom. She cooks like my gramma and I learned from her. The first rule is to never follow a recipe."

  Ben looked curious. "How do you cook and not follow a recipe?"

  She made everyone a plate as she talked. "Well I start with the main ingredients and add things I believe may make it taste better. It's pretty much about good guessing. Just like how much of everything I add. I never measure anything." She laughed.

  "I can cook well enough but everything I cook is a recipe I have memorized." He snickered.

  They all walked over to the dining room table and sat down. Adam and Ben ate, examining their food as Ashlynn and Scarlett sat examining the mountain they could see out the window. "So how long have you guys lived here?" Ashlynn asked.

  Adam swallowed the food in his mouth. "Well, I have an apartment in town but I come out here with Ben on the weekends and on the nights of a full moon."

  Ben took another bite of his sandwich and after he'd chewed it, he swallowed and looked at Scarlett. "This is really good!"

  Adam nodded in agreement as he swallowed hard so he could speak. "Yes. Thank you for making us lunch, it is the best lunch I've had in a long time."

  Scarlett smiled at both of them and blushed a little.

  Ben looked over to Ashlynn. "To answer your question, we have only lived here a couple years although this property has been in the family for a long time, we must move around a lot so the locals don't get suspicious that we don't age as they do. This is the first we have been back here in about fifty years."


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