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A Soul in Torment

Page 37

by D. J Marteeny

  “Just tell me again what you saw that day in the park.”

  “Well—I was sitting on a bench and—the old man that ‘G’ was supposed to meet walked up to me only, this time, he wasn’t alone. He had this woman with him and I remember thinking what’s a classy broad like that doing with this old geezer? Anyway, I asked where ‘G’ was and he told me. I got up then and I left. That’s…” she said and her voice broke at the memory of finding her boyfriend, “…when I found him—dead. I’ll never forget the look of shock on his face as his dead eyes stared up at me.” Selene said as she fought back the tears.”

  “I’m really sorry you had to go through that, Selene, but you do realize you’re much better off without him in your life. You probably wouldn’t have returned home if Guillermo had lived—and who knows where you’d be right now. Your mother needs you here, honey. You need to keep each other safe. Is that all you can remember?” When Selene just nodded Eva asked, “Alright—can you describe the woman once more for me?”

  “Yes—she was tall, taller than the old guy, with long blond hair and a killer body. I remember bein’ jealous of her curves.”

  “Looks aren’t everything.” Shaniqua said under her breath.

  “And she was dressed all in designer duds, Versace dress—in red sequins—Gucci shoes with matching purse oh—and sunglasses. She was somethin’—everyone was starin’ at her. But, for all her good looks, there was something—off about her—and him.” Selene said and there was no mistaking the fear in her eyes.

  “Off—what do you mean?” Eva asked.

  “It’s kinda hard to explain. I just had this feeling come over me when they walked up to me like—oh I don’t know—like evil or something. Do’ya know what I mean?”

  “Yes…” Eva said looking at Shaniqua, “…I think we do. Anything else?”

  “Yeah, umm, there was one more thing. That day at the Juvie Center—before you came to see me—something strange happened. I—thought I was goin’ crazy so I didn’t tell anyone but…”

  “Go on, Selene, every bit of information is helpful to us.” Eva said.

  “Well—and I know this is gonna sound weird but—“G’ appeared to me at the Center. Only he wasn’t really ‘G’. It looked like him but he talked just like the old man and then—the guy changed from ‘G’ into the old man and then…” But she stopped, unable to finish her sentence as panic filled her.

  “Go on, Selene, please. We’re here—no-one’s going to hurt you. Tell us what you saw.” Eva said in a soothing voice, not wanting to lose Selene now.

  Selene nodded her head at Eva’s encouragement and continued with her story, “Then the old man changed again. This time he was a much younger man—with long hair tied back into a ponytail and a goatee. But all three of them, G, the old man and the young man had one thing that didn’t change—their eyes—their burning, blood red eyes. Oh Eva, I was never so scared in my life. I could just feel the evil coming from this—this man and he wanted something from me.”

  “What, Selene—what did he want?” Eva asked, excitement running through her at this new information.

  “He—he threatened to hurt my mom unless—unless I got you to come to Moon Lake with me,” she told Eva.

  “Me! He mentioned me specifically?”

  “Not by name. He just said that I was about to receive a visitor and that I needed to get her to leave New York. That visitor was you.”

  “Did he say why he wanted me to leave so badly?”

  “He said you had some destiny, or somethin’, that he wanted you to fulfill—oh, and that you were screwin’ up some plans he had goin’ on in New York. You were diggin’ to deep into his business so you had to leave.”

  “Interesting …”Eva said, “…don’t you think so, Shani?”


  “Alright Selene, now listen to me. These people have my friend so Officer Taylor and I are going to go and look for him.”

  “No—no you can’t do that!” Selene said, grabbing Eva’s hand. “They’ll hurt you, Eva. You can’t go after them!”

  “I have to, Selene. They have someone I care about very much. Don’t worry, I’ll—we’ll—be fine. I’m not going alone. And I still want you and your mom to stay in Red Rock. I’m going to write down a name and number.” Eva said as she shuffled through her purse for a pen and paper. She wrote down Roy’s name and his cell phone number and gave it to the frightened girl. “Your mother should be safe with her friend but call her. Tell her not to come back here but to meet you in town tomorrow. And you—pack up some things and leave with us.” At the girl’s doubtful look, Eva said, “You need to do this, Selene. I can’t leave you alone here and do what I have to do. I need to know that you’re safe, okay.”

  “Okay—but it’ll take me a little while to get together the things I need and I know you’re in a hurry so just go. I’ll be fine and I promise I’ll call your friend. As a matter of fact I’ll get on the phone with him now so you’ll believe me.” Selene said as she reached for a cell phone lying on the counter top. She began punching in the numbers Eva had written on the piece of paper.

  “Alright Selene, have it your way.”But Eva waited until she heard Selene talking to Roy before she even thought about leaving. When her sharp ears picked up his voice, she motioned to Shaniqua that it was time to go. When they reached the front door she turned back to Selene and mouthed the words, “We’re leaving—lock the doors.” She knew she should wait for Selene—to make sure she got to the Inn safely but there wasn’t time. She had to get to Winwood. She had to find someone that would help her search for Rick. She’d already wasted enough precious time.

  She heard Selene talking to Roy and convinced herself that he would take care of the girl. As she climbed into the car she looked at Shaniqua, “Well—ready to enter the vampire’s lair?”

  “Is anyone ever ready for something like that?” Replied Shaniqua then she took out her revolver and replaced the regular bullets with silver ones, “There—I feel a little better now.”

  “Okay then.” Eva said as she backed out of the driveway.

  * * * * *

  Twenty minutes later, after packing some clothes and calling her mother as Eva suggested, Selene pulled out of her driveway, heading towards Red Rock and the Inn where Roy told her he would be waiting for her. He had promised to take in her and her mother for as long as was needed to ensure their safety. Selene was grateful to Eva and her friends. She knew Eva was right—that they were all in great danger. She only wished there was something she could do to help them—to repay all of them for the kindness they’d shown her. There must be something I can do, she thought.

  At that moment, St. Mary’s, an old historic church a short distance down the street from her mother’s house, came into view. At the sight of the old building, and the lights gleaming through the stained glass windows, an idea came to Selene—a simple way she might be able to help Eva and the others. She turned the wheel of her car sharply to the left and rolled to a stop in front of the church. It was a small building and, lucky for her, the pastor still believed in keeping the doors open for anyone seeking the comfort only the church—and a few prayers—could offer.

  Getting out of the car, Selene hesitated only a moment before climbing the few steps to the large wooden front door. Grabbing the brass knob, she pulled the heavy door open and stepped inside. She stared around the church, at the wooden pews, the statues of Mary, St. Joseph and a few other saints and the large crucifix hanging behind a small wooden altar near the front of the church. Quietly she took a seat and sat for a moment wondering what to do next. Geez, it’s been so long since I’ve even been in a church.

  As her eyes traveled slowly around the room one statue in particular caught her attention. Curious, she arose and walked from the pew to stand before the large marble figure. There were several rows of
candles in wrought iron holders mounted in front of it, tiny yellow flames flickering brightly in a few of them. She studied the image closely. It appeared to be an angel—an archangel, according to the name plate. The tall, handsome figure looked like a warrior, with armor that was made of scales and a shining silver sword at his side. He was also holding a long spear, its golden tip pointed at the head of a winged serpent.

  “Well Michael the Archangel…”Selene read out loud, “…I don’t know much about you…” she said as she began to pray out loud, “…but if it’s within your power please—help Detective Eva and her friends. They’re in so much danger and the evil they’re facing well—I’m not so sure they can fight it on their own. I’m so afraid she’s gonna die…” Selene continued to pray as tears rolled down her cheek, “…and then I don’t know what’ll become of the rest of us. Those—those things have her friend and—and they’re monsters and—they’ve already killed so I know they won’t care if they do it again but— I couldn’t stop her from going after them. Please—she can’t fight ‘em alone—you have to help her.” Selene sobbed as she buried her face in her hands.

  Selene gave in to her emotions, allowing herself to sob quietly for a few seconds before fighting to regain control of herself. Glancing around the dimly lit church an eerie feeling came over her. “Is someone there?” she whispered then, feeling frightened, she decided it was time to leave. She’d promised Eva she’d go straight to Red Rock and here she was disobeying the detective already. I don’t know what I was thinking comin’ in here anyway, she thought. It’s not like there’s anyone here who can help us. She pulled out a Kleenex and blew her nose. Shoving her hands inside her pocket, she retrieved her keys and headed for the front door. If she’d waited a moment longer she would have seen that some prayers really are answered.

  As she reached for the handle, Selene was blissfully unaware of something strange happening behind her. Had she turned around at that precise moment, she would have been startled to see the statue of the angel as it shimmered and glowed in a rainbow of beautiful colors. Liquid shades of gold, red and blue blended together to create a living mosaic as the marble shifted—and the cold, lifeless statue became a living, breathing thing.

  Sensing something, Selene spun around but the man, an exact replica of the inanimate object still standing up on the marble pedestal, had moved into the shadows so she failed to notice anything out of the ordinary.

  Selene shivered, “My imagination is really startin’ to freak me out,” she mumbled under her breath as she wiped a tear from her eye. She pulled the heavy door open as ice blue eyes watched her from the shadows, the lips of the angel moving silently as the Archangel Michael waved a hand in Selene’s direction. She was still crying, but softer now and, as the angel bowed his head and continued to pray, all fear left her to be replaced by a serene sense of peace. As she stepped outside, Selene could have sworn she heard a voice whispering to her.

  “Do not despair, my child—I will do as you asked.”

  Pausing for a moment, the young girl’s eyes searched the darkness for the source of the sound but she found nothing. Shrugging her shoulders, she walked quickly back to her car and climbed inside. She failed to notice the figure hovering high above in the night sky, watching her closely as she pulled out of the parking lot.

  * * * * *

  Michael shook his head, his long golden curls swishing from side to side as anger flowed through him. The girl’s prayers had touched him deeply. He knew what it had cost Selene to come to the church and ask for help—something she had not done in years. Her loyalty and concern for her friends was admirable.

  Closing his eyes, his mind followed the girl back in time until he had a clearer picture of what had transpired during the past week—with Selene and those surrounding her. He could barely keep his temper in check when he thought of all that she’d been through in her short life, especially during the last few days. As his mind’s eye continued to delve into the life of Selene, Michael was shocked to find that his friends were also involved and that they, as well as the girl, were, once again, being threatened by the powers of Hell.

  His ice blue eyes spit fire. Lucifer my brother, I knew you could not be trusted but I had no idea of the depths of your treachery. Hear me now, Demon of Darkness; there will be hell to pay for the suffering you’ve caused this time! the angel thought as he spread his dazzling wings wide. His magnificent figure began to spin, faster and faster, until he was a blur on the horizon. The phenomenon continued for a few seconds longer until a ‘’pop” was heard and the archangel disappeared into a shimmering white mist.

  Chapter 20

  “Turn right,” came the voice from the GPS navigation system as Eva drove down the quiet country road. Following the instrument’s instructions, she turned onto the gravel driveway and continued on past the quaint little cottage with the peaked roof and gingerbread trim. Dawn was still a few hours away but, even in the darkness, she could tell that the flowers surrounding the tiny home were absolutely beautiful.

  “Hmm—nice place,” Eva commented to her traveling companion as she continued to follow the road up a steep hill.

  “Well, coming from a city girl like you…”Shaniqua said with a smile,”…that’s saying something. Don’t tell me the country living in, what’s it called—Red Rock— is getting to you?”

  “I don’t know.” Eva replied, “There’s something to be said for all that—nature. Must be the wolf in me,” she said with a smile, her hazel eyes flashing to gold as she looked at her friend.

  “I really wish you wouldn’t do that, Eva girl—at least not until I’ve had some time to get used to it.”

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist—uh oh—we’ve got company.”

  In the distance Eva could just make out an old stone bridge but her attention was focused on the two armed guards standing directly in front of it. Upon their approach, one man—tall and built like a wrestler—with piercing brown eyes and a shaved head, raised his hand motioning for Eva to stop the car.

  When she did, two other men, equally well armed, approached on either side of the vehicle.

  “Looks like we’ve driven into a war zone,” Shaniqua commented, her hand already wrapped around the butt of her pistol.

  “Yeah—what do you suppose has them so spooked?” Eva replied. “Looks like we may have to pull out our badges.”

  She reached inside her jacket and withdrew a small wallet just as one of the men tapped lightly on the car window. She pushed the button and, as the glass lowered, the man leaned his head inside. He eyed the two women for a short moment before saying, “This is private property, mam. You’ll have to turn around and go back.” He stood straight up when he spoke, his hands wrapped tightly around an assault rifle, ready to fire at a moment’s notice.

  “I’m a detective…” Eva explained as she slowly lifted her badge, “…with the New York City Police department. My friend here…” she nodded towards Shaniqua as the other woman flashed her badge as well, “…is my partner. We’re here to see Julian Reynolds. We have some information he may want to hear.”

  The man looked at her a minute longer before pulling a cell phone out of his coat pocket. “Wait here, please,” he said as he backed away from the car and joined the two men near the bridge. Turning her head slightly, Eva listened as he talked. She could only make out part of what he was saying but she knew he was contacting someone in Julian’s household. Then, after quickly replacing the instrument, the man turned and walked back to the car.

  “Julian’s house is a short distance up the hill and through the woods. Those two gentlemen…” he said indicating the other guards, “… will escort you. Julian’s—representative—will see you. He’ll decide if you can speak to Julian—or not.”

  “Thanks.” Eva said as she closed the window.

  “Why the hell do you suppose security’s so tight here?”
Shaniqua asked.

  “Don’t know but I have a bad feeling about this. You don’t think our beastly friends from New York have already been here do you, Shani?”

  “That’d be one explanation for all the artillery.”

  “Shit,” was the only comment Eva made as the car crawled along the gravel road traveling up the hill behind the two guards. It was pitch black, the road being surrounded by thick woods on either side. They continued on about ten minutes more before coming to a clearing. As the car left the dark woods behind, both women exclaimed in unison, “Oh—my—god!”

  Two pair of eyes stared in awe at the magnificent mansion that loomed before them. The house was gothic in style, made of stone with four large turrets rising high into the night sky.

  “Damn—I guess vampires live pretty well, huh?” Shaniqua said.

  The two women looked at each for a moment before Eva said, “Are you sure you’re up for this? It’s not your fight, Shani, and I’d understand perfectly if you wanted to wait out here in the car.”

  “What—and miss all the fun—no way. We’re in this together girl and don’t you forget it.”

  “Okay then—and thanks.”

  “You got it.”

  “Better check your weapon. I’m not sure what kind of a reception we’re going to get—especially at this hour. Careful…” Eva warned as she looked into the rear view mirror. One of the guards from the bridge had followed them and was walking towards the car. As he got closer she noticed four other men appearing from either side of the sprawling mansion, all armed—and all coming their way. “…we don’t want to spook them.”

  “Right,” Shaniqua said. Both women quickly checked their guns, making sure the weapons were fully loaded before shoving them back under their coats. Eva put an extra pack of silver bullets in her jacket pocket before tossing some to Shaniqua.

  “Stay behind me, Shani, at least until we see what’s what here.”


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