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A Soul in Torment

Page 38

by D. J Marteeny

  “Step out of the car, please,” the guard ordered.

  Eva nodded as both women climbed out of the car. From somewhere inside the house they heard a dog barking, a deep guttural sound, before a dozen lights blazed on, lighting up the entire yard.

  “And now the fun begins—ready?” Eva asked.


  The two women were escorted under a small portico, up the front steps and onto the porch but, before they could knock, the massive oak door swung open to reveal one of the tallest men they had ever seen. He had to be at least six feet four inches tall, with hair the color of midnight flowing down past his shoulders. He was dressed all in black which seemed to suit him well, and in his hand was a long sword of gleaming silver.

  “Uhh—wow.”Shaniqua whispered under her breath.

  “Shaniqua…” Eva warned quietly.

  Eva motioned with one hand for Shaniqua to stop while her other rested lightly on the revolver nestled under her coat. She took in their surroundings, weighing their chances for survival should a fight occur —and the outcome didn’t look good. As she stared at the giant of a man standing before her she noticed someone else close behind him— a huge black man, easily as big as his friend but even broader. At least four other men lined up behind him and all of them were armed.

  Almost simultaneously, Eva and the man at the door sniffed the air. Vampires she thought, but not all of them. The large black man was human—but he was the only one. The wolf inside her became restless and Eva’s eyes changed from hazel to gold, something the tall vampire picked up on immediately as he laid a hand upon his silver blade.

  “What makes you think you can come here, wolf, and survive the night—detective or not?” the vampire asked, hatred evident in his every word.

  “Because not all immortals are the enemy, vampire, or evil—as you well know. I’m here as a friend—to warn you—and to ask for your help. All I ask is that you hear me out.”

  “And why should I do that?” the vampire sneered. “My experience with your kind has brought nothing but pain and death. Nothing you have to say will interest me.”

  “If that’s the way you feel then you’ve never met any of my kind —and you may not be interested in what I have to say but Reynolds will be. I need to speak to him—now! The longer we stand here and argue the more time we waste and lives are at stake.”

  “Who the hell do you think you’re talking…” The vampire drew his sword but a hand on his arm stopped him before he could use it.

  “Christoff, stop—let’s hear what the woman has to say.” An extremely handsome man, almost as tall as the vampire, with auburn hair and blue/grey eyes, came forward.

  “She’s no woman, Julian—she’s a werewolf.” Christoff spat out the word.

  “Loupe Garou to be exact—there’s a big difference.” Eva told him, refusing to be intimidated by the obvious hatred the vampire had for her species. He must have had some history with werewolves—and it wasn’t good, she thought.

  “I know what she is, Christoff.” Julian replied, “Come in—you have five minutes…” he said looking at Eva, “…speak.”

  “On second thought—I’ve changed my mind. Shani, let’s get out of here.” Eva said as she turned to go.

  “Huh—what—are you serious?” Shaniqua asked as she tried to block Eva’s way. “Have you forgotten why we’re here? What about your friend?”

  “I haven’t forgotten anything—but after meeting these—people—I’m beginning to wonder how someone like Rick could’ve ever cared for any of them—let alone considered them friends. They won’t help us, Shani. We’ll have to do this on our own and, to tell you the truth, I prefer it that way.” Eva said, anger flaring in her eyes as she attempted to push past her friend.

  “No, wait—please!” came a female voice from inside the room. Eva looked up to see a woman, long dark hair streaming out behind her, come running down the long spiral staircase. She walked quickly to the group huddled near the front door.

  “Adrianna…” Julian said as he spun around to intercept the woman before she could reach Eva, “…you shouldn’t be down here. You need to rest. I’ll find out what’s going on and fill you in later.”

  “No, Julian, you’ll sugar coat everything and I need to know the truth.” When she saw the pain in his eyes Adrianna regretted her outburst. “I know it’s only because you want to protect me…” she said as she stroked his cheek with her fingertips, “…but I’ve told you a thousand times it’s not necessary. And if this woman knows Rick I want to be here to see for myself what she has to say.”

  Eva could feel the love these two people had for each other and a great sadness filled her. Will I even get the chance to experience a love with the depths of theirs? If we don’t reach Rick in time…but her thoughts were interrupted when Julian leaned forward to brush a light kiss on Adrianna’s cheek. “Alright—have it your way,” he said softly.

  Adrianna smiled at him before turning all her attention on Eva.

  “You said Rick—Rick who?”

  “Ferrante,” Eva said softly. So—this is Adrianna—the woman Rick risked his life for. Eva studied the woman standing before her closely. She was very pretty and extremely petite but there were a lot of women like that. What made this one so special?

  “Where is he? Is he alright? Why didn’t he come with you?” Adrianna’s voice began to rise as she became more and more agitated.

  “Adrianna…” Julian said as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to his chest.

  “No…” Adrianna said as she struggled to break free of his hold on her, “…she knows Rick—she’s seen him—talked to him. I—we—haven’t heard from him in over a year. All we’ve had were a few words from Simon …” she said as her tear-filled eyes flashed to a tall blond man standing near the stairs, “… when Rick dared to call him. Please, Julian…” Adrianna said as she turned in his arms, “…he’s out there—somewhere—alone. I need to know that he’s alright—that he’s safe—and happy. We’re responsible for what happened to him, Julian. He needs to know that we haven’t abandoned him.”

  “Shhh, Adrianna—I know—and I’m sure that detective…? he said with a questioning look at Eva.

  “Meredeloupe—Eva Merdeloupe,” Eva replied.

  “…I’m sure Detective Meredeloupe will answer all of your questions if you’ll just calm down and relax. I’m sorry Detective Mere…”

  “Eva—please, and this is my partner Shaniqua Taylor.” Eva said. She couldn’t help but notice that the man standing behind Christoff had yet to take his eyes off of her partner.

  “Eva then, I need to explain something before we continue with this conversation. My wife…” Julian saw Eva’s brow lift in surprise at the term wife. He was thrown off guard for a moment but then he remembered that Rick didn’t know they’d been married for almost a year now. “… has been a little—under the weather—lately which tends to make her highly emotional at times. And when it comes to Rick—well—he’s been a friend of hers for a very long time and she loves—and misses him.”

  Eva watched the other woman as Julian spoke and it all became clear to her. Adrianna loved her husband, that much was obvious, but she loved Rick as well. She would have given her life for both of them which was why Rick did what he did for her. Eva felt a twinge of jealousy but, when she saw Julian rest his chin against Adrianna’s hair and she noticed Adrianna stroking his arm, she knew her jealousy was unfounded.

  Eva took a step closer to Adrianna. “Adrianna—Julian, I met Rick just a short time ago but in that time we’ve— been through a lot together. I know what happened to him…”she said watching the couple closely, “… and all that he, and all of you, went through with the one you called Dragone. I don’t really understand why he chose to go it alone after that bastard was destroyed but, knowing him as I do, I’m s
ure he had his reasons. But right now he’s in trouble…”

  “Oh no,” Adrianna whispered.

  “Yes—and, if I’ve learned anything in the last few days, it’s that we’re going to need all the help we can get to save him. There’s a new darkness rising and it’s coming for all of us and the only chance we have of beating it is if we, pack members…” Eva said, her eyes capturing Christoff’s midnight blue ones, “…and coven, work together to fight against it.”

  “It’s obvious we need to talk—but not standing here. Christoff, take everyone into the library but first—where’s Ferrante right now?” Julian asked.

  “I wish I knew. I left him in Red Rock, Pennsylvania—a few days ago. I had to go to New York on some personal business and when I returned I was told my pack had been attacked—and Rick was gone.”

  “Your pack—aren’t most alphas men?” asked Christoff with a condescending attitude.

  “You’re very astute—for a vampire. But that’s not the case this time. This is my pack. I am Evangeline Merdeloupe and I am Wolf Mother to the Loupe Garou.”

  “Wolf Mother—I’ve heard the legends but I’ve always thought they were just that—stories. You’re telling us they’re true?” Julian said.

  “They are.” Eva assured him.

  “If that’s the case then you, and your pack, are fierce warriors. Who, or what, could have attacked you and survived to tell the tale?” Christoff asked.

  Eva looked the vampire straight in the eyes before she answered, “Werewolves—that’s what, only these weren’t your normal garden variety werewolves. These were created by a creature known as a hellhound which makes them a thousand times more brutal and dangerous.”

  “A hellhound…”Christoff’s midnight eyes blazed with hatred. “…you’re sure of this?”

  “Yes—half my pack was destroyed…” she told them, “…and I—we…” she said indicating Shaniqua, “…had the unfortunate luck to have met one or two personally.”

  “And you escaped?” Christoff asked, incredulous.

  “Just barely,” Shaniqua chimed in, “If it hadn’t been for Eva’s special gifts neither of us would be standing here now and there’d be no-one to help your friend.”

  “Well—that changes things entirely.” Christoff said, and Eva couldn’t help but notice a flash of fear in the vampire’s eyes but it disappeared as quickly as it came. “It’s not an easy task surviving an attack by one of those demons.”

  “You know about them?” Eva asked.

  “I’ve met one before. It was a long time ago and in a place far from this country.”

  “Then the question now is why are they here—and why did they attack your pack?” Julian asked.

  “My pack was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It seems the whole reason they came to Red Rock was—for Rick.”

  “The priest?” Christoff and Simon cried out together.

  “Yes, from what my lieutenant could gather, the hound was supposed to take Rick to someone—and destroy anyone who got in its way. Rick—volunteered to go with the beast to save my pack. It seems he’s good at sacrificing himself to save someone else.” Eva said, unable to keep the bitterness from her voice.

  “It’s a decision he chose to make.” Julian pointed out.

  “It would seem so but that’s not all. The demon dog wasn’t sure he could make Rick come willingly by threatening my pack alone so—he had other bait to use.”

  “Other—what bait?” Julian said, a sick feeling rising within him.

  “The son of a bitch lied and told Rick they’d captured me as well as some friends of his and that if Rick didn’t come with them—all of us would die. As you can see, I’m here but…” Eva said looking at Julian, “… I was hoping you would know who else the brute was babbling about. So—who’s missing from here?”

  A strange look appeared on Julian’s face. “Adrianna—when was the last time you spoke to Kate?”

  “Oh my god—you don’t think…?”

  “The last time, Adrianna—when was it?”

  “Early yesterday morning—she and Thomas were getting ready to go to the show.”

  Julian looked around the room, “Has anyone here spoken to Thomas?” A sinking feeling consumed him when everyone shook their heads ‘no’. “Christoff—see if you can reach him.”

  “They don’t stand a chance against these creatures, Julian…”Christoff declared as he punched in some numbers on his cell phone and waited, getting no response, “…even with Kate’s enhanced strength. I’m getting nothing—just his voicemail. Why is it whenever there’s trouble to be had that human always finds it?” Christoff ranted. The relationship the vampire had with Thomas was tenuous at best. No-one knew better than Christoff what the two humans were up against and for the first time in a long time the vampire felt real fear. “We have to find them, Julian, and soon.”

  “I know that, Christoff. Call everyone together. We’ll meet in the library in half an hour. Samuel…” Julian said to the big black man who, although human, had been his trusted butler for many years. “…will you show these ladies to the library—see if there’s anything they need. We’ll join you shortly.”

  “Yes sir.” Samuel said as he approached Eva and Shaniqua. “Ladies, if you’ll follow me please.” he said, looking at both women but his smile was all for Shaniqua. As she proceeded to follow him, Eva noticed that Shaniqua was standing motionless—staring at Samuel as if he were a favorite present ready to be unwrapped for Christmas.

  “Shaniqua,” she whispered firmly under her breath. Shaniqua snapped out of whatever particular daydream she was having about the butler and hurried to catch up to Eva.

  “Ah, sorry Eva, girl—a momentary distraction—won’t happen again.”

  “I need you to focus, Shani. Hopefully you can enjoy some play time later…” Eva said, her eyes darting to Samuel then back again, “…if we survive all of this.”

  “I really am sorry, Eva.”

  “I know—and it’s okay.”

  Samuel led them to a large room to the right of the main foyer. “Please, have a seat while I stoke the fire,” he said as he walked over to a large stone fireplace. He added another log to the slowly burning embers then turned back to the women. “Can I get you anything—food or something to drink?”

  “I’d love a good strong cup of coffee if that’s possible.”Eva told him.

  “Scotch—on the rocks,” Shaniqua said with a coy smile.

  “Very good, then— I’ll be back in a moment.”

  “Really, Shani?”


  But Eva just smiled as she walked slowly around the room taking in every detail. All four walls were lined with book shelves, each of which was filled with a variety of books. Some were old, very old, and obviously collector editions. “It would seem our Mr. Reynolds is very wealthy.”

  “If this house is any indication, I’d say that was an understatement.” Shaniqua replied. “Did your friend, Rick, say very much about these—about his friends?”

  “Not really, just that he grew up with Adrianna and her friend Kate—the one that’s missing. And that Julian was once a vampire but was cured somehow. He was going to tell me more but we just haven’t had the opportunity to talk much. I only hope we get the chance.”

  Shaniqua could see the worry on her friend’s face. “Don’t worry, baby girl, we’ll find him and his friends. Those demons from Hell don’t stand a chance against all of us.”

  Eva gave her friend a tired smile. She knew Shaniqua was only trying to make her feel better but there was no denying the gravity of the situation. Even with the help of Julian and his vampires—I’m not sure we can beat these creatures? she thought.

  Samuel returned with Shaniqua’s drink and a steaming cup of coffee for Evangeline. He was fo
llowed shortly by Julian and the others. In all there were about twenty people in the room and Eva’s senses told her most of them were of the undead variety. She gathered from the conversation that there were more outside and guarding the cottage at the bottom of the hill. They were to be filled in on all that was happening after the team of rescuers was gone. Suddenly Julian turned his grey/blue eyes on Eva.

  “Now, Detective, if you don’t mind, please tell us everything you can about Rick, the hounds and anything else that you think might help us to find our friends.” But before Eva could speak, the library door opened and one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen walked into the room. She had long, strawberry blond hair and piercing black eyes and, although she had a petite build, there was an air of danger about her. She strode directly over to Christoff who wrapped his arm around her waist and Eva knew immediately that she was vampire. “Sonya…”Julian said, “…everything is in order, I trust?” At the woman’s nod he continued, “Good—this is Eva and she was just about to fill us in on some interesting happenings around Red Rock. Eva—if you please.”

  It took Eva nearly an hour to fill in the group on everything that had happened in Red Rock as well as New York. When she’d finished talking, Julian came to a decision. He walked slowly around the room, looking intently at everyone there before coming to stand alongside Adrianna. Julian hadn’t wanted his wife at the meeting but she refused to be left out of anything. Eva couldn’t help but admire this woman, even though Rick’s obvious affection for her made Eva uncomfortable to say the least. The detective also noticed that Adrianna looked extremely pale and tired but her loyalty to her friends, and her fear for their safety, made her forget about any discomfort to herself. I wonder if she’s ill, Eva thought but Rick hadn’t mentioned anything about that. Of course he hadn’t seen any of the Winwood crowd in over a year—maybe he didn’t know. Eva continued to watch the other woman as Julian began to speak,

  “Alright everyone—listen closely. I know, after the whole Dragone affair, you might be under the impression that we can handle anything—but that isn’t the case, I’m afraid.” His eyes stared at Christoff for a moment before he continued, “Because of what they are, these hellhounds cannot be destroyed by any means we—humans—or vampire—may employ. No Christoff…” he said as the vampire looked ready to argue that point, “…you should know better than any of us that what I say is the truth. Therefore, since we have no hope of killing the demons—stealth is our only option. So—it’ll be just a small group of us that go after Rick and the others. Christoff, obviously…” Julian said as the dark vampire, as Christoff was sometimes called, nodded in approval, “…Simon, Lucian and myself.” He then turned his attention to Eva.


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