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A Soul in Torment

Page 39

by D. J Marteeny

  “My first instinct was to leave all the women behind.” He raised his hand to stop their protests as Eva and Sonya both started to speak simultaneously. “Please—hear me out. Eva, because of who—and what—you are…” At Julian’s statement, Christoff leaned towards Sonya and whispered, “Loupe Garou”.

  “Ah, I knew there was something different about her.”Sonya whispered back, only to receive an angry glare from Julian.

  “If I might continue,” he said, and after Sonya casually shrugged her shoulder, he went on, “…Eva, you will be joining us. Sonya—you will not.” And before she could raise an angry protest, Julian said, “Let me finish. You and I both know your fighting skills are without question and, after certain happenings last year, I know you’re reluctant to leave Christoff but—if, for some reason, we don’t return, you’re the only one left who can take over the coven’s interests here—and protect my family. I know it’s a lot to ask but—please—will you do this for me Sonya? Will you…” from somewhere behind Julian a quiet voice spoke up,

  “I’m coming with you, Julian. There’s no way you’re leaving me here. Kate and Thomas are out there and—I’ve failed Rick once before. I won’t do it again.”

  Something seemed to clutch at Eva’s heart and squeeze tightly at Adrianna’s words as Julian spun around to face his wife. “Adrianna—listen to me. You can’t go and you know very well why.” At Julian’s words Eva couldn’t help but wonder again if Adrianna was ill. She watched the couple closely as Julian pleaded with his wife to see reason, “You are needed here more than anywhere else in the world—and Rick, as well as Kate, would agree with me on that point. Believe me, Addie my love, no-one understands better than I why you feel the way you do about helping Rick. But everything that happened to him was my fault so please—give me the chance to make it up to him. If we’re going to have any chance of succeeding in this rescue attempt we can’t show any weakness…” Julian stopped for minute to look around the room, “…and, please don’t take this the wrong way, but bringing along a human, any human, is a weakness these creatures will be sure to use to their advantage. I can’t have that, Adrianna, and you know in your heart that I’m right.”

  Adrianna stared at her husband with tears in her eyes but Eva could tell she was going to give in to his wishes. As Julian took her in arms and pulled her close Sonya stepped forward, “Listen to him, Adrianna, you know he speaks the truth. You have…”she seemed to pause a moment as her onyx eyes flashed to Eva and Shaniqua, “…responsibilities here and Julian needs a clear head if he’s to have any chance of accomplishing this mission. You and I need to stay behind and prepare for their return. Thomas and the others may need—assistance—so we need to make sure that everything is ready for them. Am I not right?”

  “Yes…” Adrianna said in a quiet voice as she pulled away from her husband. “Alright I’ll stay, Julian, but you’d better come back to me—and bring the others with you.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “Well, I surely know you don’t mean to leave me behind because if you do—you’d better think again.” Shaniqua said as Samuel snickered to himself.

  Eva raised her hand to stop Julian as he was about to respond to Shaniqua. “Shani—listen to me—you know he’s right.”


  “No—no buts—you can’t go because you will be a liability.”

  “Was I a liability when I shot that damned mutt and saved your life? Was I…”

  “I don’t know what would’ve happened at the cemetery, Shani, if you hadn’t shown up. You’re a great cop and an even better friend which is why I refuse to put your life in any more danger. Think of your family. You have children that need you. I won’t be alone and Julian’s right. Stealth is our only option here. We need to get in and out as quickly as possible and the smaller the group the better. Come on woman…” Eva said as she grabbed Shaniqua’s shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze, “…you know I’m right. It’s good cop thinking.”

  “Alright, alright—but I’m not happy about this. And I can go with you as far as the city…”

  “Actually…” Julian cut in, looking closely at Eva then Samuel, “…I was hoping you would stay here and help Sonya and Samuel watch over things at this end—unless you have to get back to your family.”

  The thought of staying had never entered Shaniqua’s , or Eva’s, mind but the more she thought about it the more Shaniqua liked the idea. Although being in a household of vampire’s did make her a little nervous, she knew she’d have to get used to the supernaturals sooner or later—since her boss was now one of them. And then there was Samuel. “My family is safe—far from this madness so, if you think I can better serve the cause here, then—I guess I’ll stay,” she said and she didn’t miss the quick grin that flashed across Samuel’s face.

  “You’re sure, Shani?”

  “I’m sure, girl, just keep me posted and don’t be afraid to call for backup if ya’all need it.”

  “Good—then it’s settled.”Julian said. “Eva, you said Rick and the hound left Red Rock. Did your lieutenant have any idea where they were headed?”

  “No, but if the hound was taking Rick back to his mistress, that would be the woman we saw at the cemetery so, in my opinion—New York would be the place to start this hunt. They chased Shaniqua and I all the way to Bryant Park. Maybe we could pick up some sort of trail there.”

  “It’s worth a shot. Christoff—see that everyone else knows what’s going on then get back here for a few hours rest.” Christoff nodded and left the room. Turning to Eva, Julian said, “It’s morning so the vampires can’t travel. I know every second counts and we’re all anxious to get moving but none of us will be any good to this group if we don’t get some proper food and rest. Don’t you agree?”

  “I could get a head start—scout out the area around the park and have some idea of where to go next by the time you get to the city. I have resources in New York I can use if I have too.”

  “No, Eva—no-one goes anywhere alone. Not with what we’re up against. Our only chance to get Rick and the others out alive is a collective strike—quick and deadly—and all together.” Julian said firmly.

  “I agree, Evangeline Meredeloupe. You aren’t goin’ anywhere alone—especially not without me!” Shaniqua told here.

  “Alright, alright—I can see I’m out numbered but…” she said looking at Julian, “…we leave as soon as your vamps are able. I won’t wait a minute longer or I’m on my own—no matter who has a problem with it,” she said looking at Shaniqua.

  “Fair enough—Samuel will take you to your rooms then bring you some food. Eat and get some rest. We’ll meet back here at six sharp.”

  “I’ll take them up, Julian, while Samuel gets them something to eat. If you’ll both follow me,” Adrianna said as she kissed Julian on the lips then moved towards the door.

  “I’ll join you in a minute.” Julian said to Adrianna, “I want to go over a few things with Sonya.

  “I’ll see you upstairs.”

  Eva and Shaniqua followed Adrianna up the staircase to the second floor of the mansion where several doors lined either side of a long hallway. At the very end were two large double doors, beautiful and ornate, made from solid oak. I wonder what’s behind those, Eva thought but she was distracted when she heard Adrianna say,

  “Here we are. These are the best rooms in the house,” she said indicating two doors in succession on the right side of the hallway. “I thought you might want to stay close to each other.”

  “Yes…”Evangeline said, eyeing the other woman thoughtfully, “…you thought correctly—thank you.” Eva wanted desperately not to like Adrianna because of what she’d meant to Rick in the past. But Mrs. Julian Reynolds was not what she had expected. She was a strong woman, even with the strange malady that seemed to be affecting her right now. And she loved
fiercely. Eva had no doubt in her mind that Adrianna would give up everything to protect the people she loved—or die trying—and Eva couldn’t help but admire her for that.

  “Yeah—thanks.” Shaniqua said, “Eva—wake me as soon as you’re rested. Don’t even think about slipping away tonight without saying good-bye to me, girl.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, Shani.” Eva said with a smile. “Get some sleep. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Hmm—well, alright then. See ya in a bit.” Shaniqua said as she entered her room and closed the door behind her.

  Eva moved to open her own door when she felt the pressure of Adrianna’s hand on her arm. She stopped, cocking her head slightly to look at the other woman.

  “I know you’re probably tired, Evangeline but—can I talk to you for a moment?”

  Eva hesitated only a moment before saying, “Yes—of course.” She turned the knob and entered a room out of another time. “Oh my…” she gasped as she surveyed her surroundings. Done in mauve and cream colors, the room looked like it belonged to a fairy princess. A white, four poster bed was the focal point of the large room. It was covered with a plush satin bedspread adorned with tiny roses of mauve, cream and ice blue flowing all the way down to the mahogany floor. A cream lace canopy, that matched the curtains on two large windows, enveloped the bed, making a sanctuary of sorts for the person lucky enough to be sleeping in it. The room was filled with antiques, from the dresser, to the nightstand, to the armoire in the far corner, all painstakingly restored to their original glory. “…this room is beautiful.”

  “Thank you—I’m glad you like it.” Adrianna replied.

  “Is Shaniqua’s anything like this one?”

  “Her room is an exact replica—only the colors are different—sage green and cream.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait to hear what she has to say. She may have southern roots but she’s a city girl through and through. She’s not used to this kind of luxury.” Then, seeing the look of concern on Adrianna’s face, Eva was quick to add, “But I’m sure she’ll love it—and she deserves to be pampered once in a while. So—Adrianna—what is it you wanted to talk about?”

  Adrianna stared at Eva for a long moment. Then, pulling her gaze away, she started to pace nervously around the room. With her back to Evangeline, she finally spoke, “Tell me about Rick.” she said, “I—need to know—everything.”

  Evangeline could hear the desperation in Adrianna’s voice. And her years as a detective left her in no doubt that even though the woman standing before her loved her husband beyond measure, Adrianna still had very strong feelings for Rick Ferrante. That little spark of jealously flared to life again but Eva fought to suppress it. This woman had known Rick a lot longer than she had, and they’d been through some horrible experiences together. Whether Eva liked it or not, Rick and Adrianna were friends and probably always would be. It was only Rick’s self imposed exile that kept them apart now. His friends were still there for him—tonight proved that. Besides, if Julian had no problem with Adrianna and Rick’s relationship then why should she? She stepped forward, touching Adrianna lightly on the shoulder.

  “Adrianna—please sit down. You look —a little tired.”

  “Yes, I am, a little. It’s been a long day and I haven’t had much sleep lately.”

  “Umm, I don’t mean to pry but—are you alright?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Nothing a good night’s sleep won’t cure—and some peace of mind.”Adrianna looked into Eva’s hazel eyes, “I’ve been so worried. I can’t stop thinking about him. I know you—care about him, Evangeline, and I’m really trying hard not to over step my bounds here but—he’s been my best friend for a very long time and now he’s just—gone. The last time I heard anything about him was when Simon returned from training Rick. That’s too long without knowing if he’s safe—and if he’s happy. And now—with all of this going on, I just—please—can you try and understand, Evangeline?” Adrianna was forced to stop, her emotions getting the best of her.

  “I do understand what you’re feeling, Adrianna, believe me. In the short time that I’ve known Rick I’ve developed—strong feelings for him. He’s very special. I’m in a panic right now not knowing where he is or what he’s going through and all I want to do is get out there and find him. But—I do see why we have to wait before we can leave. It’s just that waiting isn’t easy for me. Patience is not one of my virtues.” Eva said with a slight laugh. “Look Adrianna…”


  “Addie—I’ll tell you what I can. When I met Rick he seemed fine. It was obvious he was carrying some immense burden and, when I’d heard his story, I understood things a little better but— he was with my pack and he was—content. He’s adjusting, as well as he can, to his circumstances—and he seems to be moving on. But it’s obvious, to me at least, that he still has a long way to go. I don’t think he’ll ever be as happy as he was when you were all growing up. Life was—less complicated—then and he loved being a priest. I think the loss of his—calling— for lack of better words, has affected him the most. Think about it, Addie. His life was preserving all that was holy and now he’s a vampire. Even God himself, no disrespect intended, would be conflicted. Reality has a way of sucker punching you right in the gut—and Rick’s still trying to catch his breath. But—I really do believe he can be happy again if he allows himself to be. And I’m going to do all in my power to help him with that—whether he likes it or not,” she said with a grin.

  “You care for him very much, don’t you?” Adrianna asked her.

  “Yes—very much. My lieutenant, Roy, told me wolves mate for life. The moment I laid eyes on Rick I knew he was the one. It was like I’d known him my entire life. We’re a lot alike, Rick and I—especially in one very important aspect,” she said, watching Addie closely, “Please don’t take this the wrong way but—what we have become—our situations in life—have been thrust upon us. No-one asked him if he wanted to become a vampire and no-one asked me if I cared to be the leader of a wolf pack. We were thrust into these lives and now we have to make the best of them. With Rick, I feel I can do just that. If you think about it, Addie, we’re perfect for each other— two super-naturals trying to fit into a human world. You and Julian were lucky enough to find a way to make things work for you. All I want is a chance with Rick.”

  “And I hope you get it, Eva. I didn’t mean to pry—I just wanted to know a little about the woman who was probably going to take him away from us—if we all survive this hell we’ve found ourselves in—again. But, since talking to you, my fears have been eased—a little. I can tell you love him and you will make him happy—or as happy as he allows himself to be. I’m content with that.”Addie said, rising to leave.

  “Before you go, Adrianna…”Eva said, “…I want you to know that I’ll do all in power to bring Rick, and your friends, back to you. I’d go into Hell itself if need be and, with the help of your husband and the vampires; I think we have a good chance of accomplishing our goal. What happens after that—well…”

  “If the past is any indication, things won’t be as easy as you might think.” Addie told her.

  “I never expected it to be easy.”

  “Good—don’t. These creatures are diabolical—and they have resources beyond your wildest imaginings at their disposal. We have a fight on our hands, Wolf Mother…” Adrianna said with respect, “…and it could be a long one. But, if you can just get them all back here safely, we can go from there.”

  “I’ll do my best, I promise you and, Addie…” Eva said, walking over to a small desk, ornate writing paper and envelopes spread across the top of it, “…I’m going to give you a name and number, “ she said, writing quickly on a piece of paper. “This is the number of my lieutenant, Roy Samuelle. If things get —out of hand here while we’re gone— call him. He’ll send backup. As long as the vampires remaining
behind don’t feel threatened by them, or harm them in any way, my pack is at your disposal.

  Taking the paper Eva held out to her, Addie replied, “Thank you and, as long as I’m here, your pack will always be welcome.” A knock on the door caused both women to start. Addie pulled it open to find Samuel standing there, a tray of steaming hot food in his hands.

  “I’ve brought our guest some food, Miss Adrianna. I thought a steak—rare—might be to your liking. I’ve already seen to your friend.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Thank you Samuel.” Eva said as she took the tray from him.

  “Yes, thank you Samuel.” Addie echoed then, turning back to Eva, “When you’ve finished just set the tray on the desk. Someone will come for it after you’ve gone. Get some rest, Eva. You’re going to need it,” she said as she left the room, closing the door softly behind her.

  Rest is the last thing on my mind, Eva thought, but she knew Adrianna was right. She’d already faced these things once before and nearly lost her life. She needed to be at the top of her game if they were to have any of hope of getting Rick and the others away from the Hounds of Hell—and the woman holding their leash. So, after eating every last bite of Samuel’s dinner, she threw herself across the bed and, much to her surprise, fell asleep immediately.

  She awoke later to a pounding on her bedroom door,


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