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I Like That About Her 2

Page 10

by Aleks Mitchell

  “I can’t argue with you there. But, seriously Faith. I want us to have a fresh start.”

  Faith could tell that this was really important to Chandler. She would agree to it if it was what Chandler really needed. She had to admit, the idea of a complete fresh start with Chandler made her excited. It felt like how she felt in high school when she first met the brunette. Before she knew what their future held.

  “Fresh start,” Faith said. “We can still make out though right?”

  “Um, duh,” Chandler smiled as she pressed her lips to Faith’s.

  Chapter 17

  “Is it normal for a baby to eat as much as she does?” Faith asked tiredly as she breastfed Ky in bed.

  “I don’t know, probably,” Chandler responded sleepily.

  “Chandler, you’re becoming a pediatrician. You should know the answer to that.”

  “I’m too tired to know the answer to any kind of medical question. Besides, I’m becoming a pediatric surgeon, not a pediatrician.”

  “Oh I’m sorry,” Faith said sarcastically. “I forgot that there was a huge differentiation between the two.”

  “Must you use such huge words right now?”

  Faith shook her head as she looked down at the now sleeping baby. She lifted her shirt back up and carefully placed the baby into the bassinet at her side.

  “As far as I know, every baby is different,” Chandler said, turning over to hug Faith as they both watched the infant sleep. “But, it’s good that she has such a great appetite. She’s a very healthy baby.”

  “A very healthy, clingy baby,” Faith corrected.

  Chandler giggled softly at the comment. “Just like her mom.”

  “Hey,” Faith grinned, rolling over so that she was now facing the brunette. “I thought that you liked that about me?”

  “I do,” Chandler said, kissing the blonde. “I like a lot of things about you.”

  “I like a lot of things about me too,” Faith breathed out jokingly.

  “There’s one of the things. That amazing sense of humor you have. Your laugh, how caring you are, your eyes.”

  “I like your eyes more,” Faith said, caressing the brunette’s cheek. “They’re the first thing I noticed about you that day in the hallway.”

  “That feels like a lifetime ago now,” Chandler recalled.

  “Not for me. It feels like just yesterday.”

  “Who would have thought that we’d end up here? With a beautiful baby.”

  “I definitely didn’t think we would at the time,” Faith said. “I remember trying to stay away from you.”

  “I know, which was clearly very hard for you,” Chandler smirked.

  “Clearly,” Faith agreed.

  “I’m glad you didn’t,” Chandler said. “I love you, so much.”

  “I love you, too.”


  “Are you sure you don’t mind watching her?” Faith asked her brother as she and Chandler got ready to leave.

  Faith and Chandler were going on their ‘first’ date together. Andy had agreed to watch his niece for the night. He was thrilled that his sister was getting back together with her girlfriend so he’d do just about anything to help them. Even watch Ky alone, who he knew was quite the energetic little girl.

  “Of course,” Andy said nonchalantly. “I love spending time with the little monster.”

  “Andy!” Faith exclaimed.

  “Faith, she can be a little high strong,” Chandler argued.

  “See even her own mother sees it,” Andy said.

  “She’s no more high strong than any other girl her age,” Faith argued.

  “She gets joy from destroying things!” Andy exclaimed. “Last time we played blocks together she waited until I was finished just to make it crumble to the ground!”

  “Just make sure she doesn’t hurt herself,” Faith said, ignoring her brother’s statement.

  “Hurt herself?” Andy questioned. “More like make sure she doesn’t hurt me!”

  “Uncle Andy!” Ky exclaimed as she ran into the foyer.

  “Yes, midget?”

  “Play with me!”

  “I’m going to! I was just saying goodbye to your moms.”

  “Why?” Ky asked.

  The two year old had entered the phase where she’d ask ‘why’ and ‘what’ to everything she heard. It was becoming quite irritating.

  “Because Mama and I are going on a date,” Chandler said to the girl. She reached down and hugged her daughter tightly. “But, you are going to have the best time with your Uncle Andy.”


  “Yes, you guys can play blocks,” Chandler smiled. “And guess what?”

  “What?” Ky asked excitedly.

  “Uncle Andy is going to let you smash his tower to the ground!”

  “No he’s not!” Andy exclaimed.

  “Yay! Ky smash blocks!”

  Faith and Chandler laughed at their daughter’s excitement. She was truly the best thing that came from their relationship. They couldn’t imagine their lives without the child.

  “We’ll see you in the morning, sweetheart,” Faith said, bending down and scooping the girl into her arms.


  “We love you,” Faith said, kissing the toddler’s forehead.

  “Wove you!”

  Faith gave Ky to Andy.

  “Call us if anything happens and I do mean anything,” Faith said seriously. “If she even coughs you call us! I mean it Andrew!”

  “Jeez, she used my whole first name,” Andy said, looking at Chandler. “No wonder your daughter is so high strong. She gets it from her mother.”

  “I know,” Chandler agreed.

  Faith rolled her eyes as they left for their date.

  Faith and Chandler were waiting for their dinner to arrive. They had spent the last half hour talking about the most important thing to them. Ky.

  “Okay, I think we have to stop talking about Ky,” Chandler said.

  “Why?” Faith asked.

  “Oh God you sound just like her,” Chandler sighed. “Our daughter is a bad influence on you.”

  “Never,” Faith smiled.

  Chandler grinned back at the woman. Faith’s smile was the most magnificent thing she’d ever seen. She could stare at Faith’s smile forever. It was the first thing she fell in love with back when they were in high school.

  “Do you remember the first day we met?” Chandler asked.

  “How could I forget? I was a total bitch to you.”

  “I wouldn’t say a total bitch,” Chandler tried to defend.

  Faith gave the brunette a pointed look.

  “Okay, you were. But I could see right through the act. I could tell that behind that cold hard exterior, there was a really sweet, kind, beautiful person on the inside.”

  “Who’s still a bitch,” Faith added.

  “I like that about you,” Chandler smiled.

  Faith looked away from the intense gaze that Chandler was sending her way. She sipped on her drink and cleared her throat.

  It was going to be so hard to refrain from sleeping with Chandler. She had missed being with the woman so much. Now that they were back together it seemed silly that they were keeping each other at arm’s length. But, Faith knew that this was important to her lover. She’d do whatever Chandler wanted if it meant they’d come out of this together. She’d just have to take a cold shower as soon as she got home.

  “Have you thought about going out on any auditions?” Chandler asked.

  “Actually, you remember Barry right?”

  “Yeah, the director.”

  “Well, he’s actually a part of this new project. He asked me to be in it.”

  “That’s great, Faith!”

  “Yeah, but I don’t know if I can do it. It would require going to California for six months.”

  “We can make it work,” Chandler said right away. She wanted Faith to take any opportunity that came her way.

; “I don’t know if I can spend that much time away from Ky.”

  “You won’t have to,” Chandler assured her. “You can take Ky with you.”

  “No, I can’t do that to you. That wouldn’t be fair.”

  “It’s only six months. Do you know how fast six months will go?”

  “Not that fast,” Faith argued. “It’s half of a year.”

  “You sacrificed a lot so that I can have the career I dreamed of; even us being together. This is the least that I can do for your career, Faith.”

  “I don’t know,” Faith said unsure. “If I take her with me I would have to hire a babysitter for part of the time. I don’t like the idea of Ky having to be with a babysitter for so long.”

  “We’ll figure something out,” Chandler said. “The most important thing is, do you want the part?”

  “I do,” Faith answered after a beat.

  “Then you should do whatever it takes to do it,” Chandler declared. “And you will. We both will.”

  Faith still wasn’t sure if her taking Ky would be best for the girl. She wanted to take the part, but she had to consider what was best for Ky. As much as she hated the idea of being away from Ky, it seemed like the best thing for the girl would be to stay with Chandler.

  Chapter 18

  Chandler was acting strange. She’d been acting strange for the past week.

  Faith was trying to figure out what was going on with the brunette, but every time she asked her about it, Chandler brushed it off.

  “Okay, that’s it!” Faith exclaimed.

  “What’s wrong?” Chandler questioned, placing baby Ky in her bassinet.

  “You tell me,” Faith said calmly.

  “Faith, for the hundredth time, nothing is wrong.”

  “You’re acting weird.”

  “Isn’t it possible that you’re just projecting your emotions onto me?” Chandler asked innocently.

  “No, it’s not! Look, I’m not crazy so stop trying to make me feel like I’m crazy. What’s going on?”

  Chandler sighed as she walked towards her dresser. “If you would have just waited until tonight, you’d know.”

  “What’s happening tonight?” Faith asked seriously.

  “You know, you are the worst person to surprise.”

  Chandler pulled out a small velvet box and turned towards Faith.

  “Tonight, I was going to give you this.”

  Chandler held out her hand and showed Faith the small box of jewelry in her hand.

  Faith’s breath caught in her chest as she looked at what she could only assume was a ring. It could have been earrings or a very small necklace, but deep down Faith knew the contents of the box.

  “And what’s that?” Faith asked quietly.

  Chandler closed the distance between them and opened the box, revealing a diamond ring.

  “This is the ring I saw you looking at in that catalogue last month,” Chandler said. “I know you thought I was busy reading that medical journal, but I saw you. I saw how your face just lit up when you laid eyes on it. After that, I had to get it.”

  Tears were starting to form in Faith’s eyes as Chandler looked at her with a loving smile.

  “I love you, Faith. And I want to keep loving you for the rest my life. You have made me the happiest woman alive. You gave me an amazing daughter. I fell in love with my best friend. Not many people can say that. So, would you do me the honor, of being my wife?”

  “Yes!” Faith exclaimed, before Chandler even finished the question. She moved forward and held the brunette’s face in her hands as she kissed her passionately. “I would love to be your wife!”

  Chandler smiled tearfully in response as she took the ring from the box and slid it onto Faith’s finger.

  “It fits perfectly,” Chandler said.

  “Just like you and me,” Faith smiled, kissing her new fiancé.


  Faith was cooking dinner for her, Chandler, and Ky. The three decided to have dinner as a family at the house for their second date. They knew they needed time for each other, but they also knew that their relationship wasn’t just the two of them anymore. Ky was a huge part of their relationship and always would be. It felt right to include the toddler in their time together. Besides, Ky would be going to bed soon.

  A loud crash of blocks falling to the floor caused Faith to jump. She sighed as she turned to look at her laughing daughter. At that moment, she could understand why Andy thought the child was so high strong. She and Chandler definitely had their hands full with the girl.

  “Honey, why is it that you enjoy destroying the tower more than building it?” Faith asked sweetly.

  “Ky smash blocks!”

  “Yes, baby, you certainly do.”

  Faith turned when she heard the sound of the front door unlocking. Chandler still had a key to the house and now that they were back together they saw no reason she couldn’t use it.

  As soon as Chandler came into the kitchen she smiled at Faith and then at Ky. Faith smiled back hesitantly as she noticed the clear signs that Chandler had been crying.

  Chandler quickly walked over to the toddler and scooped her into her arms, hugging her tightly.

  “Hey, is everything okay?” Faith asked gently.

  “I just really needed a Ky hug,” Chandler said tearfully.

  Faith could tell something big was bothering the woman. She wasn’t sure if she’d want to discuss it in front of Ky though.

  “Mommy okay?” Ky asked sweetly as she looked into her mother’s eyes.

  “Yes, Mommy is fine now that she’s with you and Mama,” Chandler smiled.

  Chandler put Ky back on the floor to play with her blocks. She pulled Faith into a tight hug.

  “What’s going on?” Faith asked.

  “I just had a rough day at work,” Chandler said, still holding onto Faith.

  Faith hugged her tighter, making it clear to the woman that she was there for her.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Faith asked.

  “Maybe later,” Chandler replied. “Right now I just want to have dinner with my family.”

  Faith and Chandler had just put Ky down for bed. They walked hand in hand into the living room.

  “I treated a baby in the ER today,” Chandler explained as they sat down together on the couch. “I got called down for a consult because he had a few broken bones that would require surgery. His injuries didn’t add up to the mom’s story so we investigated further. He’s been in and out of different hospitals since he was born.”

  Chandler stopped to compose herself. If she continued she knew she would break down in tears and be unable to finish talking.

  “It turns out he’s being abused by the mother and her boyfriend. The father isn’t even in the picture so now he’s going into foster care. He’s barely two years old. How does someone do something like that to an innocent baby? I mean no one deserves that, but a baby?”

  “I don’t know,” Faith answered helplessly. “I look at Ky and I can’t stand the thought of her ever going through pain. I don’t know how a parent could actually be the cause of their child’s pain.”

  “I’m just so glad that Ky never has to know that kind of pain,” Chandler said. “I feel so bad for all of the other kids out there that aren’t as fortunate as Ky.”

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that,” Faith said, squeezing Chandler’s hand. “But, I think what makes you such a great doctor is the fact that you care about your patients so much. You advocate for them, especially when they don’t have a voice to advocate for themselves.”

  “I hope he finds a good home,” Chandler said. “I talked to social services before I left and she claimed that she has a really great family that’s looking to adopt. So, hopefully that works out.”

  “It will,” Faith declared. “Unfortunately he had to go through this in order to get to where he really belongs.”

  “I want us to adopt our next child,” Chandler announced suddenly.
“I mean we can have another baby too, but I want us to adopt at some point.”

  Faith was lost for words. They hadn’t discussed them having more children yet.

  “There are so many kids out there that need parents like us,” Chandler added. “You are an amazing mom and I’m an okay mom.”

  “You’re amazing too,” Faith smiled. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted more kids.”

  “I do, definitely,” Chandler answered. “I love watching you with Ky. I’d be crazy to not want more kids with you.”

  Chandler smiled at her lover as she brought her hand to her mouth and kissed it gently.

  Faith smiled back as she closed the distance between the two and kissed the brunette.

  Before Faith knew what was happening, Chandler straddled her lap and deepened their kiss. Apparently the thought of having more kids together was really turning Chandler on.

  When Chandler grabbed hold of the hem of Faith’s shirt, Faith stopped her and broke their kiss.

  “I thought we weren’t supposed to have sex?” Faith questioned.

  Chandler bit her lip and stared back at Faith in confliction. They had only had two dates together. Not too many people had sex on the second date.

  “Screw it,” Chandler said, grabbing Faith’s shirt and pulling it over her head.

  “Yeah, I’m okay with that,” Faith smiled, kissing Chandler as she let her hands travel to the brunette’s ass.

  Chandler pulled her own shirt over her head. She held Faith’s face in her hands as she kissed her passionately.

  “Don’t you want to go to the bedroom?” Faith asked in between kisses.

  “No,” Chandler answered, sliding down to unbutton Faith’s jeans.

  Faith smiled at Chandler’s enthusiasm.

  Chandler pulled Faith forward until she was sitting at the edge of the couch. She kneeled down in front of the blonde and reached behind her back to unclasp her bra.

  “You really need to start wearing a front clasp bra, Faith,” Chandler said as she struggled with the clasp.

  Faith giggled as Chandler finally managed to get the lacy material off of her. She kissed Faith, her hands resting on her breasts.


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