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I Like That About Her 2

Page 11

by Aleks Mitchell

  As Chandler kissed Faith, she moved her more forward until she fell down onto the floor, landing on top of Chandler’s lap. She quickly moved her into a laying position and trailed kisses down her stomach. When she got to Faith’s jeans she sat back to grab hold of the jeans and peel them off of her.

  Faith went to sit up to help Chandler out of her own clothes, but Chandler gently pushed her onto her back.

  “Nope, I go first this time,” Chandler said seductively.

  “I was just going to help you take off your clothes,” Faith whined. “You’re a little overdressed.”

  Chandler sighed as she stood up and looked down at the blonde with a smirk on her face. She unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them to the floor along with her panties. She kicked the clothes to the side and quickly took off her bra.

  Faith could feel the pool developing between her legs at the sight of her girlfriend stripping in front of her.

  “Satisfied?” Chandler smirked, picking up on the way that Faith was looking at her.

  “Definitely,” Faith grinned.

  “Not yet,” Chandler said as she lowered herself back on top of the blonde. She instantly wrapped her mouth around the blonde’s left breast, cupping the right one with her hand.

  Faith moaned as she arched her back. She knew it wouldn’t take much for Chandler to make her cum.

  Chandler licked and kissed her way down Faith’s body. When she got to the blonde’s panties she kissed her abdomen, taking hold of the lacy panties. She slid them down Faith’s legs and threw them out of the way. She stopped and looked the naked blonde over.

  “Chandler?” Faith moaned.

  Chandler snapped out of her trance and lowered herself down to the blonde’s sex. She slowly spread her legs. She kissed both of Faith’s thighs before dragging her tongue up the woman’s core.

  Faith moaned as she brought her hands down to hold Chandler’s hands. Chandler swirled small circles around Faith’s clit. She knew all of the right moves that would bring the woman over the edge.

  Chandler released one of Faith’s hands and slowly inserted one finger into Faith’s center. Faith cried out Chandler’s name as the brunette added a second finger, continuing to swirl circles around her clit with her tongue.

  Chandler could feel Faith’s walls getting tighter and tighter around her fingers. It wasn’t long before Faith cried out in pleasure.

  Chandler looked up at Faith as she rode out her orgasm. She slowly slid her fingers out of the woman and kissed her way back up Faith’s body.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Chandler said as she pressed her lips against the blonde’s lips. “I never want to experience not being with you again.”

  Chandler brushed a few stray hairs behind Faith’s ear, gazing into emerald eyes.

  Chandler wasn’t going to allow anything to come between her and Faith again; not even work. She had made the mistake of thinking that her and Faith’s relationship was strong enough that it could survive anything, even time away from each other. But she was wrong. She would never make that mistake again. It made her realize that she didn’t want to spend six months away from Faith.

  Chapter 19

  Faith and Chandler were having breakfast together before Ky got up. Chandler was leaving for work soon.

  “Want anything special for dinner tonight?” Faith asked Chandler.

  Chandler looked at Faith apologetically.

  “I’m on call tonight,” Chandler said.

  “Again?” Faith questioned. “That’s like the third time this week. Don’t you usually rotate with the other residents?”

  “I’m covering for Darren tonight.”


  “He was really desperate for coverage.”

  “There weren’t any other residents that could do it?”

  “I kind of owed him, Faith,” Chandler responded. “He covered for me when Ky was first born and I needed the time off.”

  Faith sighed. She knew Chandler’s job was demanding. But it seemed to be getting worse. She felt like it would never stop.

  “Don’t worry,” Chandler said. “Once residency is over I won’t be on call as much.”

  “Right,” Faith said unemotional.

  “Faith,” Chandler moaned. “Don’t be like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “You know what I’m talking about. When you get mad you get all quiet and detached. It’s kind of aggravating.”

  “Well you not being home ever is aggravating too.”

  “You know I’d rather be home with you and Ky than at the hospital.”

  “Right,” Faith said again.

  “Faith!” Chandler exclaimed, more annoyed this time. “You know what, forget it. I have to get going.”

  Chandler got up from the table and placed her dish in the sink. She turned back around and looked at her girlfriend carefully.

  “I’m sorry,” Chandler said.

  “You don’t have to apologize. I know it’s not your fault, technically.”

  Chandler rolled her eyes as she approached the blonde.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” Chandler said, bending down to kiss her fiancé.

  “Okay,” Faith responded, a fake smile planted on her lips.

  Faith wasn’t sure how much longer she could continue with the way things were going. She knew Chandler had a demanding career. She loved the woman so much and she wanted her to be happy. But, she wanted to actually be with the love of her life. It felt like she was with Chandler, but she didn’t really have her.


  That night, Chandler and Faith slept in each other’s arms. It was the most peaceful sleep they had had in almost a year. They both hadn’t slept that great since before they started having problems in their relationship.

  Faith turned over and noticed that Chandler wasn’t in bed with her anymore. She knew she didn’t have to work today so she was probably still there.

  Faith pulled a t-shirt over her head and slid on some shorts. She walked downstairs and found Chandler in the kitchen cooking breakfast. Ky was already sitting in her high chair eating a pancake.

  “Mama!” Ky said, reaching out to Faith.

  “Good morning, baby,” Faith said, kissing the toddler on her forehead.

  “It is a good morning!” Chandler said. “A very good morning!”

  “Someone’s in a very good mood today,” Faith smiled, kissing Chandler.

  “Oh, sorry,” Chandler apologized. “I forgot you aren’t a morning person.”

  “Today I am,” Faith said. “I couldn’t be happier.”

  “Me either,” Chandler agreed.

  Chandler placed the final pancake on top of the fresh stack.

  “I made your favorite, blueberry pancakes!”

  “You didn’t burn them?” Faith asked in surprise.

  “Hey! That hardly ever happens anymore!”

  “I’m just kidding,” Faith said. “Sort of.”

  “In words of you, shut up.”

  “Bad word!” Ky exclaimed from her highchair.

  “Sorry, Ky,” Chandler apologized as she sat down at the table with Faith.

  Faith and Chandler each grabbed a couple of pancakes and some syrup. As they started eating, Chandler looked at Faith tentatively. She wanted to discuss something with Faith, but she wasn’t sure how she would feel about her idea.

  “What?” Faith asked.

  “Have you thought about the project in California at all?”

  “Yeah, I have actually,” Faith answered. “I’m taking it. But, I want Ky to stay here with you. I don’t want to uproot Ky and take her to live somewhere she’s not used to. I know it’ll be hard being away from her, but she’ll be with you.”

  “What if I said I thought of a way that you would be able to take the role and still see me and Ky every day?”

  Faith looked at Chandler in question.

  “What would you think about moving to California permanently?” Chandler asked.

nbsp; “How could we?” Faith asked. “You work here.”

  “My residency is about to end. I have to find an attending position. I could easily find one in California.”

  “I don’t know,” Faith said. “All of our friends and family either live here or close to here.”

  “We can visit,” Chandler reasoned. “I’ll have actual vacation time once I’m an attending.”

  “Are you sure you’d want to?” Faith asked. “That would be asking a lot of you.”

  “I’m the one suggesting it, honey,” Chandler said, placing her hand on top of Faith’s. “I can be a doctor anywhere, but I think you’ll have much more opportunities in California than you will here. I don’t want us to spend another minute apart from each other.”

  “I don’t either,” Faith agreed.

  “You can think about it. But, I do think it would be a great fresh start for us.”

  Faith loved the home that they got together. This was their home. She wasn’t sure how ready she was to leave their home behind. On the other hand, a fresh start with Chandler sounded like the best thing in the world.

  Chapter 20

  Craig had come over Faith and Chandler’s house to visit with Ky. He knew that the blonde was exhausted because of the infant’s colic.

  “Okay, she’s asleep,” Craig said as he sat down next to his best friend.

  “Yeah, for now,” Faith said emotionally. “It’s just so frustrating when she cries and there’s no reason for it. It’s like there’s nothing I can do to help her.”

  “Just try to remember that there’s nothing wrong with her. She’s just crying.”

  “More like screaming,” Faith said exasperated. “I feel like a terrible mother. My baby cries for no reason!”

  “Faith, she just has colic. Ky adores you. It has nothing to do with what you’re doing as a mother. You’re a great mom.”

  Faith let out a shaky breath as she nodded her head in understanding. She still didn’t agree with the man, but she didn’t feel like discussing her insecurities as a mother any further.

  “When does Chandler get done today?” Craig asked carefully. He knew that the subject of Chandler’s job was always a touchy subject for the blonde.

  “She’s not coming home tonight,” Faith said shortly.

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s on call. So she’s staying at the hospital tonight, again!”

  “Faith,” Craig sighed. They’d had this conversation so many times he had it memorized by now.

  Faith was really struggling with Chandler always working. She could take care of Ky on her own, but she wanted to feel like she wasn’t a single parent. As Chandler’s residency progressed it seemed that the brunette was working more and more hours at the hospital. Many nights she didn’t even come home. Faith was glad that Chandler had such an amazing and important job, but she missed her fiancé.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” Faith said.

  “Chandler loves you and Ky. You know that.”

  “I know she loves us! I just want to see her more. I miss her and we live in the same house! I shouldn’t have to miss my fiancé when we live in the same house.”

  “Once her residency is over she’ll be home more. She’ll have more consistent hours.”

  “She still has another two years! I have to wait two years to spend time with the person that I love?”

  Craig didn’t know what to say. He didn’t disagree with the blonde, but he didn’t see a solution to her problem.

  “I love Chandler so much, but I’ve learned that I have to be happy too.”

  “And you’re not,” Craig concluded. “You’re not happy.”

  “No,” Faith finally admitted to herself. “I’m not.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Faith,” Craig said. “I mean if you’re not happy with the way things are, then something has to change.”

  “But does that make me selfish?” Faith questioned.

  “It’s not selfish to want to be with someone that you can actually spend time with. If you feel alone, that’s a problem.”

  “I just feel like Ky and I come second to Chandler’s career.”

  “I don’t think that’s true,” Craig assured the woman.

  “I know she loves us and she doesn’t mean to make it seem like that. But, her job is so important that I feel like I can’t compete with that.”

  “As important as her job is, it’s still just her job. You are the person she comes home to.”

  “That’s just it,” Faith said solemnly. “She doesn’t come home much anymore.”

  Craig put his arm around Faith and held her tightly as she cried on his shoulder.

  Something had to change. Faith just didn’t like what that would mean for her and Chandler.


  Faith and Chandler agreed to have Christmas Eve dinner at Faith’s mom’s house. Once the older woman learned that the two were back together, she insisted that the family of three had to join them for Christmas Eve dinner.

  “Would you stop pouting, Faith?” Chandler said as they approached the front door of Faith’s old home.

  “No!” Faith said stubbornly. She was holding Ky in her arms.

  “Mama mad?” Ky asked.

  Chandler looked pointedly at Faith. She kept reminding the blonde that Ky was very perceptive, especially when it came to reading her emotions. They needed to be careful around the toddler.

  “No, Ky, I’m not mad,” Faith said.

  “She’s just crazy,” Chandler said under her breath.

  “I am not! I just know that my mother is going to say ‘I told you so’ and I so don’t want to hear it.”

  “But she did tell you so,” Chandler shrugged. “My mom already said it to me.”

  “I know! She texted me after you told her!”

  The front door swung open before Faith and Chandler could even knock on the door.

  “You guys are here!” Vanessa exclaimed.

  “Hey, Mom,” Faith fake smiled.

  “Gamma!” Ky exclaimed.

  “Well, don’t just stand there. Get in here!”

  The family of three entered the house. Vanessa grabbed Ky as soon as she could, leaving Faith and Chandler to take their coats off.

  “Is it wrong to be jealous of your own daughter?” Faith asked Chandler.

  “Yes,” Chandler answered assertively.

  “Hey,” Andy said as he joined the two women in the foyer.

  “Hey, Andy,” Chandler smiled, kissing the man on the cheek.

  Andy looked frazzled about something as he accepted a hug from Faith.

  “What’s wrong with your face?” Faith asked, referring to the stubble growing in.

  “What do you mean what’s wrong with my face?” Andy asked.

  “There’s hair covering it,” Faith said.

  “I’m growing in a beard,” Andy answered. “Do you like it?”

  “I hate it!”

  “Faith,” Chandler laughed. “I think you’ll look good with a beard Andy.”

  “She’s lying,” Faith informed Andy.

  “Whatever, I like it,” Andy said. “Listen, I brought Mel.”

  “Who’s Mel?” Chandler asked.

  “She’s the girl that Andy suddenly thinks he’s going to marry after three dates,” Faith said.

  “I am going to marry her. She’s perfect.”

  “You said that about Jess,” Faith said.

  “Yeah, but Jess was crazy. I didn’t know that at the time. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that you are on your best behavior.”

  Andy and Chandler both glared at Faith knowingly.

  Faith could be a bit hard on the girls Andy brought home. She couldn’t help but be protective of the man. She’d always want the best for him. That included the woman he married.

  “Can you guys stop looking at me like that?”

  “I’m serious Faith. No acting like my mom tonight.”

  “I don’t act like your m
om. I’m your sister. I’m supposed to be hard on the girls you date.”

  “I’m not hard on Chandler,” Andy said incredulously.

  “You love Chandler,” Faith answered obviously.

  “Not the point.”

  “Fine, I promise I won’t be a bitch.”

  “I’m not asking you to completely change who you are,” Andy said. “I’m just asking you to be a little nice.”

  “I’ll be nice,” Faith said, raising her hands up in surrender.

  “Thank you,” Andy said, walking back into the living room.

  “Are you really going to be nice?” Chandler asked quietly.

  “Probably not,” Faith whispered.

  After dinner was over, Faith offered to help her mother clean up in the kitchen.

  “What did you get John for Christmas?” Faith asked as she dried a dish.

  “Mainly some new tools for his collection,” Vanessa said.

  “Why does a person need so many tools?”

  “He’s obsessed,” Vanessa rolled her eyes. “By the way, I’m very glad you and Chandler were able to come tonight.”

  “Of course,” Faith said. “We always come over for Christmas Eve.”

  “I wasn’t sure about this year though. Luckily, you came to your senses just in time for Christmas.”

  Faith rolled her eyes. There it was. The ‘I told you so’ she’d been dreading.

  “Yes, Mom you were right all along. Chandler and I are meant to be together.”

  “Obviously,” Vanessa said.

  Faith rolled her eyes again at her mother. She bit her tongue in order to refrain from snapping at her. The woman really knew how to rub it in. She was such a sore winner.

  “I really am happy for you, honey,” Vanessa said sincerely. “I know I gave you a hard time about getting back together, but it was only because I know how much you two love each other. Some people are just meant to be together. You and Chandler are meant to be.”

  Faith’s scowl quickly resolved into a touched smile. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart,” Vanessa smiled.

  Chandler came into the kitchen and smiled at the two women.


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