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Breaking us Both 2: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Humiliation & Sharing

Page 2

by Tinto Selvaggio

  “It certainly hasn’t been easy.” I mumble.

  “Of course not,” he says “Before we embarked on this project you probably only considered the more obviously exciting elements of another man satisfying and subjugating your wife. Most submissive men do. “

  I mumble my agreement into the phone.

  “It often takes a husband longer to fully appreciate the erotic aspects of emotional uncertainty and submission” he says, “You’re doing well. In time you will learn to accept and enjoy these aspects too Vaughn.”

  “Right.” Is all I can think of saying.

  “And then of course there are demands I’ve made of you too Vaughn,” Richmond’s voice has lowered, “those elements are not always easy in the beginning Vaughn. Particularly when you have little experience of them.”

  I can scarcely breathe, let alone figure out a reply.

  “You’re exactly where I expected you to be at this stage Vaughn. You both are.”

  “Well the ‘both of us’, Lily and me, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about Richmond. It’s why I rang.”

  “I see,” he says, sounding like a patient headmaster.

  “How did you leave it with Lily before you went away? She’s still never mentioned anything about you and her.” I can hardly get the words from my mouth.

  “I’ve been talking her through this whole process Vaughn. I took some time to have a good discussion with her before I came away,” he says, “I couldn’t manage that with you Vaughn. I seem to remember you did another of your vanishing acts after your last visit to my hotel suite.” He pauses and heat burns up my face as I recall being on my knees in front of him that last time we met.

  “Lily knows I’m back in the country tomorrow Vaughn, we talked while I was away.”

  An arctic chill swirls around my insides.

  “You two talked while you were away?” A sense of betrayal bleeds through me.

  “Yes of course Vaughn. I’ve had to be there for Lily because you two aren’t yet at the stage of talking together about what’s going on. This isn’t easy for her either you know. She’s your wife and she loves you. You’re a lucky man Vaughn.”

  I mutter agreement into the phone.

  “Lily’s a young woman trying to come to terms with allowing herself to get what she needs sexually from outside of her marriage.” Richmond’s voice is firm, like a magistrate. I taste blood in my mouth. I’ve been my biting my bottom lip while I’ve listened.

  “She’s feeling some unwarranted guilt about what she’s done Vaughn. I suspect we may have reached the time when Lily should be told”


  “It may help her and the situation as a whole if Lily knows you and I were in this together from the outset.“

  Chapter Three

  I’m watching Lily sitting opposite me as she takes another mouthful of her tortellini pasta.

  “Is it OK?” I ask, pondering whether now is the right moment for the talk.

  Lily nods her head at me, “It’s good,” she says when she’s swallowed. She picks up her glass of white wine by its stem.

  There’s no way I want to risk Richmond being the one who tells Lily her meeting him in the first place was cooked up by me and him. Who knows what he’d actually say to her? I need to see her reaction too. That means I have to tell her myself.

  I’m dreading it, but at least when the whole thing is out in the open we can discuss her and Richmond. I could get her agreement that it doesn’t carry on. Otherwise how would I ever know for sure whether they’ve stopped?

  But how much do I tell her? How do you even start a conversation with your wife about the fact you know she’s seeing someone else?

  “Something on your mind Vaughn?” Lily adjusts the collar of her bottle-green silk blouse as if she’s hot. I wonder whether my face is betraying my churning stomach. It’s now or never.

  “I know about him.” I stare at her, poring over her face for any tell-tale signs or clues. Lily blinks sharply then tilts her head to one side and crinkles her brow as if confused. She looks down at her plate, digging her fork into her pasta. “Know about him?” she stutters before looking up.

  “Richmond, I know about you and Richmond.”

  “Who’s Richmond?” she says slowly. She could almost be uncertain.

  “Lilian; I know all about you and Richmond.” I put down my own fork.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about Vaughn, you’re not making any sense.” She tucks in her top lip. Her face and throat have turned a shade of coral.

  “Richmond who goes to your gym when you do Lily.”

  “Oh right, that Richmond,” she shrugs with a half-laugh, “What about him?”

  “I know you’ve been seeing each other”

  “Well we do see each other; if he’s at the gym when I am. But I see plenty of people there.” she sips her wine without looking at me.

  “I mean ‘see’ as in ‘having an affair’ Lily.”

  “An affair? Don’t be ridiculous Vaughn.” her brow furrows.

  She’s surprising me. I had no idea she’d deny it for this long. I’m almost impressed. But I need her to admit it so we can get it out on the open and stop the whole thing.

  “He told me Lily.” I can’t confess the whole story.

  Lily puts down her fork, her eyes widen at me.

  “He told you?” she clears her throat. “What do you mean he told you?”

  “Trust me, I know him - through one of my clients. I know what’s been going on because Richmond told me.” I watch her brow crimp more tightly then release. Her normally smouldering green eyes have filled up. She pushes back her chair. She’s up, away from the table her bare feet padding across the cork flooring and out of the room before I can react.

  What do I do? How did I expect her to react?

  I hear her sobs even before I reach our bedroom. She’s on the bed in the foetus position and turns away from me onto her other side when I enter the room. Even at a moment like this I can’t help but admire the contours of her round hips and fullness of her ass in her fitted grey business skirt. Guilt floods me. I set this up, I set her up.

  “Don’t be upset Lily, I’m not angry with you.”

  “You must hate me,” she sobs.

  “I don’t hate you: I love you.” I sit on the edge of the bed, caressing the high arches of one of her tiny bare feet.

  “How do you know Richmond? What did he say to you?” her voice is thin.

  “I only know him a little, through one of my clients.” I lie. “He mentioned the gym and the married woman called Lily he’s seeing there. He described you. Look; I know you didn’t plan to do it.” Unlike me. I cringe inside.

  “He was so persistent Vaughn,” she still won’t turn to me.

  “I Promise I’m not angry with you Lily. I could never hate you, I love you too much.” I snuggle behind her, spooning myself. I hook my thighs under the arch at the back of hers and my groin against her fleshy backside.

  “As long as you weren’t planning to leave me,” I say quietly to her back.

  “Oh Vaughn,” now she does turn to me and her eyes move from side to side across mine. I might fill up too if I’m not careful. She holds my face.

  “Of course I’m not going to leave you.” She kisses me. I kiss her back tasting the saltiness of her tears.

  “Well that’s’ OK then” I laugh and she laughs too – although hers sounds as much like a sob. I kiss her again, inhaling the faintest traces of patchouli and cotton candy from her perfume which is fading around her throat at the end of a long day.

  “I love you Vaughn,” she says, her voice thick from crying. I feel my groin tingle and swell with relief as much as anything else.

  We lie in one another’s arms for several minutes without talking.

  “So is he good?” I whisper eventually, gently moving my groin right up against her thighs. Now I have evidence of her feelings for me my arousal takes charge.

  “Oh Va
ughn stop it,” she sighs and her whole body shudders as if with a residual sob.

  “Come on Lily you can tell me. Was he good?” I take one of her hands and move it down between my legs so she can feel my hardness.

  “Do you really want to know?” a reluctant smile appears at one side of her mouth

  “Can’t you tell I do?” I move my groin against her hand.

  “You’re a pervert Vaughn” she laughs and gently swipes at my cock.

  “I want to know if he was good.” I repeat, kissing her neck now so that she closes her eyes.

  “Maybe it’s none of your business” she smiles, eyes still closed.

  Would she look so comfortable and contented if she knew I’d seen her being jerked on by strangers in that parking lot? The memory tightens my balls and makes my cock surge. We kiss deeply. Lily’s hand is on my zipper. I push one of my hands down, shoving at the hem of her skirt, burrowing towards her panties. She groans as my fingers snake under the lace material. My index finger makes contact with the warm stickiness just inside her pussy lips. She pulls me to her.

  “Is he good Lily?”

  “Yes” she exhales.

  I push two fingers into her, squirming them around as if they’re being electrocuted.

  “He’s a millionaire Vaughn,” she breathes over my face, “He drives a Bentley.”

  Something about those things clearly exciting her sends a frost through my blood. I have to resist the urge to ‘punish’ her for making me feel this fear. I want to tell her I ‘know only too well what he drives’ and where he parks it up early evenings and what he and she do there together in front of strangers.

  I withdraw a finger far enough so that I can coax the stiffness of her clit.

  “You sure you want to know Vaughn?” she whispers as I work my fingers.


  “He likes to tell me what to do,” she moans.

  “Oh Lily,” I shudder with desire for her at her words. My cock is gripped by her small hand as she squeezes and rubs me.

  “You like him doing that? Ordering you around?” I’m flicking rhythmically at the little bud between her legs.


  My wife admitting she enjoys being dominated by Richmond.

  “What does he get you to do?” I push my hips back and forth in time with the peeling motion of her hand around my shaft.

  “I do whatever he wants.”

  Her words and the relentless peeling motion on my foreskin are too much. Shit! My body is rigid - from my toes to my brow. I’m cumming!

  I’d normally try to make her cum after I’ve done so myself. Lily doesn’t ask me to this time so I lay here in her arms losing track of time. She’s stoking my face and neither of us speaks until eventually, with my desire drained I know I must.

  “As long as it’s over now Lily.” My voice is thick.

  Her fingers stop moving on my face. She looks at me with her lips pressed together.

  “Oh Vaughn,” she turns over away from me.

  Am I imagining it or was she filling up again?

  Chapter Four

  “What are you talking about ‘Richmond wants to see us both’ Lily?” I grip the receiver tightly and stare across my desk at my PC screen and the email I’ve just started composing to Richmond.

  “I’ve just come off the phone from him.” Lily says into my ear.

  “What were you doing calling him?”

  “He called me and I asked him. I told him you’d spoken to me, that you knew each other.”

  Oh shit. What has he said to her? I should have just come clean and told her the whole truth last night about how all this started.

  “He said it might be best if we all sat down together to discuss it like adults. The three of us,” My wife’s mouth sounds dry as she talks. “He suggested we meet this lunchtime in town if you can make it. The Cabana restaurant around 1:30pm. My boss said I can take an extra long lunch hour. You’re working from home so you’ll be able to come won’t you Vaughn? “

  How can I do this? The three of us?

  For a moment I consider what could happen if they met without me. What Richmond might reveal about the real way he and I got together. How I placed an ad for someone like him. How we planned for him to ensnare my wife. How he even had me make a ‘presentation’ to persuade him to seduce and entrap my wife. What if he tells her even more than that about of what I’ve done for him?

  “What is there to discuss Lily?”

  “Please Vaughn. I feel so confused.” Lily’s voice is little more than a whisper.

  “I’ll speak to him myself. I’ll call you back.”

  I delete the contents of a new email I’d started to write to Richmond and begin again in a different tone.


  Lily tells me you and her have spoken on the phone this morning. I know she’s aware now that you and I know each other. I’ve also told her (like I mentioned to you yesterday), that I want this to stop now. I would be grateful if you don’t call my wife any more as we’re trying to work everything out between us now.

  Thank You,


  Am I really sure I want to send this? No, I’m not. The submissive husband inside me wants to do what Richmond says and meet him with my wife. Some other part of me is resisting, fearful of the potential consequences of continuing doing his bidding.

  It doesn’t seem like there could have possibly been enough time for anyone to read what I’ve sent, let alone craft a reply. But by the time I return from the kitchen with a coffee Richmond has responded.

  “Good Morning Vaughn,

  Thank you for your email.

  I was on the point of contacting you myself to say that Lily and I had spoken today.

  Your wife is clearly upset and in need of a discussion with both you and I following your revelation to her yesterday.

  I asked her to mention to you my suggestion of a meeting this lunchtime. I think it would be in everyone’s interests if we all attended.

  I look forward to seeing you again then so that we can have a frank conversation, clear the air and decide how to move forward.


  I curse his persistence. That same persistence that no doubt helped him both accumulate his fortune and seduce my wife.

  What choice do I have about this? I can’t afford to have them meet without me if the agenda is the relationship I’ve had with Richmond up to this point. Also, if Lily really is upset and confused about everything I guess I have a responsibility to try to help put that right don’t I?

  The Cabana restaurant has the kind of clientele and prices that normally make people like me hurry past it without as much as a glance at the menu. I stand waiting to be seated at the restaurant entrance wearing a shirt and trousers combo that I changed my mind about wearing several times. I fidget with my hands. I know the whole room is looking at me. Everyone is well-aware I’m about to have a discussion with my wife and her lover about our three-way relationship. Oh God how has it got to this?

  At last the maître d’ spots me.

  “I’m meeting someone,” I say and give him Richmond’s name. His dubious expression changes to fawning warmth as he ushers me in, sweeping me towards a quiet booth near the back of the restaurant.

  Lily’s here with him already.

  Richmond sees me before my wife does. Seated close to her on the large semi-circular leather-bound sofa he leans back and waves me towards them with a confident smile.

  “Your guest Sir.” The waiter almost bows to Richmond before directing me alongside my wife.

  Lily looks embarrassed. She’s in between us both. She crosses her long legs away from me and towards Richmond. Her dark skirt rides up her thigh a little and she adjusts it downward.

  “Thanks for agreeing to come as well Vaughn. I appreciate it and I know Lily does too.” His handsome features grin at me, his face tightened and toned from the overseas sun. He leans across my wife and his powerful, smooth hand grip
s and crushes mine.

  We exchange some awkward pleasantries and small talk about his trip and he orders an espresso for me. They both have tea. At one point, as Richmond is topping up Lily’s drink, their fingers brush. She doesn’t seem to notice.

  How can he seem so relaxed about this?

  “I don’t think there’s much to discuss really Richmond.” I blurt out, conscious how warm my cheeks are. My breathing sounds short, fast.

  “I think we all have some concerns about the situation we now find ourselves in.” He says, ignoring my comment. “But first, I think it’s important for us to make sure everything is out in the open. So we all know where each of us is coming from on this.” Richmond smiles from Lily to me.

  ‘Everything’ out in the open?

  “I believe it’s time we gave your wife a full explanation about how you and I met.” Richmond studies me and if cats smiled, he would look like a panther eyeing up a trapped rodent.

  I stare back at him, suddenly conscious my mouth might be gaping. I try to bore into him with my eyes, willing him to shut the fuck up. Lily moves her ass on the seat and she too is looking at me now.

  “Do you want to tell your wife or would you prefer it if I did it?” his eyebrows rise.

  What the hell do I say?

  Lily looks from me to Richmond and then back again. I’m not sure I can speak.

  “No need to be concerned Lilian,” His hand is on her shoulder.

  “Vaughn?” her throat muscles swallow repeatedly.

  “Put simply Lilian,” Richmond seizes the initiative as I flounder for words. His voice is soft, soothing. “Your husband originally confided in me that he felt unable to satisfy your needs Lilian,” his chin juts out as he speaks. Lily’s eyes are wide, her face flushed pink. I’m frozen here next to her.

  “He felt I may be the kind of man who could provide what you needed, so he approached me to do so. What I said to you at the outset remains true Lilian; my own marriage is less than perfect.”

  “What?” One of Lily’s hands covers her mouth, her face is scarlet. “Vaughn put you up to it?”


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