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Breaking us Both 2: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Humiliation & Sharing

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by Tinto Selvaggio

  “I only did it because I wanted you to be happy Lily,” I touch her arm but she shrinks away from me.

  “Your husband merely facilitated our meeting Lilian. He wanted the best for you. We both agreed that I should see whether there might be any chemistry between you and I.” He smiles with a quiet satisfaction, as if detailing something perfectly commonplace and acceptable.

  “I don’t believe this,“ Lily’s face blackens. “Let me out Vaughn,” she grabs her handbag from in between us and lifts her bottom from the seat.

  “Sit down.” Richmond’s voice is firm and raised. It seems to startle us both. He gestures toward the seat. Lily freezes where she stands. She fiddles with the strap of her handbag, her face crimson. “Sit down Lily, please.” Richmond smiles patiently. “I’m sorry for having to raise my voice at you in public.”

  I watch in disbelief as my wife resumes sitting. She won’t look at me.

  “The issue for us all now is what we do from here. “ says Richmond.

  “We go our own ways.” I say quickly, trying to head off a perverse, mounting excitement with watching my beautiful wife spoken to that way in front of me by this old man.

  “I said earlier that we all seem to have some concerns about our situation,” says Richmond, “So I’ll express mine first.” He spreads himself further on the sofa, as if to get more comfortable. His knee rests against one of my wife’s thighs. My stomach and chest feel as if huge, unseen hands are compressing them.

  “As I’ve stressed to you individually I fully understand you both having certain misgivings about inviting a third party into your marriage. I want to reiterate a couple of things from my perspective.” He sips his tea and without appearing to hurry, returns the cup to its saucer.

  “Firstly, I’m an otherwise happily married man who has no intention of dismantling or damaging either my own or your marriage. Secondly, your wife is probably the most beautiful creature I have ever had the pleasure of an involvement with.” He pauses and Lily shuffles awkwardly on her seat. “Thirdly, I believe that with my input and guidance your marriage and relationship can actually be strengthened from my involvement.”

  Richmond sits back in his seat sipping again from his cup. Neither Lily nor I seem to know what to say.

  “I have to tell to you both that I would be extremely reluctant to have to give this up after we’ve got this far. Unless of course that was what all parties wanted.”

  “Well it’s what I want,” my stomach has hardened and my throat closed up with an almost overwhelming combination of frustration and anger at this apparent loss of control. But I can also sense and want to shake off, a terrible building sexual excitement.

  “But is it what Lilian wants I wonder.” Dark brown eyes slide across to my wife. They survey her cleavage before moving down to her bare knees. I feel my breathing begin to labor at the sight of Lily inspected so openly in front of me.

  “Lilian,” he says abruptly, “Do you really want to put an end to what we’ve started?”

  Lily’s chin has dipped to just above the swell of her chest.

  “Lilian?” his eyes narrow as he looks at my wife.

  “No.” Her voice is little more than a squeak. My blood chills.

  “Was that a ’No’ Lilian?” Richmond raises his chin. Lily nods her head.

  The waiter arrives with a bottle of wine for the table. I expect Richmond to pause until the waiter has left before continuing to talk. He doesn’t.

  “Then I guess all that remains Vaughn, is for you to decide whether or not your wife and I continue our relationship with your involvement – or without it.”

  Chapter Five

  In the home of a couple of our closest friends I smile around the dinner table like I’m listening to what’s being said. If there was any way I’d felt I could have got out of this long-arranged evening I surely would. Thankfully it’s drawing to a close now.

  Sitting back I admire how gorgeous Lily looks in her off the shoulder, tight-fitted black dress and pearl necklace. Her hair is up behind her head. But it’s impossible for me to look at her and not think of Richmond. All evening my emotions have been in turmoil trying to come to terms with the decision I think I’ve eventually made. Not that I had much choice.

  Lily on the other hand looks anything other than distracted. She’s been her usual charming, self around these other two couples. I don’t know how she manages it with everything that’s going on.

  I’m not sure if it really was a threat when Richmond said they would carry on together ‘with or without’ me. But that’s kind of how it felt. I have to either accept them being together or try to force Lily to stop seeing him. But she told us both she didn’t want to stop. If I don’t give them my blessing and try to stay involved at some level there’s a risk I’ll know nothing of what’s happening between them. I’ll be frozen out. Not knowing would be unbearable.

  If I stay involved maybe I can at least try to influence how far it all goes. Maybe having ‘no choice’ about this is the best thing. It might stop me agonising about whether we should be doing it or not. I might as well just try to enjoy what I can.

  We say our ‘Goodnights’ and swap kisses with everyone in the hallway. Male friends, who must have pecked Lily on the cheek a thousand times without me caring, are scrutinized closely by me for any inappropriate lingering around her face or mouth. How crazy is this?

  “I enjoyed tonight,” Lily sighs as I fire up the car engine and heater. She releases her hair from up behind her head and it tumbles around her shoulders. The night is chilly now. I study her elegant neck and a hint of a silver drop earring as she looks out of the window into the dark.

  “I’ve been thinking about what Richmond said,” I say as I overtake a taxi. Lily looks at me.

  “So have I,” her hands fidget together on her lap.

  “Go on; Ladies first,” I say my heart in my mouth.

  “If you really wanted it to stop Vaughn then I would.”

  A warm tidal wave of relief floods through me with such intensity that pathetically I almost want to pull over and sob in her arms.

  “I should have said when the three of us were in the restaurant Vaughn. It’s just that Richmond can be hard to say ‘no’ to.” She looks to her hands.

  For a moment I recall the way Richmond ordered her to ‘sit’ when she stood yesterday. How Lily first looked embarrassed before obeying him. My beautiful young wife obeying a direct order in public from this old man. This guy has her in the palm of his hand. My mind rewinds for the thousandth time to that night in the parking lot. It seems like some outrageous fantasy now.

  Curiously after the ‘fix’ of relief from Lily offering to end her ‘affair’ - what I interpret as proof she still loves me; a sense of disappointment lingers. Do I really want to lose something as erotic as this? Isn’t Richmond exactly the kind of man I’ve imagined Lily with for as long as I can remember? Isn’t he what she, what we both, need? I feel like I’m going crazy with indecision.

  “So what were you going to say about him anyway Vaughn?” Lily’s brilliantly white teeth play over the top of her lower lip. She reaches across the center console and her hand touches the sensitive nerve endings around my inner thighs.

  “Just that as long as we agreed some limits,” I clear my throat; “maybe we could try carrying on for a while, see how it goes.”

  I can’t believe I just said that.

  Lily’s hand slowly circles my thigh.

  “We don’t have to Vaughn” she says, her voice so faint it sounds like a wisp of a cloud.

  “I know we don’t have to,” I slow for a red light. “But the reasons for me introducing the guy into our lives haven’t changed have they?” Our eyes meet. “I can’t give you what he can,” my throat is tight.

  “But that doesn’t matter,” she leans over and kisses me on the cheek. She’s not denying he can give her what I can’t.

  “We both know it does matter,” I smile at her wide eyes. “I want you to
be satisfied. Hell, I get horny at the thought of you being satisfied.” I reach across to her lap and she laughs.

  “As long as it’s not by you though eh?” she says and we both laugh.

  “But I couldn’t bear to lose you Lily.” My voice sounds puny. Lily leans further across towards me, adding her other hand to the one on my thighs.

  “You won’t lose me you idiot. In any case he’s married – he’d never leave Trudy his wife. Even if I wanted him to.” A hand moves over the front of my pants.

  I indicate and pull the car up the slip road to the service area. The far end of the parking lot looks dark and deserted. Lily looks at me questioningly. I leave the engine running and lean over kissing her. One of her hands is on the front of my pants, massaging my cock.

  “What did you mean before by ‘limits’ when you said we’d need to agree some?” she breathes into my neck. My hands are at the hem of her dress, pulling it up the creamy flesh of her bare thighs.

  “Just emotional limits,” I climb cross the center console. Lily eases her ass off the seat to help me hoist her dress up to her waist.

  “I wouldn’t want you to get too involved. Like I said, I couldn’t bear to lose you – I mean look at you!”

  Lily laughs and her hair falls around her face as she lowers my zipper.

  “You’re not going to lose me” her eyes drop to my groin as she pulls my engorged erection from my pants.

  Is she thinking how much smaller it is than his? The thought makes me momentarily feel my erection will wilt but at the same time it sends an electric shock of excitement to my core. I’m still hard. I groan out loud as the cool flesh of her delicate palm encircles me. Does that hand even fit around Richmond?

  With one knee between her legs on the car seat I use both hands to free her lusciously succulent breasts out of the top of her dress and bra. Free of her clothing her rose-colored nipples stiffen and pucker. She closes her eyes as I lower my head to suck at her breasts.

  ‘Does Lily ever mention having her nipples clamped or slapped?’ Richmond asked me once when studying a nude picture of her. Has he brought up the subject with her? I draw her strawberry-like nipple into my mouth and suck it hard between my cheeks.

  “So there’s nothing physical I couldn’t do with Richmond?” She murmurs and my cock throbs so hard. I manoeuvre my hand and yank at her soaking red panties. She squeals as I tear the fabric.

  “You can just be his bit on the side,” I pant. Lily moans.

  “Oh God Lily” I drag my cock from her hand and lunge forward, plunging myself into the sopping heat between her legs. She groans and grips me with her pussy muscles. The heel of her shoe knocks into the window as she tightens her bare legs around my back.

  “Oh Lily, Lily”.

  It’s not me feeling the warmth of her insides around my groin and against my balls. It’s Richmond. Richmond my wife’s lover, her master, inside her. Oh God, I’m cumming

  The rest of the journey home is quiet. I’m wondering how long Richmond lasts when he has sex with my wife. I want to ask Lily but I doubt she would tell me the truth for fear of hurting my feelings.

  Five minutes from home Lily moves her hand back onto my inner thigh and breaks the silence.

  “Richmond’s going away on a business trip at the weekend. He’s asked me to go with him. Would you mind if I went Vaughn?”

  Chapter Six

  “Richmond.” There’s irritation in his voice down the phone and it takes me by surprise.

  “Sorry Richmond, its Vaughn. If this isn’t a good time I can call you back later.” I mumble, my palm sticky on the phone.

  “I shouldn’t be too long, I can call you if you’d prefer.”

  I hesitate about giving him my number. I’ve never called him without first blocking my id. How ridiculous am I? He must have my wife’s number – he’s fucking her! Why worry about him having my telephone number?

  “Whatever you prefer Vaughn. I have to go now. I should be free in around twenty minutes. Try me then.”. The line goes dead. I look at my PC and the list of potential prospects I have to contact before I finish today. There’s so much to do, but my head is filled only with thoughts of this man and my wife.

  I’m trying to get my head around the fact he’s asked her to go away with him for a weekend. When was he planning on telling or asking me about it?

  Somehow the thought of him sleeping overnight with my wife; spending two whole nights and days together (presumably in a hotel far swankier than we could ever afford), really scares me. But maybe I’m over reacting. I’m not sure where I expected them to conduct their relationship once it got started. Would I prefer him to take my wife dogging every time they have sex together?

  I guess there just seems something more intimate about them sharing a bed for the night, checking in to a hotel together like a regular couple. Something about it both chills my insides with dread and yet tightens my belly and balls with arousal. I need to at least talk to him about the idea of this trip. But I need to get the call over quickly. I’m getting behind with my work.

  “Hi again Vaughn. Sorry I couldn’t talk earlier. How are you?” his voice is calmer now and my chest clenches as soon as I hear it.

  “Lily mentioned something about you wanting to take her away for the weekend Richmond.” I want my voice to ring with at least a little authority. But I know it doesn’t.

  “Yes, I intended to drop you an email this afternoon to see what you thought. I’ve been busy in meetings this morning. I need to attend a trade show at the weekend and I thought it could be a good opportunity for Lily and I to spend a little more time together. A chance to progress your wife’s development shall we say. Assuming of course you have no objections Vaughn?”

  My stomach knots further and my groin shivers with his words.

  “So would you mind if I took your wife away with me Vaughn?” he says slowly.

  “I guess I’m just a little nervous of her spending two whole nights away with you Richmond. She’s never done anything like this before.” My mouth is arid, the words sticking to the roof of my hard palate.

  “And that very fact plays a large part in my attraction to her Vaughn. Her freshness.” He extends the two syllables of the last word before continuing. “Each step in this process is likely to test you Vaughn. I counselled you right from the start that fully surrendering to another man wouldn’t be easy. Keep in mind that this is what you always wanted, what you both need at the very deepest level.”

  He pauses again and my breathing sounds amplified down the phone line.

  “Remember; I have no intention of taking your place as Lily’s husband. I have a wife of my own who I love very much. Your wife is only ever going to be about the sex for me Vaughn. The sex and the control and the submission. Fully surrendering Lily to me this way is a necessary step for you both.” He purrs his last sentence making my groin throb.

  The silence that follows seems to demand a reply but I don’t know what to say. I grip the phone so hard that my fingers ache.

  “If you still have concerns I’ll have a little time this afternoon if you wanted to meet to discuss it further. I have something to show you which may help you.”

  “I’ve got so much to do Richmond; client marketing, web projects.”.

  “Not anything you could perhaps put off until this evening?” His voice is compelling, verging on forceful.

  “I really don’t know Richmond,” Excitement and fear sear through me like missiles at the danger of meeting this man alone again.

  “I shall be working on something in my usual hotel suite most of the afternoon Vaughn. I can make time for you at any point. I’ll take with me what I’d like to show you– just in case you’re able to make time to come and see me. But now I’m afraid I need to go to a meeting.”

  Once the line goes dead I sit with my insides churning. I can’t do this. I can’t go to him again.

  But already I’m trying to justify it to myself. We could talk through exactly
what he has planned for Lily if he takes her away. What is it he wants to show me? I tell myself I have the strength to resist anything else he might suggest. But I don’t want to think about what he might want me to do. I don’t know if I can trust myself.

  The smart thing to do would be to just jack-off here right away. Then I could get on with the work I need to do while I see how I’m feeling about this weekend away. But something inside is compelling me not to do that.

  I’m showering. I’m choosing my clothes. Looking for my car keys.

  I’m driving across town.

  Chapter Seven

  I have to knock on the door of Richmond’s suite three times before he answers.

  “Sorry about that Vaughn, I was on the phone to one of my offices.” He gestures me into the room with his phone. This room where my shame still lingers.

  What am I doing here?

  “Let’s sit down over here, where we can be more comfortable to talk.” The large room isn’t laid out the same as my previous visits. The small table and chairs are pushed into the far corner of the room and Richmond directs me across to the other side, towards a large leather sofa and armchair with a small coffee-table between them. He invites me to sit on the sofa.

  “Let me get some drinks for us.” He strides purposefully over to the room phone on the wall. “Espresso?”

  I nod my head and he dictates our requirements before taking a seat and crossing his legs in the armchair adjacent to me. Our pleasantries about the traffic and weather are interrupted by room service at the door.

  “Would you like to get that Vaughn?” he points towards the door; his words a request, his tone an instruction. My heart thumps. I obey.

  The cups and spoons rattle with my nerves as I carry the tray over to where we sit. I hand him his green tea.

  “I’m conscious of your time Vaughn so let me show you what I promised.” He leans over the far side of his armchair and reaches down towards the floor. He lifts up two glossy paper carrier bags with twine for handles and grins at me. “For Lily.” He says, placing both bags upright on the small table between us.


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