The Horologicon: A Day's Jaunt through the Lost Words of the English Language
Page 20
quobbled 27
rum-peeper 20
Scotch louse trap 27
Scots Greys are in full march, the 27
scraping castle 24
shavery 28–29
shower curtain effect, the 26
siege, go to 24
Spice Islands, a voyage to the 22–23
squiggle 31
squitter 24
staddle 20
tantadlin tart 24
through cough 21–22
tooting-glass 20
trichotillomania 28
Welsh carpet 28
Welsh comb 28
Welsh diamond 28
wrines 21
xanthodontic 30
Chapter 3: 8 a.m.
abbreviations 34
‘Abyssinia’ 42
analects 42
ante-jentacular 37
apple-catchers 34
aristology 37
ben joltram 37
brizzled 40
butter shag 37
cackling farts 39
calliblephary 36
caper in the wind 41
ceruse 36
chota hazri 38–39
circumgyrating 42
collyrium 36
concinnate 33
conge 42
conny wabble 40
dance upon nothing with a hempen cravat 41
dandizette 33
dressed to death 36
flabergudgion 35
fucation 36
gay deceivers 34
grinnow 35
hearty choke and caper sauce, have a 41
jenticulate 38
opsony 37
oxter lift 42
preparing bait 37
pucker paint 37
ragabash 35
ruff peck 40
Sir Posthumus Hobby 34–35
sky-clad 33
snogly geared 36
Spitalfields breakfast 40
surfle 36
tatterdemalion 35
tatter-wallop 35
textile 33
togged to the bricks 36
vitelline 39–40
whet 40
yarrum 40
Chapter 4: 9 a.m.
backsters 47
balladromic 51
barracoon 53
beau traps 46
besage 49
brachiate 48
bumbershoot 45–46
cacolet 48
celivagous 43
chariot buzzers 50
chiliander 50
chorking 47
cobweb morning 46
commutation ticket 43
daggled 47
delphinestrian 48
dew drink 53
dewbediamonded 46
dog’s soup 46
dolorimeter 53
drosometer 46
gaincope 51
Golgotha 45
grubbling 47
‘Have among you, you blind harpers’ 52
hemothymia 52
incede 48
jehu 49–50
jumblegut lane 49
pogonip 43–44
postreme 53
prestolating 50
scatches 47
scream sheet 52
scrouge 50
scuddle 53–54
swale 44–45
swallocky 46
swole-hot 46
swolten 46
swoly 46
swullocking 46
thringed 53
thrombosis 49, 53
thwankin 44–45
trampoose 48
whiffler 51–52
xenodochium 50
zarf 52
Chapter 5: 10 a.m.
aboulia 66
battology 57
constulting 56
contekors 66
conventicle 64
ding 61
discept 61
divan 55
Dover Court 64
earnder 67
essoinment 56
‘Get off the fence, Hortense!’ 66
‘I dig your lick, baby’ 63
‘I don’t go for that magoo’ 63
‘I’ve seen the elephant, chum’ 64
latrocinium 55–56
log-rolling 66
longanimity 60
mataeology 58
Mons 64
morn-speech 55
mugwump 64–66
mumbudget 60
nefandous 67
nod-crafty 59–60
obganiate 57
panegyris 55
pectination 60
pedeconferencing 55
periergy 66
‘Saw your timber’ 64
semantic satiation 58
sockdolager 62
supervacaneous 66
synod 55
tacenda 66–67
‘That’s screamin’, mister!’ 64
‘That’s shovel city, man!’ 63
ultracrepidarian 61–62
‘We’re all breathin’ natural gas’ 63
Chapter 6: 11 a.m.
‘All my eye and Betty Martin’ 73
ashcan 80
balductum 72
bind 71
binding rigid 71
blatherskite 73
buffing it home 74
‘Butt me’ 79
clanjanderer 73
cock your organ 80
controver 72–73
corsned 74
coughery 76
dick 73
dornton 69
duff gen 72
effutiation 72
eleven hours 69
elevener 69
Elsan gen 72
firing a gun 70
flim-flam 72
flitter-tripe 72
flumadiddle 72
fribble-frabble 72
fumatorium 76
fume gallants 78
funk/funky 80
furphies 70, 72
gen king 72
hard-ups 80
‘Have a firework’ 79
latrinogram 71–72
misocapnist 75, 79–80
mundungus 79
nicotinian 77
numquid 70
old rope 79
parliament of smokers 76
pukka gen 72
‘Queen Anne is dead’ 74
quidnunc 70
quirly 79
quother 70, 72
rawgabbit 70–71
salamander 79
smoking match 77–78
smoko 75
spermologer 70–71
sponk 80
straight 79
tabagie 76, 79
thrumbles 70
tobacconalian 76
undecimarian 69
‘Will ye raise a cloud?’ 76
Chapter 7: Noon
answer jobber 85
audit ale 87
barker 84
brevet 89
breviate 85
‘Chuff it’ 84
clusterfist 83
deaconing 87–88
Dharna 88–89
emails 85–86
and butter email 86
cheddar email 86
email of comfort 86
journal email 86
laureate email 86
email of marque 86
email of placards 86
email of Uriah 86
fudgel 89
glavering 88
high fliers 85
jobler 87
letterling 85
nephelolater 87
notekin 85
plutocracy 84
plutogogue 84
plutography 84
plutolatry 84
plutomania 83–84
presenteeism 83
quomodocunquize 83
rogitating 88
sardonian 88
screeving 84–85
Spanish money 89
sprezzatura 81–83
sting-bum 88
Chapter 8: 1 p.m.
abligurition 103
allotriophagy 92
amell 91
borborygmi 91
cook ruffin 98, 100
eructation 101
esquire trenchant 97
‘Fall-a-bord!’ 95
famelicose 91
Fletcherism 96–97
free lunch 94–95
gastolaters 98
gastrophilanthropist 92
goinfres 98
golofers 98
groke 93
guddle 96
gullet-fanciers 98
gundy-guts 96
gutguddler 96
guttle 95–96
horse’s meal 94
ingurgitating belly-gods 98
katapepaiderastekenai 103
kickshaw 98
mock turtle soup 99–100
pingle 97
pinguid 97
precibals 93
residentarian 100, 103
rypophagy 100
scambler 93
Sir Timothy (Treat-All) 92
slap-bang shop 92
tooth music 96
turtle-eater 98–100
wamblecropt 101–02
wambling 101–02
Chapter 9: 2 p.m.
avuncular 111
causey-webs 106
‘Copy’ 113
doundrins 106
ergophobia 105, 107
facienda 110
gongoozle 106–07, 110
maritorious 111
materteral 111
matriotic 111, 114
nooningscaup 105
patrizate 111
philadelphian 111
philodelphian 111
philopater 111
philoprogenitive 111
‘Reading you five’ 113
rizzle 107–08
‘Roger’ 113
‘Securité!’ 114
sesquihoral 106
siesta 105
sloom 108–09
snudge 107
streke 109
uxorious 110–11
‘Wait out’ 113
‘Wilco’ 113
Chapter 10: 3 p.m.
action-taking 123–124
batie-bum 123
blindcinques 117
blunkerkin 123
buzz-wig 115
celestial 115
chasmophiles 117, 120
downsizing 125
drogulus 118–19, 122
drumble-dore 123
eye-servants 120
finical 123–124
foozler 123
gabos (G.A.B.O.S.) 124–125
hedge creeper 116
‘Imshi!’ 116
incloacate 116
juffler 123
keys to the indoor tank park, the 119
king-fish 115
latibulaters 116
lip-labourers 120
lollygagging 115
lolpoops 115
loobies 115
lurdans 118
maflard 123
meeting without coffee, a 120–22
mercaptans 116
michers 116
mob-master 115
narcotraficantes 124
oniomania 120
pigeon milk 119
ploitering 120
purple dromedary 122–123, 125
puzzle-pate 123
rascal-jacks 117
rightsizing 125
sack, to 125
satrapon 115
scobberlotchers 117
shaffles 123
shite-rags 118
sleeveless errand 119
streamlining 125
super-serviceable 123–124
tall boy 115
tarrarags 117
theomeny 122
tintinnabulate 121
top-hatter 115
Chapter 11: 4 p.m.
Assam 130
bitch 131
blash 129
boul 131
cat-lap 129
cha 127, 133
Chado 127–128
chanoyu 127
chatter broth 131
‘Congo’ 132
Darjeeling 131
drowned the miller 129
gunfire 129
husband’s tea 129
Lapsang Souchong 130
maiden’s pee 129
moo juice 132
nostalgie de la boue 127
overdrawn 131
potty 131
scandal broth 131
seppuku 128
Sinhala (Ceylon) 130
skeuomorph 131–132
tasseography 133
theist 128
thermopotes 132
Chapter 12: 5 p.m.
betwattled 135
charette 138–40
cinqasept 135
crawly-mawly 141
dieta 135
eleutheromania 141–142
eschaton 136
estovers 142
expleted 141
festinating 141
fisk 140
fit of the clevers 136
frobly 141
frobly-mobly 141
grave digger, like a 140
immure 137
lestobiosis 142
niffle 142
panic party 139–40
perendinate 141
perfurnished 141
perimplenished 141
procrastinate 141
quality of doneness 141
seven beller 140–141
shemozzle 140
shturmovshchina 136–40
upwound 141
very throng 140
vomitorium 143
Chapter 13: 6 p.m.
advesperate 145
aglets 151
belamies 153
cockshut 145
commensal 149
commensation 149
compadres 153
compotation 149
consociators 153
constable 150–151
cut direct, the 151
cut indirect, the 151
cut infernal, the 151
cut sublime, the 151
decognise 152
devitation 152
didapper 152
dimpsy 149
astic 146
familiars 153
flânerie 146–149
flâneur 147
friars 153
gin pennant 153–154
heel 150–151
inwards 153
judasly 152
makes 153
marrows 153
meander 148
mense and their meat, have their 154
mogshade 148
murkens 149
obnubilates 145, 149
pollicitations 153
sauntry 149
scamander 148
scoperloit 148
shoulderclapper 152
sociates 153
sociuses 153
tillicums 153
tread-wheeled 146
vesperal 145
vespers 145
vespertilionize 145
vespertine 145, 148
vespery 145–146
Chapter 14: 7 p.m.
aisle-leapers 157
blister packs 158
bottle glorifiers 158
cannibalism 158
costards 155
danglers 157
exploding offer 158
facing 158
footfall 156
gondolas 157
Gruen transfer 155–156
islands 157
kick band 157
light thief 157
price channel 157
romancing the customer 158
shelf miser 157
traffic 156
wobblers 157
Chapter 15: 8 p.m.
anthypophora 168
bedinnered 173
begin the board 164
blind man’s dinner 173
bromide 166–167
bumpsy 162
buz 171
cenacle 163
cenatory 169
coenaculous 162–163
collocation 168
colloquialist 165
colloquist 165
deipno-diplomatic 165
deipnophobia 165
deipnosophist 165
dianoea 168
dinner 161
discumbed 164
‘Do you know the Bishop of Norwich?’ 170
duologue 168
Dutch feast 162
gnomon 169
golopshusly 173
halalcor 162–163
hold the dais 164
interjaculate 168
interjaculatory 168
kittle pitchering 167
lollop 164
marshalled 163
quafftide 173
‘Remember Parson Malham’ 170
rere supper 161
reward, at one’s 164
rhubarbing 165–166
supper 161
supperward 161
swank 171
tailor’s mense 171–173
tetralogue 168
tocsin 162
triclinum 164
‘Who has any lands in Appleby?’ 170
‘Who is Peter Lug?’ 170
‘Who skinks?’ 169
withershins 170
yule hole 172–173
Chapter 16: 9 p.m.
admiral of the narrow seas 185
admiraless 186
alehouse 177
ale-washed 184
alms drinks 187
antithalians 176–177