The Horologicon: A Day's Jaunt through the Lost Words of the English Language
Page 21
ape drunk 189
apolaustics 176–177
bawdy house bottle 181
beer-goggles 192
beer-sodden 184
bibbery 178
bingo-mort 181
birler 181
blind pig 178
bombard man 181
canteen medals 185
Centzon Totochtin 190
compotation 176
David’s sow, as drunk as 192
drink-water 176
drunkery 177–178
dry-drinking 175
four hundred rabbits, as drunk as 191
fox drunk 189
fresh-boiled owl, as drunk as a 190
fud 178
fuddler 178
fuddling 178
fuddling-school 178
Ganymede 180
goat drunk 189
guggle 182
Hebe 180
heel-taps 187
hydropot 176
island, the 186
jambled 191
kalopsia 192
Knight of the Spigot 180
lanspresado 179
lickspiggot 181
lion drunk 189
lovethoughts 192
madefied 184
marine 188
marine officer 187–188
marine recruit 188
martin drunk 189
maudlin drunk 189
nappy ale 181
nepenthe 182
nephalist 176
nimtopsical 191
onion, smelt an 191
Ose system 188
owlers 177
pandoratrix 180
perpotation 176
pooning 183
potation-shop 177
quafftide 175
royal poverty 181
sheep drunk 189
Sir John Strawberry, made too free with 191
Sir Richard has taken off his considering cap 191
sluiceries 177
small go, a 176
snake-room 179
snecklifter 179–80
snuggery 182–183, 185
soldier’s bottle 181
speakeasy blind tiger 177–178
spunkie 181
Squire of the Gimlet 180
stagger-juice 182
strip me naked 181
super nonsensical 191
supernaculum 186–187
swine drunk 189
tapster 181
taradiddles 176
tears of the tankard, the 185
time machines 179
tipling house 177
under-skinker 181
vice admiral of the narrow seas 185
vinolent 184
vinomadefied 184
wankle 184–185
wheelbarrow, as drunk as a 191
wise or otherwise 191
wowser 176
Chapter 17: 10 p.m.
accismus 202–204
agastopia 197–198
amatorcultist 205
amatorial 199
anuptaphobia 200
arrision 199
Baker Street, changing at 213
baltering 208
balum-rancum 207
bathycolpian 198
bellibone 202
biscot 209
breems 201
buff-ball 207
callipygian 198
carnal confederacy 213
cataglottism 210, 213
caterwauling 195–196
clickets 201
comfortable importance 212
cowfyne 202
croons 201
dangler 199
dioestrus 196
dragging time 193
eassins 201
equinecessary 214
fanfreluching 213
fangast 212–13
figurant 200
fillip, give nature a 194
flesh-company 213
fleshling 193
fleshment 211
flichter 200
flichter-fain 200
fondlesome 211, 213
fribbler 213
gamomania 212–13
gazehound 199
green-gown 194
gymnopaedic 207
haker 199
hot cockles 213
imparlibidinous 214
interunion 213
jazz 213
jelly-roll 213
jig-a-jig 213
jockumcloying 213
‘Kill me’ 201
last favour, the 213
lawful blanket 212
mamihlapinatapai 208–209
mariturient 212
meddling 213
melling 213
minauderie 199
Moll Peatley 213
mollocking 213
murder 201–02
mutton-monger 193
natiform 198
need-sweat 200
‘Nolo Episcopari’ 204
nympholepsy 215
ogler 199
Ogo-Pogoing 195–196
old hat 213
osculable 209, 213
oscularity 210
osculary 210
osculatrix 210
parabore 204–205
passiuncle 214
pavonize 199
pickaroon, out on the 195
Pisgah sight 214–15
pom-pom 213
poop-noddy 213
proling 194, 196
propassion 197
quaffing 213
rattles 201
rum-strum 199–200
shake a hough 206
shrikes 201
Sir Berkeley 213
smell-smock 205
smicker 197
smickering 197
snilcher 199
snoutfair 202
spanandry 196
sprunt, to 195
subagitation 213
subarrhations 213
supersaliency 214
‘Suppose we get together and split a herring’ 201
swiving 213
tacturiency 211–12
terp, to 207
terpsichorical 207
thelyphthoric 205–206
tripudiate 206
twiddle-poop 205
velleity 199
Venus exercise, the 213
visuriency 211–12
wapping 213
whineth 201
wonder wench 202
‘Wouldst like to con a glimmer with me this early black?’ 201
‘You’re a V-NOS, baby’ 205
Chapter 18: 11 p.m.
agatewards 218–19
ale-knights 217
barguest 224
bug hunters 224
California blanket 224
circumforaneous 224–225
corpse-hooks 224
danna-drag 224
degringolade 223
devotional habits 222–223
diverticulums 220
dog-weary 221
dolmus 217
donestres 224
écorchés 224
eternity box 224
extravagant 220
final, to 217
gyrovague 220
hircocervus 224
humicubation 223
labascate 223
late bright 217
mascaron 225
montivagant 220
moon-curser 219
mort 224
multivagant 220
mundivagant 220
nemorivagant 220
night-foundered vicambulist 220
noctivagant 220
nubivagant 220
nullibiety 221
nullibiquitous 221
omnivagant 220
pixelated 221
pixilated 221
royal footpad 219
royal scamp 219
seel, to 223
sheep bed 224
skimbleskamble oberration 221
slidder 218
solivagant 220
sooterkins 224
spartle 224
trance 220
trilly, to 217
twitchels 220
uncuses 224
vagulate 220
vespilone 224
whangdoodle 224
wharve 220
wheady mile, upon the 221
white sergeant 218
xenodocheionology 224
xenodochial 224
Chapter 19: Midnight
apodysophilia 231
arseling pole 227
beauty-sleep 227
bed faggot 227
Bedfordshire, head up the weary wooden hill to 231
bedwards 229
beggar’s velvet 233
bene darkmans 236, 238
blores 228
bull’s noon 228
candle-wasters 231
clinophobic 229
consopiation 236
couchée 236
counterpanes 236
creep-mouse 229
curtain lecture 234–235
discalcing 233
dowse the glims 236
dragonism 234
dream drumbles 236
dreamery 236
ecdysiasm 232
ecdysiast 231–232
epitrope 235
fugacious 235
gymnologising 234
hay, hit the 231
healing 236
hog’s head, couch a 231
levament 235
lucubatory 230–231
lucubrate 230
lychnobites 230
midnight follies 230
myoclonic jerk 236
nightingale floor 228–229
night-spell 236
panes 236
paralipsis 234–235
philogrobolized 230
phrontistery 231
Ponk, the 236
Scotch warming pan 236
screak 229
snudge 233
soss 229
subderiserous 235
surrepent 229