Book Read Free

Sinners MC

Page 37

by Bella Jewel

  “Thank you,” I whisper, bringing the hot liquid to my lips and swallowing. It burns my throat, and I close my eyes, drowning out my wince.

  “Was it too hot? I’m sorry!” Addison cries.

  I shake my head, opening my eyes to meet her pretty green ones. “No, sorry, my throat is a little sore.”

  “Are you feeling better after those painkillers?”

  She looks concerned, and my stomach twists angrily. I want so badly to just get up and run, but there’s no place in this world where my father wouldn’t find me. He would do anything possible to draw me out. He would start killing those I loved most. I would never escape. This is my world, like it or not.

  “I’ve spoken to my dad; he said it’s ok if you stay with me for a few days, until we can figure something out.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate it,” I whisper, unable to look at her as I say the words.

  “It’s no problem, we’re going to get you all fixed up.”

  God help me.

  “Hey Addi, a word?”

  I lift my head to see the pretty blonde, Ciara, standing at the door. She gives me a suspicious look, but flashes a smile before turning to Addison.

  “I will be back in a moment,” Addison says, walking towards Ciara.

  They disappear out of the room, and I take the opportunity to stand and look around. I’m in some sort of office, so I quickly hurry towards the drawers and open them. I shuffle through quickly, but come up empty. Sighing, I shut the drawer and turn, just as the door opens and the handsome MC President comes storming in. He skids to a halt when he sees me standing stupidly next to his desk. His eyes narrow and he walks in further, slapping a wad of documents up and down over his open palm.

  “What’re you doin’ in here?”

  I can’t help my heart as it quickens. There’s something about this man that makes you want to cling to him. He looks so gentle, and he’s incredibly handsome. He’s older than me, I am guessing by at least ten years, but it doesn’t detract from his beauty. His dark hair is plaited in a long, thick braid that hangs down over his shoulders. There’s no grey in it, not that I can see anyway. His eyes are green, like emeralds. His arms are laced with beautiful tattoos that run up and down the entire length of both. His body is tall, thick and broad. I can see he’s powerful, but for the most part, I can see a certain level of gentle in his eyes.

  He was kind to me when I arrived, and it shocked me.

  No one has ever been that kind to me before.

  “I...Addison left me here so she could go and talk to Ciara.”

  He scans his eyes over me again, before nodding and walking over to the desk. I step out of the way, and watch as he drops the documents in the drawer and slams it shut. He lifts his green gaze to mine again, and I shiver. Dammit.

  “So, your father did that?” he says, pointing to my face.



  “Because he got angry.”

  “Ain’t no reason to hit a girl, especially not your own daughter. Someone ought to fuckin’ gut him.”

  I tremble, and wrap my arms around myself to stop him from noticing. “Y-y-yeah,” I whisper.

  “Did Addison tell you that you can stay at my place for a few days?”

  “Yes, thank you,” I say, my voice small.

  I’m timid naturally, though I have a lot to say if someone pisses me off. Now, though, I feel like a small, stranded child. I have to keep it that way too, if someone gets suspicious...No, I can’t think about what he will do if that happens.

  His eyes soften, and he nods. “I’m never really there anyway, so don’t thank me. I don’t like seein’ girls hurt, especially not by their own family.”

  “Most wouldn’t dream of taking me in,” I whisper, meeting his gaze.

  He gives me a weak smile. “I ain’t most people, darlin’. Now go on, I gotta make a few calls. You can wait around in the hall, but you do need to leave my compound soon. Rules and such.”

  “I understand thank you, um...”

  “Jackson,” he murmurs, turning his eyes from mine.

  “Thank you, Jackson.”

  I turn and head towards the door, just as I reach it, he says, “If he contacts you, I want you to tell me. No fucker gets away with beating his daughter, not on my watch. You tell me, yeah? I’ll make sure it never happens again.”

  I don’t look at him, but I nod. I step outside, and my entire body begins to shake.

  God, if only he knew.



  “Sorry it smells so bad, Jackson is a pig when he wants to be. I’m almost sure the man doesn’t know how to do his own dishes, and don’t get me started on the laundry,” Addison says later that night, as she pulls some sheets off a spare bed.

  We came back to Jackson’s house after a few hours at the compound. The house is old, and crappy, but inside it’s warm. It has a good feeling. Like there is a lot of love flowing around. It’s not dark. Addi showed me around quickly, before letting me choose a room. Now we’re tidying it up to make it more...livable.

  “It’s ok, I’m grateful,” I say, handing her the pair of clean sheets.

  She flashes me a smile, before throwing the sheets onto the bed. We both tuck the corners in, before straightening out the blanket over top.

  “It’s safe here, and Jackson is usually home by midnight, so he’s here too.”

  “He said he’s barely home,” I say.

  She shrugs. “He’s not, but he always makes sure to come home for the night. He likes to make sure I’m safe.”

  I nod. “Thank you, for this...”

  She gives me a gentle expression. “I’ve been in your shoes; I know how it feels to be trapped. I’m glad you have somewhere safe to stay while you figure it all out.”

  God, why do they have to be so nice? I wrap my arms around my stomach again and nod, forcing a smile.

  She gives me a gentle smile, before reaching down to grip her phone and keys. “I’m going to whip down to the store to get something for supper. Anything you don’t eat?”

  “Anything is fine,” I smile weakly.

  “Great, I’ll leave my cellphone number in case you need it. I won’t be long. Are you ok?”

  I nod, and she gives me another smile before turning and rushing out. When I hear her car start up and drive away, I turn and lift my cell, dialing Hogan’s number and bringing it to my ear with trembling fingers. Bile is rising up and down in my throat, and I can’t seem to push it back. I swallow and swallow, doing the best I can to avoid throwing up all over Jackson’s room.

  “You got anything?” Hogan barks as soon as he picks up.

  I shudder, and close my eyes, taking a deep breath. “No, I haven’t even been here a day.”

  “Don’t fuckin’ care, you get busy with it. I want information by Tuesday next week. You find a way to get outta there and get it to me. Phone is too risky.”

  “I can’t just walk out,” I protest. “It’s too risky, they will get suspicious and it will blow the entire thing.”

  “Listen to me, you little fuckin’ slut. I call the fuckin’ shots, and you do as I fuckin’ say. Know that sweet ass little girl of Janine’s you love so much...”

  I gasp, my throat closing in. “Don’t, please.”

  “Your friend wouldn’t be happy if her daughter went missing, and died, because of you...imagine what her old man will do to you, if he knows it’s your fault his daughter is dead...”

  “You wouldn’t do that to one of your own men’s children, would you?” I rasp.

  “Course I fuckin’ would. I would do it, and I would put it back on you. Don’t mess with me. You know I will bring you down, and I’ll do it fuckin’ hard.”

  “Please, Hogan, I will do as you ask. Just leave them out of it.”

  “Fuckin’ right you will. Find out when they’re going to hit us and how.”

  “I-I-I think it’s the wrong club, they don’t seem...”

bsp; “What?” he roars, “you little fuckin’ slut. Don’t you fuckin’ question me. I know who fuckin’ blew my compound, and I know why. Those two fuckin’ clubs are goin’ down.”


  “Shut the fuck up, and do as you’re fuckin’ told or your friend’s kid goes for a swim...”

  Oh God. The phone hangs up and I double over, gripping my stomach as tears stream down my battered face. I’m trapped. It doesn’t matter what I do. I can’t escape. He’s going to find a way to make me betray these people, and I’m likely to end up dead because of it. I won’t risk my best friend and her baby and he knows it. I would never put her in that position. I have no choice.

  I have to stay.



  Addison returns half an hour later with a big, good looking biker behind her. I’m in the living room now, sitting on the couch with my legs tucked to my chest, trying to control the shaking that refuses to leave my body. Addi tilts her head to the side, giving me a concerned expression before walking over and stopping in front of me.

  “Hey,” she says gently. “You ok?”

  “Just feeling a bit ill,” I lie.

  “Do you want to go to sleep? You don’t have to eat.”

  I shake my head. “I’m ok...”

  She nods, and then smiles. “This is my soon to be husband, Cade.”

  The handsome biker steps forward, flashing me a warm, inviting grin. I want to shake my head in confusion. My father must have this all wrong. These men can’t be the cold, deadly killers he speaks of. They’re so...kind. I’m yet to meet one of them that’s nasty, horrible or rude.

  “How you doin’, sugar? Lookin’ pretty beat up.”

  I shudder, but keep the false smile. “I’m feeling better. Thank you.”

  He nods. “You find that mongrel that did this, and we’ll make him pay.”

  I laugh weakly. “Jackson said the same thing earlier.”

  “What did I say?”

  I jump at the voice coming from the doorway, but Addi and Cade simply turn and smile as Jackson walks in, shrugging off his jacket and leaning down to open the pizza box. He takes a slice of pizza, and stares at the three of us. His eyes scan over me a moment longer than the other two, and I suddenly feel tiny under his gaze.

  “Just tellin’ Serenity here, that if she figures out where the mongrel who beat her is, she should tell us so we can sort him out.”

  Jackson nods. “Yeah, fuckin’ sort him out alright.”

  “Thank you,” I say in a small voice. “But it’s fine.”

  “How old are you girl? Can’t be more than eighteen and you’re tellin’ us it’s fine for a man twice, possibly three times your age, to beat you?” Jackson says, giving me a confused expression.

  “I’m actually twenty-five,” I squeak.

  Everyone in the room raises their brows. I feel color creep into my cheeks. I know to most people I look like a teenager. I am no more than five foot three, with a tiny build, small breasts, small ass, and, well, small everything. My hair is dark, and so long and thick it almost looks heavier than me. My eyes are hazel. I’m lucky really, I got my mother’s looks over my fathers, thank Christ for that. My mother was a cheap hooker, who ran out on me when I was two, but I know she was attractive. Hogan had a photo of her, and so I kept it. He doesn’t know I kept it, but I did.

  “Bullshit...” Jackson says, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “It’s the truth,” I say, swallowing nervously.

  “Show me your ID?” Addi laughs. “That can’t be true.”

  My heart begins to hammer. If they ask too much about me, they’ll figure out who I am. I can’t just whip out my ID and show them. I should have kept my damn mouth shut instead of opening it. I’m going to make them suspicious and blow this entire thing out of the water.

  “I-I-I don’t have it,” I stammer.

  “I was joking,” Addi says softly. “It’s ok.”

  I get to my feet, feeling my knees wobble. “I’m just going to get some sleep. Thank you, for taking me in.”

  They all nod, staring at me oddly as I turn and rush off up the stairs. When I get to my room, I close the door behind me and press my back to it, letting out a long, weak sigh. I don’t know if I can do this. I just don’t know if I’m strong enough. How can I hurt people who have done nothing to me?

  Think of your family, the ones they blew up.

  I’m trying to, but it’s not enough for me to want to hurt them. It’s just not enough. Hogan deserves everything he gets. He killed that other biker’s wife, everyone knows that. He doesn’t care about them, or their families, and yet he wants me to care about mine. How can I? When mine are monsters? I slide down the door, dropping my head into my hands and wincing as my palms press against my bruised face.

  What the hell am I going to do?

  ~*CHAPTER 2*~


  “That was odd,” Addison says, tucking herself beside Cade on the couch.

  I am still staring at the stairs, wondering what the hell is the go with Serenity? Something is not quite right about her. Granted, her own father beats her, but it’s something more than that. I just can’t put my finger on it. The girl is like a tiny, broken pixie. How anyone could lay a hand on her is beyond me. I turn to my daughter, and meet her confused expression.

  “No idea,” I say, grabbing another slice of pizza and slumping back into the chair. “But she’s got some history...I’ve seen damaged girls in my time, and I can tell you now, she’s damaged.”

  “Yeah,” Addison says, frowning. “I just wish we could help her out of it.”

  “Can’t save everyone, sugar,” Cade says gently, giving her a look.

  “I know, but she looks so afraid, like someone is just going to come in and blow her to pieces.”

  “She’s been recently beaten,” I say between mouthfuls. “It makes sense she’s scared, kid.”

  “I know daddy, but it seems like so much more.”

  Daddy. Fuckin’ girl kills me when she calls me daddy. Fuck. Fuck. I want to wrap her up and never let go. Best day of my life when she walked back into it.


  We all turn to see Spike and Ciara coming through the door. Jesus, can’t a man get some peace and quiet? I come home for quiet time, but the shits find me and make themselves at home. Sometimes stayin’ at the compound seems like the better option. Spike has a six pack in his fingers, and Ciara is rubbing her belly protectively.

  “Spike, to what do we owe this tremendous pleasure?” I say in a monotone voice.

  He smirks at me, before coming in and making himself at home on the couch. Ciara slips in beside him, wrapping herself around him in much the same way Addison did to Cade. My heart tightens, and I fucking hate it. I hate that I feel so fucking lonely sometimes. I’m coming on forty this year, and I go to bed every night alone. Occasionally I fuck a random woman, or share with some of the MC’s, but more often than not, I am just alone.

  “How’s Serenity?” Ciara asks.

  I shrug. “Ask Addison.”

  She turns to Addison, who shrugs too. “She’s ok, quiet, but ok...I think.”

  “She said much about where she’s from?”

  Addi shakes her head. “Not a great deal of info coming from her.”

  Ciara nods. “Yeah, well, she’s probably scared. Though I did figure out something was off with her when she first came in.”

  “How so?” I ask, taking a sip of beer.

  “She didn’t seem scared, like the compound didn’t frighten her at all. Most women would be petrified. She wasn’t.”

  “So she’s lived around some serious bad asses?” Addison murmurs. “That explains a lot.”

  “Yeah, but I wonder who?” Ciara adds, pursing her lips.

  “Ain’t our business,” I point out. “We’re just here to help get her better so she can find a way to get back on her feet.”

  “So boss,” Spike says, cutting us off. “Hea
rd anything since the blow out?”

  I shake my head. “As far as I know, they don’t know it was us. Hogan is dead.”

  “We sure of that?” Cade asks, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

  “I’ve got someone on it, we should hear for sure soon.”

  Spike nods. “Hopefully it’s all fuckin’ over.”

  “Yeah, I’m getting too fuckin’ old for this shit.”

  Addison snorts, and I give her a glare. “What?”

  “You’re like...forty.”

  “Yeah, as I said, fuckin’ old.”

  “Father, you’re not old, just well-seasoned.”

  Spike snorts his beer, and Cade bursts out laughing. I give Addison a wicked grin. “You’re lucky you’re too old to have your ass spanked, girl.”

  She flashes me an award winning smile. “You wouldn’t smack me, I’m too sweet.”

  Ciara laughs, standing. “Come on Addi,” she giggles. “Let’s go talk babies and let these guys grunt and bang each other’s chests.”

  “Careful, Tom Cat,” Spike grins, slapping her ass as she walks past.


  It never ends.



  I can’t breathe, his fingers are around my throat and I’m thrashing, but I can’t escape it. I want to escape, but I can’t. He’s too strong, too big, and too powerful. His body is crushing mine against the wall, and I’m squirming to get away. My body tingles, and my heart thumps as all the oxygen is squeezed from my body. I’m going to die, this is it for me. It’s over with. I’m dead. Part of me is relieved, I’m so tired of fighting, but part of me wants to fight. I realize just as the last of my breath leaves my body, that I don’t want to die. I should have picked to fight.

  “What the fuck, wake up!”

  I slowly come to, my eyes are hazy. It takes me a moment to realize it was a dream, and I’m now waking up. I see Jackson leaning over me, shirtless, hair flowing around his shoulders, looking like a dark angel.

  “Hey, you with me?”

  I’m panting, and my body is covered in a fine sheen of sweat.


  “You were screamin’, fuckin’ loud.”


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