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Sinners MC

Page 38

by Bella Jewel

  Screaming? Oh shit. If I scream my father’s name...panic floods me, and I begin to pant even heavier. This is too risky. I have to get out of here. I can’t do this. It’s too dangerous. I bolt upright, and Jackson reels backwards. His thick, dark hair hangs over his shoulders, it’s all loose, and he looks utterly breath taking standing in front of me. His body is hard, large, and covered in tattoos. God, I can’t be doing this. I shouldn’t even be looking. I leap from the bed, and scurry about trying to find my cell phone. I find it, shove it in my pants and hurry to the door.

  “Whoa, what are you doin’?” he asks.

  “I can’t be here, I can’t do this. I’m sorry. I should leave,” I ramble.

  I rush past him and down the stairs. He follows; I can hear his heavy footsteps behind me. He reaches out just as I hit the bottom step, gripping my arm. I yelp loudly, spinning around and shoving at his chest so hard he stumbles backwards. His eyes widen and he quickly lets me go, throwing his hands up.

  “Don’t touch me!” I scream.

  His eyes are full of concern, and he gently shakes his head. “I’m sorry,” he says slowly. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I wouldn’t hurt you, I swear it. Don’t go runnin’ out in the middle of the night. It’s dangerous out there.”

  “Please,” I say, my voice trembling. “I can’t be here. I appreciate your hospitality, but I can’t stay.”

  “So you go runnin’ out onto the streets in the middle of the night? You know how dangerous that is?”

  “I have no other choice, I can’t stay. I can’t...”

  “Hey,” he says, stepping closer, his green eyes searching my face. “Ain’t no one gonna hurt you here. I swear it. Come on, darlin’...just go back and get some sleep. Sort yourself out. Then you can leave if you want.”


  Why does he have to be so sweet? Why can’t he be vulgar, and rude, and awful...that would make this so much easier.

  “I just...”

  “Please, at least stay the night,” he says, his eyes meeting mine. “Just one night. It ain’t going to go down well with me, if I know you’re out there alone...”

  Thinking of my father’s reaction if I return home with no information, I nod my head weakly, and swallow. “Ok, I’m sorry, I will stay.”

  “There ain’t nothin’ to be sorry for.”

  Oh how wrong he is.

  “I am asking a lot of you, being here...” I whisper, meeting his piercing gaze.

  “I don’t mind helpin’ you out,” he says softly, then turns away.

  I watch as he walks into the kitchen. He opens the fridge and pulls out some milk, and then he goes into the cupboard and finds some honey. He pours the milk into a pan, and then squeezes some honey in. I walk over, feeling my legs wobble. Watching his back as he stirs, watching the muscles move and pull, makes my throat tight. Why is a man so beautiful, so alone?

  “You don’t have a wife...”

  I curse myself for asking such an insensitive question. Jackson gives me a look over his shoulder. “Nah.”

  “I’m sorry, that’s none of my business.”

  He shrugs. “It’s fine, darlin’. I ain’t got nothin’ to hide. It just never happened for me, I came close with Addi’s momma, but it was never meant to be.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He shrugs. “Sometimes love just ain’t meant to be for some people.”

  “I don’t think that’s true,” I say softly. “I think everyone has someone.”

  “I’ve found plenty of wrong, just never right.”

  “She’s out there.”

  He smiles at me, like I’m a small child dreaming far too big. He turns and pulls out a few glasses, and pours the milk into them before lifting them and handing one to me. I take it, grateful.

  “When I was a kid, my momma used to make this for me, it works,” he says, nodding his head towards the glass in my hand.

  “With sleep or the nightmares?” I ask.


  I smile, and it’s the first real smile I’ve given since I’ve been here. Jackson smiles too, and it causes all the breath to leave my lungs in a rush. He’s got these beautiful dimples, and on his square jaw, they look divine.

  “So your mom,” I whisper. “She was loving then?”

  He nods. “Yeah, she was amazing. What about you?”

  I look away. “She ran out when I was two, leaving me with...him.”

  “That’s fuckin’ shit, I’m sorry.”

  A random, unexpected giggle erupts from my throat.

  “That was funny?” Jackson says, giving me a half smile.

  “No,” I say, still smiling. “It’s just the way you say things.”

  He grins. “Yeah, I add far too many fucks into my sentences.”

  I shrug. “It’s ok, I don’t mind.”

  “You grow up around here?” he asks, putting the glass to his lips and taking a sip.

  “No, we’ve just been here for the past few...months.”

  It’s a lie, we’ve only just gotten into town, but if I tell him that, he’ll ask questions.

  “You got any other family?”

  I shake my head. “No, just my father.”

  “Sucks to be in a position you can’t escape from.”

  I nod. “Yeah, it does.”

  He nods, and runs his finger around the rim of the glass. “Well, you stay here as long as you need.”

  “Thank you, but I’ll try and get out of your hair as soon as I can.”

  He shrugs, tensing and releasing his jaw. “Don’t matter to me, darlin’. You can stay.”

  “I know,” I whisper. “But you don’t know me and...”

  “You gonna murder me in the middle of the night?”

  I chuckle, but it sounds empty, even to me. “No.”

  “You gonna steal from me?”


  “You’re not one of those female sicko’s that will tie me up and rape me?”

  I giggle, and he grins. “Serious question, darlin’. You never know.”

  “I swear, I don’t have sex fetishes.”

  His eyes twinkle with humor. “Well then, I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

  We’re not fine though. Because I’m lying to him. I’m cheating him.

  I’m a monster.

  “Well,” he says, pushing off the counter. “Hope the milk helps.”

  He puts his glass down, flashes me a smile, and walks out. When he gets to the stairs, I spin around.

  “Hey Jackson?”

  He turns, looking at me. Damn those eyes.

  “Thank you.”

  He grins again. “Yeah, no problem.”

  Then he’s gone, and I’m left with an aching heart.

  How the hell am I going to do this?

  ~*CHAPTER 3*~


  “You sure you want to do this?” Addi asks, unlocking the door to the main house at the Hell’s Knights compound.

  I nod. “I need to help out somehow, you all took me in and you didn’t have to.”

  “You know it’s no pay, the girls that work at the bar don’t get paid for it...”

  “I know,” I say, and then quickly cover it with. “I didn’t expect to get paid.”

  She smirks. “Well, if you want to put up with the drunken fools, sure.”

  I wave a hand. “I don’t mind.”

  We head into the bar, and she turns to me, pointing to the beers, spirits and then the glasses.

  “Those are all you need to know about. The men don’t care about what we’re wearing, doing, or saying. They come to drink, sometimes to fuck, and they move on. Make it known from day one that you’re not a whore, they will soon learn. Don’t let them push you around.”

  I smile at her, but inside my head I’m grinning big. She has no idea just how much I know how to deal with bikers. I didn’t really want to ask to work here, but I know if I don’t come back with some sort of information, my father will flip. Working here might give
me a chance to overhear something. It might allow me to find something worth taking back. I feel my stomach twist at the thought of doing this, but I have no way around it. I can’t walk away.

  “Thanks,” I smile. “I’ll ask if I need any help.”

  “You girls ready to open?”

  We both turn to see Jackson striding in. I pull my lower lip into my mouth as I watch him stop in front of us. He looks completely stunning this morning, his thick black hair is tied back up, and his grey shirt stretches across his broad chest. He’s got his colors hanging over his arm. His heavy black boots jingle as the chains slap together. He’s bouncing his foot impatiently for some reason, perhaps something is going on?

  “We’re all set. I’ve gone over it all with Serenity.”

  Jackson turns his eyes to mine. “Don’t let none of those bastards try and put you in the sack, you tell ‘em to fuck right off if they start.”

  I feel the side of my mouth curl into a half smile. “I will.”

  “You girls yell out if you need me. I’ve got a meeting.”

  I watch as he disappears into the office at the back. A moment later, Cade and Spike come in and join him, followed by two other men. It must be important, but I have no idea how I’m going to hear any of it. I turn to Addi, giving her a fake smile. Maybe if I use the old ‘I need to go to the toilet’ act, it will buy me some time to try and see if I can hear some of what they are saying.

  “Have you got a toilet around here?”

  She nods, pointing down the hall. “Down the hall, to your left. Near Jackson’s office.”

  I hurry off quickly, and when I enter the dark hall, I see Jackson’s door is closed. Quietly, I walk over, and have a quick glance around before pressing my ear to the door. The voices are muffled, but I can make out enough of the words.

  “You heard if he’s dead yet?” Cade says.

  “No, haven’t heard back. I think he’s dead, he was in the house that blew.”

  “We gotta be sure. Hogan could be a problem if he puts two and two together,” Spike says. “And he will if he’s alive. He knows I’m looking for him.”

  I lift my head off the door. They think my father is dead? Oh god, they don’t know he’s alive, they’re not even ready for what’s coming. This isn’t good. I’m about to turn, when I hear a voice behind me. “What you doin’ down here, girl?”

  I turn to see an old biker, smoke in his mouth, glaring at me. I open my mouth and splutter out, “I was looking for the bathroom.”

  He jabs a thumb to the door over from the one I’m standing at. I scurry towards it, stepping inside quickly. Shit, that was too close. I walk over to the sink and dampen a piece of towel to wipe my face. I take a few deep breaths, and calm my trembling hands. This is bad. This is really bad. They don’t even know Hogan is alive, which means his attack is going to come as a shock.

  My stomach turns, and I rub it furiously. I should tell them Hogan is alive. I know I should. I want to, but if he finds out...oh god. Maybe if I tell Hogan they don’t know, it will buy them a little more time because he will think he’s got one over them, and create a plan. It might give me more time to be able to figure this out. I can’t let him kill them. God, what am I doing? What sort of person have I become?

  Then I see Ebony’s little face in my mind, and know I can’t let him hurt her. I’m doing this for her. I have to protect my friends little girl.


  Shit. Addison.

  “Um, sorry, I’m coming.”

  “Are you ok?”

  “Y-y-yes, I’m fine.”

  I take a deep breath, and quickly swing the door open. Addison gives me a once over, and smiles. We both turn, and head back out to the bar. I quickly step behind it, and begin helping her. The first man that comes up has long, thick red hair, and stunning blue eyes. His arms are covered in colorful ink. He’s got a dimpled smile, and a kind, handsome face.

  “Well, you must be the new girl,” he drawls. “I’m Muff.”

  I let off an unexpected giggle that has Addi giving me a look of shock. I smother it quickly. I know it’s completely random for me, but I can’t help it. Muff...his name is Muff?

  “Nice to meet you, Muff.”

  He grins at me. “You gettin’ some enjoyment out of my name, princess?”

  I flash him a smile. “It’s interesting.”

  “There’s a story behind it, you wanna hear that story?”

  “Muff,” Addison warns, giving him a look. “Not now.”

  He grumbles at her, but winks at me. “Maybe later then? And you can tell me where you got all those nasty bruises.”

  I frown, and he flashes me another smile. He’s very handsome, in an odd kind of way. He leans over the bar, and orders a whiskey neat. I turn and promptly get it. When he takes it, our fingers brush and he lets his gaze rake over me. Jesus, he’s totally hitting on me. At least, that’s what I think he’s doing.

  “Later then?”

  “Later, Muff.”

  He turns and walks off. The minute he disappears, Addison walks over, rolling her eyes. “He’s such a ladies man. Most of the girls love him, because he’s...well...apparently great in the sack. Gives them loads of attention.”

  “Let me guess,” I say, lifting a glass to dry it. “He likes Muff?”

  Addison bursts out laughing, and I feel warmth deep inside me as she wraps an arm around me.

  “I like you, Serenity. It’s not often I meet someone with the same personality as me.”


  This was a problem.

  Because I liked her, too.



  “This is a good thing, yeah?” Spike says, lighting a smoke and leaning back in my large, leather chair.

  I’m pacing the room, frustrated and angry. We have no information on the survivors from Hogan’s club, and worse, they’ve disappeared from their lot and no one knows where they’ve gone. It’s bad. I know it in my gut. They aren’t going to sit back and accept what we attempted to do, which means we need to find out where they are, so we can get in first.

  “How is it good?” I growl, lifting a glass of whiskey and shooting it back.

  “Well, if they knew it was us, they would have come here. We’ve all got watches going, and there ain’t no other bikers in this town.”

  I shake my head, meeting his eyes. “Don’t sit well with me, Spike. I don’t think it’s that simple.”

  “He was in that house, Jack’s. We saw him go in. He’s dead. The other guys have moved on.”

  I stare at him, and shake my head again. “Maybe, but until I know for sure, I ain’t sleepin’ soundly.”

  “When does your man get the information?”

  “He was meant to get it back to me already,” I growl. God, some of my fuckin’ guys were slack bastards.

  “Well, give him until tonight. If he ain’t back, we’ll send one of my guys out.”

  I nod, and grip my jacket before turning towards the door. “I’m goin’ for a ride. Tell Cade.”

  “Right, boss.”

  I walk out, and into the bar. Addison and Serenity are laughing at something on Addi’s phone. I can’t help but smile, seeing the way their faces are all lit up. Women are beautiful, don’t matter what they look like, they’re all beautiful. Precious damn gems, that light up your life daily if you’ll let them. They can also destroy it in a split second, because even if we don’t want to admit it, we’re all fuckin’ suckers for them.

  “You girls workin’ hard I see?”

  They both jump, and snap their heads up to meet my gaze. Addison rolls her eyes, but Serenity’s cheeks flush. Fuckin’ girl blushes every time I open my mouth, but fuck, it’s cute. Shouldn’t even been looking. Dirty fuck I am. I move my eyes from hers, to meet with my daughters.

  “Goin’ for a ride, anyone asks, you tell them that.”

  “On it,” she nods.

  “Later,” I murmur, meeting Serenity’s gaze again. “Lad

  They both murmur a goodbye, and get back to giggling at the phone. I head out front, and squint as the sun burns my eyes. I pull out a pair of sunglasses and pull them over my eyes. I’m about to get on my bike, when a hand strokes down my back. I turn to see Kayla, one of the club whores, grinning at me. She’s blonde, bouncy, and easy.

  “You haven’t been around, Jackson. I’ve missed you.”

  “Yeah, busy,” I grumble.

  “You know, Muff is keen to try me out with you...if you’re interested. I’ll come around when I get back from the city in a few days.”

  My dick twitches. Fuck it. I know I’m dirty, I don’t mind sharing a woman with my club members every now and then, and this girl knows it. She’s usually the one in between us. Muff though? I had no idea Muff was into that shit.

  “Muff isn’t one of my guys,” I say, raising my brows at her. “You been fuckin’ Spike’s guys?”

  She snorts. “The two clubs might as well merge into one, they’re always here.”

  She makes a valid point. The only reason they haven’t done so, is because Spike is too damned proud and likes the idea of being President. Fair enough too, I wouldn’t give up the role easily. It’s my life.

  “Yeah, I’m keen,” I say, needing to relieve some of this fuckin’ pressure building inside me.

  She leans up on her toes, running her tongue over my bottom lip. “I’ll be there, Muff too.”

  I pull her in for a deep, pretty wet, kiss. She’s a bad kisser, but who am I to be judgmental? I’m forty and alone. I pull back from the kiss and reach down, gently running a thumb over the cleavage popping over her top. She mewls like a damned pussy cat, and gives me a sultry expression.

  “Later then,” I murmur, turning away.

  “Later, handsome.”

  I shake my head and get onto my bike, starting it up.

  I’m outta here.

  I need to breathe.

  ~*CHAPTER 4*~


  Tonight is my fourth night here, and apparently Addi is going to Cade’s for the evening so I’m alone. Jackson won’t come home tonight, because I’m here and it’s kind of tense for him to be around me. I can’t blame him really, it’s his house and I’m not someone he knows, or probably trusts. So, for now, it’s just me. I thought about throwing on a movie, eating chocolate and spending a moment forgetting about my situation, but as soon as I walk into Jackson’s house, and see the mess, I decide to pay him in my own way for letting me stay. I start cleaning his home.


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