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Santa’s Secret Baby

Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  “You got her?” Jillian asks, and I nod.

  “Yeah, I’ll carry her to bed.”

  It’s snowed a little more since we’ve been out, and the fresh powder covers the outside steps. As I lift her in my arms a little higher, I notice that there are already boot prints leading to the house.

  “Did your brother leave?” I ask, looking back for his car.

  “No, he said they’d be home all day. Why?” Jillian notices the recent prints the same time I do and glances up at the house.

  Just as I follow her line of sight, someone steps out from the shadows. It’s so dark at the top of the steps, and the light is behind the figure. It takes me a second to understand what’s happening, but when I see Jillian’s body react, I know exactly who it is.

  “Well, look who it is,” Paul sneers at the three of us as he slowly descends the steps.

  I hold Rae tighter against me, reaching my other hand out to grab Jillian’s upper arm. I try to pull her behind me, but she’s frozen in place.

  “Jillian.” I say her name and tug on her arm before she blinks and then comes to my side.

  “Isn’t it lovely seeing the whole family together,” he drawls, taking another step closer. “I see you told him.” Paul steps farther down, and the light illuminates his face. He’s lost so much weight since the last time I saw him, and his eyes are sunken into his skull. He looks like death, and when he smiles, I can see some of his teeth have begun to rot.

  “No,” Jillian says, barely above a whisper.

  I look at him in question before his smile grows wider. “She didn’t tell you that you’re the father?”

  Chapter 9


  Isaac stands there for a moment with no expression on his face, but after a moment he turns to me. “I should put her down,” he finally says, and I nod.

  My heart is about to come out of my chest. Why the hell is Paul here, and why now after all this time? I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat. I’m relieved Rae is asleep and not witnessing this mess, because I have no doubt it would not have mattered to Paul if she heard what he said. Paul didn't care who he hurt, and in his world children don't get a pass. I didn’t know how cruel he could be until I became his wife.

  We have no choice but to walk up the steps, and I’m surprised how Isaac remains completely calm.

  “You can wait outside,” he tells his brother when we get to the top while I put the code into the door and unlock it.

  “Don’t be a dick.” Paul lets himself right in, and Isaac’s nose flares. I know he wants to say something or more likely do something. From the look in his eyes, holding Rae is the only thing keeping it from happening.

  “I’m warning you.” His voice is so low, and the tone is so cold it sends chills up my spine. I didn't know someone’s voice could sound so deadly. He really must be pissed, and I’m sure some of that anger is for me too. “Come with me, Jillian.”

  I don’t want to leave Paul alone in the house. “I’ll stay here.”

  “I don’t want you alone with him.”

  “I was married to her, Isaac. I’ve been alone with her many times, and she’s still fine.” I close my eyes, knowing his comment is not going to help this situation.

  “Was married. She’s not yours anymore.”

  “I was never his.” I open my eyes to stare at Isaac, giving him a pleading look. Don’t take Paul’s bait. “Put our daughter to bed.”

  Isaac visibly relaxes. I might have been worried about how Isaac would react to finding out Rae is his, but it wasn't because I thought he might not want her. Isaac made that fear disappear the first moment I saw him with Rae, and with his every action since then he’s made it clearer. He would’ve treated her like his own even if he wasn’t the father.

  He’s been so good with her that my fear is actually more about him hating me. I could’ve tried harder to find him and tell him about her. I never should have believed Paul when he told me Isaac knew. To Paul, this has always been a game, one I’m sure will come down to money. With Paul, there is no other reason for doing anything.

  “I’ve got it,” Dasher says when he appears at the top of the stairs. He’s in sweatpants and a sweater that says Number One Dad on it. I’d smile if it didn’t feel like my whole world is falling apart. Isaac gives my brother a nod before he heads up the stairs with Rae in his arms.

  “Get in my fucking office, Paul,” Dasher growls, storming down the stairs.

  “You’re not the one with the power this time, Dasher,” Paul spits back, but he does as Dasher asks and makes his way toward my brother's office. “But I could use a drink.” He leaves the door open as he enters, and I hear the sound of glassware being moved around a moment later.

  Dasher comes to stand in front of me. “Do you know Isaac has been in prison?” He drops the bomb right on my head. I suppose that might be better than him having some other family out there. “He’s been gone all this time because he was locked up.”

  “Why?” It must not have been too bad because Dasher just let Isaac take Rae off to bed. He also didn't come track me down today and demand I get away from him.

  “I’m not sure, to be honest. It’s a mess, and people aren't too happy that I’m asking questions about it either.” Dasher’s frustration shows on his face.

  “We can ask him,” I suggest. It’s what I should have done already, but I kept putting it off. Clearly so has Isaac. My guess is he thought it might push me away, but nothing would.

  “You could’ve told me yesterday he’s Paul’s brother,” he says softly, and I let out a humorless laugh.

  “There are a lot of things I should have done.” Tears sting my eyes at the confession. “I’m a horrible mother.” I cover my face with my hands as Dasher pulls me into his arms, hugging me.

  “You are not a horrible mother, Jillian. You would do anything for that little girl.” That only makes me cry harder. “Paul isn't her father?” I lift my head, trying to get myself together. I don’t want Paul to see that he’s gotten the better of me.

  I shake my head, and it feels good to get that out there. “I never loved Paul. I married him because I thought it would make our parents happy.”

  “Jill.” Dasher closes his eyes. “Always worrying about everyone else.”

  “I’m sorry,” I rush to say.

  “Don’t be sorry. I have no clue how this Isaac comes into play with being Rae’s dad, but thank fuck.”

  “Did you just forget you told me he’s been in prison?”

  “Yeah, and no one can seem to tell me why. Link that with Paul, and I have my own suspicions.” Disgust hangs on every one of his words.

  “Oh god.” I cover my mouth with my hand.

  Paul told me Isaac wanted nothing to do with me and that he called me a whore. He not only said those things to hurt me but to make me think no one else would ever want me since I had a daughter. He made me think I was lucky he was sticking with me.

  The reality is Paul wanted to make sure I didn’t go looking for Isaac. It worked, and it was another reason for Isaac to hate me. What if I’d gone digging? Then maybe Isaac wouldn't have been in prison all this time. I’m inclined to agree with Dasher that Paul had everything to do with how Isaac ended up behind bars.

  We both turn when we hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Isaac is no longer trying to hide his anger now that Rae is out of the room. He looks like he’s about to explode, and Dasher puts an arm around me.

  “No one is going to hurt Rae,” Dasher says, trying to comfort me.

  The worst part is that I’m pretty sure it’s me who has hurt Rae, and there’s no talking that back. What is done is done, and I can only hope that Isaac isn't done with me.

  Chapter 10


  I storm down the steps, trying not to make too much noise as I glance over at Jillian and her brother. My lips are pressed in a tight line as I go straight for Dasher's office and fling open the door.

  Paul is sitting in
one of the high-back leather chairs with a tumbler of scotch in one hand. He’s swirling it casually like he’s got all the time in the world, instead of his time running out.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I seethe, making no effort to hide my hatred for my brother.

  “Your trust.” He shrugs like he’s asking for today’s newspaper.


  “The one my mother held on to like a vise.” He sits forward and places his glass on the table beside him. “I want every dime of it.”

  The number of zeros in that trust is obscene, but that’s not what has me pausing. “So what then, you get this money and you disappear?”

  “I’ll be out of your hair forever.” He’s smug as he smiles.

  “Until it runs out.” He opens his mouth to protest, but I tuck my hands in my pockets and walk around the room as I talk. “It’s okay, there’s no need to argue.” He closes his mouth, and I continue. “You see, I had a lot of time to think about this while you had me locked up.” The urge to pin him to the ground and claw his eyes out is so strong, but I push it down. “And I did a little digging on my own on the inside.”

  “How?” His eyes narrow, and now it’s my turn to smile.

  “You’d be surprised how much those guards hated you.” His face pales. “It didn’t take me long to get access to information and find out your secrets.”

  “You know nothing, and if you did, it doesn’t matter. I’ve covered my trail well enough, and I’ve got people in high places willing to look the other way.”

  “Maybe so.” I lean against the bar and stare at my half-brother who has hated me my whole life. “But I know you’re in deep with the mob, and you’re still running from them. No matter who you have in high places, they will find you.”

  “No they won’t,” he shouts and then takes a breath to calm himself.

  “You double-crossed the biggest mob boss of this century, and you think he’s just going to let you get away with it?” I shake my head. “You’re lucky he’s not coming after Jillian or Rae for his revenge.”

  “Probably because he knew that brat wasn’t mine.”

  Before he can take his next breath, I’m on him with my hand wrapped around his throat. “Give me one good reason not to end it for them.”

  “That’s why his yacht went down in the Caribbean,” Jillian says, and I glance over to see her standing in the doorway with Dasher. “You faked your own death.”

  I squeeze his neck harder, and his face turns from red to purple.

  “That’s why people don’t like me asking questions.” Dasher enters the room and takes a casual seat across from us as I keep on choking Paul. “If he dies in here, I really don’t want him to piss on my rug. Maybe we could take him out back?”

  Nobody tells me to stop, but I understand what Dasher is saying. This isn’t the place. I release my hand and toss him back in his seat, where he slumps against it and gasps for air.

  “He owed debts to the mob, bigger than any of our bank accounts combined.” I glance at Jillian and Dasher, and their eyes widen. “He got information on the head of the family and flipped for the feds in exchange for immunity.” I pause as I turn my glare on him. “And to lock me away.”

  “Oh god.” Jillian puts a hand to her mouth as her eyes move between us.

  “But there’s no hole deep enough for you to hide in, Paul, and even if I give you that trust, you won’t get far.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” His voice is scratchy as he straightens his suit. “You’ll give it to me, and I’ll disappear into the night.” There’s an edge of a threat as he narrows his eyes. “Otherwise I let slip that the only thing in life that matters to me is that little girl. How fast do you think they’d steal her away if they needed just an ounce of leverage?”

  “You wouldn’t,” Jillian warns, and I hold out my hand.

  “How much is the trust?” Dasher asks, and I tell him. His eyes widen, and then he nods.

  “No amount of money will pay for the betrayal,” I say to the room. “The moment they find you, you’re dead.”

  “Then I’ll make sure they don’t find me.” Paul stands like he’s ready to leave. “You can have the wire transfer sent tonight, and I’ll be gone forever.”

  I stare at him for a moment as I think of all that I learned about him and his dealings. “I would have given it to you years ago if you would have asked.” No, asking was below Paul. He’d rather take.

  “She wouldn’t let me have it,” he hisses, and I think about his bitch of a mother and how controlling she was. “I finally had enough and slipped her too much of her medication.” Jillian gasps again, but Paul ignores her. “Once she was out of the way, everything went to me. Except control of the trust. There was no way to break it, so I had to wait.”

  I shake my head at his admission. He ran out of money waiting. “Was it worth it?” My voice is weary as I look him over. “All of it, was it worth it?”

  “Yes,” he hisses through clenched teeth, but he can’t even convince himself to believe the lie.

  “That’s all I need to know,” I say, stepping aside, and the doors to the office open.

  Three men in black suits step inside, and Paul begins to back away with his hands up in front of him.

  “No, no, no, no.” His voice is barely above a whisper as the black suits move forward and closer to him.

  “What’s happening?” Jillian pleads, and I pull her into my arms.

  I nod to Dasher as he follows us out of the office, and we leave the men to take care of Paul. “I made some calls as soon as I got out. I knew he would come for the trust, it was the only card he had left to play. I wasn’t sure if I was going to call the feds or the mob, but they’re really two sides to the same coin. I went with the choice that made us safer.”

  We stand in the hallway for a moment as the three men exit with an unconscious Paul thrown over one of their shoulders.

  “You made the right decision,” Dasher says solemnly as they close the doors and take Paul with them.

  Chapter 11


  We all sit around the island in the kitchen sipping on the hot chocolate Eve made for us. “When I said you should start dating, I had no idea it would be this exciting,” Eve says teasingly, trying to lighten the mood in the room.

  Everyone has cleared out, but I’m still somewhat in shock at everything that transpired. I knew Paul was a terrible man, but this was downright disgusting. I don’t care if he never sees the light of day again.

  “Right? When something involves my love life, I’m noticing it’s a little extreme.” I let out a small laugh while my brother and Isaac keep the stoic look on their faces.

  “Maybe we should leave them alone to talk.” Eve pulls on Dasher’s arm. “We should check on the kids.”

  Dasher nods. “Be good to my sister and Rae. They’ve been through a lot.”

  “He has too.” I rush to Isaac’s defense. He was sitting in a prison cell because of Paul.

  “I know,” Isaac says to my brother. “I can promise you that I’m nothing like my brother.”

  “Trust me, I know, or you wouldn't be sitting here.” I tense up, not wanting them to fight.

  “Thank you for watching out for them,” Isaac says to Dasher, who still hasn't taken his guard all the way down. “I’ll be forever grateful for that.”

  Again, my eyes start to burn with tears. Isaac is such a great man, and finally Dasher softens, seeing that too.

  “That’s what family does. At least with this family.” Isaac nods in agreement. “Welcome to it.” My brother motions for Isaac to stand, and when he does, my brother hugs him. This time I can't fight the tears.

  My brother hugs me next and demands I stop crying. It makes me laugh, then he and Eve head off, leaving Isaac and me alone.

  He cups my face and wipes at my tears with his thumbs. “We should only have happy tears from now on.” He kisses my wet cheeks.

  “I think they are. I’
m on emotional overload.” He wraps me in his arms, and I cry more because I’m unable to help myself. He lifts me from my feet and starts to carry me toward my bedroom.

  “Could be pregnancy hormones.”

  I laugh as I hold him tighter. I want that, and for Isaac to be here for every step. From how he’s touching me, I don’t think he’s mad at me for keeping Rae from him.

  “Mommy?” Isaac stops walking, and I lift my head to see Rae standing in the hallway. “Why are you crying?”

  Isaac puts me on my feet, and I grab his hand. When I look at him, he nods that he’s okay with whatever it is I want to do when it comes to Rae. I love this man so damn much.

  I walk over to her and drop to my knees. “There is something I need to tell you, sweetheart.”

  “Is it about Santa?”

  “Santa?” Crap. Does she already know he’s not real? That sucks. I was hoping to have a few more years.

  “I’m not sure he’s real. He didn't get me what I asked for. Is that why you’re upset? Did you find out he’s not real too?” I have a feeling I know what she asked for.

  “Rae, a sibling takes a little bit to grow,” Isaac tells her, thinking the same thing I was. For all I know I could be pregnant if we’re basing it on our track record.

  “No,” She shakes her head. “I did a secret ask.” Ah, now I’m catching on.

  “A test?” I raise an eyebrow at her, and she nods.

  “What did you ask for?” Isaac asks as he kneels down beside me.

  “For my daddy,” she whispers, and my feet come out from under me as I drop down onto my ass. Holy shit. She never talks about having a daddy or wanting one.

  “When did you ask Santa for this?” I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear while I try to remain calm. My beautiful little girl. I’m sure she sees Dasher with his son, making her wonder about her own father and where he’s been.


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