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Santa’s Secret Baby

Page 6

by Alexa Riley

  “On Christmas Eve when I went to bed. Maybe it was too late.” She scrunches her cute nose.

  “Who do you think your daddy is, Rae?”

  “I’m not sure.” She steals a peek over at Isaac. “It’s not that Paul man.”

  I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I wasn't sure if she even remembered him at all, but there was still a worry I was hanging on to about it.

  “You remember Paul?” I was kind of hoping she didn't. It’s not something I want to hide from her, but I do want her to be older so I can explain it better to her.

  “Not really. But it’s not him.” She’s adamant about that, and I have to swallow the laugh that wants to escape. She turns to Isaac and tilts her head. “We have the same eyes.”

  “We do,” Isaac agrees as she reaches over and pokes him on the cheek.

  “We both have a dimple on one side and not the other.” He snags her by the wrist and kisses the end of her finger that she used to poke it.

  “My mom used to say I could get anything with that dimple.” Isaac smiles as he tells her this. “She had the dimple too.”

  “My mom says that too!” Rae lights up as she admits this secret.

  “Come on. Those big blue eyes and her flashing that dimple at me are my weakness,” I admit while Rae keeps going.

  “Then you showed up and I thought maybe Santa came through but…” She shrugs, and Isaac closes his eyes for a moment. I reach out and grab his hand, giving it a squeeze.

  “Isaac is your daddy, Rae.” Her eyes light up while her mouth falls open. “A long time ago Isaac showed up in my life and we made you. Then I lost him, and I didn't get to tell him about you.”

  “Where did you go?” she asks him while taking a step closer. I answer for him, seeing he’s overcome with emotion.

  “A bad man took him from us. But that didn't stop our Isaac. He kept fighting, and the moment he got free he came right back to us. Then he found out about you.”

  “I knew you’d end up with a prince!” Rae shouts.

  “Not a prince, honey, a king. One that has a princess.” Rae points to herself in question. “Yeah, baby, you’re his princess.”

  “And you’re my daddy.”

  “I am,” Isaac confirms just as she throws herself at him.

  He catches her and holds her tight as I wipe away my tears. This is a happy moment, and I can tell Isaac is fighting his own. “I love you, sweetheart,” he tells her.

  “I love you too, Daddy.” Words have never sounded so sweet in my life.

  Isaac stands with her in his arms as he carries her back to her bedroom. I walk into mine, wanting them to have their moment together.

  I sit on the bed waiting for Isaac, worried what he’s going to say when it’s only the two of us. Thirty minutes later he walks into the room, closing the door behind him, then comes straight for me.

  “I don’t know how I’ll ever thank you for giving me that little girl and keeping her safe when I couldn't.” Before I can respond, he’s kissing me. “I love you so damn much.”

  I burst into tears, unable to stop them now. “I’m so sorry! How are you not mad at me? I should have looked for you. I should have done something. All those years!”

  “Shh, baby, it's okay.” He places kisses on my cheeks. “Your tears are killing me here.”

  “They won’t stop.” I hiccup a laugh.

  “I don’t want you thinking that shit. Who knows what would have happened if you started to dig? What Paul might have done to you? I promise you it was better this way. Paul was always my mess to handle. Don’t let that fucker hold guilt on you. I don’t want him having anything over you.”

  “I love you too. You know that? Paul and I never even had sex. It’s only ever been you.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You still would have been mine, and it only goes to show you how crazy he was. He had a shot with you and fucked it over. Even with as much as I hate him, he still brought me to you.”

  “I keep telling myself that too,” I admit.

  “Say it again.” I don’t have to ask what he means. I know because I want to hear him say it again.

  “I love you. I have from the moment you walked into my bedroom all those years ago. I know it’s crazy but I just knew.”

  “Me too. Something pulled me toward your bedroom that night. Of all the bedrooms in this house I ended up here for a reason.”

  “It was fate.” There is no other explanation than that we were meant to be together. The universe knew it.

  “We’ll never be apart again, and I will spend my life making sure no other darkness ever touches you girls.” He starts pulling at my clothes. “Now let me make love to my queen. I’ve got to get her knocked up before next Christmas or our little princess isn't going to believe in Santa anymore.”

  “We can’t have that,” I agree, kissing Isaac again.

  Christmas miracles do come true.

  Chapter 12


  I press her against the bed as I kiss down her body. I’m starved for her, and after the admission to Rae that I’m her father, I can hardly stay in my own skin. I’m so excited and happy that my joy is a living breathing thing outside of me.

  When I put Rae to bed, she hugged me tight, and I’d never known happiness inside me like that. What I have with Jillian is different and yet just as deep. I went from having nothing for so long to being utterly filled to the brim with love.

  “Naked. Now,” I command, and Jillian smiles at me as she wiggles out of her clothes.

  As I strip down, I don’t take my eyes off of her every move. It’s precise, and she’s doing it to torture me as she takes her time.

  “You’re making a meal out of teasing me, but you have no idea how hungry I am,” I warn, and she only smiles.

  With just her panties remaining, I smack her ass, and she cries out as I grab the edge and rip them off of her.

  “Isaac!” she calls out, the desire in her surprise evident to the both of us.

  A growl forms low in my chest as I palm my bare cock and kneel down next to the bed. I pull her down to the edge and kiss my way up the inside of her smooth, silky thigh. She moans and rolls her hips up until my mouth meets her waiting lower lips.

  “You smell like Christmas morning,” I hum, tracing my tongue between her lips. “I didn’t think I would ever have this again.”

  She calls out my name and grips my hair as I feast on her pussy. She’s warm and sticky against my mouth, and god, my body is weak. I want to worship her and take my time, but my instinct is to go fast and hard.

  “Right there,” she moans as she holds my head and rocks her hips against me. She cums quickly, and I smile, loving how my girl is always so eager.

  She’s still pulsing as I get to my feet and bury my cock balls deep. I feel her orgasm squeeze around me tight and hot, and I fall on top of her, needing this connection. I need to know she’s real and safe and that nothing is going to come between us.

  I kiss her breasts and suck on her nipples as I thrust and thrust. My body has taken over, and I plant my feet to find purchase. I can’t get deep enough, because I want to swallow her whole. Every beat of my heart is telling me to demand, to own, and I do it.

  “Mine,” I growl, as if saying it out loud will scare away all those demons I’ve held on to for so long.

  Alone in that cage I would hardly dare dream of this. I didn’t want to get my hopes up or to think that it might be a possibility one day. I thought I would die behind those bars having only tasted her once, but it would have been worth it.

  “You’re my everything.” I plead for her to understand and to see my pain. “I can’t ever lose you again.”

  “Never.” She takes my face in both her hands, and I plunge into her over and over.

  “I love you.”

  The words are my vow in this moment just as much as it will be on our wedding day. She’ll have my last name, along with my heart, and it will be that way until the end of foreve

  “I love you, Isaac.”

  Her back arches, and she stills as another orgasm flows over her. She’s so fucking beautiful when she comes apart in my arms, and I’m just the lucky bastard that gets to witness it for the rest of our lives.

  When I finally let myself finish inside of her, it’s so hard that I have to brace my hands on the mattress to keep from passing out. I see black spots in my vision as my soul leaves my body and floods into her. It’s rough and fast but no less beautiful as we connect in the most intimate way.

  I cradle her in my arms and wrap my body around hers. I’m still hard, and my wet cock is pressed between us, demanding and proud.

  “Does it ever go down?” she jokes, the sound of sleep in her voice.

  “Not when you’re naked and in my arms.” I kiss the top of her head and close my eyes. “Just ignore it.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?” I feel her push her soft belly against it, and I smile.

  “You’re playing with fire.”

  “Maybe I’m cold.” When I open my eyes, I see her smiling up at me with those wicked eyes.

  “I will never deny you anything.” I tuck her hair behind her ear, and her expression turns serious. “I’m a rich man, Jillian. I know you have your own money, but you and Rae will never do without. Not while I’m here.”

  “I know.” She slides her hands across my chest.

  “What if she’s the reason I’m here?” I ask, and Jillian cocks her head to the side in confusion. “What if somehow, some way, Rae wished for me and I appeared?”

  “We have to tell her to be careful what she wishes for.” Jillian smiles. “I’m not ready for a herd of unicorns.”

  I laugh as I roll her over and pin her to the bed. I’m inside her in one smooth stroke and just hold myself there, feeling her wrapped around me.

  “I’ll take anything if it means getting to have you both.”

  “I agree.” She clenches around me, and I lean down to kiss her.

  “Christmas isn’t over yet,” I say as I begin to slowly thrust.

  “Oh?” she asks around a moan.

  “I plan on giving you presents every day until this time next year.”

  “If this is your present,” she says, grabbing my ass, “I’m more than happy to receive it.”

  “I’ll be your very own Santa.”

  “I think that sounds like the best gift of all.”

  When my lips find hers, our kiss is filled with more than words could ever say. We were destined to be together no matter how rocky the road to find each other was. Our souls are connected in this life and the ones beyond, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives making up for lost time.



  One week later…


  The one word from Rae always sends my heart into overdrive. I wonder if dads get used to being called that after a time, but I hope I never do. I don’t think I’ll ever take hearing her voice or holding her little hand in mine for granted.

  “Yeah, sweetheart?” I look down at her as we walk into the small cabin next to the ice-skating rink.

  “Can I get extra marshmallows?” She looks up at me with puppy dog eyes, and I smile.

  “Of course.” Speaking of marshmallows, I melt every time she gives me that look, and she damn well knows it.

  We agreed to spend Saturday mornings just for the two of us so that we can spend extra time bonding. I love when the three of us can be together and create new memories, but Jillian understood my need to make up for lost time.

  In the past week lots has gone on, but mostly it’s been finalizing details. I’ve sold my place and had all of my belongings brought to the estate. When Jillian said that she wanted to continue to live there with her brother and his family at first, I’d thought maybe it was so she didn’t disrupt Rae so soon after moving in, but I realized that family is everything to her. Having been without a family most of my life, I couldn’t have agreed more.

  We’ve recently approved plans for renovating our wing of the estate to include converting old unused rooms into rooms for our children. Whether we have more of our own or choose to adopt, we know that we want a large family in the future. We also plan to create an office for the both of us to share with maybe a few dirty tricks up my sleeve. We’ve spent so long apart I want to make up for lost time with Jillian too.

  When we get into the little cabin, I turn in our ice skates and then go over to the concessions. Once I’ve ordered us both a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, we take a seat by the window. It’s cold out, and Rae only lasted about an hour on the ice before she was ready to warm up. She takes a tentative sip of the cocoa and then scrunches her nose.

  “Auntie Eve’s is better.”

  “I agree,” I whisper conspiratorially.

  We talk for a long time about her school, and I ask her about her friends. It’s so sweet to see her light up as she describes them with details like their wearing brown shoes and having a pink lunchbox. After she finally finishes, I sit up in my chair and take a breath.

  “I want to ask you something, Rae.”

  “Sure.” She shrugs. “I ask stuff all the time.”

  I bite my bottom lip to keep from laughing. God, could she be any cuter? “You know I love you, right?”

  “Yep, because you’re my dad.” The way smiles at me could break me in half if I let it.

  “And you know I love Mommy too, right?”

  “Yep, because she’s my mom.” The way her little mind works is so innocent, and I hope it’s always this way.

  “And you know I’m never leaving you again, right?”

  She nods and takes another sip of cocoa. “Because I’m your daughter.”

  “Exactly.” I smile as I hold her hand. “I want to ask you something very important because it would mean a lot to me if I had your permission.”

  “If you’re going to ask if you can jump on the bed, the answer is no. Mommy won’t be happy about it.”

  I have to bite back my laughter as I shake my head. “No, it’s not that.” She smiles sweetly and waits. “I want to know if I can have your permission to marry Mommy.”

  “Like a bride and groom?” Now she sits up in her chair as her eyes widen. “And flowers and cake!”

  “Yes.” I’m beaming now as her mind begins to conjure up all she knows about weddings. “Would you help me ask her?”

  “Me?” Now she’s out of her seat and bouncing on her toes. “We need to get a ring.”

  “I’ve got one right here.” I pull the box out of my pocket and open it for her. I got it the same day I got her bracelet, but I wanted to wait and talk to her about it before I asked Jillian.

  “Oh my goodness, it’s so sparkly,” she squeals as she tries to yank it out of the box.

  “Why don’t we wait and let Mommy try it on first?” She pauses and then nods like it’s a sound idea, and I want to laugh all over again.

  “This is the best news ever. Let’s leave right now and go ask her. Wait, you have to get on one knee.” She’s looking me over like she’s trying to figure out if that’s possible.

  I tuck the ring back in my pocket and then scoop her up in my arms. She squeals as I hold her close, and then I feel her little arms squeeze me back. Tears sting my eyes because I didn’t know that I could be so happy.

  “So you get down on one knee and I’ll open the box,” she says when I put her on her feet and she starts pulling me toward the door.

  “Deal,” I agree and find myself moving my feet a little faster too.

  Now that I see how excited Rae is for me to marry Jillian, I don’t want to wait any longer. We race to the car, and I buckle her up, then we sing the whole way home.

  I’m hardly able to make it through the front door and down to one knee before Rae is shouting to the house that “Mommy and Daddy are getting married!”

  Next time I’ve got a surprise, maybe we’ll practice beforehand.



  The next Christmas…

  “I can’t believe you have heels on.” Rae lifts her dress to show off her mini heels that she had to have for the wedding. They are freaking adorable.

  She sways her dress back and forth before doing a spin. She and Isaac have a special father-daughter dance planned for the reception. They have been working on it for weeks now. I adore them together, and nothing fills me with happiness more than our family.

  She loved the heels so much she wanted me to get a pair to match. This might be my wedding, but I want Rae to be a part of it in a big way. Isaac isn't only the man of my dreams but of Rae’s too. I couldn't have wished for a better father for her.

  “You look so pretty, Mommy.” She stands next to me as we look in the mirror. We will be walking down the aisle soon.

  This wedding is so different from my first. I have no regrets about marrying Paul because he brought Isaac into my life, who gave me Rae. And now that our family is about to grow, I wonder how Rae is going to handle the news.

  “You look pretty too.” I lean down and kiss her cheek.

  Last night she and I had a sleepover because Eve wouldn’t let Isaac and me see each other after the rehearsal dinner. I’m not used to going this long without him.

  I know it’s only hours, but we are making up for lost time. We never spend much time apart, but I enjoyed my little slumber party with Rae. She did my nails for today, and even though they look a little bit of a mess, I love them nonetheless.

  Eve taps the door before she pops her head into the room. “It’s almost time.”

  “We’re ready,” Rae informs her, and I think we’ve both been ready for Isaac our whole lives.

  I mouth for Eve to give us a moment, and she nods before closing the door. I let Eve plan the wedding because she can throw an amazing Christmas party. I knew she’d be all over a Christmas wedding, and she has blown it out of the water.


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