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Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600–1900

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by Shirane, Haruo, ed.

  koshi (old style)

  kōshoku (sensuality; sexual pleasures)

  Kōshoku gonin onna. See Five Sensuous Women

  Kōshoku ichidai onna. See Life of a Sensuous Woman

  Kōshoku ichidai otoko. See Life of a Sensuous Man

  kōshokubon (books on love or sexual pleasures)

  kōshoku-mono (books on love). See kōshokubon

  kosode (kimono)

  koto (kind of zither)

  kotoba (words)

  kotowaza (well-known aphorisms)

  kouta (popular songs)

  kubi jikken (head viewing)

  kujira (whales)


  kukai (hokku meetings where topic is fixed in advance)

  kumo no mine (cloud peak)

  Kunidayū chanting style

  kura (storehouse)

  kurai (status)

  kuramoto (warehouse people)

  kurayashiki (warehouses)

  kuretake bamboo

  kurohon (black booklets)

  Kuroyanagi Shōha (Shundei)

  kuruwa (boundary; castle wall). See also yukaku

  kusa no to (grass hut)

  kusamura (grass)

  kusa-zōshi (picture books)

  Kusunoki clan

  Kusunoki Masashige

  Kusunoki Masatsura

  Kuwagata Keisai (Kitao Masayoshi)

  kūya (lay monks or pilgrims)

  kyōbun (crazy prose; comic prose)

  kyōgen (medieval comic drama)

  kyōgen kigo (wild words and specious phrases)

  Kyōhō era

  Kyōhō-Hōreki era

  Kyōhō Reforms: ban on dramatization of double suicides by; ban on erotic literature by; and censorship; conservative morals of; and fiscal sources; moralistic books in; and Tokugawa Yoshimune

  kyōka (comic waka); in comic fiction; and kyōbun; of late eighteenth century; Naniwa (Osaka); as popular genre; and senryū; Tenmei style of; writers of

  kyoku (mad verse)

  Kyokutei Bakin (Takizawa Bakin); and gōkan; Ming influence on; as student of Santo Kyōden; yomihon by


  Kyorai’s Gleanings (Kyoraishō)

  kyōsha (mad person)

  kyōshi (comic Chinese poetry)

  Kyoto: culture of; Festival of the Dead in; growth of; Kimon school in; Kogidō Academy in; Miyako Theater in; pleasure quarters in; publishing in

  Lady Aoi (nō play)

  Lady Jōruri (Jōruri hime)

  “Lamentation at an Ancient Battlefield” (Gu zhanchang diaowen; J. Ko senjō o tomurau bun; Li Hua)

  landscape style. See also utamakura

  language: ancient; Chinese; classical; classical and vernacular; elegant; Japanese; local; ordinary; in poetry; study of; vernacular. See also literature: vernacular


  Later Collection of Master Nankai (Nankai sensei goshū; Gion Nankai)

  Lessons and Good Manners for Women (Onna kyōkun shitsukekata)

  Lessons from History (Tokushi yoron; Arai Hakuseki)

  li (J. rei; ritual decorum; propriety)

  li (J. ri; principle; reason)

  Li Bo

  Li Panlong

  Li Zhi (Ri Shi)

  Life of a Sensuous Man (Kōshoku ichidai otoko; Ihara Saikaku)

  Life of a Sensuous Woman (Kōshoku ichidai onna; Ihara Saikaku)

  Lin Xiyi

  linked verse; reverberation link in; status link in; three types of links in. See also haikai; renga


  literati. See bunjin

  literature: Chinese vernacular; classical; classical Chinese (see Confucianism: classics of); classical Japanese; comic; commercialization of; Confucian views of; early modern; of eighteenth century; elite; elite versus popular; in Heian period; of love; popular; traditional; travel; urban; urban commoner; vernacular; vernacular haikai. See also drama; fiction; poetry; specific genres

  Liu Zongyuan

  love; and Buddhist monks; homosexual; individual; literature of; poetry of; scenes of; stories of; and suicide. See also gōkan; ninjōbon; yomihon

  Love Suicides at Amijima, The (Shinjū ten no Amijima; Chikamatsu Monzaemon)

  Love Suicides at Sonezaki, The (Sonezaki shinjū; Chikamatsu Monzaemon)

  loyalty. See also giri

  machi shishō (town teacher)

  machishū (Kyoto’s wealthy new townspeople)

  madara ni (in spots and patches)

  Maeda family

  maeku (previous verse)

  maekuzuke (verse capping)

  magokoro (true heart)

  Makabe Heishirō

  makoto (poetic truth; sincerity)

  makurakotoba (pillow words; poetic epithets)

  mana (Chinese) preface to Kokinshū

  Manji-Kanbun era

  manku awase (ten-thousand-verse contests)

  Many Verses (Ōku kazu; Ihara Saikaku)

  Man’yōshū (Anthology of Ten Thousand Leaves): attempt to return to; commentaries on; imitation of; influence of; kinds of poetry in; and kokugaku scholars; and moral function of poetry; studies of

  manzai (New Year dancers)

  mappō (Buddhist Law or Dharma)

  Maruyama (licensed pleasure quarter in Nagasaki)

  Masaoka Shiki


  Master Groggy (Neboke Sensei; Ōta Nanpō)

  Master Groggy’s Literary Collection (Neboke sensei bunshū; Ōta Nanpō)

  Master Sorai’s Teachings (Sorai sensei tōmonsho; Ogyū Sorai)

  Master Yang’s Sayings (J. Yōshi hōgen; Yang Xiong)

  Masumi Katō

  Masumi Katō V

  Masumi Tōjū

  masuraoburi (masculine style)

  Matsudaira Nobunari

  Matsudaira Sadanobu; and Kansei Reforms; as senior councillor

  Matsudaira Yoritaka

  Matsue Shigeyori

  Matsukaze (nō play)

  Matsumoto Kōshirō IV

  Matsumoto Kōshirō V

  Matsumushi (nō play)

  Matsunaga Teitoku; disciples of

  Matsuo Bashō; and art of haikai; audience of; calligraphy by; central technique of; circle of (Shōmon); death of; as descendant of warriors; disciples of; and Genroku era; hokku by; hundredth anniversary of death of; and nō drama; painting of; provincial origins of; revival of; school of; and single-object poems; style of (Shōfū); travels of; and Yosa Buson

  mazui (tasteless; inept)

  Meaning of Words in the Analects and the Mencius, The (Gomo jigi; Itō Jinsai)

  Meiji period: and Chinese Ming period; fiction in; newspaper novels in; poetry in; and Tokugawa period; use of term rakugo in; yomihon in

  Meiji Restoration

  meishoki (travel guides)

  meitoku (luminous virtue)

  Meiwa era


  Mencius (Mengzi; J. Mōshi)

  Meng Dongye

  merchants; literacy of; and samurai; of seventeenth century; and shōgunate; Way of; as writers. See also Japan’s Eternal Storehouse

  mi (clam’s body)

  michi (the Way)

  michiyuki (travel scenes; lovers’ suicide scenes)

  migawari (personal substitution)

  Mikawa Narrative (Mikawa monogatari)

  mikazuki (third-day moon)

  military stories

  Minamoto clan

  Minamoto Tametomo

  Minamoto Tōru

  Minamoto Yorimasa

  Minamoto Yoritomo

  Minamoto Yoshitsune

  Ming period (China); and Chinese classics; novels of; poetry of. See also Ancient Rhetoric school

  Mishima Yukio

  Misujimachi. See Kyoto: pleasure quarters in

  mitate (metaphors; comparisons)

  Mitsui family business

  Mitsui Hachirōemon

  Miwa (nō play)

  miyaburi (courtly style)

  Miyai Den’emon

  miyako (the capital)

  Miyakodayu Itchō

  Miyoshi Shōraku

  Mizoguchi Kenji

  Mizoguchi Naonori

  Mizuki Takejūrō

  Mizuno Tadakuni

  Mo Ye

  mochiya (rice-cake merchants)

  Modern Life of Shidōken, The (Fūryū Shidōken; Hiraga Gennai)

  Modern-Style Lousy Sermons (Imayō heta dangi; Jōkanbō Kōa)

  Mongrel Tsukuba Collection (Inu Tsukuba shū)

  Monkey’s Straw Coat (Sarumino)

  mono no awaré (pathos of things): and elegant style; in monogatari; and poetry; in theories of literature. See also Motoori Norinaga; Tale of Genji, The

  mono no bi (faintness or depth of things)

  mono wa tsukushi (detailing of things)

  monogatari (tales; novels): and emotion; format of; and guides to pleasure quarters; intentions of; as nondidactic writing; reading of; studies of; and waka; women writers of

  Mononobe no Moriya

  Morikawa Kyoriku

  Motoori Haruniwa

  Motoori Norinaga: contemporaries of; debate of, with Ueda Akinari; disciples of; and imitation of ancients; influences on; as kokugaku scholar; and mono no awaré; nativist criticism of; and Ozawa Roan; theories of

  Mountain Well, The (Yama no i; Kitamura Kigin)

  “Mourning the Old Sage Hokuju” (Hokuju rosen o itamu; Yosa Buson)

  Mr Glitter ’n’ Gold’s Dream of Splendor (Kinkin sensei eiga no yume; Koikawa Harumachi)

  muda (useless)

  mugen nō (dream play)

  Munefusa. See Matsuo Bashō

  Murasaki Shikibu. See also Tale of Genji, The

  muro (sealed room)

  Muro Kyūsō

  Muromachi period

  musubu (to tie blades; to bond)

  My Personal View of Poetry (Isonokami no sasamegoto; Motoori Norinaga)

  My Spring (Ora ga haru; Kobayashi Issa)

  My Views on the Eight Points of Japanese Poetry (Kokka hachiron yogen; Tayasu Munetake)

  myōdai (substitution)


  nagauta (long songs)

  Nagayama Shigeyuki

  nagusami (controlled release)

  Nakae Tōju

  Nakamura Fukusuke I

  Nakamura Kumetarō (Nakamura Richō)

  Nakamura Kusatao

  Nakamura Nakazō

  Nakamura Shichisaburō II

  Nakamura Tomijūrō

  Nakamura Yosahachi

  Nakamura Yukihiko

  Nakano Mitsutoshi

  Nakazawa Dōni

  nakibon (books to cry by). See also sewa-yomihon

  naku (to cry out; to weep)

  Namiki Sōsuke (Namiki Senryū); conflict in plays of; death of; as kabuki-jōruri playwright

  nanga (southern school) style of literati painting. See also bunjinga

  naniwa-bushi (storytelling to musical accompaniment)

  Naniwa miyage. See Souvenirs of Naniwa

  Nankaku sensei tōka no sho. See Jottings of Master Nankaku Under the Lamp-light

  nanshoku (homosexual love)

  Nanshoku ōkagami. See Great Mirror of Male Love

  Nansō Satomi hakkenden. See Eight Dog Chronicles, The

  Naosuke (Gonbei)

  Nara period

  Narrow Road to the Deep North (Oku no hosomichi; Matsuo Bashō)

  nativist studies. See kokugaku

  natsu no tsuki (summer moon)

  natsugusa (summer grasses; seasonal word)

  natsuyama (summer mountains; seasonal word)

  Neboke Sensei (Master Groggy; Ōta Nanpō)

  nebu (nemu; silk tree)

  neko no tsumagoi (cat’s love for its mate)

  Nenashigusa. See Rootless Weeds

  nenja (adult man)

  New Beauties Contest Self-Penned Mirror (Shinbijin awase jihitsu kagami; Santō Kyōden)

  New Flower Gathering (Shinhanatsumi; Yosa Buson)

  New Learning (Niimanabi; Kamo no Mabuchi)

  New Mongrel Tsukuba Collection (Shinzō inu Tsukuba shū; Matsunaga Teitoku)

  New Tales for Lamplight (Jiandeng xinhua; J. Sentō shinwa;Qu You)

  Night Drum (Yoru no tsuzumi; film)

  Nihon gaishi. See Unofficial History of Japan, The

  Nihon shoki. See Chronicle of Japan

  Niimanabi iken. See Objections to New Learning

  Nijō school

  ninjō (human emotions): as basis of kabuki and Jōruri; in Chinese poetry; conflict of, with giri; in Confucianism; and Jinsai school; of monks; in poetry; and sentimental fiction; in The Tale of Genji

  ninjōbanashi (love stories)

  ninjōbon (sentimental fiction); compared with sharebon; of eighteenth century; and human emotion; and kabuki; of nineteenth century; and women; writers of; and yomihon

  Nippon eitaigura. See Japan’s Eternal Storehouse

  Nise monogatari. See Fake Tales

  nise murasaki (imitation lavender)

  Nise Murasaki inaka Genji. See Country Genji by a Commoner Murasaki, A

  Nishikawa Sukenobu

  nishikie (brocade) prints

  Nishiyama Sō in

  Nitta Tadatsune

  Nitta Yoshisada

  nō drama: audience for; dances from; and domain lords; ghosts in; influence of; and jōruri; Matsuo Bashō’s treatment of; and poetry; warrior. See also specific plays


  Nonoguchi Ryūhō

  norito (Shintō prayers)

  notto (pops up)

  novels: Chinese vernacular; of manners; in Ming period; newspaper. See also fiction; gōkan; monogatari; ninjōbon; ukiyo-zōshi; yomihon

  Nue (nō play)

  nukushi (warm)

  nuregoto (love scene)

  nyodō (way of loving women)


  O-An’s Stories (Oan monogatari)

  Objections to New Learning (Niimanabi iken; Kagawa Kageki)

  Observations on Foreign Languages and Customs (Sairan igen; Arai Hakuseki)

  ochi (unexpected twist)

  Oda Nobunaga

  odori (popular dance)

  Ogata Tsutomu

  Ogawa Kichitarō (Ogawa Eishi)

  Ogino Yaegiri

  Oguri hangan

  Ogyū Sorai: Ancient Rhetoric school of; and Ancient Studies movement; and ancient Way; and Confucianism; school of Chinese studies of

  Oi no kobumi. See Backpack Notes

  oie sōdō (house succession)

  oiran (highest-ranking courtesan)

  Ōishi Kuranosuke

  Okamoto Bunya

  Okanishi Ichū

  Okina mondō. See Dialogue with the Elder

  oku (within)

  Oku no hosomichi. See Narrow Road to the Deep North

  ōkubi-e (close-up portrait)

  Ōkuma Kotomichi


  Ōkura Hikohachirō

  Old and New Stories (Gujin xiaoshuo; J. Kokin shōsetsu)

  Old Man Who Made Blossoms Bloom, The (folktale)

  omohi (longing)

  omomuki (sentiment)

  “On Sending Off Kyoriku” (Matsuo Bashō)

  One Hundred Poets, One Hundred Poems (Hyakunin isshu; Fujiwara Teika)

  Ōnin Wars


  onnagata (women’s roles); actors of

  onna-girai (woman haters)

  Ono no Komachi

  Ono no Otsū

  Onoe Kikugorō (Onoe Baikō)

  Onoe Kikugorō III (Onoe Baikō)

  Onoe Kikugorō V

  Onoe Kikujirō II

  Onoe Matsusuke

  Onoe Matsusuke II (Kikugorō III)

  onozukara (naturally)

  onozukaranaru michi (natural Way)

  Ora ga haru. See My Spring

  Oriorigusa. See Tales from This Time and That

  Oritaku shiba no ki. See Record of Breaking and Burning Brushwood

  Osaka; as commercial center; culture of; Dōtonbori entertainment district in; as ec
onomic center; Ikudama Shrine in; pleasure quarters in; Sixteen Bridges of Naniwa in; theater in. See also Takemoto Theater

  Ota Nanpō (Yomono Akara; Shoku-sanjin; Neboke Sensei; Master Groggy)

  Ōtani Hiroji

  Otani Hiroji III

  ŌOtogi-bōko. See Hand Puppets

  otogi-shū (professional storytellers)

  otogi-zōshi (Muromachi tales)

  otokodate (chivalrous commoner play)

  ōtomo no Yakamochi

  otoshibanashi (stories with a twist)

  Ouyang Xiu

  Ozawa Roan

  painting: of Bashō; bird-and-flower; and calligraphy; Chinese; departing from the common in; haikai; Kano school of; landscape; literati; medieval masters of; and picture books; and poetry; Western-style. See also kusa-zōshi

  Painting Manual of the Cold-Leaf Studio (Kan’yōsai gafu; Takebe Ayatari)

  parodies; as haikai technique; literary. See also Dog Pillow Book, The; Fake Tales

  “Peach Blossom Spring” (Tao Qian)

  “Peach Boy” (Momotarō)

  “Peony Lantern, The” (Botan tōrō; Asai Ryōi)

  Peony Lantern Ghost Story (Kaidan botan dōrō; Sanyūtei Encho)

  Pillow Book, The (Makura no sōshi; Sei Shōnagon)

  Playboy Dialect, The (Yūshi hōgen; Inaka Rōjin Tada no Jijii); and courtesan culture; preface in; and ridicule of half-tsū; and sharebon

  plays: adultery; demon; history; kabuki; miraculous; samurai; urban commoner; warrior; woman. See also drama

  pleasure quarters; in Edo; guides to; in Kyoto; in Osaka; and samurai; unlicensed. See also tsū; Yoshiwara; yūkaku

  Pleasures of the Brush (Fude no susabi; Kan Chazan)

  Plum Blossom Scent (Ume ga ka; Matsuo Bashō and Yaba)

  poetry: Chinese (see also kanshi; kyōshi); classical; combination; comic and satiric; and common world; direct-word; and elegance; as greetings; of Heian period; intermediaries in; Japanese classical; Japa-nese-Chinese; love; medieval court; and mono no awaré; and morality; “of one’s life,”; overtones of; and painting; and politics; and prose; purpose of; single-object; and song; in Song period; in Tang period; and the Way; women writers of; Yahantei school of. See also linked verse; specific genres

  Poetry Collection of Shinobunoya (Shinobunoya kashū; Tachibana Akemi)

  “Praise to Portraits of Three Saints” (Sanseizu no san; Matsuo Bashō)

  Principles of Chinese Poetry for Beginners (Shogaku shihō)

  printing; of calendars; mass; and movable type; woodblock

  prose: Chinese; comic; in fiction; neoclassical; and poetry; vernacular. See also literature: vernacular; specific genres

  Prose Mirror of Japan (Honchō bunkan; Shikō)

  Prose Writings of Master Fujiwara (Fujiwara sensei bunshū)

  prostitution. See also courtesans


  puppet theater. See bunraku; jōruri


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