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Champion Complete Series

Page 33

by Francheska Fifield

  He looks shocked at the compliment. Ok, so I am not just a monster to him, I don’t even have manners or the ability to notice when someone is talented.

  "Thank you."

  I nod. This is going to be a long, hard road. "I am sorry for the injury I played a part in giving you…"

  "Do not speak of it. You have no right."

  I slap him across the face. That shuts him up. "I have every right! I hurt you in defense of my protector and myself! I am being the bigger person and apologizing, even though all of you started this whole mess by assuming that because I was half-Elvin that I was evil! I wasn’t even alive when mages and Elves last interacted, but I was cast in as one of the evil ones anyways! You had no right, but instead of holding it against you and refusing to help the mages to get back on their way to being a major power in the world, I am making amends for my wrongs! You, all of you, could at least attempt the same!"

  I turn and take some deep breathes. I have lost my temper. It is not appropriate. As a ruler, I will come across many men that will think that they know better. The key will be to prove them wrong with wit, not violence.

  "I am sorry, that was uncalled for. I free you from your promise. You do not need to be bound to me. I will find another."

  "No. We all heard you say that we all have a choice. I choose to keep the position I volunteered for."

  I turn, truly at a loss for the first time since arriving. "Are you sure?"

  "What you said is true. We are all at fault. You are fixing your mistakes. I am older than you are by three years. If you can be this mature, I can as well."

  I have proven to be more of an adult and that is going to push him into behaving. Well, so be it. He is willing, and I have to admit, talented.

  "Very well. Our blood oath will be different from the others. I will be making you a champion and binding you to me specifically, not just in the way of a treaty, but as one to stay with me as a guard forever. To fight for my causes above all others. Are you prepared for that? You will have free will, but it will not help you to betray me even if you wanted to."

  "I take all promises, even those not bound by blood, as seriously."

  A man who values his word. I can appreciate and respect that.

  "Then let us begin."

  It will be a long day and a lot of blood loss for me. However, in the end, it will be worth it.

  "Call in Aldamon. I will need someone to physically care for me while you protect me when I am done these spells. He is the one I trust most with my health."

  "Why do this if it will affect you so?"

  "Because it is the right thing to do. For all of us."

  He nods and goes to fetch Aldamon. So, it begins.

  After every blood oath is finished, I have to do the worst part.

  "Aldamon, I will have to slit my wrists and walk the mountain. Everywhere that power is soaked into the ground, I will walk. It will drain me. However, it will make calling the power-up easier. The blood oaths will allow me to pass it on to the others. When I finish the spell, bind my wounds and have healers perform every spell that they can to keep me alive. You must not bind my wounds while I still chant. Not until the power rushes you all, and I collapse, can you bind my wounds. No matter how badly I am doing. If you touch me during the ritual, it will stop the transfer. The power could backlash and blow up the mountain, just float off to land in some unsuspecting person, or sit in me, refusing to leave again. The first is the most likely. So promise you will not let any near me."

  He nods, frowning.

  "Make sure you live. Viktor will kill me if you die."

  "My familiar is anchoring me to this world. If you can keep me alive, he can heal me once you arrive at his lair."

  He nods. Viktor's soon to be partner takes up his spot behind me. He will walk with me, just inside the circle, so he can protect me from outside influence and still be inside the spell. I have yet to learn his name. The binding hadn't required me to learn his. It is completely unfair, but we want this over with as soon as possible. Everyone does. We are all too vulnerable up here.

  "You never told me your name."

  "You never asked."

  I look at him. "What is your name then, magical champion?"


  "An interesting choice."

  "I was born using offensive magic, according to my mother. The fighting and spells that others took years to learn, I learned in months. She thought I was born a predator."

  Gods, why do I keep gathering these types to me? I can't help but laugh. "Talon, you have interesting eyes. Black like coal. I like it."

  He looks at me, likely finding me odd. I know it is a trait of the mages and he knows I know.

  "Never you mind. My mind just went back to a very similar moment when I met another young man with talent beyond his age."

  "Viktor was a very skilled fighter, from what I saw. Especially for a mortal."

  I nod. "He was never just another mortal. He was born a Kemp. Through and through."

  I close my eyes and silence covers the mountain. I slit my wrists and start walking, chanting primordial words meant to draw the power from the collective to me, and up out of the soil. It is tough; it has sat there for centuries growing and has almost taken on a mind of its own. It fights me every step of the way, as it insists it stay with the mages, and I pull piece by piece, string by string.

  I have covered the entire mountain and sit directly in the middle of the village, once again pulling power into me, when the dizziness strikes. I am shocked it hasn't before. I can’t stop or pause though. I keep chanting. Pulling and pulling, refusing to allow the power to sink back to the earth, refusing to lose the mages birthright after promising it to them, and most of all refusing to screw up the most important thing I have ever done. I will succeed. Avren's essence fills me, allowing me to stay conscious. With his magic filling me, I will be tethered to this world and his life until he can heal me up. I will have to be closer for him to accomplish that though. Even with his help, blood takes time to replenish. I will be in no condition to fight or fend for myself any time soon.

  I finish the chant and feel the darkness pull at me. So much magic rushes through me and into the others. So much magic pushes its way out of me so fast. Seeking a better fit. The mages magic knows mages call to it. I push and push, letting it glide out, faster and faster with my help. Until I am empty. The spell has used up my magic, my blood, my life. That is, it. I am done. It is over.


  Elainne falls and I push more of my essence through our connection and into her. It would be better if she were closer. I can only tether her so much while this far away. It leaves me vulnerable as well. I have to focus on her, and Viktor is still out there in the midst of his slaughter. The second he notices me deep in trance, he will return, and he might be able to disconnect us. If he does, she will die, and all the pain of the muted Kemp bond will come rushing to him. He won't survive. He will be put down. A Kemp doesn’t survive the charges death. Even if he were to do so, knowing he is the reason she died will kill him. He will lose his mind and beg for death. A mercy I will swiftly grant. The next few days will decide everything. Viktor's sanity, Elainne's life, and my place in the world. Familiars don’t survive long after their master’s deaths. I will live long enough to put Viktor at peace and return to the ether myself. I knew the risks. The world she will create was worth the risk. If we can survive long enough to see it.


  It is odd, the way this bond makes me worry for someone I barely know. We care for the collective, for those we protect, but the bonding between the princess and myself as her champion has me doubting that the plan to increase our powers is a good idea. Logically, I know it is, but something in me keeps saying that she is too much at risk. That if it goes wrong it won’t have been worth the loss.

  Then she collapses and the power hits us all. We can’t stop her bleeding, even though we were told to do so as soon as she finished. We all drop under t
he weight of it. The power of our ancestors - that soaks the ground that we have had to call as a group for protection - enters us. We fall under its weight.

  Aldamon crawls over, holding his head in one hand and chanting healing spells. Yes, healing. That’s what we are all supposed to be doing. Healing her. Upon pain of death, she has told me. If she dies, her familiar will wreak havoc on the world and us. I grab another of her hands and chanted spells as well. I know no advanced healing, I know offensive spells, but every child learns how to close a cut. This is so much harder. She has magically kept the bleeding going, so we magically have to stop it. Her power is drained making it less difficult but still unraveling her spells, even weakened, is a task no one without experience should do. Luckily, Aldamon has experience. He unravels spells and I seal wounds. We try everything we can until the healers crawled over, one by one, and take over. We collapse back onto the ground again, under the pressure of everything that has happened.

  "We saved her. For now, she will live."

  The collective breathes a sigh of relief. Not everyone knows about the dragon's threat, but everyone knows what happened last time when we almost killed her. Everyone knows that she is doing this for us, that this power boost is her doing. No one can hate her now. She has healed the sick, protected the weak, given us a fighting chance again.

  I still have my doubts, after all, this works out as well for her as for us, but she has willingly bound herself to our people as we have to her. That has to count for something. She went into this will all honesty, as far as we can tell, and she gave me the option to back out, no offense taken, after explaining what being a permanent member of her court will entail. Her feelings seemed honest when she took me as a champion. I expected a knighting. Instead, she used a spell only heard of in storybooks. The words lost to time, only the concept still surviving. She knew and performed it; never second-guessing being tied to someone that tried to kill her. She took me at my word and accepted me as a warrior. For now, I will trust the bond.

  "Talon the wagons are packed and she's resting as comfortably as she can in the back of one. Are you ready?"

  I nod. We could have used magic to get into the dragon lands, or at least to where the entrance of his lands are found, but if we do, it will interfere with the magic that is keeping her highness alive, and we can’t do that. We have to all make it through on foot. If it comes to it, most of us are to move magically and a few of us will continue on foot with the wagon - with her highness in it - making it less conspicuous. If we come across any guards, they cannot know that we have her body. She needs to be closer to the dragon as soon as possible. Aldamon has already agreed to stay with her on the journey. She inspires his loyalty somehow. Likely because of her connection to his grandson.

  We start down the mountain. I stop at the entrance to the village and turn. This will likely be the last time I see this place. I understand the need to move and I have prepared for it. I didn’t think I would miss this place. I have never given much thought to where I call home. It matters very little to me. Or, so I thought.

  "I guess we shall find out how the rest of the world feels, having to leave and move on when we hit a certain age. Nothing left to tie us here."

  I turn back and run, catching up to the wagon with the princess. This is all her doing. Our enhanced magic, leaving our lives behind, everything started when she showed up with a barely-a-mage needing to be taught. The world is changing and now we will be a part of it.

  We end up camping that night, arguing about almost everyone going on ahead, how the rest of us will get there if we have to stay behind, and so on. I sit by the wagon, a bit further from the fire than I would have liked, but I have guard duty to do. I can’t leave the princess alone for too long. It is not safe out here alone.

  Aldamon comes over with some food and hands me a loaf of bread. I take it, eating quickly and quietly.

  "She will be fine. We have barriers up."

  "If the magic keeping her alive slips, someone needs to be here to pour their magic into her."

  "You think a dragon would mess up that way?"

  I shrug. "I am supposed to protect her."

  He nods, smiling.

  "Reminds me of trying to talk to my grandson. He was reluctant to let her out of his sight in town. Though now I understand why."

  I nod. True, it hadn't ended well… for any of us.

  "You should come give your opinion. The arguing is never going to stop if a decision cannot be made on what to do."

  That sounds like a hassle but he is right. We can’t sit here forever and waste time.

  "Watch her."

  I stand and push my way through the crowd, to the leaders of the different sides.

  "Why doesn’t one wagon full of people at a time move to the entrance of the dragon's land and set up camp, one person can come back with the artifact needed to find his land, take the next group, and so on. Until everyone but those of us with the princess, who are coming on foot with the artifact, can find you. Then we will all enter together, so he does not wonder why some of us left her alone to enter his land safely. Just leave us enough supplies to make it there."

  I don’t wait for a response I just push my way back to the wagon and climb in the back, lying out straight. I have been sitting too long if the creaking in my joints is any indication.

  "If my grandson catches you lying next to her like that, I bet he will kill you."

  "He can try. We have more power now."

  "He has Elvin magic as well. I do not know how much, but if he is her Kemp, likely quite a bit."

  I think about it. He is a fighter; it is obvious in the way he moves. I can fight but I am a mage. He had been raised human so he can’t hope to match my skill with magic. Then again, if it turns physical, I will have the disadvantage.

  "What is a Kemp, exactly?"

  "An Elvin champion. It is not like humans naming a champion; the Kemp is bound to their charge by magic and fate. When one dies, the other feels the loss in their soul forever. The Kemp will not survive it, and most of the time the charge is left unable to function normally for quite some time."

  "Seems foolish to tie yourself to someone in such a way. It weakens you."

  Aldamon sighs and smiles down at me. He is such a tall man.

  "It's not a choice. Sometimes the charge and Kemp hate one another, but still when fate binds you to someone you are never complete without them."

  I think about it. I have never believed in fate; but I guess some people, those not stuck on the mountaintop for their entire lives, hidden from the rest of the world, might have ties to destiny. I suppose that means we will now be subject to fate. I wonder what it will have in store for me. Was I meant to meet Elainne and become her magical champion? Will she really have a need for me? Her Kemp has fighting skills and magic. Not to mention she is a magical powerhouse if everything she has done recently is any indication.

  We made a promise to keep up appearances and we will keep it. I will represent the mages alliance to her while in court. I never thought about court. What it will be like. I will have to study up. Perhaps she can teach me what is required of a guard… or will I be a representative?

  "Doesn’t seem fair, to have no choice in the matter."

  He shrugs. "The Elves are tied to this world with earthly magic. It makes sense that the world helps to decide their fates. She is Elvin, human as well, but still has that connection in her veins. So does my grandson."


  There is very little to say to that. I am suddenly glad that our magic is from within. It is limited, and we can never grow more powerful normally, but our fates are our own.

  "The council has decided. In the morning, we will carry out your idea. "

  I sit up, nodding to the messenger. "Good. Have guards been assigned for the night?"

  "We will all be taking turns staying up. Most of us, in fact. We will have plenty of time to sleep tomorrow after we get to the edge of the dragon land. Those of you
staying with her highness should sleep. You will not have the same opportunities to rest."

  I nod, lying back down.

  "I will stay in the wagon. If something seems off, wake me."

  "I think you will wake on your own. You may not be a Kemp, but you are her blood bound champion. If something goes wrong, you will be the first to feel it."

  I look at Aldamon, hoping he is right. If she dies, and all of us perish as a result, I will haunt myself forever. I clear my mind of worry, letting myself drift off. This could be the last I rest for quite some time. I will take advantage of it.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning is a busy hustle. I stay in the wagon for most of it, trying to figure out how to make her more comfortable for the ride. There is no way to latch her in place so she won’t bounce around. This means someone will have to ride in back with her, so she won’t roll into the side of the wagon or any of the other stuff in the wagon.

  We don’t get a move on until after lunch. There is Aldamon, myself, and one of the healers. She stays in the back with the princess, Aldamon and I take turns driving and resting. We try to avoid people as much as possible, disguising ourselves as common travelers, so that when we run across people, we will just look like anyone else moving on the streets. Gone are the mage's robes.

  It is mostly uneventful. The worst part is the weather. It is the wet season and we have to keep the rain off ourselves and the comatose princess using magic. In reality, one of us is diving and the other is using magic to create a barrier around ourselves so that the raindrops away from us. We also have to make sure no one normally sees that, so a blur spell - to make it look as if it is raining on us - is also in use. It doesn’t lead to a very restful rest period.

  By the time our two weeks of travel is over, we are cold, wet, and exhausted. We show up at the camp, our magic drained from overuse. More like physically unable to use it anymore because we have overextended ourselves. A temporary camp has been set up. The healers move the princess into a tent, changing her into some clean robes that we have. After changing as well, I slide into the tent, lying down on the side that the healer is not. We can talk about going into dragon land tomorrow… after I get some sleep.


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