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Champion Complete Series

Page 34

by Francheska Fifield


  They are here. Close enough for me to come back to awareness. It will be better once she is in my lands. My magic permeated the lands and will heal her, even without me actively doing so. She will wake soon. It is a relief that she is finally here. Viktor has been running around, slaughtering animals for the last two weeks and I have been unable to stop him. I have put up barriers so he cannot reach the cave, but that is the extent of my dealing with him. All my attention has been on keeping my queen alive. Tomorrow he will sense her and he will come. I will lift the block on the bond. Hopefully, he won’t be too immersed in the dragon for her to reach him. We can only hope.


  In the morning, we cross into the dragon lands. It is almost like entering a new world. Everything is more vibrant and beautiful. I have a feeling everything will be more dangerous than in the normal parts of the world as well. Still, the warm sun dries and thaws us all off. It is nice, getting the chill from our bones. We are used to the cold from the mountains, but no one wants to be exposed to over a week of rain without a roof over their heads. The wet air just soaks into your bones, causing borderline hypothermia.

  Everyone is jumpy. The bushes rustle and a hundred people will jump in unison. Everyone is a bit on edge. No one can blame them. It is one thing to agree to this plan, quite another to traverse the country, enter a dragon's kingdom, and be taught by him. All the while trying to forget he destroyed our village and killed most of our fighters. Until everyone has had a chance to air his or her grievances, and not be eaten, no one will trust this place.

  "Is it morning?"

  I look beside me into the wagon. The princess is awake and rubbing her eyes.

  "You are alive."

  Those that hear me stop, causing a chain reaction. Soon the entire party is surrounding our wagon. Still, her waking leaves everyone to breathe a sigh of relief. She hasn't died for us, so the dragon can have no complaints.

  "Have I been out long?"

  "A little over two weeks."

  She looks crestfallen.

  "We should get somewhere more open. Avren will want to lead you to the caves that will serve as homes until your people can build some. He is too big to fit here."

  Aldamon shoos everyone back to his or her wagons and starts us going again. This time our wagon leads the way.


  Despite being asleep for over two weeks, I am exhausted. Though to be honest, I haven't been resting in the traditional sense. I will need some food, water, and normal sleep to get back to my normal self. I also feel stiff, so when we get to the open area to await Avren, I get out of the wagon, with Talon's help, and start to walk around the area. Everything creaks, pops, and cracks. I have been still for too long.

  Talon keeps ahold of my arm tightly. Not enough to hurt but tight enough that I know he is not letting me flounder. Though to be honest, my entire body hurts, so I am not sure if I am truly feeling his grip or not. It is hard to differentiate between the pains.

  "You return. I am glad to see you awake, my queen."

  "Avren, I am glad to see you well. The magic of your home has done me wonders in concentrated amounts."

  He kneels and I step forward, laying my forehead against his snout. I have to give Talon props for following only two steps behind me and not cowering as the others do.

  "I am glad you are safe. I will take the others to the caves. You must find Viktor. He runs wild. He is lost to the blood."

  I sigh. The others look confused. I turn to them and Avren rises to his full height. They curl into themselves and look afraid. They don’t run.

  "Avren will magic all of you to the caves. Everyone, in the wagons, please. Talon and I will continue on foot. We have an errand to run."

  Everyone looks doubtful but follows my orders. That is good, it will make things go by faster. Once Avren leaves, with them magically tied to him, I sigh and turn to Talon.

  "Now the hard part starts."

  "What did he mean about Viktor?"

  "I need to start this explanation by saying that everything you see and hear from here on out is not to be discussed with, or around, anyone other than myself and Avren. It will not hurt your people to not know, but it is personal and not my secret to give out. In fact, it could be more dangerous for them to know."


  I sigh. I didn't realize I had been holding my breath over that. "Secondly, you will need to be my guard now. You may not use deadly force though. Keep it to barriers and scare tactics. Nothing with lasting damage."

  "What is going on? If we are going to get Viktor, shouldn’t you be safe with him…"

  "Viktor was beyond saving by normal means when Avren saved us. Avren had to… well, he had to do something against the laws of nature to heal him. It… it changed Viktor. In ways, no one can comprehend. It is why I journeyed alone. I was to gather allies while Viktor was to be trained by the dragon, without me around and our Kemp bond interfering. He went too deep into the new blood – dragon blood – running through his veins and has been lost to it. We are going to save him."

  He gapes at me in shock and anger. Oh boy, he doesn’t look to be pleased.

  "You want me to go up against something running off instinct alone, and use non-lethal magic?"

  I stand nose-to-nose with him, or as close as I can - him being so much taller than I am - and practically growl. "He is not a 'something'! He is a mage and an Elvin warrior! But mostly he is a human that ended up in a magical world where he did not belong! He almost died saving me, and when Avren saved us, he knew I would never survive without Viktor by my side so he used his own blood to save Viktor! Which, once again, thrust him into a world, and situations, he shouldn’t have to be placed in but is because he is my Kemp! So you will keep your comments to yourself and show the appropriate amount of respect, or you can walk to the cave and stop pretending to be a champion!"

  I turn and start walking. Talon needs to make his own decision. Unlike with Viktor, I am not sure which decision he will make. All I know is I have to find Viktor. He needs me now.

  "Wait up."

  Talon jogs to catch up to me. He needn't have moved fast. He could take a few extra strides and reached me. I am moving at a snail pace.

  "So, where will Viktor be?"

  "Somewhere high and defendable."

  He sighs.

  "I don’t like the idea of us going up against someone with dragon blood, Elvin, and mage magic, and only defending ourselves. What if something happens to you?"

  "Then your people are free of our pact, Viktor will go insane and eventually kill himself after slaughtering everything in his path, and Avren… well, I don’t know; he never said."

  "He is really your familiar now?"

  I nod. "He insisted I finish the ceremony before returning your magic to your people, so he came after I spelled the village to sleep. I know it seems sneaky, but you all needed the rest. The barrier just had a restful and peaceful sleep spell attached. Nothing that would keep you asleep in an emergency, just enough to help so none of you could dream. More restful this way."

  "I understand."

  I wonder if the others will as well. We continue to walk a bit more into the denser part of the forest and hear a growl.

  "Something is following us."

  "Viktor is hunting us. Find the closest mountain wall. We do not want him to be able to sneak upon us."

  He grabs my arm again and closes his eyes. Next thing I know we teleported to the mountainside. He shouldn’t have done that. Even with his new depth of power, he won’t be used to using it and his body can give out. Then again, I am not asking him to do anything big now. He is only to defend.

  "What is that!?"

  I look up and see Viktor. Dragon scales cover every part of his exposed skin. His eyes are dragon pupils and magic swirls dangerously around him like a mini typhoon. Oh, Viktor.

  "Viktor, it's me. I am sorry I left, but look, I brought the mages back with me. Your grandpa, he i
s okay. We can go see him now. Weren't you worried about him?"

  Blood drops off the talons growing out of his fingers. That will hurt coming out when he returns to his human self. I try opening the bond but the only thing I can sense is his desperate need to possess me. I don’t think he even truly knows why just that I am his and he needs to have me near. That is good, it means he still feels the bond and he won’t hurt me.

  "He isn't beyond saving. The Kemp bond is telling him to keep me close. He doesn’t know why but he knows he needs me."

  "That doesn’t bode well for me."

  I thought of that. "Can you teleport to your people?"

  "I am not leaving you here alone with him until he can speak again."

  Damn stubborn champions. Can’t I get just one that will listen to me?

  "Very well."

  Talon steps slightly in front of me, which is a big mistake. We know at once because Viktor charges. Talon puts up a barrier. The clash of magic between Viktor and Talon’s magic sends them both flying backward. Viktor almost leaps right back to his feet while Talon has to throw fireballs while standing. Viktor dodges them all and keeps coming. I use earth magic to create a stone barrier. It won’t last long but it will give Talon and I a moment to regroup.

  "I cannot do much magic yet. I haven't recovered from the blood loss, but I will help when I can."

  "Stay behind me. I have replenished and am at full power."

  I nod as he puts up a barrier to keep the rock debris from crushing us.

  "Viktor, stop! I know you don’t want to hurt me!"

  He looks at me for half a second before zipping right for Talon once again. Talon tosses fire again, I’d forgotten to tell him not to do that again, but it turns out to be a moot point. Viktor lifts his arms and his scales absorbed the fire, burning a bright goldish color. Well, that can’t be a good sign.

  "Do not use magic he can absorb! When magic hits Avren's scales, he absorbs the magic, making him have more power at his disposal!"

  "That would have been nice to know!"

  "I told you before we went in to defend only!"

  He mutters something under his breath and instead throws boulders at Viktor. How is that defending? Luckily, or unluckily, depending on the viewpoint, he punches his way through them.

  "Did he turn into a troll? Because they are practically indestructible from what I read, and he seems to be as well."

  "We cannot keep throwing spells at him and hoping it knocks sense into him; we need a plan." I can say that but I have none. Avren hadn't exactly told me how bad Viktor was. Perhaps he himself didn’t know. He has been focused on keeping me alive.

  "So, your highness, what's the plan?"

  Damn him for phrasing it like that. Now it is entirely up to me to come up with an idea.

  "Let me go out there."

  "Not a chance."

  He doesn’t have much time to argue after that, because Viktor breaks the barrier shield and it turns into hand-to-hand combat. Viktor uses his claws, which would have cut through any normal weapon, but Talon's staff is enchanted and is stronger than your average metal, despite being wood. The mages are the ones to first enchant weapons, so they have perfected the process long ago.

  Talon is fast. I hadn't expected it. He uses an air spell to move his staff when he is not fast enough, making it so that he can match Viktor's enhanced speed. It is a beautiful and deadly dance. The air around them rustles everything from their clothing to the trees, and even my hair this far back. Both move at speeds faster than one would expect. Still, Talon is sweating, he can’t do hand-to-hand combat for long. He is not trained for it and only his magic is keeping him alive. I need to do something fast.

  I grab the dagger that I keep strapped to my ankle in my boot. I pull it up and do the only thing I can think of. I stab myself. Instantly, both Talon and Viktor drop, screaming. I look down at the blood soaking the ground from my belly wound. This could be fatal. This could be the last thing I ever do. If it saves them both from each other and themselves, it will be worth it.


  Viktor drags himself over to me. His eyes are normal. He has one black and brown, and one milky grey one again. The scales pull back, leaving normal skin in their place once again. Dirty, but Viktor. I reach up my hand and touch his cheek. Tears rain down, soaking his face and my clothing.

  "You are safe, Viktor. That’s all that matters."

  "We have to heal her."

  Talon is beside me, holding one hand, chanting every binding spell he knows. Viktor lays both hands over my stomach wound and chants his family's most powerful Elvin healing spell. It is painful being knitted back together like that and in such a hurry. However, I don’t bleed out; after ten minutes of painful breathing and lying there, wishing I had died because it hurts so bad, I am able to sit up. Talon instantly goes behind me to give my back some extra support. Viktor is still crying and holding my hands to his face.

  "I am so glad that worked. I had no other plan."

  "That was stupid. You should have let me kill him. You know the dragon said not to let you die."

  Way to make a first impression, Talon. "Viktor, this is Talon. He will be the mage representative in court. To prove that my alliance with them holds."

  "I am also her champion. Though if I had known I had to protect her from herself more than from others, I might have rethought that arrangement."

  I try to laugh, but it still hurt a bit. Viktor's response to all this is to just stare into my eyes as if he is afraid, I am not real.

  "Viktor, I am safe. You know I wouldn’t ever let anything happen to you that I couldn’t pull you back from."

  "I don’t think you are supposed to waste your life saving your guards. I wouldn’t expect you to save me. It's not done. It's not the point."

  This time I can’t stop the laugh. I use one hand to pull Talon beside me so that he can see my face.

  "Talon, you have a lot to learn. I would sacrifice myself for any of my people. Whether I knew them or not."

  He stops and thinks on that. Before he can form a response, Viktor speaks.

  "It's why she will be the worthiest queen in history."

  I smile up at him and lean forward, hugging him.

  "This time, listen to the dragon when he tries to teach you control. And your grandpa when he teaches you mage magic. I will, of course, still teach you Elvin magic."

  "You don’t want our Kemp bond dissolved?"

  I pull back, holding both of his now human hands in mine. "Never."

  He puts forth a small smile but his eyes are still haunted. This will never leave him. It is much like our battle with the merpeople. Hopefully, with time, this too will be easier to handle.

  "We should head back. Let me spell the cloak to float with you on it, so you are not walking."

  I sigh and shake my head at Talon. "I must walk. I have to arrive at camp on my own two feet."

  He sighs and tucks one of my hands through his arm.

  "Fine, but if you trip and fall, I am doing it anyway."

  Viktor slightly trudges by my other side, watching Talon. For what, I have no idea. For once, his court face is absolute.

  "You are her Kemp, grab her other arm. She almost bled out not even two weeks ago after performing magic which no one should. She needs support."

  Viktor comes up, taking my other hand and tucking it through his arm. He keeps hold of my hand in his though. He needs the reassurance that I am here and alive. This past year has been too hard on us.

  "Viktor, you will need to teach Talon hand-to-hand combat and to be a more efficient fighter with his staff. If he ever cannot use his magic, he needs to be able to defend himself until someone can come to his rescue. Talon, you will teach Viktor to fight like a mage, once his grandfather has his control perfected. If he ever needs to depend on magic without drawing on mine, he would be helpless."

  "Yes, your highness."

  Talon will be easier to deal with than Viktor… as long a
s he doesn’t argue with me too often about leaving people he sees as a threat alive. I can’t wait until he meets my aunt and uncle. Or even my father. His response to that would be humorous if I were not so afraid of it killing us all.


  "You know I will do anything that ensures you are safer in the end."

  "We will talk about this later. Just the two of us." His only response is to nod. I am not sure if he is okay with Talon being our new tag along, or if I will get an earful once out of range of everyone else.

  It is slow going but finally, we make it to the mountainside with tons of cave entrances. Many of them already have people inside, bustling around, setting up sleeping bags and using tents as entrance flaps. Families have already claimed the ones with entrances on the ground. I look at the steps that Avren made, for me to get in and out of his cave towards the top.

  "Let me at least float you to the top…"


  "You won't make it by yourself. No one will think less of you. You have blood all over your clothing. It's obvious that something traumatizing happened."

  I sigh. Maybe Talon won’t be less annoying. Instead of waiting for my answer, Viktor picks me up and carries me up the stairs. Talon watches in shock for a moment, then follows. Great.

  "I didn’t know that was allowed."

  I glare at Talon. Like I am happy being carried around like a broken doll. He smirks, but holds in the laughter and follows silently. Well, at least that is clear. If either of them tries something like this again, I will magic them to the otherworld.

  "You are back, my queen."

  I smile as Viktor puts me down and so I can go over to hug Avren's snout. It hasn't been that long, but I am sentimental and happy to be alive.


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