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CLUB TIES (The Trinity Falls Series)

Page 12

by Mara McBain

  He turned toward her, his forehead creasing in worry. “Are you okay?”

  The sinister vehicle was almost on top of them. Its brake lights cast a red glow as it slowed further. She shook her head furiously, trying to force the words past her tongue as she tugged on his arm. The soft buzz of a power window sounded over the idling engine. A scream caught in the back of her throat, and she felt her knees start to buckle.

  “Are you two going to make it?”

  Mox caught her before she could fall. He swept her into his arms, even as he turned to answer the slender redhead behind the wheel.

  “Stilettos and winter weather don’t mesh, but I got her.”

  A hulking form leaned forward in the Suburban’s passenger seat, and Eva recognized the Lord’s vice president in the dim light. Encircling Mox’s neck with her arms, she hid her face from the curious stares. Her heart pounded loud in her ears. She only caught the word vanity in the low rumble of Bowie’s baritone, but his wife laughed.

  “Say what you will about heels, but you appreciate the shake they put in a lady’s backside and don’t mind them spurring your big ass on,” Amber said with a saucy purr.

  “No argument here. Maybe I’ll get lucky and she’ll reward her loyal steed,” Mox said, pawing the ground with his boot and offering a frisky whinny before calling his goodnights and crossing in front of the headlights.

  He didn’t say another word until he set her on her feet in their apartment.

  “You want to tell me what that was about?”

  Eva pushed into his arms, resting her forehead against his chest. Closing her eyes, she could still see the ragged bullet holes. She kissed the soft cotton and took a deep breath. He had asked for honesty and she owed him at least that much.

  “I saw the black SUV rolling up on us, and I thought it was Rocco and his goons.”

  His arms wrapped around her and he squeezed her tight. The dam broke on her fears, and she soaked the front of his shirt while he stroked her back, swaying softly. When she could breathe again, she pushed back from him and wiped at her face. She could only imagine the mess she had made of her makeup.

  His big hands cupped her face and tilted it up to his.

  “You’re mine, and I’m going to keep you safe.”

  “I’m sorry. I saw the SUV and…”Her voice cracked and she shook her head helplessly as more tears fell.

  “You should’ve said something. I knew it was Amber’s Suburban. I saw it parked on the street when we came out of the alley.”

  “I panicked. I was trying to tell you, but I couldn’t breathe, let alone talk. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll know from now on, but you have to learn to trust me. I will protect you. Do you believe that?”

  Eva nodded, tilting her head to kiss his palm. She believed that Mox would do everything in his power to protect her. She also believed that if he found her, Rocco would kill him.

  Chapter ~ 15

  “It’s a simple question.”

  “As I said, all the waitress could say for sure was that it was a dark colored truck with lighter stripes.”

  A muscle ticked in Rocco’s jaw. Chelios’ tone and blank stare flayed his fragile grip on his temper. He turned an ink pen end for end, tapping it on the desk’s Italian leather blotter. Manicured nails cut into the palm hidden under the desk.

  “With that kind of intelligence, is the twit even certain it was Eva?”

  “She described the clothing Miss Taylor was wearing. It seems our waitress thought cashmere a bit above a trucker’s pay scale.”

  “Are you this polite with all whores, or just mine?”

  Chelios chose not to answer the question. For a moment, Rocco fantasized about carving a big smile on the fucker’s flat, expressionless mug. Maybe another time.

  “Remind me again what I pay you for. How does this help me?”

  “The truck driver is a regular. He’ll be back. When he comes back, Emma will call me.”

  “How do you know the bitch will call you?”

  “Because I have more charm than you do,” Chelios said with an amused quirk of his lips. “That, and the hundred dollar tip I left, will assure she calls.”

  “Fantastic. Did you take care of the problem at the club? If that son-of-a-bitch is skimming, I want his fingers on a silver fucking platter.”

  “I’m on my way there now. You said the girl is my top priority.”

  Rocco exploded to his feet, rage twisting his handsome features. His jabbing forefinger emphasized every word.

  “I know what the fuck I said. You keep running your mouth and I’ll cut out your fucking tongue.”

  Tension hummed. The cool enforcer didn’t flinch, but the son-of-a-bitch kept his mouth shut. Rocco waited, counting the dull throb of his heartbeat in his temple.

  “Get the fuck out of here.”

  Chelios flipped up the collar on his wool coat out of habit. Rage did a slow boil in his gut, making him impervious to the biting wind. One of these days, the arrogant bastard was going to push him too far, and, honor be damned, he was going to snap his little neck. A promise to the prick’s father was the only thing that kept him breathing.

  The lights on his black Audi flashed as he disarmed the alarm. The sleek machine had been a gift from the asshole’s father. The old man had known how to reward loyalty. Chelios grimaced as he settled behind the wheel. Jesus. He was starting to sound like a bad mob movie. Shaking his head, he checked the mirrors and pulled out into traffic. He had work to do.

  Swirling the ice in his glass, Chelios tried to ease the tension from his shoulders. It had been a long day. He glanced at his phone, checking for messages for the hundredth time. Right now, all he wanted was a stiff drink and a willing broad. With the boss being in the flesh business, neither was a problem. Polishing off his drink, he crooked a finger at a honey blonde as she stepped out of the backroom.

  “Hey, Chellie. You all on your own tonight?” she asked, settling into his lap.

  “Sure am, kitten. How would you like to change that?”

  Her smile said yes, but her lips bargained, “Dinner and all night?”

  “Carry out, and if you’re a good girl,” he countered.


  He sealed it with a hard kiss and a smack to her ass. “Let’s roll.”

  Rubbing her curvy posterior, she slid from his lap. His offered arm wiped away the teasing pout. She took it with a flourish, cuddling close as they headed for the door.

  “Goodnight, Tawny,” the bartender called.

  “That it is,” she said with a smug smirk. “That it is.”

  Chapter ~ 16

  Mox stared at the door. He didn’t need x-ray vision to picture the dusty knickknacks or the pale pink walls and white trim yellowed with nicotine. Was the sagging, floral couch still there? He leaned back in the truck seat, forcing his stiff fingers to unfurl from the steering wheel. Cupping his hands, he blew into them for a moment to ease the chill and then reached for the door handle.

  Walking up the dismal stoop, he could feel the eyes of the neighborhood on him. Forcing his shoulders to ease from a protective hunch, his neck cracked. He raised a fist to the door. The knock shattered the morning silence. A squirrel scolded him from a nearby tree as he waited.

  The look on her face when she swept back the curtain to look out the door was priceless. She blinked at him for a moment and then, trapping the glowing cigarette between her lips, fumbled with the door.

  “Good morning. It’s so good to see you. Come right in. Miles! Our son is here. Come on in, baby. Let me get you some coffee. I just put some on. Miles!”

  Mox cringed as Flo captured him in a clinging embrace, babbling a mile a minute and shouting into the other room. He took a deep breath as she spun and hurried back down the hall. He instantly wished he hadn’t. Pinching his nostrils closed for a moment, he tried to clear the acrid stench of stale cigarette smoke. Following her to the kitchen, he ached to open a window.

e flinched as something rubbed against his leg. His lip curled at the fluffy feline. Crusty mucus darkened its white fur in the corner of its yellow eyes, and its pushed-in face gave the beast an evil look. Mox shook his leg, tamping down the urge to boot the thing.

  Flo used the edge of her hand to sweep ashes and butts into an overflowing ashtray and snatched up a stack of sale flyers.

  “Have a seat, baby. If I’d known you were coming, I’d have gone to the store. Let me see what I have.”

  His stomach clenched at the thought of eating.

  “I’m not here to eat.”

  She froze, looking at him over the top of the refrigerator door. She knew. He could see it in her eyes. She knew damn well why he was there. He could see the wheels spinning behind watery eyes. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips.

  “I want you to stay away from Eva.”

  “I don’t know what that little bitch told you—”

  “Shut your mouth and listen!” Mox snapped. “This isn’t a discussion. You’re going to leave her alone or I will wring your scrawny neck.”

  “Baby, I—”

  “What the fuck did I just say? I’m not pissing with you, Flo. Besides Ginny and Zeke taking me in, Eva is the best damn thing to ever happen to me. I love her, and I think she can love me. You’re not screwing it up for me.”

  “I just want you to be happy. I just wanted to get to know her. I’m your mother.”

  Mox shook his head adamantly. “You don’t get it, Flo. You’re not my mother. You haven’t been my mother in a long time. It’s not about giving birth. Ginny did all the things that a mother is supposed to do. She was there for all the high points, and the shitty ones, too. She’s everything I need and Eva gets along great with her.”

  “I don’t care what Ginny told you. I love you. I’m your mother. No one can take that away from me!” Flo said, her voice becoming shriller with each word.

  “Shut your mouth!”

  Mox swiped a hand over his head in frustration and fixed a glare on his birth mother. She opened her mouth, but closed it again at his pointed look. When he spoke again, his voice was deathly quiet.

  “This is your only warning. It’s simple. Stay away from her. If you hurt her, I will kill you.”

  Mox slowed as he rounded the corner to the break area. His eyes narrowed. Sitting with one hip hitched on the edge of a table, Ginny was holding court. The white carryout boxes beside her were the excuse, her ticket through the door, but he knew they weren’t the reason she was there.

  Coming up behind her, he leaned down to kiss her cheek and mutter, “I have it under control.”

  “Hello to you too, handsome, and of course you do. We’re getting ready to open The Lantern back up and who better to be our guinea hogs than our best customers,” she said with a smile.

  Mox shook his head, noting that she hadn’t bothered to ask what he had under control. When he’d chose not to talk to Ginny before going to see Flo this morning, he’d known it would get back to her in record time. His vehicle on that street was enough to guarantee a call to Ginny. He’d never been able to pinpoint who her informant was, but he suspected there was more than one. Flo wasn’t well liked in Trinity Falls.

  “I will protect, Eva.”

  “I never doubted that.”

  Sighing, Mox accepted the Styrofoam box she held out to him and took a seat at the table she was perched on. He grunted in pleasure as he took a bite of The Lantern’s house burger. “You’re not asking what happened, so I take it you already know.”

  “I talked to Eva a little while she was helping out at the pub this morning.”

  “I forgot to warn her about your interrogation techniques.”

  “How was Flo?” Ginny asked, ignoring his smartass comment.

  Mox rolled his eyes at her, but answered around a mouth full. “She’s okay for now, but I warned her to stay away from Eva.”

  “How did that go over?”

  “About like you’d expect.”

  He saw the hand go to her hip out of the corner of his eye and didn’t have to look up to feel her exasperated glare. He grinned around another mouthful.

  “Care to elaborate?”

  “I didn’t give her much of a chance to debate the subject. I told her to stay away from Eva or I’d kill her.”

  Ginny sucked in a sharp breath, but Mox shook his head and met her gaze before she could utter a word. “People need to understand. I love Eva. Fucking with Eva is—it’s like fucking with you. I might not be able to always stop it, but I can prevent it from happening again,” he said, letting the weight of his stare say more than he would allow his words to, maybe too much more.

  He could see the wheels turning in Ginny’s mind and knew the moment that she made the connection. Her eyes flared wide. A triad of shock, fear, and gratitude flickered through their hazel depths in a flash. She opened her mouth, but closed it again. Her hand trembled as she brought it to cover her lips. She swallowed hard.

  Mox held his breath, wishing he could read her thoughts as easy as her emotions. Her gaze darted away from him for a moment, as if she realized how transparent she was. The couple of bites of burger in his stomach rolled. Things had been better between them since Eva’s arrival. Ginny had been more herself. Would she be able to deal with the truth?

  Ginny stood up, wiping her hands down the thighs of her jeans. “I should get back. We have a lot to get done if we’re going to open next week.”

  Mox wanted to beg her to talk to him, but swallowed the plea. This wasn’t the place. He flinched in surprise when she leaned in to kiss his cheek. She stroked the back of his head.

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you too,” he said, offering her a small smile.

  He watched her say goodbye to the others, Rhys getting the same motherly caress he had. She paused at the door and their gaze met across the shop. Her lips curved in a slight smile, and she raised a hand in farewell, and then she was gone.

  Mox let his head fall forward so his chin rested on his chest. The look on Ginny’s face as the realization had hit her played over in his head. He rubbed at the stiff muscles in the back of his neck. What in the hell had he just done?

  Ginny stared at the ripples that formed on the crimson surface as her hands trembled around the wineglass. A shiver worked through her slender form, and she scooted closer to the gas fireplace. Finishing out the afternoon at The Lantern on autopilot, she had sought the quiet of home to be alone with her thoughts. She had replayed the conversation with Mox a thousand times, trying to come to a different conclusion. If his words hadn’t confessed, his eyes certainly had.

  How had she not known? Had she been so absorbed with her own pain that she hadn’t recognized his? She watched the roll of the wine, thinking of the ripple effect again. This shit with Kramer had splattered far and wide, with her family taking a direct hit. She closed her eyes. She just wanted the little rat bastard to stay buried and let her family heal. She had thought they were in the clear and then this.

  She ground her teeth. How many people knew? How had Zeke covered this up? The son-of-a-bitch had promised her. He had looked her right in the eye and swore to her that he wouldn’t personally go after Kramer or have one of his club brothers do it for him. Reaper, Taz, hell, even Sambo would’ve done it without blinking—but Mox? Why her baby? She shook her head. No, he wasn’t a boy anymore. The resolution on his handsome face had been very much that of a man. There had been no regret in his cool gaze. He had meant every word he’d said.

  Ginny drained her glass. How many times had Mox told her over the years that he would do anything for her? That look had been so like his father, and that scared the shit out of her. As much as she loved her husband, Zeke had led a rough life and made decisions and choices she didn’t want for her boys.

  Years of training helped Zeke avoid the first missile as he came through the backdoor. The second, a wine bottle, deflected off his raised forearm as the glass shattered behind him. He got ser
ious when a sauce pan grazed the side of his head, dropping his phone and keys on the counter to free up his hands. He gave his wife an incredulous look as he caught the blender carafe.

  “What the fuck?”

  “You swore to me!” she snarled, snatching up a plate from the dishwasher.

  Zeke ducked the plate and set the blender safely on the counter as his wife reloaded.

  “Jesus, woman! Have you lost your damn mind?” he grunted as he barely caught the heavy crock for the slow cooker.

  “You looked me right in the eye and fucking lied!” Ginny screamed, her fury showing no sign of abating. “Worse than that, you couldn’t even do it yourself. You endangered our son! You’re a fucking coward!”

  Eyes narrowing, Zeke tossed the crock aside and lunged at his wife. He didn’t hesitate when the knife came up between them. Her scream was as much rage as pain as he twisted her wrist, and the knife clattered harmlessly to the floor. He yanked his head back as her nails went at his face. Using her momentum against her, he spun her around to pin her face down across the island. Her face contorted in pain as he wrenched her hand up between her shoulder blades.

  Taking a deep breath, Zeke tried to rein in his temper. His jaw ached as he ground his teeth together. When he finally spoke, it was from behind clenched teeth.

  “What in the fuck is your problem?”

  Ginny struggled against his hold, crying out in pain as he pushed her arm higher.

  “Answer me.”

  “You promised me,” she said with a sob. “You swore to let the cops handle it and to keep my family intact, and then you pawned the deed off on Mox to keep your fucking hands clean.”


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