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CLUB TIES (The Trinity Falls Series)

Page 13

by Mara McBain

  Zeke closed his eyes for a moment, his head shaking slowly and anger draining away. Easing the pressure on his wife’s wrist, he pulled her up and into his arms. She rubbed at her shoulder for a moment and then slammed her fist against his chest as rage gave way to fear and tears.

  “I didn’t know until after he’d done it,” he said, stroking the back of her hair.

  “I don’t believe you,” she sobbed, sounding so much like a little girl that he smiled.

  “Have I ever lied to you when you asked about something?”

  She was quiet for a moment, and then her head shook back and forth as her shoulders heaved in a fresh sob.

  “That’s right, and I’m not about to start now,” he said, kissing the top of her head. Cupping her jaw, he tilted her face up and waited for her eyes to meet his. “I love you. There is only one thing that I’ve ever wanted more than I wanted to castrate that worthless rat bastard, and that one thing is you. I would move heaven and earth for you, and then move them back. You are the single most important thing in my life.”

  “Even when I throw shit at your head?” she asked, giving a shaky smile through her tears.

  “Even then.”

  “Better be careful, Zeke Brawer. That was almost sappy.”

  “I’ll let you get away with sappy, but if you ever call me a coward again, I will kick your ass.”

  She had the good grace to blush and plant a kiss on his chest. She let her forehead rest against him as he gently massaged her sore shoulder.

  “You didn’t know?”

  “I didn’t know until the next morning. When he told me, I thought it best if as few as possible knew about it. I was trying to protect the big ox.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “For being a ferocious mama? Don’t be. It’s one of the things I love about you.”

  “How do we protect him?” she asked, looking up to search his face for answers.

  “By keeping our mouths shut. They ruled Kramer’s death a suicide, and the investigation is closed. As long as he keeps his trap shut, we have nothing to worry about.”

  “You’re sure no one else knows?”

  “Until today, I thought only he and I knew, but I guess I need to have another talk with the dumb ox,” Zeke grumbled.

  “While we’re on the subject, he threatened Flo.”

  Zeke’s face screwed up in disgust. “Why is he even talking to that bitch?”

  “Because she had a little run in with Eva, and if there is anyone in this world our son is more protective of than me, it’s Eva.”

  “He has it bad,” Zeke said with a snort.

  “Says the man that just sappily told me I’m the most important thing in his life. Like father like son.”

  Zeke made a face at her and Ginny laughed.

  “What’s for dinner?”

  Ginny looked at him pointedly and then shook her head when he didn’t retract the question.

  “Think about the greeting you received when you walked through the door. Did you really want me cooking for you, big man?”

  “Eating out, it is.”

  Chapter ~ 17

  “I thought we were going out tonight.”

  Becca’s shrill whine cut through the apartment, setting Mox’s teeth on edge. He dragged a calloused palm over his face and around to rub at the tension in his neck. After the day he’d had, the last thing he felt like doing was tiptoeing around Trinity’s reigning trailer park princess.

  Eva had suggested a nice couples’ evening. She had busted her ass preparing dinner and snacks. The mouthwatering scent of chicken enchiladas smothered in cheese hung in the air. A pitcher of margaritas and a bucket of chilled longnecks sat waiting on the table with the tortilla chips. It was supposed to be an evening of fun and relaxation, but, as always, Becca was determined to make it all about her and drive a wedge between him and Rhys. Frankly, Mox was sick of the bitch, and, with her previous threat to Eva fresh in his mind, he wanted nothing more than to wring her scrawny little neck. Eva was right; Becca and Flo were two of a kind.

  A quick glance at his girlfriend confirmed the evening wasn’t off to the start she had envisioned. She was chopping salsa ingredients with a little more force than called for. As he watched, she rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath. Despite the drama, Mox couldn’t fight the smile that curved his lips. She was too damn cute. He shoved off the counter as the intercom for the door buzzed and gave his brother a pointed look as he went to answer it.


  “Unlock the door, shithead,” Reaper growled.

  Mox laughed and hit the button as Lee politely chimed in with, “Please.”

  Plowing a hand through his blond locks, Rhys crossed the room with an exaggerated sigh. “I asked if you were up for Mexican and movies. I didn’t say we were going out. Reaper and Lee are here,” he said, putting an end to the argument and dropping into a dining room chair.

  Becca refused to take the hint. Her painted face twisted into a pout.

  “It’s been this way ever since she got here. You never take me out anymore.”

  “Did you ever stop to think it has nothing to do with Eva and everything to do with suddenly having to pay rent and utilities?”

  “Well, then maybe little miss high and mighty should get a job and pull her weight around here. It’s not fair that I should have to suffer so that Mox can get laid,” Becca snapped as the new arrivals came through the door.

  Eva flinched as if the words packed a physical wallop. Her eyes darted toward their other guests, and color flooded her face. Lee’s almond shaped eyes were wide, and she nervously stepped closer to Reaper’s back. Rain stood behind them, amusement stamping her classic features.

  Rhys exploded back to his feet, knocking his chair over. Becca scrambled back, but Rhys followed until her back pressed against the wall. His forefinger jabbed perilously close to her frightened face.

  “First off, that is none of your fucking business. If it was, you’d already know that Eva does all the cooking, cleaning, and laundry around here for all three of us. Secondly, I’m sick of your whiney-ass bullshit. It was Eva’s idea to invite you over tonight because she thought it might be fun, and you’ve done nothing but moan and bitch since you got here. I’ve had enough! Either drop the prima donna shit and play nice or get the fuck out!”

  Becca shrank away from the uncharacteristic fury in his voice.

  “Rhys, baby, don’t be mad. I love you,” she whispered, reaching out to tuck his hair behind an ear.

  He smacked her hand away in disgust. “You wonder why my family doesn’t like you; it’s because you act like this around them. You could learn a thing or two from Eva or Lee. A little respect goes a long way.”

  “Don’t you dare compare me to those meek little bitches!” she shrieked, her attitude returning in a flash.

  Rhys caught her hand inches from his cheek. His jaw worked furiously, lips pressing together in rage.

  “We’re done. Get the fuck out.”

  When she didn’t move, he grabbed her elbow and escorted her to the door. Her pleas and crocodile tears didn’t move him. Reaper blew her a mocking kiss as he stepped out of the way. Lee skittered behind him. Becca dug in her heels as she spotted Rain.

  “What is she doing here?”

  “It doesn’t matter what she’s doing here. We’re done. Get out.”

  “You’ve wanted to fuck this biker bitch since she got into town!”

  “Correction, he’s wanted to fuck me since I got boobs in fifth grade,” Rain said with a smirk.

  Becca lunged, but Rhys easily spun her around and opened the door with an eye roll at Rain.

  “Go, before she hurts you.”

  “And that’s the voice of experience talking, honey.”

  “You’re not helping here, Rain,” Rhys said in exasperation.

  She just gave him a shit-eating grin that was so like her father’s.


  Frustrated, Mox didn’t
even let his brother answer the latest whine. Yanking Becca from Rhys’ grasp, he shoved her out the door and slammed it shut behind her. “Now can we eat? I’m starving, and whatever that is, smells fabulous,” he said, taking the pans from Lee so she could get her coat off.

  “The bottom dish is stuffed jalapenos, and the top is sopapilla cheesecake,” she said shyly.

  “The jalapenos are hotter than a motherfucker,” Reaper said with an evil chuckle.

  “And I’m not even supposed to be here,” Rain said with a self-conscious laugh. “Sorry to interrupt your dinner party. The movie you wanted earlier came in right at the end of my shift, so I thought I would drop it off. Thanks for the entertainment though.”

  Rhys shook his head at her as she slapped the DVD case against his chest with another grin.

  “You like to stir shit up, don’t you?”

  “I like to keep life interesting, but you were in full melt-down when I got here, pretty boy. Is this one for good?”

  “Why? You applying for the position?”

  “Your ego couldn’t handle it.”

  “Because you have your own bike?”

  “Nah, because you wouldn’t be the prettiest one to crawl out of bed in the morning.”

  “Someone thinks pretty highly of herself.”

  “Besides, I’m not sure that I could ever love you as much as you love you.”

  “Are you always a ball-breaker, or is this special just for me?”

  “You always were the sensitive one,” Rain said with a laugh and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Enjoy your movie, Bro.”

  A look passed between Mox and Eva, and she hastily stepped out of the kitchen. “Why don’t you stay? We have plenty.”

  Rain glanced back at Rhys. He shrugged and waved the DVD at her.

  “You did say you wanted to see the movie.”

  For the first time, Rain looked a little unsure of herself. She glanced at Eva again.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Very. Mox told me you three grew up together. I’d love to hear about that,” Eva said, her eyes sparkling in mischief.

  “I practically lived at their house,” Rain said with a laugh. She hesitated. “Can I run back out and get anything?”

  Eva glanced back at the kitchen and met Lee’s gaze. The other woman shrugged, shaking her head, and Eva turned back to Rain. “I think we have the food covered. You brought the movie. That works.”

  “If you’re sure. Everything smells fantastic, and it sure beats going home to Dad and Banquet chicken. What can I help with?”

  Rhys’ gaze drifted from the movie to the couple at the other end of the couch. Eva was tucked under Mox’s arm, her cheek resting against his chest as they shared the plate in his lap. They looked so happy and comfortable with each other. Even Reaper and Lee were cuddled together; the gorgeous geisha tucked close so his cut was around her like a blanket.

  It made no sense. Mox had never had a girlfriend in his life, and even the bike bunnies were leery of Reaper. Yet here they were shacked up and enjoying domestic bliss while he was out in the cold. He grimaced. It wasn’t even so much that he missed Becca. After everything he had watched his parents go through the last six months, he’d come to realize that he and Becca would never have the kind of relationship that made it through the tough times. She wasn’t going to bend for him, and he didn’t care enough to hold on.

  Cold toes inched underneath his thigh, and he raised an eyebrow at Rain. She grinned back at him without an iota of apology. He reached over and hit the remote for the gas fireplace and then covered the top of her brightly clad feet with his hand.

  “Nice socks,” he muttered.

  “Like those?” she asked, pulling her feet back to wiggle the purple and silver striped toe socks at him before shoving them back under his warm leg.

  “Careful a house doesn’t fall on you.”

  “Are you calling me a witch?”

  “If the sock fits—and I’m sure I’ve called you worse.”

  Rain burst into laughter and then hastily covered her mouth as the two couples looked their way. Turning her attention pointedly back to the movie, she made a visible effort to behave. Rhys wasn’t buying it. Snagging a couple of stuffed jalapenos off the coffee table, he held one up to her lips in challenge. She bit into it with relish, her lips parting and freckled nose scrunching at the burn. He popped the other in his mouth and tried to keep his face impassive. His eyes watered and Rain giggled.

  “Light weight.”

  “Were you always this big of a pain in the ass?” he whispered.

  “I’m sure of it. I learned from the best.”

  Rhys snorted. “Ma always said you were meaner than all three of us boys.”

  “I had to be to survive.”

  “I’m the one that made a trip to the emergency room.”

  “Only because your mother wanted to assure you’d be able to give her grandbabies someday.”

  “Could you kids shut the fuck up? I’m trying to watch a movie here,” Reaper growled.

  Rhys flipped him the bird, but bit back further comment. He peeked at Rain out of the corner of his eye. Her eyes were on the TV, but her teeth were sunk into her bottom lip, and her shoulders shook in silent laughter as she hugged a throw pillow. Damn, she was evil…and hot.

  Crossing The Lantern’s parking lot, Zeke paused and squinted at Rhys’ Mustang. Letting go of his wife’s hand, he stepped closer and squatted down beside the sleek Shelby.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Our son pissed someone off,” Zeke muttered, standing to circle the car. “And seeing as they carved asshole down the driver’s side, I would say it’s personal.”

  “It’s always something,” Ginny said with a sigh and hit the buzzer.


  “It’s your mother.”

  There was silence for a moment, and then the door clicked. “Come on up, Ma.”

  “I wonder what we interrupted,” she said over her shoulder.

  “Who cares? The number of times they’ve interrupted us, it’s about time. Payback’s a bitch.”

  Ginny giggled as her husband swatted her ass all the way up the stairs. Stepping into the apartment, spicy aromas tempted the taste buds.

  “Something smells wonderful,” she said, accepting a crushing hug from Mox.

  “Eva made homemade enchiladas and Lee brought over stuffed jalapenos,” Mox said, rolling his eyes and licking his lips in delight.

  “I’ll make you both a plate,” Eva said, turning for the kitchen.

  “Oh, God, as good as it smells, Zeke just took me out to dinner, and I couldn’t eat another bite. Thank you though, honey. It smells fantastic. You take such good care of my boys.”


  Zeke waved off the offer as he greeted Reaper with a hand clasp and a smack on the back.

  “I crashed the party, but I brought the movie,” Rain said with a laugh as there were hugs all around.

  “I need to talk to you two outside,” Zeke said, indicating his sons.

  Rain made a face at Rhys. “Ohhh, Dad’s mad. What’d you do, dumbass?”

  “Wasn’t me. Must’ve been Mox.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” Mox said, pulling his boots on with an eye-roll.

  Following Zeke down the stairs, Mox had a bad feeling in his gut that his brother had been right. He just wasn’t sure why Zeke wanted to talk to both of them.

  “You, go look at your car and figure out who you pissed off,” Zeke said, giving Rhys a nudge.

  A string of obscenities followed Mox and Zeke as they walked around the edge of the building, and Rhys surveyed the damage to his beloved muscle car. Mox glanced up at the night sky, waiting for his dad to speak. He didn’t see the hard smack to the back of his head coming. Wincing, he ran his tongue over the inside of his lip where he’d bit it and tamped down the hurt.

  “I thought we agreed that Ginny could never know about Kramer.”

  Mox sigh
ed and hung his head, gathering his thoughts. “I didn’t mean to tell her. As a matter of fact, I didn’t actually tell her. It was more like she guessed. She didn’t even say it. We just looked at each other, and she knew.”

  He could practically hear Zeke’s eyes roll. He sighed again and looked for the right words to explain, but Zeke spoke first.

  “I know it’s been rough. Gin’s been distant, and you felt guilty. I get it,” Zeke said tiredly. “Now she’s worried about you, but the good thing is you know your secret is safe with her. She loves you, you dumb ox, and would do anything for you.”

  “The feeling is mutual.”

  “You more than proved that. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the words to tell you…”

  Mox shook his head as Zeke’s words trailed off. “You don’t have to. I get it.”

  Neither said anything for a while. The sound of Zeke’s Zippo broke the silence as he fired up a cigar.

  “Just make sure no one else guesses. Are you serious about this girl?”

  “Deadly,” Mox said, a little thrown by the subject change.

  “That’s a good thing because it might come down to that. Does the name Rocco Soriano mean anything to you?”

  “Is that the bastard’s last name?”

  Zeke nodded, puffing on his cigar. “On the surface, he runs a string of night clubs and strip joints. Behind the scenes, he’s into drugs, prostitution, and the Feds think human trafficking. I’ve had some dealings with him in the past.”

  “Sounds like a hell of a guy.”

  “Yeah, he’s a real charmer. He’s not making it public knowledge that Eva ran off. That would be bad for business, but he has people looking. Needless to say, things aren’t going to be real pleasant for her if he gets his hands on her.”

  “That’s not happening.”

  “I’m doing some more digging at work, but, in the mean time, you need to understand who you’re dealing with. If you get in their way, murder isn’t going to be a speed-bump in their day.”

  “I can take care of myself, and I’ll protect Eva,” Mox said firmly.

  “Just remember that you don’t have a carry permit for that Glock, and if you’re caught with it—”


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