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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 3

by Theodore Daniels

  Then, in the course of the difficult conversation with Nihlus Kryik Shepard he mentioned Russia. Mentioned very ... deployed and respectful. I did not know that it will take time - and it will be Russians husband, her legal spouse and the father of her child ...

  The thought of Svetlana in the shower Shepard raised a wave of tenderness. Streltsov, "The Rock", impatiens, bison zauchka. It was for all of Shepard. All that was him, John, you must, as a person, as a person. Although ... although the path to this "was all" was complicated and long and difficult. For him and for her - hard, difficult and long.

  Then Shepard made Nihlus respect Anderson. Got. And since then, Anderson could be relaxed - with all hands Nihlus was on him, David, side. Explicitly or implicitly - is another question. But the fact that he was an ally and comrade commander, confirmed the fact of appropriation of David Anderson once revoked Spectre status. Including on the recommendation of Spectrum Nihlus Craik. A recommendation of the Spectrum was expensive. Very expensive.

  Then came the usual combat work. Topped with a victory over the Reaper. Horror and nightmare, legend thousands of years and many races. Topped with gaining even temporary, but still an ally in the enemy camp. Absolute enemy. Then Shepard thought for the first time, how well people think the Imperials, the Russians. Russia has constantly and tirelessly they say, only two allies - the Russian army and navy. Other allies Russia does not have and never has been.

  The first victory. The first major victory over the ship zagalakticheskogo origin. The first victory that gave grounds for confidence in their abilities and capabilities of all the inhabitants of the frigate. Including Nihlus Craik, I realized then that these people should play honestly. Maximum honestly. Otherwise, they really splyashut on his grave. Splyashut, promptly providing him Nihlus, this tomb. And to ensure the same grave of all his other opponents.

  From that moment on, it is now understood Shepard, the ship and the crew with the team began to acquire legendary status. To become living legends of modern and contemporary history of the times of the Milky Way. And then they, organic, just believe in themselves. They believed, and used these powers to the full.

  Picture swaddling Reaper now facing the inner eye, the sight of Shepard. Live picture. Detailed picture. The painting, which forced him John Shepard, Briton John Shepard, believe in what you can to stop a series of cycles. A series of events Reaper in the galaxy can be stopped. The most rigid and in a certain way. frigate blow was really frightening and effective. For this blow were moments of preparation, minute workouts minute activation internal capabilities, abilities and resources. Minutes understanding the deeper meaning of existence and for intelligence activities.

  The rescue operation was a revelation for Corporal Jenkins. Richard Shepard knew how, it is definitely soaped leave the ship as soon as possible. The way it has managed to Shepard, get a good shake-up after activation zagalakticheskih features and abilities, Jenkins did not like. And the corporal decided to leave as soon as possible on board the frigate. Especially because Eden Prime was his home planet. Where his parents lived. It was his birthplace. And here he would stay, even taking off his epaulettes and becoming purely civilian. Subsequent events have occurred so quickly and were so extraordinary, that Jenkins was unable to implement his decision to leave in life. Just could not - or rather, had not banal.

  The clash with troops Geth, as it turned out, subordinates Reaper showed the crew and a team of "Normandy" another side of the difficult situation in which they had to intervene. But with cars, walkers managed to sort out quickly. Even with the geth assault ships, small, luckily landing ships.

  Then many normandovtsy first thought that it is important to live their own minds. Whatever it was, the mind has his own, his own. Do not blindly trust the opinion of other sentient. It is still perceived through their filters, through its features. Through its own position.

  Legend of getah began to crumble, become covered with cracks. Geta were not so independent. If they subdued Reaper that had to see and understand all normandovtsam means mass propaganda and agitation Services Citadel lies recklessly on the entire space of the Milky Way. He is lying. And not telling the truth, which was that the Geth are not homogeneous Synthetic, the same as if on a conveyor belt candy confectionery factories, like cars on the automobile assembly line. Geta, carriers perfect AI, were, naturally, different. And this difference proved fatal for the Reapers. Death, although at the time of this deadly Reapers, it may not be thought of. For many reasons, not thought.

  Lighthouse had to take on board the frigate. Archaeologists civilian archaeologists, scientists happily handed artifact normandovtsam, realizing that he does not fall into the hands of the Citadel Advisors. It will belong to mankind. Nobody then could not think that soon will rise next to the normandovtsami proteanin. The true owner of the lighthouse, the plenipotentiary representative of the race, the creator of such lighthouses scattered, as it turned out, the entire space galaxy. Lieutenant Alenko, freed from the daily fierce migraines, performed the task of contact with scientists, archaeologists and fence lighthouse on board a frigate in the fine, for the first time to believe that he was not just wearing the form and epaulettes, but is really is and does view that is a real officer of the Alliance. Lieutenant videoconferencing Alliance.

  Himself Shepard was able to visit in the belly of the Reaper. And get his first contact with the pilot. Pick up the pilot, even temporarily, on board the frigate, having secured the final colossus extragalactic ship.

  Then came the time of the meeting with Saren and Benešov. Time to evacuate them to the frigate. Meeting with the matriarch Azari, of course, shocked not only the Jenkins. Man in general is difficult to imagine a living sentient being, the ability to live a thousand years like any human eighty-ninety. Then Shepard rightly said that the work and communication with such longevity here - part of their present and future activities. New activities far beyond the powers of the crew and razvedfregata team. It looks like their ship and his men became really too unusual, gradually began to earn legendary status.

  Meeting with Saren - second memory normandovtsev seen them near the spectrum of the Citadel and was not quite normal. About Saren Arterius known in the Alliance. He was a well-known personality. Known reasonable, as it was made already expressed. And to see this two-meter turian a meter away from you ... It was a shock. Especially when you consider that the Spectrum was a Turian while on board Reaper, very pathetic. Do not help him then eighty percent of the implants. And people helped turian. Although they could, as the spectrum, and not to help him. But - have helped. Together with the asari Benešov taken out and evacuated by a frigate, was placed in sickbay. Both were placed. And because it is able to put in the cabin, turning the cabin into quite a prison cell. The benefit of experience spent with Nihlus already had. So there was a choice of earthlings. And they did it.

  Dr. Chakwas, Major Karin rose to the occasion. She did not hide the fact that many health-related rescued was higher than its level of professional training. It is also one of the few, the first professional has determined that Shepard is a little, but not a man, or more precisely - the man higher than his contemporaries and predecessors, level. She was not afraid of being branded as stupid, turning to him, Shepard, for help. Grasp and understand that it will be able to help them, both patients. A kind of foundling. Will help if their uses extragalactic possibilities and abilities. If you want to help them.

  If he wants to. Karin herself then guessed that Shepard is ready to kill both saved. Not to Turian nor asari he felt no undue reverence. Even more so - to indoctrinate, surrendered to the Reapers. Came under its influence, and not found the courage to self-destruct. Just blow himself up with a grenade, just stop your heart. The first - for Saren, the second - to the asari.

  Shepard was too well educated and too thoroughly prepared to not know such basic features and capabilities of its opponents. And then the asari and turians were alien to him one hundred per cent. Wholly opponents. That should have ye
t to earn the status of the partners of mankind. It was set up Shepard himself, and so he set up at the Academy. No allies in order. Only as a result of a long journey, multiple inspections and rechecking could count on the status of ally, and then - on the partner status.

  Only one exception exist in the human world. Only one exception, extremely shortens the path from a barely familiar to a single entity. That is the supreme human feeling - love. That he obeyed the people when they wanted unity. That's it. Only the true, the real feelings of the Earth people obeyed everywhere and always. Because they knew that synthesize, simulate love impossible. Will not work. The falsity and deception will be opened by people in the shortest possible time.

  Alenka, Lieutenant Alenko then has found love. And over time, Ashley Williams, Sergeant kosmopehoty became his wife and mother of his children. Then they just met, met and fell in love .... VKS Lieutenant, techniques and biotic and infantry sergeant Space Alliance VKS. Met. And we fell in love. Having made the first steps towards the inevitable, as it turned out, lasting union. To which both marched all the required minutes, hours, days, decades. They walked together side by side. We walked, guarded by normandovtsami gossip and ridicule.

  Alenko was happy. And Shepard was satisfied - his lieutenant gained an additional, important meaning of life. Then I gained. I was glad and Anderson, has always cared about the peace of mind of their subordinates. And who knew that people - not Kibera, they need to live a full variety of life. Of course, the battle will be different, there is an order and the task - the main thing. In the meantime, the battle has not started - you need to be just a man.

  Then there was talk of Protheans and collectors. Speaking of Shepard and Anderson. The necessary conversation. Concerned directly Eden Prime, it, the world, history, its modern form. As for the prospects normandovtsev activities, becoming increasingly independent force. Then Shepard frankly and took contact with the pilot the Reaper and their capabilities extragalactic level.

  Needless to say, Anderson was unpleasant to realize that his equal in rank senior assistant sitting in front of him and knows knows, understands much more than he is - the king and god on this ship. And Anderson believed Shepard then. Although he could not believe it. And it would not be in the team then Shepard ancient warrior race. Warlord ancient race. Legends of the Galaxy. Members of the older, beyond discounts and conventions race.

  And before you start the process of acquiring a new ally Shepard used his extragalactic opportunities for rehabilitation and resuscitation and Turian and Asari. Keenly aware of at the moment, even if implicitly, that none of these two, most likely, will not remain on board. Is that turian Saren. And he Arterius Saren, was a mentor Nihlus Craik. Missing teacher. Azari still had to be removed from the board - she was a civilian and a stay on board a warship could not count at all. Saren was also a soldier, was the spectrum and could stay. And then ... Then Shepard just saved them both from the conversion in the body, due to the existing elementary physiology and elementary reflexes key. I returned to both of them the opportunity to stay personalities. Independently, deindoktrinirovannymi personalities.

  Yes, probably, and was shocked Chakwas capabilities XO frigate. But she bravely withstood the attack and said only that he, John Shepard, now ... there were reasonable, obliged him to life and liberty. In the fullest sense, complicated sense of the expression.

  Tired Shepard flew to the site of the excavation, to the point that he felt and have archaeologists. Perhaps, as then he said in a low voice Chakwas, while he himself had no idea what she knows. There was no time to think about it deeply, in academic scale. We had to make a deal. A thinking and reasoning were to go into the background, in isolation from the main line of action.

  Then Shepard for the first time realized that it is necessary to step on to fall in love with Karin Chakwas. The woman, a doctor, an officer. Surgeon. To love the way it really is, even like unrequited. After all, she had already been older than him. And by age and military rank. And it did not seek to change his lonely status by marrying their work. Easily changing sickbay kosmokorabley to classrooms and laboratories of ground station and medical centers and clinics. Then, at that moment in sickbay near regenerated asari turian, regenerated to normal sinful lives of organic reasonable, Karin and John simply joked, not only by the way, joking, but also exchanged phrases full of clear only the two of them meaning. Chakwas had to do everything possible to maintain and consolidate the process of recovery of the saved, and John waited excavations Prothean warrior.

  Then activated the possibility of extragalactic nature joined Shepard's mind with the mind sleeping under tridtsatimetrovoy proteanina layer of soil. Proteanina, had time to retreat to the capsule before his superior in numbers and strength of the enemy. Before helpers Ever Reapers. And thanks to memory proteanina Shepard saw the last moments of the fight at this a long time ago now peaceful farm planet. Terrible fight. Which is determined by the people is always the same: a life-and-death.

  Then Shepard for the first time realized how Protheans were perfect. This perfection, albeit temporary, albeit conditional, albeit local, but nevertheless it gave the same Protheans not only a right but also an opportunity for centuries to resist the pressure of the Reapers. Snaps at their attempts to fire, to win victories, and not just to retreat. Fight reapers, instead of raising the paw up in surrender their mercy. For mercy did not have the Reapers. At the Reapers had one task - to destroy the organic sentient life in the galaxy. And now it turns out that the missing Protheans alive. At least one representative of a clean and complete their race alive. And ready to come into this world. The world of the next cycle. Peace, again standing on the brink of war with the Reapers.

  Complex feelings Shepard felt when swaddled sarcophagus with a live sleeping proteaninom. Sophisticated. Ambiguous. Knowing full well that he was again in a situation of choice. Wish it - and proteanin stay here at the bottom of the mine. Destroy the wall - and the rock will fill the mine a few seconds. A return to the place of the remains of rocks technique allows for a very short time. Subscriptions nondisclosure all. And there is no one give so willingly dig again disturbing the sleeping representative of the Elder Race. And Shepard chose the acquisition rather than burial. Only then he gradually began to realize how it was the right decision.

  The sarcophagus was a model for many branches of science and industry, not only earthlings, but also of many other races this Citadel space. And the contents of the sarcophagus was generally able to cast the current state of organic matter in continuous shock and awe. The phenomenon of Representative races vanished unimaginable for today's consciousness of organic reasonable fifty thousand years ago, put an end to many legends and speculation. It makes me both externally and internally. For with the advent of the war against the Reapers Yavika acquired new features. The upcoming war against the Reapers.

  Yavik proved incredibly strong. And spiritually and physically. Sam Shepard as the commando as en-Seven sincerely doubted that he would be able to effectively and efficiently operate, just waking from kriosna and Yavik ... He did not just acting - he lived in the course of adapting to new conditions for yourself overcoming the storm of sensations, feelings and emotions. After all, he did not know that there was one. And between Shepard and then stretched Yavikom invisible but very strong bond. Because Yavik found in Shepard knows how to read it earthling. Proteanina can read better than they could read each other. This ensured a high level of mutual understanding. Later Yavik himself, by his own choice, on their own initiative confirmed the status of Captain Anderson as a professional, and he believed, as the highest officer of the ship.

  After a conversation with Anderson Shepard came, as he put it then, to give up, to Karin. He had nothing to share with the doctor of the frigate, almost the only woman - a senior officer on the ship. With a woman, for which the work was above all else. Hereby a professional doctor. And the relationship with Karin had evolved regulatory, not too working, but not too familiarly. Gentle, warm. Relations conne
cted vow of respect for each other's sovereignty. Then Karin just gave him a chance to sleep. In the peace and quiet sleep. Give him drink his stunningly effective decoction.

  On the ensuing morning conversation with the pilot Reaper Shepard I never told anyone, taking care that no one reasonably could not get a grain of information about this episode, about this moment. The pilot also with his hand cut short any attempt at monitoring and recording the progress of the meeting. As a result, normandovtsy gained even temporary, albeit situational, but an ally, which is then very much like to believe, at least will not shoot back or do other meanness, hold out as part of the scout and the observer will not saboteur.

  Shepard was never inclined to touch women without special permission. But at that moment I touched the shoulder Karin. Touched, he felt that he needed it as well as she. And then ... then he felt her hugging him and speaking to him, John Shepard with perennial women's request - to return. Back alive. Yes, then it is clothed in the form of requests from all normandovtsev, having, as a doctor, as a physician, every right, but Shepard has always understood this and so that first of all for his return will be waiting for it, Karin Chakwas. Female. Doctor. Warrior. Officer. She is. First of all she is a woman.

  Shepard knew that if she turned away to hide the tears in the eyes flashed and corners. Making cry Karin Chakwas rare, very few who succeed. Karin took revenge on those who made her suffer. Always terrible revenge. Effectively revenge. And at that time she was crying sincerely. By his own choice. According to his own will. On it, Major Chakwas, the Alliance said that she could not cry at all. No, can not - namely, does not know how. And it is understood John cried. Only then I cried when no one from sensible of organic could not see. Karin as nobody knew what he was, John Shepard, risking. She knew because she was a wise woman. Because it was a mature woman. Has enormous experience. Anyone who has seen reasonable, not when they were surrounded by a halo of glory, power and wealth, and when they were helpless and weak.


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