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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 4

by Theodore Daniels

  When telemetry was chopped off when Shepard began communicating with the pilot, Anderson could hardly keep from having to throw the frigate followed, cause the ship to the area of negotiation. But then, on the right, he ordered to wait. He believed John. He believed once again completely. I clarify what is sure is that Shepard cope.

  Feeling commander faith normandovtsev faith, Shepard then succeeded. He did everything to pilot the Reaper not become their enemy. He became more than their ally. He realized Shepard, Shepard and understood it. Out of the galaxy and in the universe of absolute Evil in its concentrated expression. Evil is universal and it is rarely focused tightly enough. That's observer did not turn into a center of absolute evil. Do not become a stand in the position of the enemy one hundred percent, one hundred percent of the enemy. Shepard then believed the pilot and the pilot - believed Shepard. And the Number One pilot decided to return to the ship. Because he understood that the pilot can not live outside of the ship. It can not be complete without the pilot of the ship, without the ability to fly. The pilot had to act as an observer. Scout functions. And he promised not to harm. Shepard believed him.

  Normandovtsy not immediately believed in the peacefulness of the Reaper. Even after seeing the closure bronekryshek over all emitters. They know, soldiers do not know that you can shoot even through armor. Even the shoot just to shoot the bronekryshki. The following shots are right on target.

  Then Shepard first outlined aloud Anderson term to intensify the process of the Harvest. Before the war with the Reapers. Some years. Even now, when there were more, were those very few years before the actual collision between the organics of the Milky Way and the Reapers, Shepard remembered that it Nazar-observer for the first time he suggested that people can find a common language with the Reapers, and then harvest ... will not be necessary.

  Nazaré as a scout and observer was allowed to make such statements and assumptions. From here it little depended. The war against the Reapers are still at the front and not the back and confirm word Nazari the possibility of compromise with the eternal enemy of the organic life of the Milky Way could only practice. Unfortunately, only practice.

  And then the surprise Nazar Shepard first, and then - Anderson. He gave them information about the sarcophagi with live Protheans. And the information about them to the saved the ship. Tom the "Blade of Fury" is still the best Prothean ship. Prothean frigate, equal in power three current azariyskim class dreadnoughts "Destination Path". Almost kilometer length of the ship became vain Nazar Protheans, which gained the status of surviving, the revived race. Nearly a hundred Protheans now standing next to Yavikom.

  Saren calmly talked to Nihlus. Women ship safely communicate with asari T'Soni d'Avignon, which became the initiator of creation on board the frigate "Normandy" Women's Council and Women's Club. Women have always been women and their particular communication is strictly respected men of the ship, will also get the opportunity to communicate with the asari matriarch, respecting her right to solitude and autonomy. Respecting the right of the asari's sovereignty and full independence. Of course, the older T'Soni was particularly grateful to Karin Chakwas as a ship doctor that helped it return to normal.

  Yavik has found stability and tranquility, found the sarcophagus with the commander of the frigate, Commander-Captain taels. He wanted to have survived not only Protheans but proteanki, so wanted to believe in the reality, in the reality of rebirth of his race, even in the harsh conditions of a new confrontation between the arches. He passed into the hands of the frigate taels, having become its commander and chief, he could be close to taels and personal sense. Taels without talking and without resistance let it become very expensive and desirable Yavika on board the frigate "Normandy" for permanent residence, recognizing the right to stay for Yavikom warrior and military leader. And that means - to realize themselves aboard the warship is one of the best races of doubt the current cycle.

  What happened was that, most likely, was bound to happen: from Eden Prime gone another "Normandie". Get real combat experience. The confrontation with the ship, into several classes exceeds its own class. On the other crew on board - grown up, wiser, pomudrevshim. There was, no doubt, an important step in preparing for the clash with the Reapers. Step required.

  Ahead was the Citadel. Ahead was the next step.

  Shepard regret emerged from the throng of memories taken possession of his mind. The reality, current reality imperiously demanded his participation. I had to obey. Paying attention starpomovskoy watch, beating ship, Shepard caught melodic signal, marked the approach squadron to the next planet star system.

  Stone medium size planet was not too well named in honor of Darwin, because there were not enough places in the galaxy found less suitable for organic life. Here, everything was against this life - fever, toxic compounds and unpredictable atmosphere. Planet covered with impenetrable mist, mineral resources virtually, as shown by scanning and of locating, was not. Planet astronauts used to reset the charge to the ships engines. The detachment stopped at the planet for a few hours, making maps of the area and the world map, as well as updating the status map.

  Examining Wallace, exoplanet, to draw in the star system by the gravitational field of the star skepticism that belonged to the G-class, permanently converted to only one side of the luminary, heated to almost three thousand degrees Celsius, the company turned to the star system Mil.

  Driving held at eight o'clock, and the unanimous request normandovtsev this time was spent on the inmates frigate sleep. By ship night lighting, turn off noisy units was included. Shepard also decided to sleep. He felt a vague anxiety, always indicate the possibility in the near future to take part in the actual landing on a celestial body. Because he quietly dressed and stretched out on his bed harsh.

  In the morning, immediately after breakfast, Shepard defended the three hour starpomovskuyu watch from the Star Maps. The detachment is just approaching Terapso, hydrogen-helium gas giant, famous for the fact that the inhabitants of a plurality of artificial satellites and space stations differed enviable strong desire for independence.

  The satellites of the gas giant were all colonized and orbital stations, to perform all the work on the extraction of helium-third served including neutral ground for negotiations between the leaders of the factions, crime bosses and authorities Terminus Systems. With the ability to evaluate the performance of the planet's environment on a variety of parameters, Shepard also noted that in the case of an armed clash with the forces of Reaper's henchmen, even more so - with the ships themselves the Reapers, the aggressor is likely to be limited to a cursory bombardment primarily own satellites and frequented places of sophisticated equipment.

  Unfortunately, exec failed to prove to myself that the inhabitants of the area are ready for trouble, which will inevitably be linked to an attempt to occupy the Reapers this star system. In the case of the bombing of rescuers will be map-chart of satellites and settlements at the stations - everything was closed on local residents and guests and strangers are forced to resort to the services of local guides. What a nightmare to be here when the conductors themselves are trapped, Shepard imagined good, but local officials never tried to think of something like that, even in an approximate and very light version.

  Now Shepard was occupation allowed him to pass the free time between the implementation of landings. Actually, landing and became his main work - a team of professionals did not need the clock to play the role of overseer and supervisor. Humans and aliens themselves have done everything necessary to urge anyone not particularly necessary. Of course, starpomovskuyu work with him Anderson did not withdraw under any circumstances, and he himself Shepard did not want to play the role of ballast, but now, while ships are occupied mostly by scanning, mapping, and of locating star systems, planets and areas near it, Shepard will the same occupation. Requiring him focus and completeness of perception. Lesson that can absorb it completely. Able to answer many of them implicitly inevitably asked myself questions. O
f course an ordinary human life from him is not going anywhere. He is one with Svetlana, who is faithful to her and always will be for it is available and open. He is one with two teams squadron, with the crews of two ships Squad. It is open to them. And now he himself had to deal in many ways, much to think again. This interpretation became necessary and Shepard singled it enough time and effort on a daily chart Affairs and Employment.

  While the ships were in the asteroid belt, Shepard stood out a few free hours. He used them to continue the reflection, he returned to his cubicle-kayutku.

  Sitting at his desk, he thought back to the time of arrival of Normandy on Eden Prime's to the Citadel.

  Due to the spectra Nihlus and they Saren - Shepard, Anderson, Benešov, Yavik passed inevitable formalities station in record time. That is all they are not passed. Kind superzelёny corridor. The green corridor is always a chance that you will stop, and then the two spectra provided through passage. After that, in the office of the Ambassador of Udine Earth, the virtual presence of the Citadel Council, Anderson and Shepard got the status and rank of Spectra Citadel Council, and "Normandy" - the status of the hull of the spectrum.

  Then there was a difficult conversation with the Ambassador of Udine. It was hard to recruit supporters and allies of man, above all, to put only their selfish interests uzkolichnostnye. Only the combined efforts succeeded in forcing Udina enter their behavior at least at some time in the necessary and sufficient limits. For a while. Short time. So if you need time. As well, accurately and completely Anderson said at the time! As he was saying! Briefly and succinctly! Said ambassador Udina on producing a lasting, fundamental, productive experience.

  Shepard then spoke to AI stations. By doing something that no one before him did not. He was almost the first time I saw so many Guardian beetles, came to the room to look at the results of the actions of earthling. When the AI system has issued a request for the fate of the Guardians, Shepard was interrupted. And for the first time I saw a non-serving, a little strange plant personnel, and race. Reasonable highly organized race. Cultural race. Race, who was waiting for his decision. Belly Ali's death, as if a lover of antiquities said Russian, Svetlana him. And Shepard wanted to give a life preserver. Freedom. Independence. Right, the full right to self-determination. Further is now dependent on the Guardians themselves.

  Difficult conversation with Anderson. The news about the running Repeater model right in the heart of the Citadel. The decision to search for a starting complex Channel. And - the information that in Benešov a daughter, with whom she asari matriarch, already fifty years old did not speak. The news about his father Liara - Rebellious Etite matriarch. The second point of focus of the crew and command of the frigate after the start of the channel complex then became a planet Terumi, which had to find Liara. A third point of application effort of the crew and the team spetskorablya "Normandy" geth began, which turned out in fact completely not as uniform as so many like to represent them. of organic Facing the geth, start their own expansion, it could provoke Harvest.

  Much has been done to move the prospect Harvestime necessary. And among the many things that special place occupied searching for the first race. The very first race.

  Briefly distracted by memories and reflections, Shepard called on the desktop screen instrumentrona list - plan systems to be studied. Leviathans. Noting that only one of a few dozen planet never gave himself to explore and learn even remote methods, Shepard took as a working hypothesis the assumption that on this planet there is something directly related to the Leviathans. Putting it in the replacement options and courses of action as long as the squad did not come near to this planet, Shepard returned to the recollections and reflections. On the original, a seemingly past. Past, present and determining the current programmer future.

  During dialogue with the Alliance admirals Anderson and Shepard found out that a group of ships Eden Prime is now a full-fledged database. Admirals Alliance Hacket and Gochkinsu was allowed to know the real state of affairs, and they were not going to spread this knowledge is severely limits. At the same time in the Alliance, and not only in the Alliance it has been agreed in principle on the need to defrost works to create engines and ships capable to do without the support of repeaters. Today, considering the details of the long-time, without the slightest exaggeration became a historical conversation, Shepard was able to clearly say - now, shortly before the collision with the Reapers, people own and such ships and such engines. On Earth, they are owned by only a few countries of the more than one hundred and fifty. And among them - the birthplace of Svetlana, the Russian Empire.

  Then during the conversation with Admiral Shepard expressed aloud the idea of non-easy destroying the Reapers. Ships - the Reapers. For already knew each Reaper - is embodied in the form of a single destroyed the strongest race. And by destroying this Reaper, can destroy the only material to the thread of the noosphere memory of this race. Now this idea has become stronger in the minds and Shepard became the progenitor of other thoughts, often referred to by Shepard profile.

  The ensuing conversation with the head of the Guardians also allowed to clarify many points. Keepers are not pressed for immediate rapid evacuation of the main part of the Citadel of the population. They handed over to Shepard that so earnestly, then looking for a frenetic Yavik: the coordinates of the starting point, the actual coordinates of the launch complex Channel. And they were glad that reasonable organics in this series made a serious bid for the release of the Galaxy from the shackles of the repeater network.

  Protheans received base. Secret, secret base. And Anderson was the first time offered to make Liara d'Avignon and the members of their team, team normandovtsev. Even then, David Anderson testified understanding Asari not as impersonal "it" -There is, but as women, for whom the male warriors, the crew and command of the frigate, surpassing.

  Talking to Benešov went on Etite first, and then began to concentrate around Liara. Benešov was unusually frank with the senior deputy commander of "Normandy". Now, a lot of knowledge of the Benešov, Etite and Liara, Shepard truly amazed and marveled, as was wise and visionary d'Avignon then, in the course of their first great conversation face to face. After all, it had to first pay attention to the problems in the Ile Protheans and then follow the on Terumi, for the penny. During that same penny that her dear mother only called not only as wings. During that same penny, which revealed the secret Matriarchy, linking together the details of a broken mosaic and understood that Master Asari was not mythical, cobbled together, as it turned out, on a live thread, goddess Atama, namely, real, very real Protheans. Liara then, after that conversation, after Knowledge, he is gone from the mother, because he does not tolerate lies. Not tolerated in any form. Especially when she was a young asari archaeologist.

  And then there was the Reaper, has seized control of Saren. Benešov was already in crisis. It's like no one knew that once revealed his own daughter this grand deception, the following will be other enthusiasts. And then the race asari shudder. It turned out that the race asari have shuddered. Shudder, because now Benešov decided to save Saren. In the end, having got into the clutches of the Reaper and becoming his puppet. Reaper did not want that information fell into the hands of lighthouses current of organic to these organics have been warned about the impending Harvest them to have time to prepare, organize resistance.

  D'Avignon was ready to take on the Matriarchy punishment for those excesses, which she made while under the influence of indoctrination. Shepard barely managed to persuade matriarch is that people do not tend to be scattered, and even more so - are not inclined to betray their allies.

  Today Shepard wondered to himself - he gave the impression that he then spoke on full automatic. And it came out he is not much better than would have happened today. Shepard then told that the four Spectrum Citadel Council are quite capable to make the Council matriarch Azari forget about any possibility to assign any or punishment for what d'Avignon was in no way guilty, under the full control of
the Reaper. Not being a free person. Shepard then like to try on the authority of the commander of Anderson. Example. Only an example. Saving d'Avignon and Liara, examples.

  In the ensuing conversation with Anderson and Shepard Yavikom came to light illegal financing Benešov work of his daughter in archeological expeditions. With this also supposed to understand. Still ahead was made Ilos. A Terumi put the second point of the plan.

  On Maylazi asteroid are asari settlement, watching the large-scale project on the movement of smaller asteroids to Chalkosu. Mined olivine should be used to absorb carbon dioxide. Like the rest of the project, typical for such a long-lived race, could go into the past decades and centuries, before the change in the climate of the planet will become visible. Looking for panoramic pictures and schemes with a graph for explaining the situation on the asteroid, Shepard thought with sadness that the Reapers do not miss this place. Too accustomed asari millions to settle in the most that neither is a bear corners, to which, certainly true of this asteroid. It is possible that the Reapers, acting like navy earthlings, using conventional bombing. Then the asteroid will fall apart. It is unlikely that someone would survive on it.

  After completing the usual amount of work, Troop ships headed for the twin Chalkosa - Selvos planet. Shepard asked the available data on this planet. Lifeless world that terraforming was possible. Surface temperature - suitable for intelligent life, the force of gravity allowed uderzhivta thick atmosphere. Proximity to Selvosa Chalkosu let's hope that both planets would benefit from mutual trade and tourism. There was one major difficulty - water stocks for Selvose were minimal. Attempts to create a normal give the hydrosphere that is slow, unstable results, noticeable only long-lived asari. Assessing the prospects of both worlds - Selvosa Chalkosa and even applying tracing confrontation with the navies of Earth, Shepard is once again convinced - then on terraforming in the near future was to forget. Dome of the city will be destroyed, the orbital station - turned into debris. Too easy a victory could be here Reapers - it was purely peaceful area, does not have strong military bases and stations, able to oppose the invaders anything serious, even a temporary resistance to giving civil hope to survive during the evacuation.


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