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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 5

by Theodore Daniels

  Chalkos himself was one of the few planets - gardens in the area of the Milky Way. He was part of a double planetary system: with Selvosom turned around each other while in orbit stars Mil. The accumulation of greenhouse gases caused to Chalkose hotter climate than on Earth and caused Selvosom eclipses was not enough to cover the planet from the star. However, this did not prevent the implementation of colonization Chalkosa race and other asari, friendly blue-skinned beauties races. It was impossible for a preliminary scan and familiarization with historical vaults say that life here is very relaxed. As with all other systems Terminus, there are many farmers who grow mostly psychoactive plants, a lot of armed bandits and scientists - genotehnikov, engaged in proscribed within the so-called civilized world and space modifications. If we forget about the length of the day and the heat, this place was quite suitable for a normal life.

  Assessing the prospects of war, Shepard was inclined to think that such a densely populated area will be completely devastated by the Reapers. Here they may apply the Army and if it is true the assumption that from the captured races they are building more and more new ships, all the inhabitants of this area - the living and the dead will be collected and recycled Reapers. A retreating Reapers may well apply orbital bombardment. In most conceivable options for action.

  Returning to reflect on the past, Shepard thought Protheans. Their planet was sprayed Reapers. Spray as pissed Reapers did everything to erase the memory of the material itself is so uncomfortable, so rebellious opponent. And then, with the help of a frigate, using normandovtsev Protheans who managed to survive, we found a new home.

  Ilos. IL. Planet wrapped until the last moment in secrecy. Shepard knew, remembered how normandovtsam had to sweat to this veil has become even more reliable, even more appropriate the new, changed conditions. Protheans received base, the planet on which they used to be absolute masters, and now this planet became their capital planet. Hidden from prying eyes and ears. Hidden in obscurity.

  Reapers found Il. Found and tried to burn. What I saw from orbit Shepard was ... scary. A Protheans already preparing to land. They ... they then had no choice. The other planets as closed, as the unknown current reasonable organics was not in reserve. We had to have what was available. And to use this cash capital.

  It was painful to see how the planet was disfigured. Yavik using data obtained taels, pointed out - there were many Prothean cities, immersed in greenery. And then a frigate, which went on orbit Ilos-il, on the planet raging fires. Remaining after the application of the mass-drivers. Who can apply only to the Reapers. It was not clear Too much. Too much like to know when and normandovtsam and Protheans. Protheans then, it is likely more and more desirable. Naturally. Yavik then was tense. He already saw the first legend of his race - the Citadel. And now, before it was the second race of his legend - Ilos.

  When he saw after landing on the surface of the planet statue innusanontsa, Protheans fregatovtsy and were shocked. There are statues of then, later, they saw a lot. Almost identical. But first ... It was impressive. Images of the representatives of this ancient and Protheans and current of organic sentient races were included in the database Prothean beacons to warn of invasion of the Reapers. Only a few people have seen these images of statues. No one seriously not interested in lighthouses. And those who are interested, it is not eager to make the general public the results of the property to satisfy his interest.

  Archives Prothean archives have long been located on this classified to the last limit Prothean planet were forced Protheans used to accommodate stasis capsule. Story VI, responsible for the preservation of the lives of the inhabitants of the capsules was a hard as a granite slab. Yavik then repeatedly struggled to shoot or simply smash his fist VI console interface. Taels was devastated - she led many hours of interrogation VI with passion worthy of a high-class investigator. Shepard saw, felt, knew how hard it was given this interrogation.

  For the first time in front of him, John Shepard stood in his almost full light of the problem of responsibility of creating reasonable organikovza VI, took over on their shoulders synthetic, such important functions. Protheans survivors Protheans, had to deal with the funeral of tens, hundreds of their compatriots. They basically forced Prothean space considered, as it turned out, dead, and now they actually died because of their tutelary VI did not cope with their responsibilities.

  These eight clock transitions from Ilos Terumi were given to all, without exception, the inhabitants of the frigate is very difficult. Yavik stood in his cabin, immersed in total darkness and continuously rinsed his fingers in a cell. Turians mutuzit each other in the ring in the hangar of the frigate. They, bird-like, so it was decided to remove nervous tension.

  Captain Anderson plunged into the work. Shepard took upon itself many functions and tasks. Eight hours. Benešov worried - she did not believe that her daughter is alive and well after fifty years of silence. Then, in a conversation with Shepard d'Avignon for the first time I wondered about the price of victory over the Reapers.

  Geta were already on the planet Terumi. We landed there. Descended from the amphibious ships colossi - getskogo heavy artillery platform. Colossi engaged Moro frigate guns considerably reduced the number of these monsters. Leaving the share of the landing party trifle. Let various fines.

  At Terumo housed the central backup control system start "the shock tower." Prothean security complex. New, deadly Reapers for ships. And to be a deadly unlucky asari archaeologist. offenders detention system. Ability to retain dared to break the system zone perimeter organic motionless three or four hundred years. Proteanin refused to take with them inside the perimeter of the system all but Shepard and Saren Nihlus. Both the XO then it implicitly supported: there was no need to disseminate information on the "Tower of the shock" among the "uninitiated in the details."

  Needless to say, the meeting was held with the asari at very napryazhno option. Yaviku had to shoot almost at the feet come to life asari not go down, however, wary eyes on proteanina, take time to reprogram the system. Lava flows were close and as Yavik said, if you do not take urgent measures, it could split the planet.

  Rebuke Nihlus asari was impressive. He dunked it with all turian thoroughness, immediately making it clear that the sources of financing prohibitive rich is a good idea too, as, indeed, and many other young doktorini the arts. Or doktoressy.

  Yavik quickly established that asari engaged aimed burglary system and demanded that Liara response. But she was too blocked her view of an unknown reason, to think and act according to the situation. Yaviku had paralyzed her, taking asari neck in a combat grip. In order to avoid sprawl scale displays blatant inadequacy.

  Then, when Yavik called, to what race he belongs to, followed by the expected pre-syncope. Quite naturally faint. View setting to hang frigate with bright inscription alongside Liara became only the first blow. The second - become self-race, to which belonged Yavik. In general, the babe with a degree of Doctor of Science in the pocket has been delivered on board the frigate in a safe, unconscious.

  After the end of the planned parking lot at Ilos was asked to move to Ferosu. There was Thorian that it is prepared to transfer under its influence local colonists. Azari has been decided not to let on Ilos beyond the frigate. Secrecy is necessary to really observe.

  The contents of the first conversation Benešov Liara and Shepard knew word for word. "Normandy" was decided then to leave the orbit of Ilos, so as not to allow the asari see in detail what was on the planet. Anderson then offered to smuggle two asari on Illium. And in conversation with Karin Shepard eventually formed his own position with respect to both the asari. Personal position.

  Trying to break the asari Liara dock shuttle suffered a complete collapse. And Anderson has granted the youngest T "Sony an opportunity to become familiar with, say, some intelligence, he finished off Liara. Almost finally finished it off. It is not surprising, because the asari had thousands of years to explore Protheans properly, but it turned out that no one Prothe
ans not Azariyskom studied in space as it ought to make such a strong race.

  D'Avignon, which entered the captain's cabin, where Anderson and Shepard Yavik pesochili younger T'Soni, to go slap slapped her daughter. Impressed it did not present a child. As well as a severe rebuke, read his daughter's mother in front of strangers reasonable. Liara really lost since after slap, freedom. First, even on the ship, she came under the forced control and powerful influence of the mother, and then waited for her convent. There turned out to be able to deal with here so that's like kicking shots is not the case doktoressy okoloarheologicheskih Sciences.

  Stay earthlings and the Turian in the Memorial on Ilos. Honors dead Protheans, which gained finally laid to rest, has preserved the names, does not remain in obscurity. Taels proven fact of Reapers terrible weapon - Vyzhigatel planets - on Ilos. Let partial, but - real application. Full use of this weapon Ilos would not survive as a celestial body.

  Protheans decided to open the main code of the VI, which destroyed the scientists.

  Turians and people saw delivered vertically, tame repeater. The spectacle was even then ... shook his accurate repeater forms, and brightness was about it ... it was something completely inexpressible in words. The power and victory.

  Then under "fire" Yavika, fortunately, is verbal, was the Citadel Council. Proteanin fumed in his perturbation viewed grim determination to destroy, if need be, all the Counsellors, they do not cope with the work entrusted to them. He proteanin, had every right to do. As a representative of the Elder Race. Elder with respect to any currently existing Races Citadel space.

  Talk about the programmed and tightly guarded scenarios of life in the Milky Way, an organic sentient life in general has made while on the interlocutors very heavy impact. Information about the weapon, by an older, or younger, and the old races, about weapons, were able to on one of the planets create a giant rift ... stunning. The situation was really ambiguous, because Protheans in a short time and found the Reaper, the affected shot from the weapon. The very Reaper in Mnemosyne.

  Further proteaninom his conversation with Shepard remembered all too well. At first he had read readers and crystals, and then it was time information and direct injection. Right in the memory directly into the brain. It was necessary to save time. Standard methods were too wasteful for the time frame in which were put normandovtsy. And Protheans too.

  Then it was decided to put the Council under the supervision and management on the one hand - normandovtsev, on the other hand - Protheans. Then for the first time as head of the BRP it was recommended Garrus Vakarian. Recommended proteaninom, enlist opinion Saren. For the first time in the mouth Yavika sounded an indication of the "Cerberus" as a structure oriented to the seizure of power on the Citadel in its uzkoorganizatsionnyh interests. Was merciless characteristics, then this proteaninom "Cerberus". Merciless and, as it turned out, fair in many ways.

  And it was first announced characterization of Russia as a country, is always inherently Empire. And never hide. Always act like Empire. The union of Russia and Protheans been programmed. Both structures were originally imperial spirit. And because between them in the changed circumstances, it was not the contradictions that could weaken the structure.

  On the contrary, the Imperial strengthened. Especially when opponents began to look intensely to look for those who, according to them, standing behind Shepard and Yavika. Behind Turian. Behind Anderson. Citadel Advisors could not believe that so strong a reasonable cost without the implicit support. So they sought for those who formed the basis of this support. And when they did not understand that this support is already brewing, and including a plurality of organic neoblechёnnyh reasonable power of the Milky Way, pissed and annoyed spinelessness and lack of professionalism of the Citadel Council, and his subordinates organizations.

  Part of the conversation while Shepard and Asari Yavik paid to the problem. And Shepard heard the relentless race characteristic blue-skinned damsels from the mouth proteanina. From the mouth of a reasonable organic belonging to a race that has changed in appearance and partially asari - internally, but leave asari opportunity to develop on his own script. Then for the first time from the lips of Yavika Shepard I heard about Ardath-yakshas and Justiciary. As the structures capable of protecting the asari from certain death under the pressure of forces and troops of the Reapers.

  Then again sounded the name "Russia" as a country capable forces have intelligence of their own intelligence to know and anticipate much of what was known so far is clearly only slightly Protheans - Shepard, as a representative of the Alliance. Yavik then quite rightly pointed out that it is necessary to intensify contacts between ordinary reasonable people, constituting the majority of the inhabitants of the countries of the Alliance and the Russian Empire.

  Yavik then surprised Shepard, offering him, the captain of the Alliance videoconferencing systems to come into contact with the command of the Russian razvedkreysera "Volga". Now, as understood spectrum, this was not surprising - cruiser Empire was too close to Ilos and its secrets Protheans razvedvozmozhnostyah autopsy was only a matter of time. A very short time.

  The scope of work that was conducted almost a hundred survivors of the death Protheans, shaking. Then Shepard had to get acquainted with the present technology. And to see with your own eyes, your mind, much, tightly closed for most reasonable of organic living within this current cycle. The era of the Cro-Magnon, the era of ancient people. It turned out Protheans controlled the development of humanity, gently guided by protecting the young race of Reapers undue attention. From the inclusion in the lists at the destruction. Reapers very fully tracked availability.

  Dissection of the Cro-Magnon in front of Shepard ... makes it clear why the people were so accustomed to later violent towards their fellows. That's proof of visiting the Earth with reasonable from other worlds. Just this evidence was not anyone in the majority interest. For many people such evidence were simply dangerous and harmful. For them, the evidence, and we did not seek, and does not give information about them to put on a convincing accessible form.

  Introduction to working Protheans outpost ... ... Even the virtual generates complex sensations. Yes, Shepard knew that any study cruel to study objects. Yes, by the time he had already seen how people examined the same scouts Reapers. But to see how almost the same, albeit with less brutality, carried out Protheans .... it was hard.

  More harder to hear from Yavika something that was not on such a large scale is well known, even highbrow wiseacre key races. On asari known. About Turian, salarians and quarians known. To compensate for this weight, Shepard insisted that he is able to perceive in the full format information on more than a dozen other key races Citadel space.

  Toss to Illiume. Twenty-six-hour flight. Then Shepard first looked at the frigate "Normandy" as the ship, which is in need of renovation, in the restructuring. Too heavy, too volumetric were novopostavlennye problem to solve them on the basis of the ship, leaving him in a Turian-earth development.

  In a conversation with Chakwas Shepard I was able to understand for themselves many of the details of the work with volgovtsami. The captain of the first rank Svetlana Streltsov. The commander of the cruiser Empire. Intelligence cruisers. And through Chakwas managed to reach the chief physician of the cruiser "Volga", captain Alla Seleznyov Kirillovna. If it were not familiar with it ... Set Chakwas full contact between the crews and teams would have much complexity; on option. Chakwas handed Shepard materials Selezneva. Clarify future prospects Liara. Monastery. Cleaning the brain, combined with occupational therapy.

  D'Avignon. She had to live now is very modest. And prepare to fight Asari race. D'Avignon then became the first resident of the nascent inorasovym effective resistance. Resident in a very strong and very mixed race.

  The usual had a conversation with Chakwas. That conversation. A Shepard thought that he spoke with his mother. Who I never knew, being an orphan.

  In a conversation with d'Avignon, with asari matriarch it was hard
to hide that either. Still, more than eight hundred years of age ... huge life experience that is not available to most people. The ruthlessness of judgment and estimates. Stiffness of opinion, views on many issues and problems. Including the beacons. Three lighthouse, information packed to capacity. The most valuable information. The possibility for the asari, and so capable of having many children originally, literally flood their kids planet and star systems, if necessary.

  Then Benešov proposed to start not with Ardath-yakshas and with Justiciary, serving as an approximate analogue spectrum. Mention from the mouth of the d'Avignon "Dark Space", a world where reigned absolute evil. While known Shepard d'Avignon and organic, reasonable organics were on the line between good and evil.

  Talk the way information broker Liara for compensating the loss as the ability to act in the direction of research Prothean perspective. Information about the nature and appearance of the properties of the Shadow Broker. Information Ardath-yakshas as the strongest telepaths. Reflections of Benešov biotics.

  The subsequent discussion with the commander of the frigate in Yavika society. In the presence of Yavika. Sunset on Illium was considered too unimportant to him to give any pecial attention. Ahead were Feros and Citadel. Yavik was ready to act very hard - he repeatedly mentioned in the conversation that his men are ready to show the power of the army and the Empire Prothean tsitadeltsam and Thorian. And Shepard is remembered now, even then no doubt: Protheans give a light solidly all detractors - and real and hypothetical.


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