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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 6

by Theodore Daniels

  Exchange of views in the presence of Nihlus Saren and the problem of replacing the leadership of C-Sec Citadel. Improving the understanding of the simple, seemingly, the fact that "Cerberus" is trite to survive, vysluzhivayas now before the Reapers. These were the words of Anderson, also pointed out that the leadership of this organization prochelovecheskoy according to legend, the polls already indoctrinated and quite capable stab in the back of humanity. Then, at that meeting, it was clear that the fight against "Cerberus" will be long, very long and intense.

  Then we discussed the krogan rachni, salarians, quarians even the Goths, because all normandovtsami possessed an understanding of simple things - alone they do not survive, unable to cope with the tasks, without which victory over the Reapers become just elusive.

  Crushing, convicting, accusatory speech Yavika of foolishness and stupidity of the current races, no distinguishable by the level of this same nonsense and stupidity of this very Protheans era of confrontation with the reapers. Protheans believed that descendants will be smarter. But it turned out that the children absolutely not so smart and not so developed. When Yavik presented both turians both earthlings and the image of the Citadel as a ready-to-action repeater daisies ... It was a crushing blow. Finishing moves image become encapsulated Citadel. Protheans managed to unearth it in a few days. A race Citadel space of the current cycle and did not want to, did not bother to dig up the same information for thousands of years. Needless to say, the charge was completely convincing. Indoor and there was nothing to justify stupid.

  Citadel Archives. Sleeping bomb. Reconstruction and rearmament of the frigate. Reform of the Corps of the spectrum. How, then, rightly said Nihlus Kryik: "Just pulled the string." All of these had to do in the very near future. If you do not do all this ... That it was easier to commit suicide. It does not matter if the Reapers would have been much more disparate inhabitants of the galaxy. Inhabitants of the current cycle.

  Farewell to both T'Soni it was brief. Liara was clearly under the influence of a powerful educational mother, on the dock waiting for her younger hierarch and six novices monastery security. So no sentiment could be in principle. Yes, she could now younger T'Soni, assume that while she was in love with him, Shepard, but apparently at least it did not show, and internally - it was a world of the mind, the essence of the world and Liara T'Soni Shepard would not judge what happened then Liara in these worlds. Ahead normandovtsev Feros was ahead was the Citadel.

  Ahead was the work, service ahead was war. A toe ashore asari matriarch and her daughter then perceived as a normal working situation. Without far-reaching there matrimonalnyh plans.

  Only Yavik then told Shepard that Benešov ... loves him, John Shepard. Clarifying here that Shepard has saved not only the life of the asari, he saved her personality. Complementing that Shepard was able to earn the love is not just asari - asari matriarch. For anyone who did not belong to the number of representatives of the race Azarov made it was difficult. But I managed to Shepard.

  Shepard, listened and understood Yavika then. But what if the XO was thinking about how he communicate with the commander of the Russian razvedkreysera "Volga". For him, at the time this conversation, this dialogue is more complex. And, accordingly, important. On whether he loves Liara, he did not even care, considering that it was not his right, and the right to Liara.

  Feros was a difficult nut to crack. But for a long time to think about what happened on this planet is not-so-distant past, Shepard failed. It is time to work with the Corps and another planet XO hurried to the Star Map - approaching the mark starpomovskoy watch.

  Planet lysed has a low density, was known thanks to the film "Blue Steel", to exploit the image of the asari, heroically operated robotic complexes for the extraction of a variety of minerals with this or similar lysing planet. The film was the first attempt of earthly human filmmakers reach the galactic market. People went on to frank forgery, without informing the audience that actually shooting took place on board the orbital station located in another completely lifeless planet. In reality, the stations located around lysed, the asari have served for machinery control database, carried out the mining of uranium.

  Assessing the prospects of the defense are lysed as a base of valuable minerals, Shepard had no illusions. The stations in orbit of the planet will be destroyed, and the Reapers continue their path without worrying about determining the fate of possible survivors. Problems sergeant farmers are not interested in, as it were, said Svetlana.

  Pausing at lysing a few hours, detachment quickly reached the area a small rocky planet Akrayya, gravitationally bound to a local luminary. They were placed on these sensing nickel deposits, these deposits except that no one really seriously and was not interested.

  Driving in the star system was Lena took nine hours and command frigates ordered the transfer of the ship in the night mode. The crew and the team had to relax in a natural way - sleep. We had to enter the star system, where the "Cerberus" were strong - base and station. Anderson agreed with Titov and Strel'tsova already proschityval work options, including an armed clash with the forces of "Cerberus".

  Work is work. Shepard drove paratroopers on qualifying training, ordered the procedure and terms of elimination of the revealed problems and shortcomings, had a short meeting with Alenko and Jenkins. Then spoke with the engineers in tehotseke, it was necessary to determine the readiness of the ship back-up systems for the transition to a working state and to double-check their compliance with the actual characteristics that have been stated in the documentation. After talking with Presley about getting new maps of stellar systems and parts, Shepard spoke with experts and CIC officers, went to the artillery, and finally back to itself, so that the remaining starpomovskoy to watch the clock to remember the details of your stay and work in the Ferose.

  The hydrogen-helium gas giant with a high nitrogen content in the atmospheric shield Nutus was colonized by several known associates. One of the satellites Etrat served basis certain Rashteku Chassa, the leader of one of the armed groups acting within the scope of a number of Terminus Systems. Rashtek colonists imposed a tribute Triginta Peter and all travelers who stayed in orbit the gas giant for filling with helium-third. Chassa We had a small fleet, which, at the approach of a detachment of part of frigates and cruisers, wisely flee to the darkest corners of the star system, and the Rashtek at least prudent to time stopped to peel captains have approached three freighters and eight passazhirnikov private transportation companies. A few hours in the order in orbit the gas giant will undoubtedly

  Assessing the ability of the military commander to combat the Reapers, Shepard, reads the information from the screen in his instrumentrona kayutke not hide grim satisfaction: well done against the sheep, but against the Reaper - he himself was a sheep. So roughly described the XO level of military skill of Chassa. Most likely, this "sheep" will leave with his fleet system long before the first scouts Reapers. His life, as they say, is more expensive.

  How good Shepard remembered more when approaching Ferosu razvedkorabl spotted and geth ships and shuttle quarian. As well as radio transmissions were recorded colonists. Then it was determined Thorian location. In general, the picture drew almost fully. Initially he planned to leave Nihlus Shepard and Saren on the frigate, and take only Yavika and Alenko with cops. At the time spent on the recommendation of vaccination Chakwas landing party and having to perform, not to note, and to the execution of the ship doctor's advice about the actions only in a fully enclosed space suits, Shepard found that the group is ready to take action on the planet.

  Prothean towers were used and the colonists and the geth. None of the local inhabitants did not know what the military ground vehicles arrived the owner of these buildings, survivors sorokatysyacheletny period of time, which does not spare as it was well known to Shepard, even pyramids, although afraid of these same pyramids, especially if these pyramids concluded Prothean outposts.

  Arriving on the planet straight to Zhu's Hope colonists of a
merchant-salarian alerted Shepard and normandovtsev more. Thorian sharply reacted negatively to the overbearing actions huckster. A company "Exo-Geni" trying to adapt to their needs Thorian, trying to learn it. And as a result suffered from simple colonists did not have, accordingly, no idea of treachery highbrow clever and administrative functionaries of the company. In the most "Exo-Genie" had its own internal problems, including corporate conflicts. Not all employees were steadfast patriots of this structure, ready to work hard for pleasure and not to ask awkward questions. Geta in turn hunted for information left on the abandoned servers kvaziofise "Exo-Genie". With geth interacted Warri - iron walkers supplied a lot of corpses, and carrion for varren was a real delicacy. Besides equipment frigate spotted on the side of the Goths few krogan - are also respected by the force of arms and the force carriers of such weapons being hired professional soldiers.

  The landing took place not through the spaceport, and standards for intelligence - from the side, from which neither colonists nor geta, or slides, visitors, they say, did not wait. Against professional soldiers, while others are known to be on board the frigate was not in Geth, and there was no chance of the first fifteen walkers completed their inglorious existence. Get rid of the threat of attack colonists geth, Shepard had a vaccination trapped in isolated areas prikosmoportovskoy territory people Alenko rendered medical assistance to the wounded in clashes with settlers geth.

  In skinflint merchant, salarian, they do not buy anything. But to kill the merchant and take his goods into force of the military, too, were not absolutely necessary. Most important of all were vaccinated colonists prikosmoportovoy this isolated part, maintain their strength. The group then took Shepard. Influence Thorian each time confirmed with ever greater certainty.

  The conversation with the head of the colonists - Faye Dunham and voluntary-compulsory guard ARCEL Silva Martinez not provided specific innovations. Downstairs, in the underground levels, Shepard's team merged with Yavikom, all the while carefully taking his eyes from his humble person. It was decided to first solve the problem of colonists with water, electricity and meat, and then go to a rendezvous with Thorian. Presence Yavika promised to make communication more productive, what, honestly, Shepard then very expected. Yavik, as befits a military commander, assigned roles, justified the order of construction unit.

  The first leader of the fallen Toothy varren. For them we found their death and four varren his flock. varren meat is useful to the colonists, as well as taken out of the conveyor polurazobrannom almost fully charged batteries. Two problems colonists Hope Zhu had been resolved. Opening the gate locked on plumbing geth, Shepard's team members have seen almost completely indoctrinated Thorian colonist. We did not even talk to him - it is useless. Destroying protection radio geth itself radio-beacon, normandovtsy complicated the work of robots armed with AI, and could now turn to the solution of problems Thorian.

  Sliders guards did everything they could, trying to get closer to the members stepped on armed groups reasonable, but each time were forced to die ingloriously and quickly. Yavik included a biotic cocoon, so that mucus with disputes even the suits did not get, and cops and Shepard Alenko worked bayonets instrumentronov and assault rifles, to save ammunition for a more serious opponents.

  The meeting with the prisoner Thorian - trёhsotletney asari not delivered to members of the group first XO slightest pleasure. Obeying Thorian, unexpected mediator demanded normandovtsev fall down and surrender Thorian souls and bodies. Speech proteanina impressed and normandovtsev and asari. Expecting Thorian reaction Yavik noted that this rastitelnopodobnoe being knows about quarian and many other things, so remove the information from his brain should be as soon as possible.

  Azari-parlamentёrsha named Shiala, a former mercenary, was sent to look for Benešov, Matriarchy still do not know what the older T'Soni returned to Illium. Shepard effect asari military talents Shialy was ready to take it on board the frigate, but Yavik offered the best option - this will help to adapt the asari colonists and the case will protect them from attacks better than the self-styled polismensha.

  Death at the hands of Thorian proteanina was instantaneous. Memory rastitelnopodobnogo considers reasonable, Yavik considered that its function is performed. A few minutes later he received from reshape Thorian information Shialu forced to stand still. Proteanin Shialu programmed to conduct a proper protocol.

  Thorian was burned. Shiala found a common language with the girls - vodoprovodchitsey and electricians, the colonists were freed from the yoke of mental abilities rastitelnopodobnogo satrap and artist Shepard was able to calmly address the aeroshosse to get to the tower, where the office was located Exo-Genie.

  Shepard then Yavik shielded from Shialy harassment. Azari was forced to retreat under the pressure of the arguments exposed XO miscalculated her behavior to the details.

  Talking with Ethan Jong turned ... power. Functionary of the company was trying to save face, but this time it was a unlucky. Shepard himself explained the scientists and guards hidden from them the secret motives of some corporate activities of the company with respect to the administration Thorian. In the end, Ethan Jeong was forced to die - psihoblok activated.

  Elizabeth, the mother of the missing girl, then turned into the official leader of the "exo-Genie," a group of former employees of the company. The threat of bombing colony ships hired by crazed ekzogenevtsami-bombers acted on their sobering: they have realized that they have to establish a life here, or as soon as possible, to fly away from this planet and try to find a job somewhere else.

  Promotion landing party frigate to the office of "Exo-Geni" on aeroshosse accompanied by the usual cocktail - getskogo colossi, plus a little thing like infantry, snipers and rocket. It's unpleasant, but for the soldiers group, move on the conveyor with the support of the armed shuttle - not deadly.

  Lady-scientists rescued from a furious krogan killing lizard, left her card-tolerance do getskogo liquidation of the soldiers guarding the seized company's server. Yavik simultaneously merged information from servers on your XO while seemingly bottomless instrumentron.

  Having thought by scientists evacuation plan for Hope Zhu prikosmoportovsky village, a group of Shepard decided to move from theory to practice. Bringing scientists to the village at the spaceport, Shepard and his team were able to pay attention to solving problems quarian. Mother and daughter have teamed up to them, and other people, to flatter the entreaties ekzogeniytsev is now out of danger in the near future.

  Alenko then noted that asari Shiala so very carefully examines Shepard. XO understood the subtext the words of Lieutenant, he himself felt Asari interest to the person, but decided it is not paying attention. The important thing was that by this time arrived at the planet on the shuttle quarian was already wounded, geth found her shuttle and merged it with all the information, leaving the car intact.

  Barely having time to cut off Severely quarian around her five getskogo walkers, had to deliver quarian pace on board the frigate. The shuttle frigates caught the shuttle quarian on external sling. Stretcher with quarian brought into the cabin under the protection of a cocoon, exposed Yavikom. In the most direct route quarian shuttle delivered to the frigate, where it immediately took control Chakwas, not forgetting to thank Yavika.

  Perhaps Shepard first time in detail to see how the surgeon Karin Chakwas. Previously, he somehow managed to avoid such spectacles. Quarian really got into the reliable hands of a true professional. Alenka, fueled Yavika his biotics, blushed, turned pale and he was ready to faint, because Chakwas did not care too much about decency during surgery and bravely bared forbidden for men body quarian, of course, if this was a direct need. Yavik volunteered patched spacesuit quarian using Engineer Adams and simultaneously learn this miracle of technology quarian.

  A little snack after the job seemed just a feast. Chakwas then actively interested in what happened at Ferose and Yavik with Alenko Shepard himself willingly told the doctor ship some, not all points, beating a brief statement with
out much detail. Then Chakwas insisted with concrete certainty that all organics present God gave sleep debt Morpheus and recuperate in the most natural way.

  That night, Captain Anderson received official confirmation from the Astros Intelligence Staff of the Russian Empire, it opens the way for regulatory cooperation between the crew of the frigate "Normandy" and the cruiser "Volga".

  Report by members of the landing party to the commander of the frigate had been given in due form. Anderson, a top officer aboard a warship, expressed his satisfaction. Each of the landing party after the end of the report, engaged in the business and affairs on the frigate all the inhabitants always had in abundance. Life on Ferose colony also improving. Shepard felt Shiala asari apparently indifferent to it, but again did not attach any importance. He wants to love - let love. A relationship - this case two.

  Further Shepard is not particularly concerned. He knew about the conversation and Chakwas Anderson knew that the ship's doctor set up for quarian lingerie set, I knew that a few hours Yavik pored over her spacesuit and as a result he has become even better than before.

  All this was known to him. As well as quarian speech, which she brought down on Karin Chakwas. Shepard heard the speech, they say, live. And then it was well hidden, it is a burning desire to break into the sickbay and put it on his knees before quarian Karin. No matter what quarian - Severely organic. No matter that she had damaged leg and arm. The moment for John Shepard Karin represented immeasurably greater value than quarian Fleet Admiral's daughter. Admiral's daughter come and go, and Karin Chakwas found on board the frigate "Normandy" is not a place of work and family and was not going to go away. And Shepard normandovtsy and would not let go Karin. For them it has become not just a ship's doctor for many fregatovtsev she became a mother. Mother. Yes, for adults and completely independent kind of men she became a mother. And if some quarian Karin begins to dissolve the tail ... What worth while Shepard heard the squealing of indictment quarian mouth in real time to hold back and not to tear the door to sickbay with meat, not to rush inside, did not fall on quarian, squealing a ship towing a siren ... perhaps only he knew.


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