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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 8

by Theodore Daniels

  For Nihlus Saren and approximation to the office of the Minister-Turian was an ordeal. Hierarchy. Discipline. Subordination. Obedience. These hammers then tried to stop the two-Turian Spectre, stop and turn away, confuse their heads inflated ideas about the sanctity and holiness of a senior, very senior kinsman. Working with a counselor-Asari was easy and simple for them, Turian warrior. But to work with neighbors ... have tremendous power and great influence ... it was difficult. Even closer to his office for both Turian and it has been a difficult challenge.

  Communicating with the lieutenant-turian, performs the function of an unenviable adjutant with civilian advisers, she took over Shepard. He spoke with starved - or rather, just the sick-Advisor turian, whipped turian liters of whiskey. And carefully concealed the fact of his major illness by medical doctors Hierarchy and Citadel. Shepard then began the destruction of complacency Advisor-Turian with lectures on the Reapers and the role of his pass to Eden Prime personnel Turian military fleet. He continued his lecture on the responsibilities of the Minister-documented as the Turian Hierarchy officer and as an advisor to the Citadel. And he finished tolerance to the body almost destroyed proteanina Yavika Advisor to the spent this nedooofitserom nedosovetnikom and educational work Prothean their means and methods. Nihlus Saren and had frostbite,

  Communicating with advisors salarian Yavik completely took over. Salarians-men are always and everywhere at the mercy of salarianok women and the presence of near-salarian adviser counselor salarianki not be near normandovtsami proteanina, would put the fat cross on the implementation of plans to normalize the situation on the station. The presence of Yavika owned without any discounts to the Elder Race, and applies many opportunities and abilities in combat and operational mode, upset and salarians salarianke and all the cards.

  Then Shepard saw the newest of all the races of the current cycle speed technology transfer information in memory large instrumentrona. Approximate analogues such technology were already known, but here ... It is really technology was revealed. Then Yavik normandovtsam demonstrated technology to scan hand-written sources of information giving, it is possible salarianke salarians and understand that in the Galaxy appeared force capable of destroying the entire civilization salarian quickly and definitively.

  Then came the turn of the media carefully concealed caches and safes. Their discovery, Yavikom has done with ease and speed, led salarianku quite noticeably nervous. Even more she became nervous when Yavik found laying with viral cultures table pedestals. Salarians, as it turned out, were ready to make a biological war with races Citadel space.

  Working with salarians impressed Shepard. The captain knew Yavik holds all the information about the features and capabilities salarians secret, but still the ease, accuracy and efficiency with which proteanin treated with dangerous salarians, VKS officer Alliance impressed. As salarianki posing on all fours. As humiliation Salarian Advisor. As well as cleaning their personal instrumentronov.

  As it turned out, all this time Yavik managed to keep under their influence three dozen members of the staff of the Minister-salarian. But there were as many as five salarianok. Which male - salarians obeyed unconditionally. How could this do Yavik Shepard frankly do not understand. Neither at that time nor now. This ability to show the true meaning of the expression "Elder Race."

  Heading to Fisto's Lair Cora Yavik told many partners. And he told that the main secret salarians is the purpose of this race, as a race-gravedigger all other races of the galaxy space. If not then Yavik said that among salarians there are very valuable subjects, then ... he Shepard probably would have killed Mordina Solus. Killed, remembering details to the whole scene with salarian Advisor, the whole episode counter.

  Withdrawal Fist passed without bloodshed. Shoot is not required. After searching the office Fist and seizing information, the group decided to refer the owner of the club krogan Rex. If we hired a krogan Gray mediator, it means Fist too went for the specified and understandable framework.

  Then normandovtsev headquarters housed in three-storey, relatively small mansion. It is now headquarters of Detachment on the Citadel - is a complex of buildings for a single perimeter to the inner perimeter of the double-and then normandovtsy housed in a much more modest circumstances. Then Croghan Rex became a member of the Resistance. He became a member of the Corps Residents Resistance. Fist survived. And the conversation with Rex touched some kind of Maya Brooks, who worked as it turned out, "Cerberus". There were new areas of work.

  One of these areas was a letter to Svetlana. Reading it, Shepard dropped out of reality for a few tens of minutes. This letter with all certainty it has proved that Svetlana has made a choice. The choice in his favor, in favor of the Briton John Shepard. Now, Shepard had to take Svetlana under the protection and preservation. He was a warrior, but never tolerate casualties if these victims were girls and women. A "Cerberus" beat often it is for him. Talk about Kai Leng, who was able to become a phantom, but phantoms "Cerberus" became the last captured Cerberus Operating Line of women and girls the dugout, with all certainty, merciless certainty showed before Shepard perspective and are threats to Cerberus. Threats, converted now on Svetlana Streltsov. And ward off this threat from Svetlana then became a matter of honor for him, John Shepard. A relationship, their groove - it is two. Sam Shepard has never insisted on the recognition of his person only choice. Recognizing the right of first choice for the woman or girl.

  Gradually the time came and stood at the detachment position in the accommodation area of the planet Lakoniks. This heavenly body was located too far from the local luminaries - the stars of F-Class, so that its surface temperature is almost fit for sentient beings. The extremely thin atmosphere, however, was not much more hospitable vacuum. Around the world, on its orbit were placed miner mining and processing plant, the robots on the planet working in conditions of high gravity, producing iridium, osmium and other heavy metals. Reapers are likely to Shepard suggested, it will destroy the orbital station in the hope that the horrible conditions of the planet organics do not rush, and to extract resources at acceptable volumes of organic will not work without a working space stations.

  Mobilization is war. Yavik, to use this phrase, referring to one intelligent earthling was right. But Venari Pallin - wrong. Because in the new, changed conditions, he, the head of station security was not enough professional and profprigoden. Therefore Shepard group and decided to replace it. Therefore Shepard group and directed now BRP headquarters for replacement Pallene on Vakarian. Elementary, but much-needed replacement.

  Saren himself Pallenu announced that he Venari Pullen, deposed and suspended. The presence of three esbetseshnikam spectrum showed that they, simple cops stations should not ask questions, do not be surprised, and to contribute fully to that for which these spectra, and appeared in the office of the Chief BRP. Garrus Vakarian accepted the post of chief BRP casually, once having carried out the translation services to work in conditions of martial law. Shepard knew that a significant part of the staff at this point BRP translation relieved. It is time to act appropriately, according to the circumstances, and even - in advance.

  Pallin Conversation with Oulton Varg - investigator spectrum Corps was known Shepard. As well as how he spent his first day in office boss service Garrus Vakarian. The fact that Garrus will certainly remember the case of Dr. Saleona. Salarians Saleona. Shepard knew that Garrus called his father, and in a conversation with his son openly and fully acknowledged the achievements Garrus, recognized its value and recognized the right of a son in full independence, the need for such a cool changed conditions. Shepard knew that with Garrus then talked his sister - Solana.

  Memories of how it was created and applied the medicine that saved the life of the mother Garrus, Shepard decided to leave the next day. Going round the ship, and the negotiations on their custom with many members of the crew and command of the ship, Shepard spoke by video link with Svetlana, bringing her and the pleasure and satisfaction, and then fell asleep, received a
message from vahtsluzhby frigate that before arriving at the star system Psi Tophet left ten o'clock. Eight hours of sleep and two hours for rest. After a few minutes Shepard was already asleep.

  Many of the planets in the galaxy until now were only numbers. Too many. Slightly less than those of the planets was that in addition to rooms already got names and is now referred to in the Code and sailing directions and numbers and names. Then, quite possibly, many of them will lose their accommodation, while retaining the original or changed name. As always, more often than not, the first planet in a new star system for scanners and radars squadron lay hydrogen-helium gas giant, surrounded by several rings and moons. 2181 Yubolos. Virtually unexplored. Scanning sides squadron once again proved the fact of the total absence of planets around any artificial satellites. So in the area of the gas giant Troop ships were delayed only by the time required to perform the complete procedure of mapping and studying. A few hours - and forward.

  Conversation with Yavikom relatively Solana clarified much to Shepard. Turianka had the potential to become a very successful officer in the Army hierarchy. And she was like a daughter to be buried next to the terminally ill, dying mother. Becoming a mother nurse eternal unchangeable. Solana was ready for such a prospect as it was at all possible for a reasonable organics to be prepared for such a term of his own life. And Yavik, who came into the cabin to Shepard, with all definiteness has shown that such a perspective is not the only possible one for the Solana, unless, of course, Garrus mother will be cured and saved from the threat of imminent death. Yavik did not act like a dumb benefactor. He knew that the interference in the fate Protheans Garrus mother must first of all to himself Garrus, as well as his father, I calmed down and concentrated on service and work. And constantly thinking about a dying mother ... Garrus was not able to completely surrender to work on such a complex and high office. Especially the younger Vakarian not going to sit in the office. He was going to personally take part in the operational work of the Service. Intended. The desired and wanted.

  Yavik was right, indicating Shepard that the captain of the first rank, the commander of the cruiser Empire "Volga" Svetlana Streltsov unhappy with his role as the commander of the escort. Yavik was right in proposing to send to his mother Garrus messenger was aboard the cruiser "Volga". That was the messenger of Allah Kirillovna Seleznev, chief medical officer of the cruiser. Natus Laristan doctor Zoltan Vakarian Alla met on the quay of the spaceport. And then all turians, including her husband Zoltan, witnessed a miracle. Miracle healing. Miracle recovery. Marvel gained the ability to walk freely and safely. On their own feet. Without crutches and sticks. Marvel acquisition easy and free to eat the usual way for the Turian. Without pain. Without clamps. Without the inconvenience.

  Zoltan returned from the hospital, from hospital to his house. She returned to her husband. To his son, for his daughter. She became the mistress of his house. Full, free hostess. The wife of her husband, who found happiness and the chance to live without pain, without inconvenience. And Solana, decided to change his life, too, realizing that now her mother cope. Solana has decided to join the Army hierarchy. Not an engineer not a scout. A simple soldier, and then ... - Officer. This decision is announced, and his parents and brother. Both are fully supported it then. It's her, Solana decision. It's her, Solana choice. It's her, Solana Vakarian life.

  It was time for the next study of the planet, and also having a number and a name. The rocky planet has been studied previously only robotic probes. The databases and data vaults had no information about what ever anyone studied this planet immediately and directly. Arion had a hydrogen-helium atmosphere, the average density, the surface is covered with ice. And by all accounts the planet has always been uninhabited.

  Taking the final research data on your instrumentron, Shepard defended starpomovskuyu watch and returned to his kayutku to continue to reflect on the events of the past. Then ahead of his group were communicating with workers, true AI interface Citadel. Individual communication. Yes, then the whole group, the core of all the landing party were invited to communicate with the interface AI Citadel. Invitation brought Head Keepers. AI testified before Yavikom before turians, before people's wisdom, his desire to continue to live, to act, to think, to survive and to cooperate with the races of the current cycle. Shepard then cautiously acknowledged that reasonable organics got a partner and an ally, not tried before them, and to their many predecessors, to play the role of God.

  AI stations then gave clearly understand. Each member of the landing party to understand. What station ... The station was built not counting on staying within it only the so-called "cream". It was built in the calculation for a stay within it all and any level of development of organic and nobility. We had to change a lot on the Citadel. Much improved. Many supplement.

  Even Yavik representative certainly Elder Race was unusually thoughtful and focused. And contemporaries Shepard ... They all tried to quickly retreat to reflect, to think. Is it at all possible then, after all, no ordinary work with them could be then remove. We had to be combined.

  And then the work began. That's right, with a capital letter - Work. Work on the adaptation of stations, a giant, the central station of the Milky Way to the new changed conditions of our time, and to new, dangerous and daunting prospect. The work began with planning and discussion, and therefore was not wearing an ill initially spontaneous during and at the end-character perspectives.

  We had to forget about peace. We had to get used to the idea of life is now in a just war. Staff at the Citadel normandovtsev connected to the hull of the spectrum with the Staff BRP and earned as an important key part of defense systems and providing stations.

  In a conversation with Anderson Shepard noted dissatisfaction with the commander of the frigate outright foolish weakness of the Alliance. No wonder - the Empire volley was ready to be placed at stations half-marines professionals and Alliance barely scraped fifty thousand is not the best warriors. Following Anderson indicated his dissatisfaction with the behavior of alyansovskih politicians who occupied the station "Arcturus" and does not understand that this station is in a period of threat inevitably goes under the full authority and control of the military. Anderson was afraid that get the wind up Hackett withdraws it, videoconferencing captain, commander of the frigate to his gain. At that time Shepard said that David - Spectrum and directly Hackett is not subordinated.

  Anderson insisted that Shepard as soon as possible to go on board the "Volga". For many reasons. Including, of course, and personal. Then Shepard again waited Citadel, was waiting there the headquarters. visit to the "Destination Path" was then scheduled.

  Svetlana, surpassing the minimum initial military protocol and ritual, then immediately surrounded Shepard's home, almost maternal care, which John himself perceived with delight and admiration, recognizing every right to Svetlana, just feed him then stryapnёy home. And then, when they sat down in a corner of rest, gave him a hug. Firmly and gently hug. And asleep next to him. Said before shut down, two important phrase for it: "The main thing is that you're around And then - come what may.".

  In the morning she took the gratitude of John, chastely turned veil, and sat down - returned to a state officer Razvedastroflota Empire. Together with John, ceremonies in overalls, she walked into the control room of the cruiser, where it ruled on the arrival and deployment of the first parts of the Imperial troops on the station. Then, as was clearly visible on the screens of the cruiser, the transports went to the Citadel flow. Cayden went on an official visit to the commander arrived at the Citadel Kosmopehoty Division, which was part of Ashley Williams. Combining, so to say, with pleasure.

  Sam Shepard also received a lot of useful and enjoyable. He heard and saw him singing Svetlana, accompanied herself on a luxurious black guitar. He heard and saw her sing ship officers.

  With "Volga", he went on board the "Path of Destiny." Performs basically no role warship and evakotransporta role for members of the Citadel Council. Needless to sa
y - quite silly to use a huge dreadnought as a taxi. Previously, Councillors could safely take them. Not anymore. Times have changed and the situation too.

  Dreadnoughts asari who did not participate for many centuries in real combat, perceived by Shepard as a beautiful toy, not as warships. Is pulled from the active part of the Navy many ships for their own safety and protection.

  Shepard knew that the task was dreadnoughts and bombardment of the planets. Barbarian for them, the planets, the local population, the bombing.

  Accompanied by asari-leytenantshi - well, it was impossible to see Shepard asari asexual "It" - the captain went to the commander of the dreadnought, once put it, to confess, well-founded dissatisfaction with the fact that her Dreadnought is no longer considered as a full-fledged combat unit. And it immediately Shepard stressed that, intentionally referring to a ship's captain in the civil format - the matriarch, but not in the military - Captain Matriarch. Shepard answered firmly reminded captain dreadnought that the task of subordinates her asari, the ship and crew, is to destroy the enemy, not the evacuation of some, albeit very important officials. Hard-she recalled because they felt: Asari is struggling to bring him out, Captain Shepard, off balance.

  After a few hours he and asari, changing roles, and operates a fleet of Reaper asari in a virtual environment Planner. Perhaps it is a virtual competition, the virtual opposition and persuaded the captain, matriarch of the rightness of Shepard. Make sure much better than many hours of calculations unfounded.

  Later in the command level of the ship captain Matriarch showed officers dreadnought some of what she had learned in the course of communication with Captain Shepard. And he did so wisely, offering to play for its first dreadnought captain assistant. Captain Matriarch herself assumed the role of the enemy, rushed to the legend Snake Nebula.


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