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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 9

by Theodore Daniels

  Failures chased first assistant captain matriarch with the first minutes of the fight. Virtual azariyskih fleets losses off scale, standard, vyzubrennye crew members of the formation and building did not have any positive influence on the situation for azariyskih soldiers. Even the connection to the opposition of many command-level officers did not save the situation.

  The first assistant was beside herself with rage. After all, it worked just the way it was taught. And it taught, including at the first opportunity to display Dreadnought from the blow of the fight. And do not assume that it is - a crime that is an escape of a warship and a military crew from the battlefield - a crime.

  Information that Reapers can do without any and all transponders and easy to catch up to get away Dreadnought in a free open space plunged command level officers "Destination Path" in a state close to either tetanus or to panic. Speaking of that Asari-soldiers now in such conditions only and should seek only to win, Lidanya Shepard felt convinced this is not their officers, and first of all herself.

  Captain with the consent Lidani taught officers commanding level dreadnought a unique extract of the latest "Science of Victory". This science is completely wore out asari ... And not only asari - virtual battles with the consent of the matriarch captain were connected officers and elders of manning a fleet of ships of protection and defense of the Citadel that immediately add a virtual struggles realism and scale. This science has brought many soldiers to the state of badly controlled rage.

  Lidanya cut off all hope of soldiers asari on the continuation of life in peacetime. Returning to the shuttle hangar dreadnought, Shepard saw how slowly but surely waking up, waking from hibernation, the crew of the giant ship. The same thing happened on the vehicle fleet security and defense stations. Matriarch Lidanya thanked Shepard for science.

  On the front of the Citadel Shepard in all its ugly glory unfolded quarian problem. Yes, formally quarians lost the right to an embassy on the Citadel, but formally they were outcasts, persona "non grata" unwanted guests at the station. But even officials were well aware that in reality it is impossible to catch the giant station quarians all to a man. Just as it is impossible to ban quarians arrive at the Citadel. Explicitly or implicitly prevent their appearance at this central station Space Milky Way. The order on eviction from the station quarians, surrendered to the forces of BRP Citadel Advisors, was, as the investigation showed Staff landing party, to put it mildly, a fiction.

  Then after landing taskforce on piers Citadel Yavik corrected wakes individual capacities and abilities Alenko lieutenant harnessing that managed to find the stranded quarian, provide it quickly and professionally help, after which, deviating from the possibility to transfer its local nekvarianskim physicians, to smuggle in quarian shelter. Let the title then became nervous - well, he could not easily relate to the form of the seriously wounded girl - quarian - Shepard "caches". Even Yavik, perfectly understands and reads Shepard, not protested the use of a vocabulary and terminology. Quarian be delivered to the tribesmen, and she was able to survive, and Shepard, Yavik Alenko and were able to communicate with quarians still in a variety of living on the Citadel. After talking with waking rescued, Shepard, Yavik Alenko and decided to spend the night in the shelter quarian - did not want to, there was no need to spend time on trips to headquarters and back. Morning chat with quarians continued. Yavik correctly formulated task Staff landing party with respect to establishing a relationship with the residents quarians-stations, and about the very quarians new life in a rapidly changing station. Yavik witnessed how united the whole race with each other is no longer under someone's specific guidance, and themselves, in the face of the enemy. A small press conference, when the shelter to wounded quarian come the inhabitants of other shelters, small speech Shepard, was perfectly aware that his statement, his words, his dialogue with quarians will be recorded by technical means, and the audio and video files among quarians spread throughout the station ... This was necessary, because all the same artist Shepard could not concentrate on quarian problem, and the command in single-user mode to one of quarians members did not want the Group. No one. And in the first place would not want Shepard. Quarians had a lot to explain, to open the eyes of many. And first of all - to the problem of interaction with the geth. No expulsion without believing in what specifically you are a fugitive - so then said Captain quarians. Then the conversation turned to the somewhat unusual topic - about the dangers and utility of laziness, so typical reasonable organics. Yavik ruthlessly outlined prospects for winning the Reapers - the conversion of organic, reasonable organics in paste for the construction of new Reapers. Scary prospects. According to a representative of race, hundreds of years to fight with the Reapers, actually fought with them, were extremely important and valuable for quarians. Yavik orient them only on the complete and final victory over the occupiers, invaders over, over the enemies. He spoke about the need to fight to the end every quarians at his position, in his place. Because of the contribution of every rational organics to the victory depends, directly determines the level of the main big wins. Surova was rebuff Yavika quarians. Very severe. Then for the first time so many quarians Yavik forced to think about what is really no need to quarrel, do not fight the geth and try to attract them to his side. Recognize geth equal and at the same time - special. Make it in the first place should themselves quarians, as the creators of the Geth race. Yes, that race. Since the geth - it does not clean the machine and the person is - the network intelligence and intellect. And if the geth unite as machines, with the Reapers, who, to a large extent, the same machine, then organics will only make things worse. Much worse.

  Conversation with the following delegations have already wore a purely practical nature and took place in the key discussion of what exactly living on Citadel quarians can be useful the station and its inhabitants.

  After visiting several shelters quarian Shepard Yavikom Alenko and headed for BRP. Criminals have questioned, condemned and the next morning they awaited execution. According to the laws of war. By the laws of BRP.

  Shepard immediately after the signing of the documents on the cruiser flew with Alenko and Yavikom. Svetlana gave proteaninu and Lieutenant cabins for recreation, powerfully taking XO under his direction and control. On that day, after a shower he ate under the strict supervision of Svetlana and they fell asleep in each other's arms. Svetlana consistently and slowly raised their level of confidence in the Shepard and John loved it - he did not try to force the situation and immediately go up to extreme forms of interaction. He liked Svetlana liked that in her presence he could fully relax, to surrender to communicate with a man who was very interested in it, it is extremely valuable and extremely expensive. Interests, integrity, security, Svetlana began to Shepard's supreme categorical imperative. So about any harassment,

  Then Shepard flew to the Citadel and during trips he met with the Presidium of the gardener - Valtrasom. Pretty unusual turian. Soft, dreamy. Emotionally and sensually rich. Do not hesitate to their being different Turian. The "Black Star" Valtras Shepard told about his love for asari DeLay Sanassi. He told me, probably something catching in the Shepard is what allowed him turian like this open up. Right to express their fear for the fate of DeLay. For the fate of their children together with Valtrasom. Even if it will not turians and asari. Shepard also opened. He told me that he was - an orphan, he was raised in an orphanage. Then, using an ordinary, not spektrovskuyu card Shepard accompanied Valtrasa flew to where in the reservoir, in a small dam, grew the very marvelous flowers, which, both hoped turian Valtras, much silently say asari DeLay. On many will say.

  Valtras personally cut flowers. Those which he liked. Then Shepard drove turian to the souvenir shop. He made it clear that it would be close, but most have to do it alone, Valtras.

  After watching in love undoubtedly pair, Shepard was satisfied. Fully satisfied. Turian and asari have found each other. And be happy. No matter how much they let the fate of the time. Expanding instrumentron, Spectrum Aff
airs looked at the plan, convinced that he was waiting for a dozen places at once, and soon on the wage-Mobile was flying down the next problem.

  The issue of punishment of two asari-kontrabandistok was resolved quickly and easily. So, anyway, when he took up the situation Shepard. Organics were always organic. And always sought to go beyond. At least here so that's illegal methods, ways and means.

  Then Shepard had to deal with a number of more minor offenders, to establish contact with the Volusia informally. In short, do what does not seem to rank do Spectrum Citadel. Sam Shepard same after working with Councillors thought differently. And not only when working with advisers, but also much earlier than thought differently. Because he not shared small and large. I do not consider it possible to divide. I knew that from the little things add up both success and failure.

  Cleaning Stations, involving hardware, software, and newcomers are the real divisions of soldiers cleared. It is not always bloodless, it was to be expected. It is not always unproblematic - law enforcement, too, have not been completed saints. But it is absolutely necessary.

  Ahead was the "Omega". Ahead was a Terminus. The most complex, the most problematic regions of space waiting for the arrival of the Galaxy "Normandie", accompanied by the cruiser "Volga". And then on the Citadel Shepard Yavik presented image of the agentessy "Cerberus", which this three-headed hydra of course already getting ready to set on the stripped from the functionaries of the organization formally prochelovecheskoy Station. Miranda Lawson. And it would make Yavik Lawson Resistance agent in the enemy camp. It Yavik made from her agent. When - weak when - strong. But - agent.

  Then, once again contact with Svetlana, Shepard was struck by how accurately and completely she understands it. Not pronounces for the inevitable separation, not offended at unwillingness Shepard drop everything and come to her in the cruiser, is accusing him in the men's selfishness and striving muzhlanskom given case more than to communicate with her, his girlfriend. However, Shepard once said that repents, sprinkle ashes on his head and is ready then his inevitable absence beside her, Svetlana, anything, knowing exactly what to do. He really was ready to be rehabilitated before Svetlana whatever means and ways and methods. Because already knew how she Svetlana Streltsov, important, necessary, absolutely necessary for him.

  Capture and recruitment Miranda Lawson passed normally. A different and could not be - The headquarters of the Group worked extremely professionally. No one was impressed privolochёnny Lawson on the trailer to the shuttle cruiser "Cerberus". After the bulk of "Ways of destiny" this boat is clearly not looked impressive. Predator Yavik at a time directly offered himself as the main figures of the "Operation Capture" and this proposal was all the partners and allies received with understanding. Capture, interrogation and recruitment could be an important part of any high-end textbook for special services - so clearly and completely everything was done. With consistently high results. But that's part in all this process proteanina made it impossible to publish all this wealth even classified as "For Official Use Only."

  Yavik Shepard recalled that managed to intercept a message with an attached video file to it, depicting a conversation between Ambassador Udina and spectrum in the ambassador's office. Agentessa, sent this message was eventually captured and calculated. And with it he has been captured and is ready to work clone Shepard. As in the bad detective novels, opponents spectrum captain broke in earnest. Engineer Adams decided to familiarize himself with the clone and reflect on how this cyborg adapted to meet the needs normandovtsev.

  In talking about the adventures of Maya Brooks Yavik have Shepard, it is for him, First Lieutenant of the frigate, the team and the crew - "our team", but for all the outsiders the same team and crew, including the ship itself - "Commander Shepard." John refused at it as something definitely react and Yavik accepted it as the norm and reality. The Adventures of Maya Brooks seemed amusing at first glance. For John it was a flutter fish on the shore. Then perhaps the first time in conversation with Yavikom sounded names experimental Zero, Kai Leng, Tely Wazir. Race-Brooks was destroyed by joint actions Yavika and Shepard. Cyborg, future, Mark really is much more interesting and certainly more valuable. For Shepard's appearance was his own clone ... blow. That John accepted even now, decades later. No, as an officer and a soldier, he, of course, knew that the enemy would not go to extremes, and operate within the honor and conscience, but a clone of the exec ... It was a bit too much. And doprogrammirovaniya procedure conducted Yavikom generally resembled Masonic ritual or magic. So a team of Shepard appeared cyborg Marcus.

  Work in the Archives of the Citadel. Introducing even with recent records for the current cycle ... strained. Well, that Yavik advance requested to do without showdown, without imposing recrimination, without massacre, mutilation and murder, warning also that everything they disembarkation group here in the Archives, see and hear, to the untrained reasonable - deadly information. Able to generate crises and problems in a few seconds, and in the most different parts of the galaxy.

  It is terrible, unpleasant, it was painful to watch goloproektsii, hear voices, feel the atmosphere of those times and know what to do any of this wealth will not be able to show publicly. In order to avoid, so to speak, trouble of a different nature. Shepard preferred not to remember their stay in the Archives of the Citadel. Probably, so we did turians and Yavik. Too it was hard. And how hard it was to face the documented message from a possible future ...

  Arriving at the Citadel of the Ambassador of the Russian Empire Sheremetyevo Mrs. Shepard made a closer look at the Svetlana. And many of the inhabitants of the Citadel made to understand - times very, very changed. The new Ambassador of the little-known country earthlings was set to a heavy, tense, continuous and efficient operation and at the same time being an officer in the Imperial Armed Forces, at any time could get operational army units ... Rarely any ambassador could boast the breadth of its features.

  For John, the inauguration of the Russian Ambassador was certainly an important event in the life of the Citadel. But even more important for the Shephard was to communicate and stay close together and Svetlana. That very Rock, who repeatedly let him come closer to it, who approached him to her, who, each time more and more trust him. She trusts herself to him. And his essence. On the dock before leaving she witnessed the achievement of the next level of unity, simply asking him, John Shepard, in any case, to return to it. Shepard promised her and I knew in that moment that to her, Svetlana Strel'tsova he returns from everywhere. To it - will return. Because Svetlana able to wait and believe. And her expectations and her faith Shepard did not want to deceive and destroy.

  Shepard always remembered that the overall success consists of small private success. Therefore, I never refused to help those prudent who really needed help. Samesh Batia, who found the opportunity to finally properly bury the body of their dead in the war with the geth wife. Sisters Rita and Jenna, the saved Shepard at the prospect of death as a result of poor detective work Chellick. Protected from blackmail Dr. Chloe Michel. Who now had all the rights and status of beloved girlfriend Director BRP. Shepard knew precisely - the differences can be overcome, if two reasonable really love each other.

  It was a companion for Shepard interesting. It was a delicate, complex and multifaceted. General Septimus Orak was the source of rumors discrediting honor asari-companion. The standard for so many reasonable, but for Shepard - is unacceptable. His companion did not rob, not cheating. She worked and worked efficiently. Without laws and without passing the limits of morality. Persuading Septimus do everything to rehabilitate companion Shepard completed the work regulations, without the involvement of local law enforcement and was quite pleased with this, it is not relying on any other consideration. He was pleased that the Ambassador highly appreciated the works ElKor Ambassador Sheremetyevo, though she only took up her duties.

  Suppression of illicit enrichment, counteraction to attempts of isolation of humanity reassurance Admiral Mikhailovich protection Keepers from
excessive outside attention, support regulatory relationship with Hanaro, shushing uppity journalists, psychological help negotiator, harassed incessant rounds of meetings with representatives of the key races of the Citadel, contact with asari-companion, its secretary-asari nonlinear, finding personal AI, settled in instrumentrone, obrёtshego name - Rich is doing, obrazumlivanie too zealous fan, help former slave batarians.

  A lot of things happened at the Citadel then. As with his direct and mediated with the participation. Citadel was changing, becoming other, safer, more orderly. A normandovtsev volgovtsev and was waiting for "Omega".

  Looking at the map, on which crept mark frigates and cruisers, Shepard alert. Ahead was a planet, and also having a number and a name. The same planet - 2181 Despoyna. It was recently discovered earth scouts, but since nowhere data was recorded that it somehow investigated. Scanning avtozondov only showed that the planet ninety-five percent is covered by water only Ocean. The atmosphere of the planet consists of nitrogen and kisoroda assumed that at least there Despoyne photosynthetic life. But that's what it is - none of the scientists to find out it was not possible - near the planet wearing the sign "Total danger" to podznakom prohibiting approach to any planet spacecraft, including automatic. For those who want to understand more buoys safety equipment gave out looped recording, display pictures and videos of the ocean surface, on which were scattered skeletons of warped hulls of spaceships - from cruisers to yachts. If desired, all reasonable distrustful could verify the veracity of the recording - it was enough to aim at the planet probes and sensors. The picture is even more convincing. On why these ships were sunk in the ocean, carefully held back - a sign of danger total talked about off-planet and extragalactic methods impact what exactly forced reasonable inhabitants kosmokorabley perform basic safety rules and not try to fill their lives long list of would-be experimenters. Demonstrate pictures and videos of the ocean surface, on which were scattered skeletons of warped hulls of spaceships - from cruisers to yachts. If desired, all reasonable distrustful could verify the veracity of the recording - it was enough to aim at the planet probes and sensors. The picture is even more convincing. On why these ships were sunk in the ocean, carefully held back - a sign of danger total talked about off-planet and extragalactic methods impact what exactly forced reasonable inhabitants kosmokorabley perform basic safety rules and not try to fill their lives long list of would-be experimenters. Demonstrate pictures and videos of the ocean surface, on which were scattered skeletons of warped hulls of spaceships - from cruisers to yachts. If desired, all reasonable distrustful could verify the veracity of the recording - it was enough to aim at the planet probes and sensors. The picture is even more convincing. On why these ships were sunk in the ocean, carefully held back - a sign of danger total talked about off-planet and extragalactic methods impact what exactly forced reasonable inhabitants kosmokorabley perform basic safety rules and not try to fill their lives long list of would-be experimenters. If desired, all reasonable distrustful could verify the veracity of the recording - it was enough to aim at the planet probes and sensors. The picture is even more convincing. On why these ships were sunk in the ocean, carefully held back - a sign of danger total talked about off-planet and extragalactic methods impact what exactly forced reasonable inhabitants kosmokorabley perform basic safety rules and not try to fill their lives long list of would-be experimenters. If desired, all reasonable distrustful could verify the veracity of the recording - it was enough to aim at the planet probes and sensors. The picture is even more convincing. On why these ships were sunk in the ocean, carefully held back - a sign of danger total talked about off-planet and extragalactic methods impact what exactly forced reasonable inhabitants kosmokorabley perform basic safety rules and not try to fill their lives long list of would-be experimenters.


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