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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 10

by Theodore Daniels

  Mark blinked speed reduction - a frigate and cruiser went adrift. Shepard got up and went to the Star Map. He knew - a stop at a distance from the planet was planned - Captain Anderson was Yavikom warned in advance, and now the two ships drifted, as if waiting. Worked radar-scanning systems. Experts were complete characterization Despoyny.

  In the Star Maps it was lively. There were already Yavik, Alenko both Turian, Anderson, officer of the watch, Presley Chakwas Engineer Adams. They all surrounded the Star card, the screen that was divided into a number of smaller screens, to demonstrate how images from scanners and radar, as well as the image with optical sensors. Conversation was regarding the phrase, which was contained in a special annex to the safety buoy post: "Danger - stay away - kick Lair of the Leviathan Leviathan..."

  - I wonder who it is so advanced that the buoy laid in memory of such an explanation? - Asked Saren, unkind eyes looking around standing around Maps teammate. - Can I explain it anyone?

  - How, after all, still have to explain, Sar. - Timidly said Alenko. - That explained.

  - Well, of Leviathan can all read in the Extranet. But the "den". It's ... too avant-garde, that is. - Said Presley. - As much as here is not rushed wishing to behold this lair.

  - That's for those who want to and recorded video-loopback. - Chakwas said. - To keep it out where it is not necessary. There are the ruins of the luxurious ships - any battle scenes obzaviduetsya black envy. So, many have sought it is the lair. And come under this same blow Leviathan. So, everything is legitimate. And they did so, as needed. Clever enough.

  - The question is whether we are ready to climb back. - Pause, Nihlus said.

  - No, we're not ready. - He said approached the Anderson map. - I understand that you want to work a little more active, but for now we can not even say that such a "hit Leviathan".

  - And when we can say to that? - Alenko pereschёlknul image on one side of the screen.

  - Later, Kaidan later. - Anderson said, sitting in his command chair. - As for this case we will have enough resources allocated, and when we are ready to tackle the problem Leviathans close. Most likely - after we solve the problem of Omega-Four.

  - Say, too, commander. - Shepard walked over to the chair Anderson. - That's how many more need to wait.

  - John, I also understand that you want to leave to land and to solve this problem. But now we are faced with the task of studying the situation in the star systems and the problem of accumulation of information. And this problem. - Anderson nodded toward Despoyny, cheekily perched on the central screen Maps - Alas, not only to be decided during a landing. And yet we know too little about it. So, we can not risk it. I would not want to resemble, but it is - Terminus. And here, if you hurry, you can really run into. So that. - Anderson straightened. - Thank you to all those present for their interest in Despoyny problem. But now, we restrict ourselves to mapping, performance and removing uydёm the next star system. Here, we will definitely return when this will create better conditions and we will contact you for more information. It is much more than now. Realizing that the frigate commander said its say and it will not change the decision, normandovtsy quietly and quickly dispersed.

  N7: Sanctuary - laboratory "Cerberus"

  Nine hours spent on the squad in transition Dekoris stellar system. As during the forced parking Despoyny have been resolved, most operational problems and issues that need to be solved exactly in these days running, Anderson ordered the transfer of the frigate in night mode, as soon as Jeff Moreau turned on the propulsion engine mode. It had nine hours to reach the stellar Dekoris system.

  The first celestial body to which should pay the most attention has been widely known planet, named Sanctuary. It housed the laboratory Cerberus and Anderson, Shepard releasing after a brief meeting of their cabins, hinted that there it is possible to do the landing.

  As a planet, Sanctuary, seemingly by their very existence confirms the correctness of conventional wisdom sayings, born among the old kosmolёtchikov: "From what planet are called garden, it becomes more enjoyable." The sanctuary was a pretty unpleasant place - frosty ice storm were constantly at the poles and in the temperate zone, so most of intelligent life of organic was suitable only a narrow strip of land in the equatorial region. Here, on a dry, blown by strong winds earth was concentrated and did not shine diversity of flora Sanctuary. The emergence of life on land was for the fauna of the planet is yet to come, although the seas of the planet have already met the researchers are quite large invertebrates.

  Oh so it was set reasonable organics that everywhere they searched for the benefit and value. The local mining industry was characterized by industrialists key races as nothing but a "cutting ice", is carried out in all areas, except for the equator. It was the main type of industry the planet, rich inter alia platinum, palladium, boron. People fall on the Sanctuary, we had to constantly wear oxygen masks and to track changes in the weather, to avoid the unpleasant and dangerous situations due to instability in the planet's climate. Planet famous blizzards raged at the poles. Due to the harsh conditions of the Sanctuary attracted only the most persistent and enduring reasonable organics.

  Many reasonable were aware that "Cerberus" was actively involved in the financial life of the planet. Agents intelligence network of the Alliance System and other human intelligence structures, embedded in corporate circles, gradually pushing locals to proyamomu confrontation "Cerberus", but so far without success - in the environment of the inhabitants of Sanctuary flourished much more interesting internal strife, sulivshie longer fast positive results, than the open or covert struggle with ghosts.

  - John, the Alliance found on the "Cerberus" Sanctuary of the new laboratory. Network of agents tried. Tserberovtsy poshodili, we can say with the mind, brought back some artifacts flooded lab security. Something very valuable and tasty for the Alliance structures enclosed in these artifacts if the Alliance intelligence put on the ears, even us pripryagli. - Anderson was unhappy, did not want to officialdom, so contact with his senior assistant in an informal format, pacing the space commander's cabin, and without even looking at the table sitting in the commander Shepard. - It seems that we have used as the hook on which to hang these artifacts suggest. For information about them, I delivered to you, but I will say at once - Mark, Olivia, and even the Legion will have to stay on board. Too complicated planet, tserberovtsev too much there and we are not after Despoyny is decent and adequate psycho-physical condition to climb to complete the composition. I would not want to risk right now Synthetic. It is better to confine people and turians, John.

  - David, do not have to convince me. Yes, the planet is cold, yes, a lot of pirates, yes, mainly the mining industry. I like it here, even among the civilian population rather harsh and severe. If tserberovtsy something there and keep even good guard - it's just their choice. And we, if so desired, zaberёm these artifacts.

  - John. I gave you the materials. And I understand that after Despoyny ... - Anderson stood in the middle of the cabin, but did not turn to face the senior assistant. - Honestly, if I smoked, I'd lit a cigarette and cigar and pipe, John. That is to say, to compensate for the nervous tension.

  - We have stagnated, David. It is also clear to me. - Shepard gently drummed his fingers on the tabletop. Gently so faintly tapped. - Shuttles we are armed. One sadim inside, to where the shuttle port, a second, more well armed with heavy trunks reserve outside the port, let them compete with shuttles "Cerberus". I know, inside will be a lot of protection, the more interesting will be to pick up the artifacts and get out of there as soon as possible, leaving a mountain of corpses. Given that there is a lot of husks, you can not really stand on ceremony. Husky more Husky less. Comb laboratory zaberёm everything of value.

  - Jeff. - Anderson called.

  - We are on the planet, Captain. - Said the pilot. - And we still are quite friendly, do not attack and are in no hurry to interrogate. Shuttles are ready. Both. - Moreau said curtly, parking near Despoyny and he was given a har
d time. - I'm ready to catch the shuttle to the majority of applications, the commander.

  - Good. - Anderson walked up to Shepard, who gets up from his chair. - Then - success. I did not want this at Despoyny. I did not want to, but it so happened that you, John, will have to go there. - He said for the window, covered bronezaslonkoy, short gesture. - Do not lag behind because they alyansovskie rats will squeal that apart from us - no one. And connect the "Volga" ...

  - It is - it is the Alliance commander. And it is better to Svetlana and her people here do not interfere. In order to avoid the stench of our rotten politicians. - Shepard said, nodding to Anderson, and realizing that a handshake would be superfluous. - We are ready. - He looked at his instrumentron saw the green ready icons. - Everything is on the ground. Group cover on the shuttle, the main group - the first shuttle. Zaberёm artifacts.

  - I have already sent the request. We are waiting in three places-speed frigate Alliance. Overload on one of these artifacts are going to do their work, Shepard. - Anderson marked the end of the time the trust communication format. - The landing - allow. Good luck.

  - There is. - Shepard braced, saluted. - Thank you, Commander. - He turned to the door. - We will do it.

  - Planet meets us really friendly. - The driver of the shuttle to monitor the situation on the five screens, gradually lowering the car lower and lower. - Unless, of course, not counting the three shuttle traders, who have come together to support our shuttle.

  - Greg fumbled their face on the Table, while we will look at the artifacts. - In a low voice he asked the driver of the second shuttle Shepard. - Jim - First Mate turned to the driver of your shuttle. - Let's take a shuttle to the port, set down and work. Immediately consistently take the artifacts and go. I think a lot of the time it will not take.

  - I hope the captain. - Nodded to the driver, will drive the shuttle to the port and opening the side door. - Weapon machine is activated.

  - Accepted. - Shepard nodded, looked into the driver's cabin and Nihlus Saren, went to the salon, which has stood up to the shops and chairs cops paratroopers and Cpl. - Come on. The rate of take artifacts and go.

  Turians and policemen led by Jenkins nodded. Shepard felt a clear - they are not yet fully moved away from the fact that they had to feel near Despoyny. Short parking, seemingly at a safe distance, and a gust - worse than an abandoned crypt in the cemetery hundreds of years ago.

  After jumping to the first mooring landing area, Shepard led shturmvintovki barrel, waiting for a shuttle desantiruyut last cop. Finally clicked the locks are closed manhole casement doors and trunks shuttle bristled automatic guns and machine guns - the driver has fulfilled its warning. Now to the shuttle could safely approach the local inhabitants of the laboratory complex. They waited for the downpour charges.

  - Down the hall, to the right. - Ordered the captain, consulting the map, the highlighted locator. - On both sides look, maybe that would be valuable.

  - Will be required. - Muttered Nihlus. Saren with visible regret removed sniper. - The corridors were narrow places in labkorpuse for shooting over long distances, as it turns out, it is clearly not enough. - Richly live. - He picked up the credit chip checked his scanner. - Three thousand credits. Ahead - a ladder.

  - Go through it. - I ordered the XO. - Room check I podstrahuete.

  Nod indicated their willingness turians stood on each side of the doorway. Shepard went inside a small laboratory space. On the table lay two reader and styling with ampoules. By activating the scanner, Shepard looked at the small screen, chuckled. Unsuccessful experiment, as the inscription on the most visible place of the first screen reader. In the second experiment, the essence reader was set out more clearly - panatselin for aliens. Tserberovtsy, it is possible to work seriously here and not amused - similar development being brought to mind, could bring the three-headed dog adherents fabulous profits. Having packed readers and stacking bronekonteyner, Shepard had no doubt - such developments have "Cerberus" had dozens and this was clearly not the newest. But, still, on the eve of the war ...

  - Clean. - XO nodded, leaving the room. He actually walked little room, looked - and scanner and eyes - all the drawers and cupboards. I did it automatically without really thinking over the sequence of actions. Turians gone forward.

  - Observing the level of storm troopers and guards, Captain. - Undertone reported Nihlus, hiding behind the left in the hallway old lab bench. - Just around the corner of the corridor. Without a fight next - do not pass.

  Instead of a verbal response, Shepard made a few marks Jenkins and his men. Cops checked the weapons were tightened closer to the exec who was walking ahead.

  First normandovtsy resistance group dispersed over the space of the corridor quickly, in just a few tens of seconds. Looking at slaughter, Saren darkly muttered something like: "This is not the last the group meets." Oppose turian spectrum and go to extremes frivolous attitude to what is happening, none of the group members did not dare Shepard - Despoyna continued to put pressure on the psyche and forced to perceive the environment very seriously.

  - The new mark, Captain. - Nihlus reported. Further he informed XO has a text format, silently. - Containment system panel - one. It looks like we found the first artifact. Hemisphere covering something in a sealed capsule. On the way - a second group of greeters. Great. Ready to fight.

  In text mode, ordering turians cops and prepare for the next meeting of the party of the future cannon fodder, Shepard rushed for laboratory table, flying into the room where turian discovered containment system. Yes, it has been declared to the withdrawal of the first artifact. Ottarabanil panel lock code - thanks to Mark, tried and shoveled tens of thousands of options for a few seconds, Shepard fell over the lab table with a containment system: over the head whistled charges - greeting the guests in a hurry to witness his lethal reverence.

  The system of protection would not give the possibility of charges of damaging the artifact, but if the field is turned off hemisphere - the capsule could be very easily damaged by flying here and there charges. I had to dodge, pick up the capsule in broneukladku before over his head flashed the next charge, and containment system extinguished the dome. According to gloved Shepard slid goose - dome fall down slowly, had to, spit on the health hazards, work ahead of the curve, that no charges are generously distributed by the approaching group of stormtroopers "Cerberus" is not damaged capsule.

  - The second group, Captain. - Jenkins reported. - They're not going to let us.

  - It's only the beginning. - Nihlus said. - Richard rights, sir. We will try to make it impossible to remove these artifacts. In the atmosphere of the shuttle leads the fight with three fliers in the shuttle hangar attacked by a group of a rapid response. Fifteen digging. We are also trying to stop, and, by the way, do not let come close to the location of the second artifact. - Turian coolly shot the head off the next attack aircraft.

  - Exactly. Breach, and that they will be given the codes and they have this artifact uvolokut far away. - With these words Shepard stood up, activating an assault rifle and opened fire in short bursts. - Forward!

  Group Shepard was able to destroy all "met" during a short skirmish. Connecting to "charge exchange" weapons XO allowed turians cause "met" heavy losses, but to retreat and thus be saved, "there are" no longer had. Stepping over the corpses in suits and did not even interested in whether there is a Husky or visors still people Nihlus Saren and searched the room, knocking the door on both sides of a long corridor of the laboratory.

  - They took four thousand credits from the reader. - Reported Saren.

  - Clean the medical station. Fifteen-dose units panatselina. - Nihlus.

  - Diary of a researcher. - Jenkins. - There is something interesting, let Olivi look with Mark. Took.


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