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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 11

by Theodore Daniels

  - Three thousand of loans from the bank terminal. - One of the cops paratroopers group. - Richly live local highbrow.

  - Hmm. - Saren's voice softened. - Nay, there is documentation on improvement of "Sniper Rifle Superior sight..." Garrus will be pleased. He collects things. And we will need you. Took.

  - Another blog. Another researcher. - Nihlus reported. - Took. Let our Synthetic work with him.

  - Coordinates the second artifact clarified. We were greeted not only attack aircraft. We pulled up engineers with turrets and centurions. - Speakers sounded in the report group walking in front of Saren. - Captain ...

  - I take the artifact, you are good hitters. It is no longer met, so - do not stand on ceremony.

  - Accepted. - Turians first opened fire on the approach tserberovtsam. After a few seconds, to the rustling of assault rifles added their rustling rifle Cops paratroopers. Shepard has consistently jumped several laboratory tables, rolled, reducing the distance to the retention of the system, not getting to his feet, held out his hand to the keyboard, the touch scored a long code, again prompted by Mark. The dome began to fade, lightning-fast movement of the second hand through the fading glow - and a capsule with the artifact disappears into the belly broneukladki. After a second rustling rifle exec supported their charges destruction of the pursuing engineers have not had time to install and activate the three turrets. With the lost heavy fire support centurions and stormtroopers cope it was already easier.

  - Pull back to the shuttle. Aspirated already figured out the fliers, the sky is clear. - I ordered Shepard. - Corpses we heaped up notably.

  - But I averted soul. - Approached Saren switched modes assault rifle, reloaded shop. - It is easier to become.

  - Often to such disembarkation. - XO close to Nihlus. - I, too, be liberated. Well, we put these turelschikov first, but it would be so simple we could not leave.

  - Evacuate. - Noting that the cops paratroopers Jenkins had gone to the dock shuttles, Shepard made a brief movement of his head. - Let's go. More here we do exactly nothing.

  - And this panatselin ... - Jenkins asked when the shuttle was leaving from labkorpusa. - With him, then what?

  - I think the same spetsfregate-deliveryman send it to our highbrow wiseacre. - Shepard said, watching as the shrinks attacked labkorpus. - Or we can pass to the Citadel, there is one doctor Ravin, it is to be useful to see and explore.

  - It is better to be on the Citadel, the captain. - Richard said. - There is no need to feed alyansovskih clever. A Citadel ... in the light of the expected war and the attack on the station ... This will be helpful. It can save a lot of lives. Our partners alien, sir.

  - As this development is not listed in the list of mission objectives, Richard, we can solve. - Shepard nodded. - Maybe you're right. We can pass this on to the Citadel. Dr. Ravin working in the hospital Guerta.

  - Hospital, hospital, clinic. - Muttered Nihlus. - Full discord in the notation.

  - Captain, the connection with the frigate. - The on-screen displays on the driver cabin. - Captain Anderson, sir.

  - Come on. - Shepard nodded. - Looks like we still stay here.

  Mobilization. N7: Base "Blue Light". Fight with Cerberus. Earth Sanctuary, Dekoris system

  Heard from Anderson did not like any of the members of the landing party. While they dealt with labkorpusom and its contents, as well as destroying not zealous zaschitnichkov among soldiers "Cerberus", cruiser, too, was not asleep. Locators and scanners "Volga" revealed the location of the base, "Blue Light". Sanctuary and so was the planet informally subordinate "Cerberus", and here and mercenaries drawn.

  - Shelling cruiser base ended a few minutes ago. - I said the driver, already only vnutrichelnochnoy handsfree. - We - on the way. Three minutes of flight. Received information.

  - I Took. - Shepard scanned the meager line of text. - On the basis of sinesvetilovtsev attacked the cruiser is one of the group headquarters. We were ordered to destroy the final means of communication, information center and warehouses. Then a large part of the activities of this group in many areas of space will be complicated by the natural way.

  - Given the fact that the first time we came across a mention of this base when dealt with the ship carrying the technology to strengthen organic skin - said Jenkins - now we can take care of the long-term reduction of the scale sinesvetilovtsev activity. - Corporal adjusted waist styling. - I and my people are ready for a fight, sir.

  - Desantiruemsya. - Shepard nodded.

  Below them were waiting quite sluggish resistance - all the same orbital bombardment and shelling did not contribute to the preservation of livestock and the power of defenders. Satellite dishes and bowls two transmission systems were quickly undermined by charges of plastic explosives - Jenkins is well trained their paratroopers. The first part of the task was done - group has lost most of long-distance communication channels. We could not wait for visits amphibious transports and frigates. Hardly sinesvetilovtsy become generous to the cruiser, and "Cerberus" did not suffer too much in charity.

  Information Center took care - Mark and Olivia were asked to first accept and accurately direct the broadband link, then pumped within a few minutes all the information from multiple drives and media center fregatskie deck. While Synthetic once again immersed in the processing of the information received, a group of Shepard, devastated destroying information center, quickly moved to the warehouse.

  - Destroy a wealth ?! - Saren was clearly unhappy. - It would be better formed militia regiments in the nearest planet to give. Although the infantry troops will zhnetsovskih than leg it civil. However, I understand that sinesvetilovtsy skorenko then come to them to visit and try before the appearance zhnetsovskih associates in every way to select these items and equipment. - Turian fastened to the central tower package with explosives. - So I do not mind: to blow up as blow.

  The explosion of the warehouse turned noble. A fire that engulfed warehouses - came even more beautiful. Billions loans fun flames devoured, and no one pursued the leaves on the shuttle orbit - there was no one. The pilot of the second shuttle flight since shaving proshturmoval taxiways and parking with dozens of shuttles and shuttles. There were sinesvetilovskie machines and machines with the characters "Cerberus".

  - Ripe. - Saren view the results of attack. - "Cerberus" and "blue light" one.

  - They have no other choice. - Confirmed Nihlus. - We are simultaneously destroyed and heavy and medium-sized robots, Service Centre destroyed, destroyed the lab. Now sinesvetilovtsev be the same freedom in the organization of unarmed civilians to lure ships into traps by supplying false distress calls. What we have there now?

  - Planet Laena. - Jenkins said. - Greenhouse. There were some mining minerals. But, unfortunately, in the five years all the equipment ... to put it mildly, cover. And on the new money and desire, as always no.

  - So do not be late. - Saren said, watching as the shuttle enters the hangar stops. - Some exercise - and that's good.

  After reporting on the results of the landing Anderson, Shepard and Alenko returned to their kayutki. After three hours the squad should reach the planet Laena, then it was planned in the star system with a relay and departures in the accumulation threshold of Valhalla.

  Anderson handsfree announced that the frigate deliveryman, exiled for artifacts, mined on the basis of "Cerberus" will wait squad already in Valhalla congestion threshold, the system Raheel-Leia.

  While the frigate and cruiser moved to the repeater and went into the tunnel mezhretranslyatorny, Shepard again had time to think about the past. Responsibilities exec John has long since not strained - a lot has been done on full automatic, so that now, with sufficient attention to the exec functions, Shepard could devote time and energy to dig into useful information and experiences already made.

  Reflections Shepard

  Uneasy conversation was then Shepard and Anderson. Very difficult. Near Omega located repeater "Omega-fourth," where there were only boats and ships Collectors "Cerb
erus". And Collectors and tserberovtsy were part of one big problem - the problem of the Reapers. intrusion problems. Shepard then heard a lot of interesting things from Anderson. And about Aria, and about her daughter, and Kai Leng, and of Paul Grayson, and about the general "Cerberus" Oleg Petrovsky. As David Anderson said then? "Mankind has entered a war not only with the other races, but also with ourselves." It is rightly said.

  Shepard then offered to give omegovtsam, residents Stations something like unifying idea. And Anderson has agreed with the possible prospect. Both ships had to then get in the zone of the outer road and communicate with the station only by shuttles. Smart Move to closely monitor and the station itself, and not to give too curious thought-provoking.

  Arriving at the station, had to suffer the activity "on the committee meeting." And immediately be cut in complicated relationships. The whole web of relationships that exist on this island of the Iron. Who are the inhabitants of the squadron first told about the "Omega" then how about the iron island? Perhaps Olivia and Mark could pick up logs and answer this question. It might. But that's about it himself Shepard never asked. It did not take it to him. In the same iron was the island and the Citadel. And in the same iron island was "Omega". So there is no priority could not be. No priority okreschivanii station there different epithets and definitions. Such a complex structure as the "Omega" with all its living and the dead, and the content was perceived by the majority of organic reasonably difficult.

  We received an invitation from the Aria, brought by the battery. Both verbally and in writing. Written and then received by an official Extranet addresses Squad. Synthetic passed through filters. It was reported to the management units.

  The second messenger came from Nayrin Kandros - turianki-biotics. What then, is to be expected. Each of the local bosses might well wish to send to the new arrivals, putting Citadel "ears", a representative, so that they, as they say, had these bosses - all together and each separately - in mind. And maybe, just impressed and do not try to make a row. These bosses then so little known about the strength and power ... They Troop forgivable. Yavik salarians then presented ... a kind of autograph. More than an autograph. Just pointing out that if you want to take an autograph messenger, as a gift, so be it.

  Then I had to immediately deal with the security problem Arias. The cargo entrusted salarians Ishu unknown customer, was dangerous and Aria, and for many other asari. Unique poison. And then I had to think not only about the fact that the poison reached the Aria, but also about how to save the most Isha. For that reason, agreed to carry out such an order, usually waiting for imminent death. The ends were cut mercilessly. And Ish Ish ... was a link that would allow customers to get closer to the planned execution of a crime.

  What happened then, all except Yavika appreciate fully, perhaps, could not nobody from otryadovtsev. Ardath-yakshas. Morinth. Already ready to commit another crime. Sandwiched in the grip of the need to commit another murder is quite remarkable sound. Just to enjoy the vitality of this reasonable. And for a while forget about the need to kill. For a while. To kill all the time in search of another victim. Without intervention Yavika prevent crime at the very beginning, at the stage of design even on the stage of initial implementation ... it would be incredibly difficult. It Shepard is now well understood. And then ...

  There was everything in that flat too quickly. Ardath was spelёnuta, Cancelled victim - is immersed in a dream. There was no need girl-dugout-teen girls actually see everything that happened then. Morinth. The eldest daughter of Justiciary asari Samara. Nave. A talented artist, poet, sculptor. The killer and his victim. Cancelled, fortunately, as a victim. Survivors. And the rest of sound mind undamaged. Yavik then allowed her to wake up. I had to explain the situation ... which came partly explain Nave mother. And then deal with the failed assassin.

  Then Shepard once again realized the validity of the well-known phrase that the cadres decide everything. Without Yavika bring the situation to the nave, her mother and Morinth, the situation with Samara in a normative direction it would be extremely difficult. Almost impossible. But when he heard that in front of them is not a standard-yakshas Ardath, a demon of the night wind, and wrong-initiated telepathic psionic ... It was terrible. So, what we did not previously ventured to say, not all scientists, not all researchers, far from everything ... writers, lay in front of them, spelёnutoe biotic fetters. And waiting for their fate.

  Then almost all otryadovtsy had ... to say the least, are outraged by the prospect of being close to being able to dig around the clock in their heads. The conveyor-carpet mode to dig. I had to remind the audience then Yaviku apartment reasonable that such a Morinth, Reapers use a hundred percent. Take advantage by creating of Ardath beings capable to compete with whole platoons of heavily armed kosmopehotintsev. Future banshee. Deadly opponents for most of the soldiers then Citadel space.

  Shepard then held asari, kicking with great force. Resist the "reforging" carried Yavikom. The procedure is strongly reminiscent of "expelling demons", practiced in a variety of earth's history the clergy. Strongly reminiscent of, but not more than resembled. Yavik then cut short the terrible prospect, a terrible scenario. Curb, knowing that he will have to deal with reformation of the set-yakshas Ardath. At least at the outset to deal with. He probably already knew that this Ardath - Only one of the daughters-in Samara Justiciary. Two other daughters of Justiciary were so-called "silent Ardath" agreed zatvornichat in the monastery, where such entities have been here a few hundred. Occasionally when a few thousand.

  After finishing the procedure, he suggested calling Yavik re reprogram asari not only as her real name - the world. Nickname Morinth should stay in the past. Where there remained Ardath-yakshas, the night wind demon serial killer gurmansha.

  Yavik then cut short attempts Miralem plunk in front of him, proteaninom, senior representative for Asari race lap. He behaved with her gently, calmly, confidently. So as it was necessary to behave in the difficult situation.

  The world, as it turned out, in spite of all their capabilities and skills, know how to be awesome inconspicuous. In her presence and the problem quarian appliances solved without its intervention, stuck at the station and now get the opportunity to fly in the Navy. Supporting trade interests, otryadovtsy quarians helped reunite with fellow tribesmen.

  Talking about the possibilities and prospects of attraction on the side of the Resistance was a short race coos. Then otryadovtsev interaction with this race just beginning. It is much more important than appeared to neutralize some batarians, who played an unenviable role cobbled together and unprofessional Mad Prophet. The accused all the troubles, the case has happened and is meant to happen with a lot of key races Space Citadel only people only earthlings, but humanity. Memorized mechanically accused. No emotions, no feelings, no conviction in his words the accused. Tolerate this was clearly beyond the power of the majority otryadovtsev - Shepard knew that a multi-channel broadcast connection is happening at the station right on the frigate, then - on a cruiser, so many otryadovtsy already know the details. Ugly details. It was necessary to remove these items and bring the situation to the norm. Cruelly lead.

  Yavik then rolled his speech worthy presidential candidate kakoy- a very large country. In itself, a phenomenon hitherto unknown intelligent race, considered, moreover, extinct, made on viewers and listeners the impression of not weak, and even his voice chirping, so unusual for the majority of the inhabitants of the Milky Way ...

  The situation eased quickly. Batara Arias took the guards, took as a kind of Al Capone for tax evasion to the treasury Arias. And not for the fact that it is composted brains of listeners. For it is difficult to draw. Very hard. But for illicit enrichment, bypassing government interests - very easy. What was accomplished.

  At the same time, as it turned out, I had already learned about Yavik ripening against Arias T'Loak plotting several other heads of some criminal gangs entrenched in the station. Miral suggested use for a quiet discussion Enron her apartment.
In the end, no one did not know how she was reborn and changed. No one knew. And most of it was not interested in - their own worries enough. Miralem proposal was perceived to cheer. Miralem most liked to be useful even in such a small.

  Talk more like a council of war. Miral offered to help, offered to take advantage of their capabilities telepath-psionic, eliminating the need to personally Yavika saber slash opponents. And then for the first time he said that he would like to stay at the station, would have wanted to be sure to meet and talk with the mother.

  Then Yavik first announced his decision - should kill all the leaders of criminal gangs. Includes Aria and Nayrin. And there was, strange as it was to admit it now, in many respects. Nobody then knew of otryadovtsev, no one knew exactly how much all tied to the Aria. And the option of liquidation asari Matriarch then normandovtsam seemed no worse than all the other options restore order at the station. Plans, as it turns out, very often begin to crumble as soon as it is time to translating them into reality.

  As a commander, as a warrior, as a soldier, Yavik was ready to blow itself "Omega" with all its living and dead content. The most interesting thing is voicing its offer, Yavik in no way did not seem banal extremist. He just understood well that near the Collector, near "Cerberus" should be ready for the border, to the most extreme actions. Even if these actions, to put it mildly, did not fit in most of the standards and framework conditions.

  Croghan Patriarch, the man who was dismissed Aria, and then did not plan to build a new leader on a pedestal stations. He was too old, but in addition, and not strong enough physically. Old age, as they say, not a joy.

  About age then otryadovtsy thought long and hard. Yavik, for example, was convinced that with zaretranslyatornyh tserberovskih stations Omega gush some strong and ruthless threat. Now Shepard knew: Yavik already provides for the possibility that the characteristics of the threat. As befits the representative of the Elder Race. As it should be not just a soldier, namely military commander. Has behind him were hundreds of years of confrontation as a dangerous enemy, how were definitely Reapers.


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