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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 12

by Theodore Daniels

  Then, in a conversation mysterious Archangel was first mentioned and it was ... it was decided to find him and try to win over. Yavik then right Miralem said that it is counting on the gift. And he expects that peace will be interested in the improvement of this gift, and to improve the practice was necessary. What was bad practice to scumbags? Yes, nothing.

  It began "stripping" station. Peace with surprise and great interest mastered all new and new opportunities. Almost mastered. Against the new weapons in the leaders of gangs could not be and there was no antidote. Gentoo, assistant manager Tharaka, peace "built" quite independently - dugout and did not dare to utter a word, for the first time seeing the asari possess such capabilities and such potential.

  Forcing ordinary members of groups ... self-destruct in separate rooms, otryadovtsy done away with their leader, arranging local fires, facilitate the work of cleaners stations. On the consequences we decided not to focus too much - was to eliminate the epidemic raged in the lower station. As always, the problem had to be solved sequentially, without any possibility to break off any significant rest.

  Before you go right up the epidemic, it was nevertheless decided to find the Archangel. None of otryadovtsev did not believe that any rational being can act consistently effective over time. None of his colleagues Shepard did not have the feeling that the mysterious Archangel - synthetics. Ought to hurry so as not to lose the potential of a strong and effective ally.

  After defending the Archangel from the pursuing bandits, Shepard's team really found a powerful ally. And the next ally became mother Miralem - Justiciary asari Samara. Shepard, and all its sokomandovtsam was nice to return to a normal mother-daughter recovered. The eldest daughter. It was nice to get rid of the need to kill the mother of his daughter, to kill, guided duty Justiciary. It was nice to see, how to calm the world, believing that she now has a normal family, a mother and sisters there. Which otryadovtsy help. Suppose later, but help.

  Samara offered to keep them company during a conversation with Aria. Tribeswoman, compatriot yet. The appearance in the office of Arias Kai Leng, who intended to send the mistress of "Omega" for the Fringe, forcing Shepard and his colleagues to act quickly. Very fast. Barely had time to render assistance to Aria. Lang had to watch out for. Although it was possible to delay. There were at that time.

  It was difficult, and having received from Miralem Yavika information that Aria on the verge, do not run in the "afterlife" with all haste, but quietly, albeit a very fast paced. Difficult it was. Very difficult. Hardly had, pushing batarians guards, enter the Aria room. There was, of course, the ability to simply certify that the death, the death of asari Aria, go away and do their own thing, entrusting the care of the archangel, and Station Miralem. They both would have coped. to cope without Aria. Turian Fifth Race and asari telepath would have coped. Built to, for example, all the inhabitants of the station at attention, would have made all the walking and jogging marched to execute any order at any time of the day or night. And it was then decided to give the asari Aria's life.

  Yavik who performed a difficult operation for the healing of the incision of the head nearly severed from her asari more than eight hundred of the body, too-then reminded neurosurgeon doctor. Especially when quietly but insistently I asked about how much time has passed since the start of operations .... Azari - and Samara and peace watched, making Yavik, barely breathing: a race of blue-skinned resuscitation procedures beauties still did not know. And Yavik went further, deciding to restore the body Aria completely, actually - to rejuvenate it. How could then consider reasonable, who saw this action that Yavik give Aria five or six hundred years of life and give her the opportunity to repeatedly become a mother? Hardly anyone then of otryadovtsev have thought about it.

  And then Yavik formal, business-like member made Aria third station managers. Now headed by "Omega" was a triumvirate: Aria, peace and Archangel. Then let Aria has not regained consciousness, but none of those present did not have any doubt - that's how it happens. The station will remain for a second without the supreme control. Not for a second.

  Shepard remembered all the moments of action in great detail. Once again, his eyes history was made. History is not a race, many races. The history of intelligent life of the whole galaxy. United galaxy always remain united, regardless of the sentiments of organic inhabiting it reasonable. John liked to recall that moment. He then did not feel stupid warrior-riot policemen, not an extra, but really involved in something very big, very important and very significant. The one that will have an impact on the lives of so many reasonable and will provide this effect for a long time. Whether military or peace will be this time. Perhaps the time of resuscitation asari Aria was one of those moments that are always people who are classified as "best man falls". Probably.

  Yavik made partners of the triumvirate and Nayrin and Patriarch. Then there was little talk of junior partner. About them it was possible to think about and take care of later. But Nayrin and patriarch ... They deserve to be in the control system level stations soon. Very soon.

  Then Shepard first seen on the face and Miralem eyes, approached the Archangel, challenging confusion. It seems that at the moment the world have fallen in love with the Archangel. She was right. Then for the first time called the Archangel Miral as she and only she later called him. Often called so often, much more frequently than did other reasonable - "Archi". Not Archangel - Arch. For her, Miralem he already became the Arch.

  Aria peace and Samara dressed in new things, to hide any trace of what happened. Then, as now I understood Shepard or herself Aria or Miral she will explain the details of what happened. Then, when it will be possible to do so safely.

  Aria awoke and learned. I learned clearly and fully and Yavika-proteanina and Archangel-Turian. I get to know them and remembered Kai Leng kill her. At that time, Shepard was inclined to marvel at the power of Aria, asari Matriarch. Still life experience - an extremely valuable and extremely rich gift. Let the dying gift to every rational organics. A gift that can bring satisfaction with the support of the life experience before you have to step over the brink.

  Aria and immediately remembered about the Patriarch and Nayrin. And he did not object to that and Croghan turianka and were among the leaders of stations. Not an object, showing tremendous any imagination prepared for such complex problems. Preparedness, clearly and unambiguously indicate - it is not simply and completely by chance was headed stations, not just by chance and did not say, "I -" Omega "!". She had every right to say so.

  There was nothing surprising in the fact that the Patriarch, humiliated, ectopic Aria, were going to kill. Shepard did everything to Patriarch survived. Moreover - he did everything to Patriarch himself defended his honor. Sam stood in a battle with his possible murderers. And he killed his killers. It was more important and more valuable than if Shepard killed these two krogan. It is more important and more valuable. Support Samara as Justiciary and strong biotics, also played a significant and important role. But the main role still played by then Patriarch, then released from Aria's office is not a toy, not a laughing stock, and the full, current, real Advisor. Advisor asari Matriarch.

  It is possible, conversation, self communion with the Patriarch of help is now close to solving the krogan problem in all its complexity and difficulty. As people say: if you want to solve the problem - start her solve small. That conversation with the Patriarch was for Shepard this small. Patriarch believed in himself. And other krogan will also be able to believe in themselves. To believe in a new way, everyone - in its own way, but to believe in a new way. For example, it has helped to deal with the Reapers and their henchmen. So that this race has helped the Lizards take its rightful place in the Union do not have the space race of the Citadel, and the Milky Way.

  Patriarch was satisfied. To him really listening. And not only Aria - all other reasonable, will the situation and circumstances will ascended to the top of the management pyramid stations.

  Compliments exchanged Nayri
n and Archangel, with all certainty proved Shepard: the two of them together, and not only between a load. Quite possibly - become a couple. Inevitably become a couple. For they fit together as well as possible better and better.

  The main thing has been done - the new management pyramid was formed and gradually shifted the station. I earn. Correctly and completely updated and supplemented by cycling opportunities. And most importantly, that the perpetrators of the planned elimination of Arias with a unique, specially manufactured poison was neutralized, and the poison delivered and placed on board the frigate. Beyond the reach of any grasping paws and ruchonok.

  Collectors attempted to incite the majority of humanity of other races. Even a scales station. And to zamylit eyes onlookers and observers, secured from the virus action, not only people, but also another race - coo. Comparing thus mankind outcasts.

  We got to the clinic then otryadovtsy Mordina Solus without any problems. And once again convinced that the former Special Forces does not happen. It does not happen in principle. Solus instantly grasped the essence of the problem, and expressed an interest in her ardent desire to participate in its decision. The detachment received another doctor and another warrior commando. Salarians, to be sure, was a born commandos, their Special Response Group became the prototype for the spectrum of the Citadel Council. Stopping coos, trying to prevent the Solus to hold mass vaccination baseman station otryadovtsy witnessed its usefulness Professor Solus and he agreed to join the normandovtsam and volgovtsam to deal with a number of acute problems. Including - and collectors, who created this virus,

  Professor was extremely valuable to meet and chat with Yavikom - revitalized a legend. Yavik already accustomed and to worship, and to the surprise and amazement, was glad to talk with such a highly organized intelligent being, how was salarian Solus, whose ancestors once ate almost exclusively flies.

  Thanks asari Vere, a simple dancer Vere, Aria was convinced that she will now be able to become a mother. It was for Aria is new, strange and unusual. She barely managed to get used to the fact that now it has a strong and professional advisors, barely able to get used to the fact that it, now I say extremely quiet, low voice, listen and, most importantly, understand, much better than before, and now .. . here comes Vera and asks her, Aria, listen closely to itself. And Aria listened. I listened and was surprised.

  Then Aria and Vera hard to get used to the idea that the time will come very soon - and the squad will leave from the station. And other Councillors also feared that this separation will happen very soon and very quickly.

  Shepard had to resolve a situation with batarian bartender. Thus, only that fiercely hated people only earthlings. For more hated. And, unfortunately, I had every right to do. Alas. I Had. But that's his right turned into corpses. The corpses of innocent people, which could not allow Shepard.

  Involving the team mercenary Zayed Masani was that with which Shepard had subsequently did not agree completely. Not then, when it happened to the "Omega", or now. It seemed to him that is in the Troop do not have that nightmare situation where "not to fat, would be live" and "grab station, trunk moves." Although the position of waiting the arrival of the Reapers and the troops had to go to such contacts here. Mercenary Zayed Masani was for Shepard's "dark horse." And such cases the captain preferred not to have, or have at minimum.

  Perhaps, then held on "Omega" was the concert, including a kind of compensation for the instability of perception them, Shepard, status Zayed Masani. Yes, batarians, followed by a mercenary - a bounty hunter was dispatched managed to leave alive "buried" in camera "Omega". Zaid himself decided to reflect on the proposal Shepard - still had not yet been any urgent orders, and that he was offered a spectrum-man was, quite possibly, interesting and useful occupation.

  Concert at the "Omega" was held successfully in many respects thanks to Svetlana volcanic energy. Svetlana Strel'tsova. Shepard knew about it so interesting, that was enough for many hours of reflection. And then he saw just how versatile and at the same time his whole personality is Svetlana. And otryadovtsy presented omegovtsam concert. That's right, with a capital letter. Concert. Became the first concert. Thundered the whole galaxy. Which gave to understand that criminal station can be different and will be different. Good and free. Friendly and welcoming, not only for criminals of all kinds, but also for the law-abiding reasonable.

  Meditate about the concert was easy and at the same time is very difficult, limited to the most superficial impressions and opinions. It was really a phenomenon in the cultural life of the station. The phenomenon in the cultural life of the inhabited part of the Galaxy.

  Work squadron in the cluster Valhalla Threshold

  Troop ships continued flying on an approved route command. We had to get acquainted with the state of affairs at the threshold of Valhalla - cluster includes only three star system. Mass repeater located in the Raheel-Leia system where there was not a planet, but a local luminary was a double.

  - In the name of stars and systems we have, as you know, is in a complete mess. - Said Anderson, Shepard went to the Star Map. - Even official titles differ in different vaults and sailing directions. Here, for example, this system. We, the people used to call the "Valhalla" in the German and Scandinavian mythology is - the heavenly palace in Asgard, a kind of Paradise, designed for those who fell in battle valiantly soldiers. Many races call this system "Valhalla". That is to say, the costs of pronunciation and spelling. Everyone wants to excel and stand out here and try. Information about the circumstances here the system a little bit more information about the actual local luminaries. Here, for example, Leia. It is determined in one of the major sailing directions as a smaller part of a binary system of blue giants, it is a young star of B3. Weight of the stars in thirteen times the mass of the Sun, the operating temperature - almost twenty-eight thousand degrees Celsius. Accordingly, it is too hot to have formed around the world. If we consider the space-time measurements, in the near future - or rather, a few million years, Leia become a supernova.

  - If it is, the commander does not undermine the earlier stories using Yavika. - Said the officer of the watch.

  - You're right, Gregor. - Anderson nodded. - Yavik did say that to them in the fight against the Reapers had to blow up the stars system. Here and some planets there are no lure the fleet of some or several Reapers - there are ways for it, and then - the packaging-tures - and blow up at least one local luminary. It is possible that a chain reaction would undermine or contribute to the undermining of the second light. It is a pity, of course, the system, but notably explode. - Thinking, said the commander of the frigate. - If pripret ... and in fact may priperetsya, you have to use this method. To win, of course.

  - Planets do not, Commander, but the station ... - Shepard brought to the side screen image.

  - Yes. - Anderson nodded, looking at the screen. - You're right, this station is known, it was originally a small research outpost, which often housed only two dozen researchers people. The name of the station is quite normal - "Suskind." Then we naturally smarter, a little matured and turned into the power - using modular design created a station, which can now accommodate two thousand researchers and two thousand visitors and a part of which is now part of the parking dock that can accommodate fifty medium common standards races Space Citadel starships.

  - Who often use Migrant Fleet. - Said the officer of the watch.

  - Not only. - Anderson shook his virtual image of the station, looking at it from all sides. - But just flying ships, captains and crews that need for some reason to visit this system. For the Migrant Fleet, to be sure, this station is now one of the few available. A no, and yet inhospitable island of the iron to "skafandrikov" space. Here, of course, it is not always possible to carry out repairs, but even get a parking space in a situation quarians - a great success and a great relief. - The commander of the frigate looked at the screens with the work plans. - We are going to stand a few more hours until the spices are combed through the system completely. Doc
k with "Suskind" no frigate, cruiser or not - it is already agreed with Titov and Strel'tsova. We were invited to an external station raid

  - Try to maintain antiquity. - First mate said. - Who is the resident population in the station - a little more than one and a half thousand people, almost four thousand - if you count from the visitors. The Old Testament points out that Rachel and Leah (Leia) - two sisters who became wives of the patriarch Jacob. For people decided to establish the order of the names in order of seniority, and then vice versa - the first official mention was made Rachel - younger sister. Leia - older and here it is referred to the second.

  - There may have been disputes and someone found a way to reasonably insist on his. - Anderson pereschёlkival images on the screens, getting acquainted with the general report on the study of stellar systems. - We have received information that in the near future of the Migrant Fleet ships come in. Only here the squad by the time it has leaves. - Anderson and Shepard have the watch on a string on the screen, which was placed The specified work plan. - Yes, and do not come here ships farm, and regular frigates and freighters.

  - If they come here, almost all the docks at the station will be temporarily filled, and the situation will not change until the departure of the fleet. - Said the officer of the watch. - Well, that kvariki can now officially and freely spend here at least minor repairs, using both their own and local materials and equipment.

  Anderson nodded, ordering to bring ships to the fuel storage and allowing Moro produce refueling. Cruiser refueled second. After finishing the procedure, both ships went in different directions, ready to scan the entire system and the compilation of accurate maps of the state. It took only three hours - the system was not large and complex objects that require detailed examination. A few hours - and both ships go to Mick system.


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