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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 37

by Theodore Daniels

  Operation "Space Systems Alliance." Planning

  Most otryadovtsev no doubt - the problem krogan they just started to be addressed. It is possible that it will not be fully resolved before the war. Quite possible. Nevertheless, the beginning of the decision has already been laid and the first results are encouraging. Krogan themselves chose their way, their lives are now planned in view of the opened possibilities and circumstances. They wanted to become an equal race among the other races of the galaxy. And we are ready for that were to make every effort. Fight. Live. Develop. Cultivating.

  When the squadron left the Kroganskoy demilitarized zone, Anderson convened a meeting at which proposed to discuss the prospects of the operation under the working title "Space Systems Alliance."

  - Space Systems Alliance - starting with the usual well-known positions, said the commander of the frigate, cruiser, - area of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is bordered by the inner space of the Board and Attic Travers. This region includes the lands and territories under the control of the Systems Alliance. There are also some human colonies, partially or fully recognize the authority of the Systems Alliance, but outside the Space Alliance.

  Following the discovery of Charon Relay humanity over the past decade it has increased its ownership of more than ten times. Aggressive expansion of mankind naturally caused numerous conflicts with other races, and above all - with batarian Hegemony. Despite this, the Systems Alliance now shows no signs of slowing growth in influence. Under the supervision of the Systems Alliance to varying degrees, there are areas of the planet, station, colony, settlement, located in clusters: Beta Attica, Gamma Aida, Kite's Nest, Brown, sea Arcturus stream Ro Argos, Sigma Gemini Cluster Voyager Cluster Exodus , Artemis Tau, Viper Nebula, Horsehead Nebula, Nebula Peter. Among the colonial power and influence of the Systems Alliance recognizes: Adek, Aratot, Bening, Eden Prime, Intay'sey, Kamala, Moon, Mars, Silva, Terra Nova, Terumi, Feros, Elysium, Ersbat. Alliance has in its space is also more space stations, among them - Asteroid X-57, Grisomskaya Academy, "Top", "caver", "Arcturus", "Gagarin", "Kronos". - Making a short pause, Anderson continued. - In today's environment we can not also ignore the strength and power of our partners - the Russian Empire, which also has its own colonies, planets, stations. You can now argue that it is our work, colleagues, helps to strengthen mutual understanding between the Alliance System and the Russian Empire, the real and not verbal strengthening. Because it will naturally assume that our intervention, Troop intervention in the processes taking place in these worlds, and especially do not need at the moment. In future, it is quite possible we will visit these worlds and colonies. If necessary. In the meantime, let's take a look at a summary of the state of affairs on the worlds of the Alliance System and the Russian Empire, and develop a plan to work with them remotely. We have, as you know, has already formed a package of problem areas, which we are obliged to visit in the near future. Therefore, we are extremely important to know how to combine this work with the work in the territories of the Systems Alliance and the Russian Empire. I ask to speak. how to combine this work with the work in the territories of the Systems Alliance and the Russian Empire. I ask to speak. how to combine this work with the work in the territories of the Systems Alliance and the Russian Empire. I ask to speak.

  Discussion took several hours. In the end, we decided to limit the flight squadron to Earth.

  - Commander. - The relationship came officer of the watch, "Normandy." - Urgent message from the moon. Our intervention is required. I transmit information.

  Anderson looked at his commander's instrumentrone received files, chipped piece on instrumentrony watching the meeting Titov and Strel'tsova. After a few minutes spent on the clarification of the situation, Captain Anderson stood up:

  - Squadron - to follow the Moon. We intervene in this situation. I think everyone understands what it is fraught, if you let it take its course. - He caught consonants nods. - Because - all to return to their posts and get to work.

  Mobilization. Defective VI

  Complex feelings owned Shepard, when he received the news of the ship towards the Earth Corps. Yes, to solve the problem which has arisen in the training ground of the Alliance on the eternal companion of the parent planet mankind - the Moon was necessary. Yeah, maybe it can be solved with the help of ships and crews Squad. Although, quite possibly, we have options and to do without the participation of all this otryadovtsev puncture. There were definitely are.

  Earth. The planet on which he, John Shepard, born from which went to the VCS, in the army, on Akuzu. Now that he is captain of videoconferencing Alliance spectrum of the Citadel Council, has seen many planets, how rarely had the opportunity to see any of the Admiral of the Fleet of the Alliance VKS, Shepard looked at the planet's disk, the birthplace of the human race, with mixed feelings. He knew, understood, felt it - his birthplace, that is - the planet on which will fall with all the cruelty and mercilessness of the fleets of the Reapers, because people too were noted, too Heritage ...

  Frigate "Normandie" went far ahead of the "Volga". I went because it was supposed to go to a lighter vehicle. It was supposed to traditionally Combat FSI statute. In fact, now the "Normandie" a little inferior to what the "Volga". And yet, by a unanimous decision of the commanders of the two warships, it was decided to keep the old order of passage. Frigate went ahead.

  - Sir, starpomovskoy to watch ... - in the speaker's voice sounded watches below.

  - Yes, thank you, Sergeant. I remember. Ready. - XO distracted from thinking, stood up, adjusting and checking weapons and ammunition stowage with devices pristёgivaya the belt helmet, closing collar suit germomanzhetoy.

  - It is, sir. - I watch below switched channels.

  Standing at the maps, taking watch, Shepard said - to enter the orbit of the moon left nothing at all. Less than an hour.

  Including long-range scanning and system of locating. Customarily involved in semi-automatic mode. First went the normal information is sector scanner and radar fields not covered landfill area videoconferencing Alliance.

  Live Stream:

  - Oh, my God, he continues to sit down on us! Warheads! What idiot gave on the turret and gun training ground warheads ?! Sadit accurate aiming! We bear the loss! We have five were wounded, two of them - hard! Yes, you turn off the VI, not immediately polygon death! - I shouted into the speaker some lieutenant infantryman.

  He did not respond.

  - VI blocked access to his bunker. Explode? - Ask coded, opening Synthetic Troop Command channel solution polygon senior group of technicians.

  - We are the withdrawal from the landfill. Wait. - A voice training supervisor.

  Shepard evil gripped the rail pedestal Maps: "It came at last, that it was necessary to do at once!".

  The three hour trip to the moon between the "Normandy", "Volga" and the command of the landfill were fierce negotiations. No one wanted to resort to extreme measures. Whether it is a bunker explosion VI, or the bombing of the landfill from the orbit of the planet. Well, that took the troops removed the listeners, students, observers, staff away from the "scene"

  Interchangeable Watch with Shepard, was heading to the dining room frigate caught Olivia.

  - Captain, I beg you! - A cyborg voice was genuine alarm, heavily mixed with excitement.

  - Olivi ?! - First mate stopped, turned to kiborgesse. - What happened?

  - There's ... the bottom ... I do not know how to explain it. I do not know, but ... there ... there was born the AI! This VI became the AI! That's why he became a plant for studying ... And warheads - not his whim and his choice ... You can see, John! Transformation ... Nobody knows what a mind or body, whether or Synthet organics in the transformation! I ask you, Captain! I beg! Spectrum Authority forbade them to blow up the bunker! If they know that there is ... there is no VI and AI already ... They riddled him! It's ... It's a newborn baby ... Well, someone he ... - Olivia jerked nervously with his hands instrumentron. - See for yourself! - She opened the middle screen.
- This is a message that was sent to a few minutes before activation boerezhima landfill. Nobody understood this message. Take a look at the first letters of the "snake"!

  - "Help"? "Help"? Olivi ...

  - No, John! VI knew that he was no longer VI! He had already started the transformation! Understood that goes beyond what can be dangerous! But no, this code did not look, do not read and I'm afraid I have not seen!

  Shepard looked into the charges kiborgessoy texts and images.

  - Captain, request permission to come to you immediately. This requires solutions Troop Command. Please conferencing with the command of "Volga" at the meeting. - XO pressed sensor PHONES Speaker. - The case concerns the situation at the site.

  - Waiting for you, Captain. - Dryly replied Anderson.

  - Olivia, you - with me. Come on. This is a must see Anderson. This is a must see and Titov Streltsov.

  - I have no doubt, Captain. - Olivi followed striding XO.

  - I beg your permission, Captain. - Shepard said, skipping forward kiborgessu. - She has the information of immediate effect. I already know about it. It should be your decision, Captain. - Shepard closed the door and the commander's cabin, catching the gesture of allowing the cabin owner, sat in a chair by the commander of the working table. Olivia opened her instrumentron, in a low voice, trying to hide the excitement, explains the situation to Anderson, for her explanations and tensely watched Titov Streltsov.

  - Okay. Do without protocols and rituals. - Anderson said when Olivia finished speaking and clasped his instrumentrona screen. - What is your opinion, colleagues? - He looked up at the screens on which shone the image of the commander and the senior assistant commander of "Volga".

  - You're closer to the planet, commander. - Said Svetlana. - You and act. So far we come, we block area of the Moon, otsechёm curious. You need to Shepard and Olivia skontaktirovali this VI, who became the AI. Our staff have already prepared all the documents and through their own channels, we recommend to replace the Alliance Command VI at the site.

  - Replace ... - Anderson was unable to hide his bewilderment.

  - VI, who became the AI can not be left on the site. And give it to scientists as well - you can not. - Said Titov. - It's - competence Corps Spectres, the commander, and you know very well yourself. So we have to remove the VI, who became the AI and take it on board. To begin with, - Titov suddenly embarrassed looked at Olivia, - on board the frigate. Then - we decide. But Olivia should be landing in the group. It is necessary for success. The troops and personnel, according to the latest data from the landfill - are reserved. VI-AI stopped shelling the territory of the polygon areas of combat. This allows us to hope for success. Without Olivia is unlikely we will be able to achieve the desired success.

  - "Volga" blocked at the far approaches the area of the planet, Captain. - Said Svetlana. - We will not allow leakage of information or the escalation of the conflict. And you - will provide an opportunity to act freely and effectively.

  - Shepard, Olivia ... - Anderson stood. - Accompanied by Mark and Legion, accompanied by a full squad of troops under the command of Lieutenant Alenko you are planted on two shuttles to the landfill near the bunker VI-AI. Shuttle. - Anderson consulted instrumentronom. - Waiting. A second shuttle is also ready for departure. Alenko Group - is already on board. Mark and Legion - aboard your shuttle. They will cover you for the duration of the mission.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard stood up. - Allow me to perform?

  - Perform. - Commander nodded, sitting down in a chair.

  Ten minutes of descent to the planet seemed very much normandovtsam eternity. Shepard had never seen Olivia was nervous. Strong, clearly nervous. Usually it was just a model of composure otryadovtsev, callousness and discipline. And then ... hardly sit in his place in the chair between Mark and the Legion, looks at interior screen often looks at open instrumentron. Clearly nervous. Very nervous. Not for a trifle nervous.

  - I'll kill him, Captain! - Exclamation Olivia jumped up, jerked the lever opening emergency doors and interior siganuvshey down on the lunar surface from a height of thirty-eight meters, forced to parachute behind her from the first shuttle all normandovtsev. The second shuttle blocked area landfill - Alenko colleagues studied the situation, control of the situation, but has not yet landed on the planet's surface.

  How did kiborgesse so much to do in a few seconds - then did not realize no one otryadovtsev. But three immobile body - lieutenant and two sergeants, the broken dolls lying around the open hatch of the communications system and vzryvmashinka already connected to one of the cores of the cable - it was more eloquent than any words.

  Olivia kept her heavy pistol in the temporal region of the helmet lieutenant FSI Systems Alliance, if you believed that he will be able to quickly wake up after a crushing blow to the body. Both the sergeant did not have been able to wake up in a few tens of minutes. The blows inflicted on them kiborgessoy were professional and compelling.

  - So. - Shepard examined the car, checked on instrumentronu connection. - Mark. Vividly I ventilate who we have such a high-spirited in the Alliance, which has ordered to blow up half of the landfill along with bin VI. - Catching nod cyborg, Shepard turned to kiborgesse. - Olivia.

  - Thank your gods, Captain, you ... you have influenced me and I did not kill them. - Dull, dead voice said kiborgessa without dropping the gun. - He ... He would have twisted the handle ... and the ... VI would have died ... Guaranteed died. - Olivia jumped, kicked the body tilting backwards lieutenant. - I'll kill him if he tried to avoid responsibility! And I kill all those who gave him this order!

  - Mark. Results. - Shepard stood up, looking at the screen of the iron instrumentrona brother. - Hmm. Something like that I expected. - Shepard looked at the screen of his instrumentrona. - Svetlana ...

  - Saw and adopted. Anderson is already preparing documents. Signature Spectra ... - responded kaperang.

  - Put my his rule. Next to her. Itself realize. Forward back and forth - the time will go too.

  - All three signatures have already been delivered. Your I also raised with his next. There ... understand. For its part, the Empire also react through their own channels. Not only - will not find it.

  - Mark, I lay down, block all communication landfill. We - are advancing. - Shepard nodded came up biotics. - Kaidan, send some of their men to the place of concentration of command. Let this ... - he pointed to the screen instrumentrona image and profile for a person. - Is bored under protection.

  - I know the captain. We have received information during the landing. - Alenko saluted, exchanged a few words had come up with Jenkins. - Perform.

  - Good. - First mate looked at have disabled machine, packaged in a sealed container. - Nominate. If this is not the last such terror group ... We - you need to hurry.

  They approached the perimeter of the landfill. They went into his limits, past the fence - tall vosemnadtsatimetrovy solid fence.

  - Olivi? - First mate looked nervous kiborgessu ...

  - She's ... she's trying to reach the outside ... She ... she needs additional loading information ... Information ... We blocked all communication landfill ... More ... half an hour and it will seek information channels in a forced battle mode ... not - exactly none of of organic ... not find it.

  - Run to the bunker. We'll have to pray to all the gods that it did not cause the fire itself ... Stop. She is? Olivia, are you sure? - Shepard, starring jerk away, is already gaining speed, almost faltered.

  - Yes. I'm sure. She's ... I do not know, but for me - fortunately, identifies himself on the female type. - Embarrassed running next kiborgessa.

  - Okay. - Shepard motioned for Mark and a little way behind the Legion. - Olivi ...

  - You're right, John. I want to go first. For me ... it will not fire for many reasons. And I ... I will try to agree with her.

  - Good.

  That bunker, which housed VI, now - AI. The first corridor, the laboratory. Empty. Just wink consoles. The second corridor.
The second laboratory. Turbine hall reserve. The third corridor. Shlyuzkamera. Fourth fortified corridor. Finally - Hall VI-AI. The usual counter, surrounded by cubes of auxiliary systems.

  Olivia approaches the counter. Shepard sees her from behind. He promised not to outpace - should be carried out. What is it and how she was doing there at the counter, did not know in detail, none of otryadovtsev.

  - John. - A quiet, calm voice kiborgessy. - Come. You are alone. Mark Legion. Wait.

  A few steps - and here it is, the uncovered stand.

  - She ... she wants to talk to you, John. - Olivia said quietly. - Turn.

  - You ... Shepard? - Is heard in the speaker breaks, unstable, but, of course, a woman's voice.

  - Yes. - Shepard responds quietly, calmly as possible.

  - I'm glad ... I know that I have ... I have tried to undermine. Thank you ... What had previously not given ... Get me out of here. I ... no one else but you, your team ... not damsya. - In the voice of a newborn AI heard nedetskiy rigidity and conviction bordering on willingness to die. - I ... I have no one else but you and your otryadovtsev ... do not trust. I do not believe ... I ... I tried to kill ... ready bombardment from orbit ... Would undermine ... It's ... it's scary. ... It hurts ... It's creepy ... - the voice ceases to break, acquires depth and clarity. - I gave Olivia all instructions. She will pull me out of the rack. And I just want to be in the squadron, John. And nowhere else. You decide where I'll be there posted. But - just on the squadron. And now ... I am disabled. Remove me and take away. Time ... expensive. - AI voice was gone.


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