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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 38

by Theodore Daniels

  - Olivi?

  - She really told me everything. We firmly ... talked. And I know a lot. - Hands Olivia work is removed from the rack the desired blocks, stacked in packing, already deployed by Marc had come up. Legion stands at the entrance to the hall with a rifle at the ready, he let polupogasshy spotlight beam for beam in different directions - het clearly controls the entire environment around the Bunker VI. - Done. We can leave.

  The front looks raskurochennye. Half blocks - is gone. Olivia and Mark pick up the styling and sent to the hall door.

  We are waiting for the release of their Alenko and Jenkins. Catching reassuring nods, officer and NCO relax. It reduces both the shuttle. Olivia, accompanied by Mark the first jumps in the interior of the first shuttle. They were jumping Legion, immediately taking place at the aperture with a rifle at the ready. Do not trust. Does not believe. He understands that it smells like appearance in the fourth Troop AI.

  - Where is the holy trinity? - Shepard addresses the question of Lieutenant Alenko.

  Anyone without a moment's hesitation, said:

  - Lieutenant demoted to the ranks. Sergeants - too. Sent to a penal battalion in the military prison planet OLTRI-twenty-eight. Col. Buechner, who displayed arbitrariness on their own initiative ... is proven and traces nowhere else are not ... - demoted to the ranks and imprisoned in the military prison of the Alliance until further notice.

  - Okay. - Shepard nodded, noting the signal arriving at instrumentron additional files report with supporting information. - Georgia. Go back to the frigate.

  - Yes, Captain. - Alenko turned and almost ran goes to hanging pootdal second shuttle. Yes ... How long have had to endure low lunar gravity, but no, people do not want her to suffer. We twisted and is now on the moon like the earth can walk. No violations of the laws of nature - technology-with. With the technique in an embrace. Through science-with.

  Shepard had to see a different Olivia. That had to see her nervous. It is humanly nervous. Any Stanislavski would have shouted "believe" in the power of their personal light. But this was clearly Olivia ... not only for the new Shepard, but for Mark and for the Legion.

  Kiborgessa sat in a chair between his fellow Synthetic and stroked on my knees, "blue box" - the basis of the AI. Strokes, keeping the "box" on his knees with both hands. And "drawer" glowed, flickered in rhythm stroking gently flickered so calmly.

  If Shepard could, if he could, he would not be on the spot I painted a picture and called it "Madonna". So much of the parent was in his eyes, facial expressions, posture itself kiborgessy in her movements ... Stanislavsky would just lost his voice, yelling, "I believe." A Shepard just believe: Now anyone Olivia newborn AI does not give up. Itself will bring up, she will grow. Whether a daughter, or sister.

  Do you think it is so important, what will become of a newborn AI for Olivia? He, the AI has become a member of the team Otryadovtsev. A full member of the team. Olivia would not agree to give the AI someone somewhere outside the squadron.

  - Captain ... John ... Thank you. - Olivia said quietly, going to the playground ladder hangar frigate, cruiser. - And from me, and from her ... - she pointed to the shimmering look in her hands the "blue box". - Commander. - She gently approached asking for glanced at Anderson. - She will need a body.

  - One of the halls of the frigate of information we tried to adjust to our new sokomandnitsy, Olivia. You there can stay with her around the clock. - David nodded. - If we are to be able to do more - just tell me. And what about the body - Engineer Adams will help you.

  - Thank you, Commander. - Olivia waited from the race will go to Mark Legion loaded packing. - Then we go ... to equip it.

  Anderson silently stepped aside.

  - First time I've seen such a happy Olivia. - He said the commander of the frigate quietly cruiser when kiborgessa and her companions left the hangar.

  - The first time I see her as a mother. - As Shepard said quietly. - And this role ... she is very to-face. In any case, it has already become a wonderful mother, I'm sure that now it is with great care and with all the fervor will plunge into the care of the newborn. And if the AI will get, thanks to the efforts of Adams, the body, it is the body, it will be a little less than perfect body Olivia. I think Olivia will be very happy. She will now have her own daughter. Brought up by her. Who would have thought that so business will turn. After all, to be honest, we were getting ready to shoot at the VI. And it seems, found a new member of the team, and crew teams. Fourth AI.

  - I agree, John. You can relax. The area of the Moon, we completely worked out. Now we go from the local clusters in the Horsehead Nebula.

  - It is clear, Commander. - Shepard went to him. Ahead were a few free hours before lights out and again he decided to devote their thinking and, of course, the memories.

  Reflections Shepard

  Jennifer normalization became the next step. Jack. Without Yavika try to rehabilitate this girl ... It was better not to try at all. Chakwas Karin Chakwas is recognized first. And it is - a professional in their field and a professional in their field. Yavik perfectly fulfilled its part of the job. He made the basis on which she, Jennifer, was Jennifer, and not Jack, not experimental Zero, could stabilize, could be rehabilitated and return to normal life.

  Jenny returns technology in real life was incredibly expensive and incredibly difficult and incredibly efficiently and effectively. For Jennifer allowed to return to the environment in which it will have to take the first steps into the real world after months kriosna. And then ... Then choose your own path. And this choice Yavik care, routinely providing several options and ensuring the actual scripts.

  The meeting of mother and daughter helped solve at once many questions and concerns. Jennifer was able to calm down - she was now near the dearest and most expensive for her people. She was no longer alone. Jenny decided she - she joined the detachment. And Svetlana through their channels to guarantee the protection and provision for her mother - mother, Valerie. It guarantees the rights of the mother of Jennifer live and work in Russia. There, in the open spaces of the vast country was plenty of room and no one doubted - Valerie will be able to arrange his life there as wish. Then Jenny is quiet for mom.

  Then, when Jennifer had signed all the necessary official documents, giving it full access to the detachment between Shepard and Jennifer had a conversation. This conversation was necessary, since Jennifer already acquainted with a number of records "Cerberus" and decided to deal with the organization. So, she already had a goal that could easily have been achieved within the framework of the Troop. With the support of the Troop.

  Jennie regularly asked for only two things. First - do not keep it in the rear, and the second - to give her a blow complex in Prague. The legitimate desire of the adult, who has seen a lot of man. That had to be satisfied. And Shepard then going to meet two goals. For Jenny was a fighter by nature and by nature. And I wanted to punish those who made of it, trying to create almost a doomsday weapon. Those who have not seen it in person, the person, a woman, and only saw the instrument.

  The new "Normandy" impressed all otryadovtsev. Both externally and internally. Yes, in many ways it was, of course, the former "Normandie", but expanded, doosnaschёnnaya, dovooruzhёnnaya, increased in size, and much, much better equipped and protected. Naturally, the first thought about what Anderson is the Collectors. Fighting them becomes necessary. It is not individual missions - there to punish, to destroy the SNM, and the battle system. Hence, it is necessary to climb in the relay "Omega Fourth," the good and the board "friend or foe" was available. And I waited for the moment of its use.

  Now the moment was approaching, I became more certain, more and more real. Becoming reality. On this ship, what was the "Normandie", transformed in fact a full-fledged heavy strike cruiser, could compete with the Collectors cruisers on an equal footing. What, as a fact, as a circumstance could not fail to please.

  Gardner Cook did not hit the dirt face - first dinner on board the frigate renewed all fell
to their liking. All appreciated the skills of a new chef enthusiastically. Internships, which passed Gardner on "Volga" went in his favor - he dramatically increased the level of their professional skills and acquired knowledge and skills needed to cook it, working on a fighting warship.

  Synthetic as clearly seen and felt then, in the early days of development, Shepard, an updated "Normandy" liked. They are, all three of them, have new cabins, they are provided with special facilities to work together.

  Jennifer liked her cabin. She at once, to be exact - almost immediately felt myself not in a temporary dwelling, namely the house. Mom also approved, after seeing the pictures sent to his daughter. So here were all made standard.

  Cockpit cruiser frigate was now comfortable and of organic - two armchairs, and Synthetic - two armchairs. It usually worked Olivia and Mark. Legion retained the landing party soldier status, Mark never eager to fight, but could be very effective and efficient fighter, and Olivia, both Synthet not allowed far and deep in the clash for obvious even to organic reasons - it was perhaps the first Synthetic, possessing slipway center, able to generate the AI control structure of the highest class. AI for such body was becoming secondary. So Mark and Legion were not going to give Olivia a right to hurt yourself or even more so - to die in the next razvedvyhode or armed clash. For such a sophisticated and powerful AI, what began Synthetic Corps, has been quite clear - the war is not on the doorstep, it is already underway. And war never really ends. I do not interrupt. I do not stop.

  Conversation with Yavikom, accustomed to rinse the toes in running water is confirmed in full. Difficult conversation turned. More precisely - monologue, and not the conversation. There was no need to discuss - just sensible voiced the thoughts of many other sentient.

  Work squadron in the Horsehead Nebula

  The Horsehead Nebula Troop ships were through a repeater that is located in the system Pax - in Directories and sailing directions, the system was characterized by the average standard, as are four known planets, fuel depots and repeater. Previously, most recently, the star called Pax World, but because of the dissatisfaction of a number of races unnecessary polysemy of the name of the local luminaries star renamed accordingly renamed and star system.

  The first planet in the way of the squadron turned Velez. Its thin atmosphere contains xenon and krypton, most of the other substances froze and fell to the surface in the form of snow. The bark of the planet was rich in Kalem, met and magnesium deposits.

  Research Group Corp. "Bayneri Helix" studied on the planet local primitive anaerobic forms of life and in the process discovered the carefully camouflaged shelter kroganskogo commander named Moreau. Many records and artifacts found in the shelter belongs to the era Rebellion krogan represented a significant value and were so quickly and for large amounts sold at auctions. Museums as always late for distribution and have not received anything valuable and significant. At the present time, as shown by the results of the scan, and of locating, kroganskogo base commander had long been abandoned and reliably. Jokes about the name kroganskogo leader, so similar to the name the chief pilot of the frigate, cruiser were quickly forgotten - no one wanted to spend time and energy on the frank stupidity - laughed and put aside laughter aside.

  A dwarf planet is covered by ice - Moran was even smaller than the familiar people Luna - the eternal companion of their parent planet. Planetary geologists have reasonably believed that once Moran was part of the Oort cloud, and moved here in this star system, as a result of a collision with another cosmic body. Cora Morana composed of water ice, the deeper layers consisted mostly of silicates, is sometimes met magnesium and aluminum deposits. Moran, that is significant, always facing one its side to a local luminary.

  Nover. Mostly cold planet, devoid of bodies of water, hardly suitable for habitation by commonly accepted standards. The planet was owned Noverianskoy Development Corporation, to lease laboratory for research that can not be carried out on a variety of reasons in any other place because of their danger or contradictory. Given the unique location, Nover has often been the scene of a variety of bizarre conspiracy theories.

  Shepard remembered them otryadovtsam, had a chance to move away from the Omega directly to Noverii receiving information from Rex. Of course, the krogan were most interested to rachni not acquired its former strength. Now, after the agreement with rachni, who found their home planet, taken under protection Spetsflotom Empire could count on something better, even - on the positive. And then - unlikely it could seriously expect.

  Alenko true then asked about what they have to do with rachni. Shepard and he would ask such a question to the higher commander. The only answer to such a question would get immediately and completely - is problematic.

  Yes, briefly laughed similarity of names kroganskogo leader and chief pilot of the frigate, yes, quickly determined that the planet Nover not received any other hazard codes other than the code "Omega" with the "Top 15". It was also possible to establish that noveriantsy not aware of the presence on the planet getskogo units.

  Interaction with Gianna Parazinho and some Anoleisom now did not want to remember the details - Troop ships came into this star system in the framework of a consistent collection of information, not to provide any specific assistance to specific reasonable on a separate planet. Yavik was right - if Queen rachni had a direct relationship with their soldiers and workers rachni, they are a group of Detachment of disembarkation, as quickly and efficiently their task would be to "top-15" and the station "Cleft" would not be fulfilled.

  How, then, I called him the World-VI? Captain Shepard-Spectrum? And that sounds good. Legion's, calls him Captain Shepard. And - often calls. A World-VI called him almost as much, adding only status - "Spectrum". As the ancients said there? We humans are what we do. And rightly so because said these wise ancient. Absolutely correct. And then Svetlana, coming on the link showed a real high grade ambiguity - the official radio traffic show many of participation and concern .... How was it then valuable to Shepard, and given the fact that it was not a private radio channel, probably, it was valuable for other normandovtsev, even for Turian and proteanina. Probably. I want to believe it.

  Meeting with doktoressoy Alestiey Yallis - researcher commandos Shepard showed that asari, as well as people - are very different. A Matriarchy, which this commando as originally served and obeyed, indeed already is a problem. Which now ceased to be a problem. How then Yavik said in a conversation with Svetlana? Evolution - this is what saves us from imminent collapse. The same is true it said. In full accordance with the moment. Who better than him proteaninu, elderly, without any discounts and conventions, race, so to speak. And then Svetlana replied that Yavik, beyond any doubt, consult, if necessary, and with the repeater. May be. Know that indoctrinate asari commando killer sent to indoctrinate matriarchy asari ... This knowledge is annoying.

  Remembering the conversation with the queen rachni already on board the "Volga" would far from complete. Guilty of suffering rachni were then all - including asari krogan, Turian, Protheans, people. No one appeared, who would not be marked as opponents of the strong and not too ordinary race.

  Then, at the Citadel had to sign an agreement on the elimination of many defendants in the incident on Noverii. And then the same thing happened to do Admiral Kahoku. Since then, from the time of the meeting, enough time has passed. And now had, it is possible to find the ending of the story. On the Admiral for a long time there was no news. So, buying a mention. Unconvincing. Malokonkretnye. And then I had to leave in the Artemis Tau, in the Sparta system. On Ēdole. Then there was found a working beacon. And then ... Then I followed the landing on Edole to an abandoned cargo ship, deflated with the orbit of the planet. We had to find out. While traveled - wheeled transporter selected from the shuttle refused - XO clearly felt irritation Yavika noise endlessly falling meteorites in the atmosphere of the planet. Inspection abandoned ship demonstration Yavikom "picture" proisshledshego proving the direct involvement of Cerberus. The desire to fl
y away from this ship and Kahoku report results as quickly as possible. Well, that drew the attention of Yavik normandovtsev the probe, posted Cerberus - or rather, thrown on the surface of the planet.

  Then it was necessary to negotiate with the two threshers - the laws of hospitality is almost always the same for sentient beings. Turning off the lighthouse, moving warped carriers on rock ridge, kosmopehov funeral. Shepard remembered how nervous Kaidan, representing in place of any of the victims his bride. He remembered how tense were cops-desantiki. It turned out that Baines and many paratroopers with equipment are tserberovtsev hands. The XO was afraid to even think that Kahoku can be also captured tserberovtsami. From what showed Yavik, should that "Cerberus" almost no people - except on bases and ships.

  Svarog - the last planet of the system, not long delayed detachment - a standard test, the standard mapping, standard survey of the area of accommodation and the planet itself. After half an hour left in the Troop ships to haul Courage system has five planets registered and therefore ascribed to the category average.

  As always, the most distant planet was normal hydrogen-helium gas giant Tesalgon - does not particularly remarkable. Small methane in the atmospheric layer disk of the planet gave a bluish tint.

  Information from distant scanners and radar squadron already have taken aim at the next planet star system - Zavin, gave the foundation specialists convey reports in order Troop Command marked "depth study with the landing party." Zavin thin atmosphere of the planet were carbon dioxide and ethane. The planet's surface covered with ice, high cobalt content was observed in the cortex, met copper deposits. Finding intelligent beings living on the planet's surface was fraught with danger - there is always raging ice storm.

  - Commander. - I reported specialist skanerschik. - The work on the identification of a drifting ship. Identified as the "Magnificent" - modular transport ship class Kowloon, designed on Earth. The ship will leave on the specified data, all compartments depressurized. Damage to the motor and power circuit indicate that the ship was attacked by other armed ship - there are traces of the application weight of the accelerator. Weak radioactive trail leads to the planet Zavin.


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