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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 48

by Theodore Daniels

  - Confirm. - Saren said. - Latitude gives icons five commandos and three snipers. Sniper traditionally - in shelters across the room, I do not think that they will be put out unnecessarily. So what we are doing them. - Turian-spectrum exchanged glances with Alenko. - And you destroy commandos. Do not let them approach.

  Alenko nodded, gesturing rasporyazhasyas his men. One of the paratroopers-fives policemen led Richard.

  - Inputs. Do not give destroy the media. - Quietly ordered Shepard.

  A few minutes a fierce firefight. No pictures of explosions, no picture somersaults. Fierce struggle and fleeting. The first fell commandos, not expecting such an effective fire impact for them one by one out of order snipers.

  - Olivi, take the channel. - Alenka was at the console. - Transmit information.

  - Channel took. I'll ity. I translate into multichannel. - She replied kiborgessa. - Norma. Three minutes later, data sampling is completed. Guard room. Check explosives and elimination system, Kaidan.

  - Richard. - Lieutenant nodded and rushed to the corporal has inconspicuous container in the corner. Behind him, two Marines were quick-policemen who had sapper training.

  - Self-destruct system detects inactive. Inactivity - confirmed. - After a few minutes, I reported the corporal.

  - Accepted. - Confirmed Alenko.

  - Fence completed information. - Olivia said. - This room can prepare to undermine. Files are encrypted, but we have already checked - their transcript will not leave a lot of time. According to preliminary data information relates to the activities of the Military Department "Cerberus". Check out the rest of the premises of the complex.

  - Accepted Olivi. - Shepard characters ordered teammate fall to two and three and begin combing. destruction of Procedure few guards and sampling information from the terminal is aligned with the procedure gutting commodity and instrument containers. Set the multi-channel communication with the landing of a group kiborgessa could now dedicate to the information is no longer pumping moments, but only tens of seconds, ultimately reducing the time of withdrawal.

  - Finish the captain. - Reported Alenko an encrypted audio channel. - Destroyed fifty-six guards, three snipers, two rocketeer. Resistance hardly exerted. All media tested, the data is copied. Install an explosion-network.

  - Welcome. - Shepard took a few files with brief additional information on your instrumentron, watched. Returned two Turian and proteanin.

  - Brains all five dozen guards contain the same information with slight variations, Captain. - Yavik said. - It appears that the transition to the network structure of the organization "Cerberus" has ceased to allocate this base, among others. Almost any valuable information. - Warrior ancient race siphoned findings on instrumentron Shepard. - I do not know. I expected more resistance. And here...

  - Then we will have more time to quality degradation of the dubious splendor, Yaw. - Number One watched the screen instrumentrona as a schematic map of the underground complex of the main base of "Cerberus" is covered by the explosion lines network. - Soon we will finish installing the grid and will be ready to make a bada-boom.

  - Miranda something reported on the Military Department "Cerberus". She confirmed in their reports that "Cerberus" enslaved sliders Thorian and beetles rachni as a military force. - Noted Yavik. - Do not be surprised if we find bandages and those and others.

  - Maybe find. - XO nodded. - Most likely - there is scientific complex. Or Science Center. In general - something to do with science.

  - Captain, complex undermine prepared. - She appeared in the corridor Alenko Jenkins and all the cops-paratroopers.

  - Then - to the output. Fly away from this place at kilometer and explode complex. After that - doing all the other points of our plan of work for the planet. - I ordered the XO. - All - on the shuttles. Fast.

  The explosion set one of normandovtsev not impressed. It is a working situation, is not designed for entertainment. All members of the landing party has satisfied the message duplicated spices "Volga" and "Normandy", which stated unequivocally - a set can not be restored. Cheaper is now to build a new, and it is - time resources. Now you can move on to other items of the work plan.

  The wreckage of the crashed probe was found almost undamaged cargo compartment, closed on the combination lock. Landed on the ropes and the two policemen Alenko gutted compartment, took the improvements intended for armor and weapons on board their shuttle and Shepard beeped its readiness to continue the flight.

  Salarian, whose body found locators squadron, he turned mercenary "Cerberus". During his badge was found indeed, but he already belonged to a certain captain Varsintu - one of salarian troops involved, as explained released on bond with a group of landing Mordin, removing members of Union League. It remains unknown where and under what circumstances found and seized the artifact itself salarian mercenary. The corpse did not bury mercenary - he has enough mummified under the influence of the global environment.

  Not far from the thrasher nest was found Standard Research boxing brand "P8" in which Jenkins and three policemen, commandos found and seized some useful items. Thrasher learned Shepard did not attack and went down into the ground, to the female, believing that aliens are not to disturb him and not remain near the nest for a long time. Shepard still do not understand how such a large size living and, of course, reasonable creation of nature, was able to support deep space communication with relatives, are on another planet. In that thrashers communicate with each other, have the exec had no doubt, but the ability to maintain zmeechervey between a bond on a truly cosmic distances impressed.

  In just a few hours of landing the group found, described, it marked the limits and put beacons on three geological mineral deposits - thorium, platinum and beryllium. The specified data immediately went on board the squadron, from which, after post-treatment were sent to the centers of the plurality of space geology Citadel races.

  - Looks like we're done here. - Said the lieutenant, when normandovtsy completed documenting beryllium deposits. - I do not know, Captain, but I think we were very lucky. We did not encounter a particularly fierce resistance. It seems this time we managed to get ahead of "Cerberus".

  - May be. - Shepard shut instrumentron. - In many ways, you are right, Kaidan, but ahead of us - bandages and I do not think there will be as easy. So, alas, we relax until more can not. Semi-closed mode will be saved - we are dealing with a strong and trained enemy. - Number One looked around, pressed a button and the total collection included a speaker at a conference call. - All - the cars. We return to the ship, colleagues!

  Return to the "Normandy" has not taken a lot of time. Taking on board the shuttles, the frigate - cruiser signaled "Volga" readiness for the flight to the CEDAW, and descended from the orbit of the planet.

  Greenhouse Earth-like planet, the atmosphere of which was composed of nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, CEDAW has significant deposits of iron, gold, and occasionally met deposits. The planet had a hot and tectonically active nucleus. The eruption of the local volcano were commonplace, and the constant emission of gases has caused a significant increase in atmospheric density.

  Four hours Detachment reached the limits of the Amazon star system in which the five planets have been reported. The first planet, the most remote from the center of the system was an ordinary hydrogen-helium giant Tremar, the upper layers of the atmosphere which contain impurities of methane and nitrogen. Just during the pre-scan of the planet more experts CIC "Normandy" found a new field of nitrogen, characterized by a high concentration of this gas. Formalized information about the finding, experts at CIC forwarded its accessories - all interested races. It was then carried out standard-depth examination of the planet itself and the area of its location.

  A few hours - and in front of the disc of the planet appears to Sibiu - a small, rocky, ice-covered and features a thin, even very thin atmospheric layer containing hydrogen sulphide and ethane. The cold surface of the Sibiu consisted mostly of magnesium silicates and iron deposits o
ccurred. The bark of Sibiu, as demonstrated in-depth scan of the "Volga" equipment contained the mineral serpentine, formed by volcanic activity. The presence of this mineral is clearly indicated and confirmed the fact geologically active past Sibiu planet. Scanning also revealed in the geostationary orbit of the planet a large number of mines. Saren has confirmed that in the area of the planet Turian Hierarchy led fighting against a strong enemy. What was the enemy, Turian-Spectrum did not specify, for obvious reasons. Navigator Pressly with the support engineer Adams found in orbit of the planet Sibiu small unmanned probe marked emblem turian Base Quad. The probe was brought on board the frigate, cruiser, disarmed and handed over to the Turian, as a monument turian military history.

  The second largest planet of Earth-like in the Amazon system was Sonedma differs dry climate. Sonedmy density was much lower than the density of neighbor - the planet Derneki. Sonedmy atmosphere contain carbon dioxide and ethane, cold surface consisted mostly of silicates with an admixture of iron, sulfur deposits encountered. In the process of in-depth scan of the planet experts "Volga" found a small deposit of rare earth elements - polonium. Following protocol, information about the discovery of individuality and transferred to share.

  The huge planet Earth-like - Derneka had a dry climate, on its surface basalt plateau interspersed with barren desert covered with dozens of tons of silica dust with iron impurities. Environment Derneki remind earthlings Martian atmosphere consisted mainly of carbon dioxide and argon, but the mass of the planet, the size is twice the Earth was enough to keep beside him a considerable amount of helium, and even molecular hydrogen. Derneki strength of gravity is quite large, allowing the planet to hold more than a dozen satellites - mostly captured asteroids. In some places in the world were located dozens of craters of different size, the characteristics of which showed that it was so finished their way Dernekoy other captured asteroids.

  Mobilization. Spy probe

  When you are approaching the Agebiniyu - a small Earth-like planets, triggered sirens earlier treasured sepulchral silence. Synthetic, digging in these bins, hung on the information screens squadron explanation - active system of one of the probes sent by the Alliance for decades for various "addresses". Problems Probe not be represented, if not its nuclear stuffing - each probe carried as a weapon and as a means of self-destruction a small nuclear warhead.

  - Commander, I believe that the probe is not so simple his voice. - Shepard, familiarized with submitted Synthetic data released on audio communication with the cabin Anderson.

  - You're right, Shepard. I have received confirmation from the Alliance. They also heard the voice of the probe and are very concerned - this is the third time in the last ten years. The first two cases we were able to zalegendirovat, but that was long ago. Now ... on many data of the probe signal is intensified not automatic. Mark is dead and the Legion are the fact that it was done by hand, and I am inclined to believe them. If this is done by hand, then at least the probe found sentient beings, and most likely it is the planet's surface - the people. Maybe - adventurers, but I am inclined to suspect criminals, Captain. So - landing party in a reduced lineup in full combat - to work, John. Order of the techniques is given both the shuttle ready.

  - Acknowledged, Commander.

  - Proceed. We need to neutralize the probe and find out who was able to activate it and for what purpose. I do not think that the goal is noble. And such a weapon in the hands of an individual - it is dangerous and undesirable. The landing permission.

  - Yes, commander.

  Already being in the interior of the first shuttle heading towards Agebiniyu Shepard view additional information on the planet. According to some data Agebiny was deprived of most of his relying much thicker atmosphere. Red giant - a star Amazon has been long-period variable star in the moment, when the squad came in, she was at the minimum of his sixteen-year cycle. At the peak of the amount of energy produced doubled the star, the temperature and the level of radiation in the "acute" period increased sharply.

  Bark Agebiniya mainly composed of aluminum, and tin deposits encountered. Most of the planet's surface was covered with a thin layer of silicate dust, which easily penetrates even the narrowest gaps, and often become the reason of refusal techniques. Therefore, the group once again did not use conveyors - did not want to raise a cloud of dust and aggressive dolgoosedayuschey endanger machines and equipment.

  - Clean again? - Kaidan asked for audio communication.

  - Yes, Kai. Leaders Alliance wised up a bit with the time of the first of such activation and now does not want to Citadel once again learned about these here once neglected by mankind in the "surprises" space. Our goal - to disarm and return the probe. He had almost fulfilled his term, it almost reached the limit of safety. You could say we were in Agebiniya time. A probe to some extent in time on the phone again. Whoever he or activated, it does not apply to the legal representatives of the Alliance. Synthetic is clearly confirmed. So, it's either an adventurer, or - a bandit, determined to get their hands sverhrazrushitelnoe high-tech weapons.

  - Captain, re-depth scan of the combined hardware gave the result. - Olivia reported. - The originator of the activation of the probe - a Elanus Haliat - the former head of the bandits and pirates Terminus, one of the key masterminds Skyllian Blitz. We suggest analyzing the available data, it is likely to take revenge for the fact that the Alliance has opened its operation during the Blitz. In any case, we have no doubt - he was going to detonate a bomb, taken from the probe. - Olivia sent exec multiple files with pictures and diagrams. - The probe is moved in the associates Elanusa old mine, at the end of the main output. Remotely impossible to defuse the bomb. There are three detonators, the total period of activation which - ten seconds. There are also data indicating mining approaches to the bomb.

  - Accepted Olivi. - Shepard convinced that all members of the group got acquainted with the Forward on board the frigate, cruiser materials. - Getting Started.

  - Next to mine one of the bandits there. - Kaidan reported. - We checked out the next bandyuganov - more than a mile. There is not too much run about.

  - Desantiruemsya. Take control of the entrance to the mine, three - with me, take mine Presents established Haliatom immurement to the mine entrance. I - I Disarm the bomb. Then after my three signal from the surface down to me and we make the probe together with the charge. Saren, Nihlus. You - the destruction of the bandits in the distance sniping. Do not give them time to recover. Talking with them we have nothing, Haliata - fell immediately and tightly. The rest - to finish and control.

  - Yes, Captain. - Three policemen paratroopers with sapper training, part of the company exec, both Turian went to look for a comfortable position for firing a snayperok rest fled, taking custody of the entrance to the mine.

  Highlighting flashlight itself, Shepard quickly neutralized three detonators set Haliatom. He recognized his handwriting - Spices Academy Ain-seven regularly publish "reports", allows us to identify problematic gangsters wherever they appear. Meanwhile, sappers defused firecrackers set of arches around the perimeter entrances to the mine. Three policemen paratroopers came from the surface, helped to render the probe and the charge on the surface.

  - Captain, three snipers among the bandits. - Audio-Nihlus reported. - We have them cleared. We finished off the rest. Drivers are ready to send the machine for finishing.

  - No need to spend heavy weapons charges. - Shepard said. - Sank approaching closer and then trying to achieve. They are not going anywhere.

  - Confirm the captain. - To communicate out Olivia. - We see a picture in maximum detail - they can not escape.

  - Acknowledged, Captain. Then - a few minutes by applying a shock stuns. - Nihlus said.

  - Proceed. - Shepard three cops, Marines pulled the probe and the charge for the first shuttle, closed the cargo bay. - This task we have decided. - He opened instrumentron, called map, made a mark. - Now we understand with bandits and solve a small problem according to the plan.

  - Bandits immobilized. - I reported to go down to the shuttles Nihlus. Saren nodded, confirming the word partner.

  - Georgia, reaching is execute, monitor the corpses and head for the plan points. - He ordered Shepard, the last climbing aboard the first shuttle. - Flew. - He said to the driver, making sure Alenko, Jenkins and colleagues had already boarded the second shuttle.

  Final punishment of the pirates did not take more than a few minutes - normandovtsy shot at seriously wounded thugs straight out openings shuttles salons.

  - Clean. - Reported Nihlus, folding sniper rifle. - Control - the norm.

  - Clean. - I reported Alenko also clasped his sniper rifle. - Control - the norm.

  - Fly to the camp of mercenaries. There's a little shoot will have to - of the bandits remained in the camp. - Shepard pointed novopostupivshie on board the frigate, cruiser Agebiniya images of the surface. - To destroy there the inmates and disembowel camp charges. Gangster equipment we do not need.

  A quarter of an hour of flight, and five or six minutes of the massacre of the pirates, do not expect that the victim will escape the traps so expertly arranged. Charges guns ripped shuttle engine "Grizzly", flashed wall and door of an apartment and the bar tent.

  - Follow to the probe. Richard, will withdraw all of the cargo compartment. - I ordered the XO.

  - Yes, Captain. - Said the corporal. - Will be done.

  Ten minutes evisceration gruzootseke probe found carrying in his belly armor and weapon enhancements. Whoever sent out the "gifts" on the planets, he clearly did not require a report, and payment for such generous gifts. And besides, I did not establish exactly who should get these improvements.

  When the shuttle approached the next point, Shepard said, tense, both Turian. There turian wrecked ship.

  - Scavenger. - Saren muttered, staring at the screen and setting twirling cameras. - Luckily for him - dead. Nay, it is necessary to check the handles. Are set down.


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