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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 49

by Theodore Daniels

  Junior turian-spectrum nodded and a moment later the two turian already searched the body of the seeker of easy money. The body was as shown simultaneously conducted by a rapid analysis, far from civilization sources, and - for a long time.

  Back at the cabin, silently showed Nihlus Shepard album with drawings, among which was the base image Siglar logo. Having packed in a container discovery, turians took their seats in the cabin seats. Shepard nodded allow the driver to direct the vehicle to the next waypoint.

  - Broken vehicle. - Alenko reported. - Kontrgravitatsionny supercar. I wonder who is forgotten here is so expensive luxury toy ?! Judging by the nature of the erosion of the body, fragments are found here since the last activity of the star. Sixteen years have passed, or so. The body of the pilot ... on balances seen - was dressed in an expensive suit insulation. Let me clarify right, Captain?

  - Permission granted. You two policemen and three paratroopers. - I ordered Shepard.

  - There is. - The screen was clearly visible, as the five earthlings slipped on the ropes in the second hook on the planet's surface, close to the broken vehicle, and began to visit and search remains.

  - Found the name of the brand - a "Nezo" sir. - Richard reported. - Take nothing, only has a melt old pilot's clock. Olive claims that these glasses were sold under the order and had IDs. It is possible, we will find at least a pilot's relatives, whoever he was.

  - Good. Take away everything of value and return on the shuttle. We've got - work with deposits. - Shepard said. - Olivi?

  - You can try, Captain. - She replied kiborgessa. - This is - a chance. I like to use the slightest chance.

  - All valuable withdrawn. You can continue the flight. - Alenko reported.

  - Accepted. - Shepard looked at the map, the highlighted on-screen in the cabin, said the next step. - Forward.

  Testing three fields - beryllium, magnesium and samarium took as usual a few hours. Hardly to clean suits and armor from dust, returned to normandovtsy salons shuttles and Shepard allow drivers to send the car to the frigate, cruiser. The next landing was completed. Ahead of a meeting with the next cell "Cerberus" and that the prospect of forced normandovtsev volgovtsev and prepare in advance and in full.

  In the Yangtze River system, which was considered the presence of five planets iz-za average star system, detachment was getting four o'clock - there was no need to rush too much, and to attract the attention of ships and stations "Cerberus" is also not hotelos.Pervoy planet in the system and how generally, the most remote, was Pataziri, thin atmosphere which contained chlorine and neon. Cold surface Pataziri consisted mostly of silica, met copper deposits. During the long cold nights of atmospheric chlorine deposited on the surface in the form of frost. While scanning the planet it was found a large deposit of rare earth elements - thorium.

  After completing the initial findings and reaching a preliminary description of the survey squad gave information on deposit in the largest geological information search engines and went to Alruperu - Earth-like planets with extremely tenuous atmosphere composed of nitrogen and krypton. The cold surface of the planet consisted mostly of light metals, met deposits frozen ammonia.

  Since the planet has been registered by another limiting removal of a rather weak manifestly artificial signal. With the help of more sensitive radar cruiser "Volga" was able to identify the source of the signal, which was a small escape pod. It was the body of a long-dead Turian.

  - Commander. - Anderson entered the cabin Saren. - I know we did not bury the team and not the Bureau of good offices, but I ask you to take this body and personal belongings on board. Sooner or later, we still find ourselves close to the ships or colonies Hierarchy and will be able to hand over the body for burial normative.

  - Do not mind Sar. - Said the commander of the frigate, cruiser, for a few seconds, up from typing on instrumentrone.

  - Thank you, Commander. - Turian-Spectrum turned and walked out of the cabin, heading for Adams - engineer traditionally worked on the technical and technological support such work.

  With five probes rescue capsule was carefully opened, the body Turian and all his belongings were packed into containers and taken on board the frigate, cruiser. Nihlus Saren and took an active part in removing the body from the container and in the analysis of personal belongings of the deceased tribesman. With the observance of all the traditions and rituals of the body was in a befitting obrjazhaja turian clothes and placed in an insulated capsule.

  - I'm in. Come on. Then drive to the Prothean data. - Saren said, pulling out a container of rags.

  Arrived in proteanin bay took the disc in hand, examined:

  - Whole. So, you can get a lot of information. Thanks, Cap.

  - It's my pleasure. - Saren continued to inspect and search rags. - My tribesman died twelve years ago. And how many people like him, the dead will be when to begin ...

  - Many, Sar. Sadly - a lot. - Yavik said, stepping compartment door.

  Survey Alrumptera and parts of the world took the standard one and a half hours, and then it was the turn Dregira - a small rocky planet with an extremely rarefied atmosphere of krypton and silicates. There are also deposits of magnesium, aluminum and other light metals. Dregir had a weak magnet field, which is not allowed to use it for the discharge of spacecraft engines, but without a planet is of considerable value as a backup pantry metals. Specialists of "Volga", conducting in-depth scanning, found previously unrecorded in geological vaults large deposit of beryllium.

  Mobilization. Traverse. "Cerberus"

  While specialists Squad examined Dregir and were a refined detailed description for set of parameters, the group landing "Normandy" is ready to work on the bandage. Long-range scanners and radars already probed the planet, accounting for a preliminary set of data - hiding was stupid and unproductive. Bintou atmosphere composed of carbon dioxide with an admixture of chlorine and sulfur dioxide, which became periodically cause of acid rains. The bark of the planet consisted mostly of sulfur, calcium deposits encountered. Like most terms of congestion Voyager, bandages appeared on the maps of space no more than twenty years ago, thanks to the active work of the Research Alliance ships. Ecosystem as such there was no bandages and Shepard and his teammate on the landing band is not surprised by an unusual shortness of general information on the planet,

  Sitting in the lounge of the first shuttle, Shepard had seen on the screen of instrumentrona common work plan. In the first place there were three scientific bases "Cerberus" - it seems, and teammate and otryadovtsy in general were right - it housed a large research unit "Cerberus". nauchnikov frostbite was well known: in order to satisfy his irrepressible curiosity, they were able to take such action, that all reasonable, not belonging to the community of their hair-raising, and appeared ill-concealed desire to immediately shoot everyone who had the slightest relation to the scientists.

  Yavik, decided this time as part of the company command level landing party, made no secret of its interest in the survey Prothean outpost - the usual pyramid and has repeatedly expressed a direct surprise, astonishment and lack of understanding of the fact that such a high-tech pyramid remained out of the spotlight tserberovskih clever. Scanners Troop meanwhile found at the top of the pyramid Prothean a few children's toys, children's and adult ragged clothes and Prothean data disc. It is on this disc Yavik and pinned great hopes - in the rest of the pyramid was almost empty and contained nothing particularly valuable. But the fact of indifference to the wise men from the neighborhood outpost of civilization Prothean bad guards.

  The planet was also found another crashed probe with the regular portion of the improvements to the armor and weapons. Volgovtsy and normandovtsy already joked that someone is trying to organize on the set of planets with weapons warehouses, preparing either vsegalakticheskuyu war among all races, or simply creating a network of warehouses "just in case".

  Two mineral deposits are also waiting normandovtsev - had to make to the database information on the uranium deposits a
nd palladium. The lack of information about the planet in the Code, available to most races of the Galaxy, the bad fame "Cerberus" is not allowed explorers reason to be increased professional interest in the mineral and other wealth of the planet. It is possible that at least for a short time civilian explorers and industrialists will be able to gain access to the resources of the planet after the landing party will destroy this research center. The fact that the center is necessary to physically destroy, no member of the landing party did not doubt - the benefit of the experience has been and additional field training is not required.

  - Please, colleagues, investigated with the center, destroying the complex evacuation, if we find the body of Admiral and all the information, what it will be on the drives. - Shepard said, including a scrambled channel conferencing. Then - do all the other points. As always, do not let the inhabitants of the complex to destroy or spoil the drives themselves to blame inhabitants without question - the prisoners are not necessary, it is not our main task. If there are rachni torianskie or slides - fell immediately and tightly as the take off field. Information given to you all, learn and use. The suits keep completely private. Before planting? - Shepard looked at the screen, where appeared the driver of the shuttle.

  - Twenty minutes, sir. We'll get to a safe distance and do the hair of cannons and machine guns shuttle external protection.

  - Welcome. Proceed. - Shepard nodded.

  - Yes, sir. - The driver knew that the disposal of the commander of the landing party, and heard his colleague, leading a second shuttle, so he did not make any clarifying messages encoded channels, simply by switching the screen and channels.

  Shepard knew that taking drives them otryadovtsam, will be able to learn a lot about what kind of experiments on living beings spent "Cerberus". Aware of the power structure of the organization, the XO doubt, it will be possible to know too much - the principle of reasonable sufficiency of information has worked in the organization as well as possible - but never any information is better than its absence. It is clear that here - is also one of the isolated cells "Cerberus", one of the first scientific bases. The past does not let go of people, whoever they were, therefore, to complete the picture, it was necessary to find out everything about the activities of employees "Cerberus" that were part of the cell. It was necessary to do as much as possible and in order to lay another foundation to the success of the struggle with the "Cerberus".

  Admiral Kahoku certainly risked not only having found using otryadovtsev their dead Marines, but also by making the correct unambiguous conclusion that the ambush that killed infantrymen Alliance was organized by a group of "Cerberus". Then it was, to be exact - continued so called, has in fact not as a simple group of like-minded people. Quickly she, this "group" is strengthened to the status of an extensive and powerful organization. Very fast. This is so quick and powerful fortification was impossible to carry out without a solid continuous external support. The shadow side of human nature worked here for one hundred percent, "Cerberus", formally under the guise of being a member of the Systems Alliance as a specialized organization - in this structure were so many people,

  - Captain, modern data obtained by scanning the area. We stir the nest, we have been trying to meet and delay. - Nihlus reported. - Forwards the packet. Three bases "Cerberus" have the same structure - standard underground complexes, land pancakes inputs are equipped with two defensive gun turrets on the tops. Inside the scanner data placed troops and civilian staff "Cerberus". Among the troops scanners noted snipers, commandos, probiotics, including civilian - working-class technicians. There is also a room in which the registered work force field generators. There rachni hold and slide Thorian, sir.

  - All - to get acquainted with the material received, colleagues. - I ordered Shepard. - And remember, only shoot to kill. Try not to touch the drives and stand with them. Zhukov and slides destroyed. Most likely, it is necessary to remove the protective field - it is unlikely we will be able to shoot effectively and efficiently through it.

  After receiving confirmation emails that members of the group to work Shepard ordered - and drivers shuttles destroyed the gun turrets on the ground portals of all three complexes, and also shot a few and slabovooruzhёnnye compared with shuttles Troop foot patrols tserberovtsev.

  - Set down. Alenka, four leave on the surface. The order - none of tserberovtsev out not to release from the complexes.

  - Yes, sir. - Lieutenant ordered in a low voice, and hung from the shuttle almost all normandovtsy jumped on the planet's surface. Yavik habitually left in cloak back in the cabin, so that his presence tserberovtsy never learned.

  - Inputs. Group aregarde - closely monitor the outputs of the complexes. Do not let anyone. - Shepard ordered, opening the lock on the entrance gateway of the first set.

  Here they tried to render fierce resistance. Nearly a dozen soldiers "Cerberus", some commandos, snipers and three biotics. Alenko pulled to its fullest, blocking and paralyzing the staff-biotics - joint training with Jennifer gave sverhpolozhitelny result. Nihlus and Saren as usual and quickly shot the snipers - tserberovtsy and could not compete with professional spectrum. Technicians work was also tried to shoot a gun, but the cops paratroopers under the leadership actively and aiming to shoot Richard quickly showed them that communicate with the professional soldiers in an attempt to make them not to be opposition from the outset.

  - Three workers rachni captain. - Reported Nihlus folding sniper rifle and watching as Alenko and Jenkins working the consoles, multi-channel communication by transmitting the contents of the drives. - There tserberovtsy have already established a system to eliminate them. We can take advantage of it, and then perform control. - Turian did not specify exec, that the body of Kahoku was nowhere to be found within the first baseman.

  - Rich, how much time is necessary? - Corporal Shepard asked to cast over the keyboard once the console.

  - Ten minutes, Captain. - Said the non-commissioned officer. - Ground-based group reported a moment ago - have still quiet. From the third-base attempted to slip three civilian staff "Cerberus" - lay dead at the entrance. Step made by the portal - and went. So there is peace and quiet.

  - Welcome. - Shepard turned to the shroud of the protective field, he came up to the desk, opened the lid of the compartment that housed the red button of the liquidation system. - Well. Tserberovtsy gave us the opportunity, we try to use it. - Kruglyashi he pushed buttons and inside the protective field zabusheval fire. Three minutes later, the charred remains of three working rachni were the only contents of the perimeter, enclosed shield generators. - Turn off. Lieutenant, prepare a base to undermine.

  - Yes, Captain. - Officer Corporal nodded and they went back to the entrance to the hall, where they were piled trunks with explosives. They immediately began to help five policemen paratroopers, so while there was a transfer of data from storage devices detected on the base, the base itself was efficiently and quickly prepared to undermine and destroy. - The network is checked, Captain. - Alenko reported. - Data transfer completed, found no more nevypotroshenyh drives.

  - All - to the output. Once Let us enter into the second base - the first to undermine the base. Group aregarde - revel at a safe distance. - Ordered Shepard getting on instrumentron electronic receipts in support of the adoption of guidelines for execution. - We leave.

  The second complex base located three hundred meters from the first, the structure was the same as the first. Again, the landing group tried to attack the sniper, commando, biotics and art-work. Again there was a small, short, fierce firefight and professional. Having shot in the head all tserberovtsam, the group issued a signal to undermine the first base and was pleased to hear and see how the structure collapses into hell, become unfit for any use. It used to be that for the flame conditions are needed, but now scientists have presented people with new formulations that can burn in any atmosphere, even without the presence of this. So that the fire that engulfed the area of the first base, impressed.

nbsp; While the flames devoured rich food, and Alenko Jenkins engaged pumping speed information from the second base drive aboard "Normandy", where the data took their designated seats in the isolated storage decks. Synthetic safety checked and have already begun to decipher arrays. Nihlus, bypassed the entire complex and carefully examined the room, shook his head, letting him know Number One, that the body of Admiral Kahoku and not here. Shepard gave a curt nod to understand the teammate that he understood, and then took instrumentron recent reports aregarde and operational data scanning area accommodation complex with the orbit of the planet. Admiral body showed sign within the third base. Features unequivocally confirmed - Admiral's dead, and for a long time.

  - The base is prepared to undermine. - Alenko reported for coded communication channel. - Here - slides Thorian, sir. I can use tserberovskuyu system liquidation of biological objects.

  - Data?

  - All drives are handled, sir. Data transfer is completed. The base in this sense - completely gutted, sir.

  - Good. Proceed to the elimination of biological objects. - Shepard went to the door of the main hall of the complex, is not paying attention to the violence of the flames within the perimeter of the protective field. Admiral was dead, and for a long time. XO no doubt - a confirmation of this fact was referred to Anderson.

  - At third base - cautiously. - Shepard said when the band left the underground part of the second base and left on the surface. - Kahoku body found there. Do not damage the fire and do not let destroy it. For location - Shepard handed to teammate instrumentrony some files - you can see for yourself - the body is located within the perimeter of the protective field. At third base marked presence in the perimeter of soldiers rachni. The field would have to take before the explosion base, so soldiers rachni guaranteed to destroy, not to give them to approach the body of Admiral. Try to shoot accurately, to not one drop of acid from reaching the Kahoku.

  The consonants were nods teammate response exec. Although they are not really in need of additional guidance, yet the words of senior assistant commander of the frigate, cruiser were needed here and now.


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