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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 63

by Theodore Daniels

  - Karin ... - Svetlana looked at the ship's doctor. - I promise that it is nowhere neither from me nor from protection does not go anywhere.

  - You promise? - Chakwas little sidelong glance at Streltsov. - Okay. If he will guard and he does not run away somewhere alone - permission to visit the Citadel. But if he escapes or come under fire - the next few months he will hold me in the position of the patient-prisoner.

  - I swear anything, Karin. - Shepard sat down on the bed, folded his hands in front of chest. - I'll just be a good boy. From light I'm still not able to run anywhere, and security ... If you think that it is necessary for me ... What then, obey.

  - Then - try to start to stand up, John. And remember that the Light ...

  - I remember. - Shepard grabbed the rim bed, swung his legs, stood up, took a few steps. - Ugh. I thought it will be worse. - He came to Karin, bowed before her, kissing her hands. - Thank you, Karin. You saved me.

  - You saved it. - Chakwas eyes pointed to embarrass Svetlana. - Without her presence here, I would have been able to do very little.

  - Sveta. - John turned to his wife, enclosing it in a strong and gentle hug. - Thank you. Thank you, dear. - He kissed the face of the beloved and feared that she would see tears in the corners of his eyes. And Svetlana really saw them. Videla, responding to kiss the most expensive for her man. Karin quietly came to the laboratory, leaving John and Svetlana alone.

  - XO - on the bridge! - Cried officer of the watch, as soon as John and Svetlana came within CIC. Shepard saw the working of the panels and technology experts almost simultaneously turned to them and their faces lit up clearly overjoyed smile. - Welcome back, sir! - The officer instantly spread the two chairs on a pedestal at the Star Maps.

  He waited until gently sit down in a chair Svetlana, Shepard went to the map, stared at the screens, broadcast reports about the situation on the ship, on the roads and on the Citadel.

  - Welcome back, John. - He heard the commander. Turning on the spot circle, Shepard straightened and saluted. - Do not drill techniques. So far, you have not subscribed to Karin and you're on the patient's position, John. - Anderson came closer to the map. - In general, I can let you go to the Citadel. Still, it's a big, big station, a solid ground under their feet. Yes, the station waiting for the ships attack "Cerberus". A powerful attack. Everything is ready. Although most forecasts suggest - the opposition will be difficult. And, as you already know, and now you go to the Citadel only under protection. I do not want excuses to Svetlana for your recklessness, John.

  - I still go to the Station with him, David. - Streltsov said. - And there it is from me will not be able to escape. I'll take care of.

  - Well, if so, as usual - two shuttles and the full composition of the landing party. Mark and Legion are here. The rest - go with you. And remember, John, you promised not only to me to be a reasonable person.

  - Yes, sir. - Shepard saluted again, but made it absolutely officially. - I promise that the problems and troubles I will not deliver. Also tserberovtsev course.

  - No, John. This time you will only command. - Anderson came to Chakwas. - I'm officially warn you that you - the patient, rather than acting officer. Do not force Svetlana nervous - and so it is not easy. Remember, you are only in command.

  - To obey, ma'am. - Shepard saluted Chakwas. - Let me go get ready?

  - Go. - Anderson nodded, watching as John helps to get up from the chair Svetlana, they are holding hands descend to the stairs in to cabin of the ship. - They - lovely couple, Karin. And each time, confirm that for each other.

  - Yes, David. - Karin smiled slyly. - And we are with you?

  - And we are with you, too - a lovely couple. - Anderson said.

  Watch officer pretended he did not hear anything.

  Citadel. the prewar period. Commander Bailey

  Conduct Shepard and landing party, decreasing the Citadel, many normandovtsy came into the hangar frigate, cruiser. Shepard as clearly saw Svetlana, trying to keep themselves within the commanding officer, and tried not to exceed the limits set by omniscient Chakwas. Yavik both turian Gryunt, Jennifer was glad that together with Shepard will visit the Citadel. Alenka, Jenkins and colleagues - policemen paratroopers loaded in the second shuttle - available to Anderson on the organization of the protection of Shepard they performed with the utmost completeness and accuracy. This time the landing group performed only one task - to combat, and cover the victim is recovering commander and his wife. All normandovtsy already knew that at the Citadel in the dock frigate is already commanding the shuttle with the quintet paratroopers group protection kaperanga Strel'tsova,

  At the appointed time schedule shuttles started. Shepard sitting next to Svetlana and held her hand. Gryunt faintly smiled - he liked that he once again with his foster parents visit not just anywhere, but in the Citadel - a huge space station. Young Croghan knew that the station had to attack tserberovtsy and wanted to take in their destruction most directly involved. And he knew that his foster father - John Shepard can now be on the order of Anderson only to command, and can not directly expose themselves to danger. And because Gryunt fully intended to keep Shepard from any attempts to actively participate in the clashes. No, better that John commanded from a safe distance, and does not climb under fire. Look how Svetlana alarmed as she holds him tightly, his arm, John. She even look at John's not necessary - and so it reads it. Fully reading. And John is not happy about that and lets Svetlana.

  This time, a group commanded by Lieutenant mainly Alenko who habitually placed together with Corporal Jenkins in the second shuttle. Shepard is now owned completely and without reserve Svetlana, namely the protection of its group will primarily provide protection against any encroachments Exec. Everyone - and normandovtsy volgovtsy already know that Divers group "Cerberus" is required to try to attack the headquarters of the Corps.

  Gryunt difficult to imagine how the landing ships and boats "Cerberus" break through the gauntlet of Navy ships protect the Citadel, but he knew that the war is impossible almost there. And even after all at the station is full of forces of protection and enforcement. And there will also be fighting. Someone tserberovtsev will fight to distract the attention of regular military units, and Divers band will hit the most vulnerable places of the station. These places are of course covered, but then they are not completely protected.

  Once the group settles landing at headquarters, will go to the Citadel and the other members of the teams and crews Squad. Michelle and Chloe return briefly to Garrus. She's a doctor, but it is - a friend and director of BRP will be next to him, what would happen to any station. Garrus will not be able to drive it in Guerta hospital will not be able to push in the rear. Chloe had seen aboard the "Normandy" as normandovtsy fight and she knows that and he frigate can be organized and assassination and attacks. She knows even a little bit, but it knows about the possibility of the ship boarded "Troop". She was taught to shoot, learned to disguise, to learn not to put out a fire. So now the ballast it will not be exact. And about his medical duties she will never forget - for it is the main thing.

  Shuttles landed in the dock frigate almost simultaneously and immediately to the site down the patrol flier BRP, of which two out - and Turian people. Gryunt immediately recognized them: they were Garrus Vakarian and Armando Bailey. On the shoulders of the person formёnki shining epaulettes Commander. It is not the lieutenant and commander, a senior police officer of the Citadel. People grew up in ranks and positions of power in the service stations they are now respected and valued. Each race had its own problems, difficulties, troubles and inconsistencies, but they have always been reasonable, for which the ministry and the service was absolute and objective need. These, he knew Gryunt, treated and Bailey. These include himself Garrus Vakarian.

  Opened hatches and cabin parts shuttles normandovtsy came to the site. Shepard immediately took to the ring - an order to ensure the protection and preservation of its XO normandovtsy performed with all the zeal and thoroughness. Garrus loo
ked knowingly group arrived, went to Shepard. Normandovtsy parted, flowing C-Sec director and his companion, but did not lose vigilance. You never know what may be - of the consequences of indoctrination them a lot of interesting things and terrible Yavik said.

  - Greetings, Svetlana. - As expected, Garrus bowed wife Exec. - Greetings to you, John. - Shepard turian exchanged a firm handshake. - In the ring?

  Shepard nodded. Garrus chuckled:

  - I see. Now here come passbusy and you can fly to the headquarters. I know now that you, John, do not let out of control and protection, so I propose a compromise. - Turian have to sink to the ground passbus police, which usually flew cops-commandos. - Shuttle to "Volga" has already arrived ten minutes ago. A few minutes later ... - Garrus turned. - Yes, here they are. - In the entry portal there were five groups of paratroopers guard cruiser commander. - They are, I believe, will be sufficient protection and security for you, John, and for your spouse. And we'll fly to the headquarters of BRP, negotiations on some ... issues. Speaking at Headquarters - Apartments this is not very convenient. And after the conversation you will be taken to the headquarters of an escort patrols BRP at the same passbuse special forces.

  Svetlana adopted the report of the commander of the five guards, and ordered paratroopers surrounded Shepard and his wife, her ring. Alenko obtaining authorization Shepard led the landing party and his policemen arrived to the passenger passbusu, accompanied by three police flyer.

  After seeing flies passbus look Shepard exchanged glances with Svetlana, she nodded confirming.

  - Well, Garrus. Georgia.

  Path to C-Sec HQ took no more than half an hour. All this time John and Svetlana looked through the tinted armored glass to the Citadel, comparing what he saw with what they remembered of the old Citadel. The station was preparing to repel the attack "Cerberus". Of course, the open evidence of readiness does not exhaust all the measures taken to protect. It was in store a lot of hidden "trouble" for the attackers.

  The Director of BRP's office there were only four, including Garrus, Svetlana, Armando and John. Marines remained at the door to the waiting room and into the hallway, where the second door on the left the cabinet Garrus.

  - "Cerberus" digs beneath the Citadel. - Said Garrus, including cabinet insulation in battle mode, checking on its completeness of its sensors instrumentrona. - We have to play for high stakes. It is expected that under the impact will be the media, hospitals, embassies, Councillors, the computer system and a number of other systems and units. - Garrus including wall screens showed some schemes and plans, where problem areas were identified station "alarming" colors. - Because Ghost for our agents' data do not fully trust Miranda Lawson, she was in the attack will not participate. - Flashed on the screen, yet another official investigative portrait right hand Phantom-Harper has got tarnished and negates the red stripe with the words "not active". - Instead of it a key role, in particular, in blocking activities of the Counsellors will play known to you Kai Leng. - I flashed and lit up another wall screen, where there was a portrait of investigative personnel Ghost Husk. - Armando - Garrus looked a little strained earthling-policeman - does not exclude that the Counsellors, - extra wall screens flashed the official portraits of the Citadel Council, all three of the major - salarian, Turian and Asari - tserberovtsy try to take hostages and try them in terms of handling himself Kai Leng. - Next to a portrait of each of the Councillors appeared portrait kitaezy-Slav. - Among those present at the station and reasonably identified sympathizers hidden companions and helpers "Cerberus". - Include a few screens with a series of official portraits of people salarians, Turian, quarians. - We also did its part something to "Cerberus" has believed in our weakness and incompetence. In particular, the Commander Bailey was promoted to the rank and position in order to eliminate that Kai Leng operation was carried out with the best possible result. - Garrus said. - Bailey almost forced to play the role of "Cerberus" assistant, otherwise we would not have managed to create an impression in "Cerberus", allowing him not to pull the Citadel all its available ships and units.

  A police officer Citadel nodded without saying a word. Shepard knew that Armando risks at the largest rate, risking his life, because in order to believe him Cerberus, he had to hand over the three-headed dog ministers is very valuable and important thing - the real information about the plant protection systems. This seriously weakened the capacity of the defense scheme Citadel. In practice, it was the implementation of luring skilled Divers-group "Cerberus" in the pre-prepared trap. And advisers, journalists, doctors, and policemen found themselves in this case as bait to which saboteurs "Cerberus" had bite.

  - We are well aware that the station is a tasty morsel for "Cerberus". And also we know that "Cerberus" objectively there is now the possibility to seize the station completely, and even more so - there is no way to subdue it completely their own interests. "Cerberus" will try to hurt, hurt in a large way and in earnest. And we, in turn, will try to hurt badly "Cerberus" and above all - to weaken it both qualitatively and quantitatively. - Continued Garrus. - We already know about the progress of the forces "Cerberus" to the Citadel with the most different directions - there plenty of repeaters and "Cerberus" gradually pulls power to the station. Many ships "Cerberus" will be destroyed on the approach to the space station, so many. Some, of course, it will break - we are not idealists, therefore we are preparing the resistance forces in the fight against the landing groups. It will involve all the army units, police and the C-Sec and Spectres body. We suggest the possibility of a massive open and hidden as the landing army units "Cerberus" and sabotage units. It is planned to counter the Huskies and robots "Cerberus". - Garrus repaid screens slammed instrumentron. - Like this. - After a pause, he added. - Your arrival and your presence at the station, colleagues, Cerberus will give additional confidence that the plant is necessary to attack large forces to attack vigorously and most importantly - effective. I know that you, John, is that you are in the position of the patient and can only carry out the command functions without the right to direct participation in armed clashes. And I know that, you have to be guarded round the clock and protected. Hope tserberovtsy learned of your presence on the station, will pay special attention to the training spetsdiversgrupp. And we, in turn, try these Divers group neutralized.

  - Clear, Gard. - Shepard said, catching a break in the speech of the Director-C-Sec. - How much time do we have?

  - Few hours. Maybe - day. We assume that barely ships "Cerberus" will come out of the repeaters, the attack on the Citadel will become a reality. Fleets defense Citadel do their job, but also at the station will be fighting.

  - Clear. Then - I need to go back to the headquarters, Gard. And prepare.

  - Good. - Garrus nodded. - SWAT Passbus waiting for you. Escort is also ready to fly. - Turian consulted instrumentronom, disabled protection system study. - To work.

  - To work. - Shepard said priobnimaya Svetlana and leaving the office. Marines surrounded them and soon the police passbus carried Shepard and Streltsov to the location of the headquarters of the group. Inside, passbusa was silence. Shepard thought about what he saw and heard in the principal's office BRP, thinking about what kind of role in all this planned operation will play Armando Bailey.

  In passbus Headquarters did not stay long. Unloaded the passengers, the car sped to the location of the garage Forces Police Citadel. Looking around, Shepard noted that the complex headquarters building adapted for warfare in the full environment. In fact, everything in the headquarters was ready to move to a state of siege.

  Citadel. The pre-war period. Diana Allers and Emily Wong. The journalists

  - It looks like John, that working with journalists we have now. - Svetlana pointed to two girls who were at the news vans with logos of companies. - I know them by orientation. This is Emily Wong and Diana Allers. I thought you said that with Wong met before?

  - Yes, when she tried to pull me out of the information on corruption and crime in "Lair of Cora."
/>   - Heard about this institution. - Confirmed Streltsov. - Just look, they again staged a debate who take the first interview you.

  - Professional disassembly. - Shepard said without a smile. - Where do without them. Svetlana ...

  - And do not dream. Two sharks video news and you alone ?! No, I will not leave you.

  - Mama. - Svetlana stood beside Gryunt. - These two ... you bend? - Croghan have a paw in the two disputants journalists. - I told them ...

  - Not yet, Gru. - Svetlana said softly. - But thank you for coming.

  - I'll be there, Mom. - Croghan stepped back, clearly disapproving looking at Wong and Allers.

  - Coiffed, John, the two of them? - Jennifer came up quietly for a few moments included biotics, wrapped her arms. - Only Blink, I ask them ...

  Shepard shook his head. He really did not like to be a ward, but he knew: Karin will not allow it, not fully recovered, a risk even in small things. A normandovtsy in fact carried out the order of Anderson and the doctor disposal frigate, cruiser with all the accuracy and completeness, so that even the dream of former freedom was not necessary.

  Finally the girl understood each other on the issue of primacy in the interview of Captain Shepard: the fence headquarters, which Shepard stood Streltsov, Gryunt and Jenny walked Emily Wong. Diana Allers returned to his salon company news van and closed the half-shutter doors.

  Gryunt, disapproving glances in the direction of approach of the journalist, entered the enclosure, delivered one of the semi-soft chairs, standing at the gazebo. Shepard, sideways watching krogan, saw Gryunt obviously does not want the journalist was made at the headquarters of the perimeter, so she went into the pavilion in which he Gryunt used to a long conversation with Olivia, studied with kiborgessy around what she wanted to teach him.


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