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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 64

by Theodore Daniels

  - Captain Shepard. - Emily Wong smiled-a studied artificial smile, so typical of all the journalists who serve their duty, rather than do his own thing. - Glad to see you.

  - Shorter, Mrs. Wong. - Svetlana said, sitting down in the substituted Gryunt chair. - You have a little time. Say what you need and fall off. - She stroked krogan by powerful paw and he stood at the back of the chair, a journalist meryaya surly look and occasionally smiling with his crocodile smile.

  - I do not blame you, Captain, for what you gave me an extra, say, the information on the "Den of Cora," but ...

  - Who are you all this to condemn Shepard, my dear? - Svetlana clearly did not want to Wong managed to ride his favorite skate - I told you - shorter.

  - Your mission, the captain, has become over the last few days ... more complicated than before. And I continue to ask you to tell us some details ...

  - Emily. - Shepard felt condition and mood of a friend, and he did not Wong was interesting even as a journalist. - It is one thing - to investigate something journalistic means, methods and techniques in the field of corruption and organized crime, quite another - to investigate the working conditions of the Citadel dispatchers and certainly the third, very special - to know anything about what has been our squad. I do not have the right to either confirm or deny the rumors and speculation, but I also can not speak to you, the journalist, on the closed to the general public subject. Citadel is preparing for war with the "Cerberus". I can only confirm that the war will be heavy and expensive, but the details of it are not known even to me, for the simple reason that I - not a seer and oracle. So I have nothing in the way to give you, the journalist, what or interview. You do your thing, I - his own.

  - Why do you hate me so, Shepard? - Just Emily asked.

  - I hate you? - Shepard raised on journalist direct gaze and she recoiled. - Who are you all this, so I hated you?

  - Honey, would you have walked out of here, huh ?! - Jennifer said, moving to sitting in a chair close to Svetlana and covering a kaperanga. - And that in fact I can move. Shepard is no time to talk with you. I know, I read your opus in the Extranet. Not impressed. So - get out of here before I get angry in earnest.

  - As you wish, Shepard. - Emily turned and walked back to her van.

  - John, can I send a second journalist was also in a very pedestrian travel? - Jennifer looked from coming closer Diana Allers, and then - at Shepard.

  - I had not met her, Jenny. And what I know about it, indicates - it is much more adequate than any Emily. - Shepard looked at sadivshuyusya the cab minivan shark video interview.

  - Whatever you say, John. Blink, if you need to clean it out.

  - A war correspondent "News Network Alliance" Diana Allers. - Had the girl came up. - I have my own private transfer in the Alliance Network, the captain and I have the necessary permits. Do not refuse me the kindness, answer a few questions.

  Svetlana with interest looked at vizitёrshu, as contrasted with Wong. Emblem Gryunt she asked to bring another chair. Allers krogan nodded gratefully, sat down and looked at Shepard continues to stand.

  - You Bekenstein, Diana? - Asked the XO.

  - Yes. Settlement Milgrom, Captain. I knew quite a lot about what was delivered to the island shuttles and trucks unmarked. What to do, from the locals little that can be securely hidden. And sometimes - almost anything you can not hide. All my neighbors were impressed with your work to punish this presumptuous Kompashki bipeds. They are a disgrace to the human race more than anyone else. I'm glad now that the island belongs to the local community and there is a children's sanatorium center for parents with young children. Bekenstein - a relatively small planet and island conditions are very suitable for the treatment of many quite heavy and serious diseases.

  - And what's your interest, Diana? I understand that you did not come for the interview?

  - No, Captain. I just came to talk to you. I originally was not going to do an interview, just thinking about what you ...

  - Diane, I will not hide, - Svetlana chimed in, - you make a very good impression. But I want to say that we already have a Corps press center. And information about our work, as you probably know, it gives enough, just one that satisfies the needs of viewers and listeners, and Troop needs.

  - I had no purpose to ask for a job in your ship's press center, Svetlana. I would like to be able to make reports about your work while here on the Citadel, and to what extent they contribute to improve the morale of the inhabitants of the galaxy. I - kolonistka, I know perfectly well what lies ahead in many of the colonies - a heavy confrontation with the reapers. And there is now also a "Cerberus". I do not want to say, between the Reapers and Cerberus have nothing in common. I know that they are about the same and focus, and the means and methods of work. Ordinary people like me sharply and clearly feel and understand many things. And we know that in fact tserberovtsy - just Reapers servants and those who stand behind them. Alliance, no doubt largely responsible Admiral Hacket and the problem for many obvious and understandable. We still have much opportunity to fix, enhance, complement, enhance, but for this we have to convince not only the soldiers, but also civilians in fairness, rightness and value of our business. Though I am a war correspondent, but I - a civilian, a native of a small human colony. If we are all destined to fight and fight with such a strong external enemy, then what's the difference, whether on the shoulders of most reasonable straps or will not be there? We all will have to fight and resist, so now we must do everything to convince the reality and inevitability of our victory over these prawns. Though I am a war correspondent, but I - a civilian, a native of a small human colony. If we are all destined to fight and fight with such a strong external enemy, then what's the difference, whether on the shoulders of most reasonable straps or will not be there? We all will have to fight and resist, so now we must do everything to convince the reality and inevitability of our victory over these prawns. Though I am a war correspondent, but I - a civilian, a native of a small human colony. If we are all destined to fight and fight with such a strong external enemy, then what's the difference, whether on the shoulders of most reasonable straps or will not be there? We all will have to fight and resist, so now we must do everything to convince the reality and inevitability of our victory over these prawns.

  - Take you to the ships we can not Posse, Diana. - After a pause, Shepard said. - At Headquarters Detachment - too. This simply is not the slightest need. You are already a war correspondent, you - their own transmission. The only problem is that, and how you will say now in this transfer. But this problem can be solved - you just have to work harder, work better. I'm not going to teach you how and what to do, you already it will be able to learn faster and better. Sami can. Now, Diana, I'm sorry. We have plenty of work in the headquarters. Thank you for talking. - Shepard stepped Svetlana and she rose to meet his wife, readily opёrshis him.

  - Thank you for the call, Shepard. - Allers turned and walked back to her van. Gryunt chair he brought in the fence perimeter, looked around, behind Jenny and closed the gate, nodding his four guards.

  To carry out Commander Shepard officer had to function immediately and in full, as soon as he crossed the threshold of the main headquarters building Squad. In the main hall of the Operations Department gathered all the experts that have participated in the re-equipment and re-equipment of the station, to change the protocols and operating procedures of its business units.

  There was a lengthy and specific discussion on the prospects of confrontation with the ships and sabotage groups "Cerberus". Sam Shepard still fully convinced that in the absence of the basic structure of party members here at the Citadel, was held a really big, real and effective work. Who it was to seamlessly integrate into the process of its implementation and to do everything to the attack "Cerberus" the Citadel did not lead to any positive for the three-headed dog servants and Reapers results.

  A few hours of discussions and approvals completed. Svetlana took her almost by force Shepard Hall of
the operational management in the residential part, cooked lunch and caused John to eat without reserve all triple servings. Shepard, in turn, tried to reinforce and Svetlana in full, do not torture himself to death, and did not break mode.

  - Svetlana ... - Shepard began helping his wife to wash the dishes and clean up the table. - We ought to take a ride to the hospital, and then to visit the embassy. Yes, and with Commander Bailey ought to speak. Not only is the matter with Garrus and Commander talk on a leash. He is also at risk.

  - We are now in danger, John. - Said Svetlana. - Okay. - She looked at the clock on the wall of the hall. - I think, an hour later you can get together and fly in, say, the same hospital Guerta. And there ... there - in the circumstances. I know and understand that it is now a night mode have to forget, until we solve the problem with the attack on the Cerberus station, but still will not linger anywhere so very long.

  - Keep the Light. - Svetlana Shepard kissed the crown. - Then let sit over materials proventiliruem situation, so as not to "float" when will have to work "on the road"?

  - Come on, John. - Agreed Streltsov. They went out into the hall, which is located at a large table and opened instrumentrony. Svetlana quickly informed his top five of the alleged protection of the road outside the headquarters, concerted action and warned Chloe Michelle that the first item will marshurta Guerta Hospital. After completing preliminary verification, kaperang plunged into a plurality of files, the contents of the study, selected spices, "Volga" and Synthetic Corps. It is still possible this way to prepare for the work ahead - in a comfortable quiet environment, with plenty of time and opportunity. Further, as clearly understood not only Svetlana and John, and many, many other intelligent, it will be harder and worse. It will only be harder and harder.

  Citadel. The pre-war period. Hospital Guerta

  While passbus was getting through normal airways to Hospitals Guerta location - the same highly visible bridges in "glass", formed by the petals of the station, Shepard had time to view the many specialized raw materials. Hospital, often called a hospital, not a hospital that for English-speaking earthlings would not be an example of acceptable, was named in honor of the President of the United States North American Christopher Guerta. Hospital located in the Presidium of the Citadel and, accordingly, have a very significant opportunities in an efficient, high quality, and most importantly - fast cure patients many races of all major health problems - and the diseases and ailments.

  Azari, salarians and turians a very long time could not find the use of the entrails of the bridge - for some needs there was too little space for others - too many for the third - the very configuration and material properties of the structure did not fit categorically. It was only with the advent of the Citadel of people quickly get the right to organization and content of their own embassies and representative offices, the jumper really found a second life - here and one of the best hospitals in the station was organized.

  North American standards of care here was intricately connected with station standards that allow for the treatment and diagnosis of diseases of non-human races. Gryunt and Jennifer, accompanied Svetlana and John, in a low voice shared their experiences and memories of one of the Citadel, he knew every one of them. Five of the paratroopers, sitting on chairs side, front and rear sofas passbusa, kept a cautious silence.

  Shepard and Streltsov know that at headquarters under the regime of readiness for immediate take-off is worth the shuttle on which five policemen on duty paratroopers from the second rapid response frigate, cruiser. If necessary, join forces and BRP Corps spectrum. Kaidan Alenko Shepard with great difficulty managed to convince Richard Jenkins is quite able to cope with the command group BR, acting not on the little-known planet, and quite civilized and well-equipped, and most importantly - the densely populated space station.

  Disembark at the far parking lot, so as not to interfere with passbusam spetsflayeram and medical service, the group entered the landing location of a so-called "rest area for patients" - or rather, a simple waiting room. Further, in the depths of the hospital visitors can pass only with the permission of, and accompanied by medical staff.

  If Shepard was a common sight, then Svetlana struggled to keep calm and indifference - she did not like too tehnizirovannost and protocol approach to the organization and implementation of the initial phase of care procedures. In one room could be and colds, and the injured and wounded, and mentally unbalanced, and are dying. Medics there was not enough - for an open and public data there were only twelve doctors and fifty employees from among the middle and junior medical staff.

  There was no doubt - the patient had to prepare for a meeting with the doctor and nurses better qualified to do so few people will be able to, but still the number of doctors here in one of the main hospitals of the Citadel was prohibitively small. Streltsov are among the reasons, including the fact that usually the rich and wealthy patients a little hurt - their health monitored enough health professionals, nipped in the bud the majority of opportunities for diseases and ailments have its negative impact on the livelihoods reasonable. And if such a reasonable and got to the hospital, especially such as Memorial Hospital Guerta, most often it was waiting for a private room, the personal doctor and a nurse, custom, personalized nutrition, quality drugs and manipulation, as well as everything that is usually concealed under the phrase "

  On Avinu - virtual guide interface in the hospital a few of the visitors paid attention and most of the time the translucent figure of a young asari idle idle. Unlike her friends, is located in a vibrant local station that Avina has been deprived of the opportunity to attract the attention of the scurrying around of organic and intelligent lighting effects, and the sound of his melodious voice multilingual.

  - You did not resist, John. - Shepard, looked at Avinu, approached Karin Chakwas. - And we decided to form an istyazatsionny plan? I do not approve. But then escort - I admit.

  - You like it here, Doctor?

  - Arrived together with Chloe and Mordin. Solus completely buried himself in the lab, so I decided to give him something like a tour of the profile in the relevant medical and scientific institutions. So he is also a hint of the special forces, but here I am, as they say, pass. What I can do - I can not yet do.

  - Where is he Mordin now? - Svetlana asked.

  - In the laboratory. He gathered around him a circle of physicians, researchers and pushes the second hour lecture and workshop. Those just baldeyut. Itself heard one diagnostician said, "the old man in the modern dance works." Almost all of the recorded lecture on the crystals.

  - And how can we do? - Shepard asked, trying not to look around too much.

  - It's hard. - Chakwas said softly. - The station is still not ready for a real clash with the Reapers to the fullest. There are, of course, progress in the right direction, but they are weak and insufficient. In this hospital, are oriented on the very wealthy patients ... - Chakwas looked at staircases, goes up. - There are in fact only four floors of the chambers floor operating rooms, intensive care floor and floor physiotherapy plus auxiliary floors and rooms. Not enough space. Now, even here there is no way yet to place standard medical beds at wartime, and it happened that - will have to place patients on stretchers on the floor, if not in some circles.

  - In other places ... - Shepard looked at Avinu.

  - Where we have been able to visit - in clinics such as the one where she worked Chloe and two small medical centers, local scale - it is easier. There's such a flashy luxury and so many possibilities ... not used to, I suppose. Because there is already a lot of work done in wartime. But the best shots, even this statement someone may seem controversial and, concentrated in hospitals such as this. And on the periphery - that is what it is. And that is - there are very few. Chloe's hardly know that you visit the hospital, tried to prevail upon you to try out the local diagnostic tools.

  - I confirm John. - I approached the doctor frigate, cruiser. - That's how it was. I excuses, excuses, I was crushed and pr
essed, but came Karin - and all were silent. All the major medical service and a well-known trauma surgeon - this combination even for such well-known hospitals is rare. They shut up and do not offer anything. So do not worry, no one with you to take the data will not be here. We Karin took care of it.

  - Shepard, I'm glad to see you. - Approached Mordin habitually raised instrumentron. - I'm the only one who will remove the here and now with your data. - Salarian looked at the screen. - In general, do you - are normal. There is a problem, John.

  - Solus. - Svetlana cringed.

  - No, nothing, everything under the commanding officer functions. - Said salarian, taking John's hand and looking away in a corner. - There is too much trouble, John. - Quietly saying this, Mordin opened the file on the screen. - Enjoy.

  - Poor performance of psychologists, poor performance of the scientific part, insufficient work of the research, the need to find more effective ways to treat and new technical means to do so. - Quietly read Shepard, immediately combining dozens of unique fixed instrumentronom Mordina requests in the group. - In principle - a problem almost every major medical institution.

  - And in this case we face, John, so that even high-ranking and very wealthy patients do not find here the proper medical care over and above the usual high-end package. And in terms of confrontation, even with Cerberus is not enough. In the context of the confrontation with the reapers - it is disastrous.

  - I agree. AND...

  - It turns out that this hospital, located like and in the Presidency, in fact not much different for the better from dozens of the same hospital stations. I'm not sure that this is - safe and optimal regulatory, John. And I'm afraid that a significant part of our future work during the invasion of the Reapers reflection will involve including a solution to the problems of the hospital. Large and significant problems. You know that we have had to go back to the visited before the world and perform on them other completely different mission.


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