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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 65

by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard nodded.

  - And now we have again and again come back to the same place in the most different corners of the galaxy, because in our entire armed we detachment, objectively were neither then nor now in a position to grasp the immensity. Recall, the detachment of recruits from the "Delta". Wet behind the ears to throw the kind of full-scale training program for survival - and that as a result? Evacuation of them is obviously not such a simple task. And the ingredients to get valuable, valuable scientific results with the ruined planet under attack or under the control of the Reapers - the task will be still the same.

  - We'll have to perform this task and others like it, Mordin. You are right, a significant part of our work during the war, it will be associated with the implementation of just such tasks. So ... - Shepard said. - Send me the file, then think about together, and how to be able to do. At least count up, where to go should immediately, and where you can wait. And a good idea to check if we take into account all the requests in the medical institutions.

  - Not all, not all, Shepard. - Said sadly Mordin. - Sounds like a clumsy excuse, but no one is all-powerful. Something is being done, and something not. According to my information ninety percent sentient in the galaxy still do not believe in the reality of the invasion. And so - the victims will be too much.

  - Okay. If you are here, Mordin, let's go through the labs and offices, see what's what. - Shepard returned to Svetlana. - We decided to walk around the hospital, Karin.

  - Good thinking, Captain. And then again to pull Mordina read a lecture and workshop. - Chakwas said.

  - I may rest a little from the torrent. - Salarian said.

  It is good that the sterility of the system eliminates the need for endless disguises. Going round the waiting room, the group entered into a kind of "waiting room, waiting room." Shepard pointed out how many asari talked with psychologists doctors more often - the same Azahar. Many doctors came out here to talk quietly, using instrumentrony, reasonable, that could help them solve some of the problems with the supply of equipment, medicines and reagents. There was also a lot of visitors from among those whom physicians considered it possible to skip to them to see are here hospitalized relatives and friends.

  The hospital even tried to make - in the "waiting room" was a small, no larger than a standard kiosk, shop Sirte Fund.

  Presence Mordina Chakwas and Michelle helped Svetlana and John access to the closed to visitors and patients of the first hospital laboratory area level. Most labs have been closed, only the two of them worked doctors and diagnosticians, researchers, doctors. Shepard with interest listened to the talks of physicians, isolating from the guidance phrases on needs and requirements, and locking them in audio format. Realizing that working professionals best not to interfere, nor Shepard nor Streltsov not approached the door of the lab to the operating distance sirens and only briefly looked through the transparent walls inside the premises.

  - I do not understand. Whether these labs in the reserve, then there really is not enough specialists to work in them. - John said when they went to the dressing room, from which it was possible to go to the hospital ward level. - So many problems, so many questions and only two of the sixteen lab work.

  - It may be the fact that, John. - Said Svetlana. - We do this is impossible - in the laboratory in such clinics are a queue of doctors and researchers, all done quickly, accurately and clearly. In another, we just do not know how to work, and do not want. There are, of course, covers and problems, but mainly the luxury of empty unused lab - we simply in most cases is not observed. And then ... I've dug into the data BRP, something figured in haste. - Svetlana opened instrumentron, find the desired file. - Look for yourself.

  - Interesting.

  - More than John. Relax, damned fat and lazy, stupefied, became stupid. A hope for patients of doctors. Accustomed as hoped. And not for me to tell you that there are treated including the implications and consequences of excessive libations other excesses committed. The specifics of the elite hospitals. Okay. Go look floors and patients have to have to complete and to proceed according to plan. The works we have a lot, and in front of - the problem.

  Accompanied Michelle and Chloe Mordina they went on the floors ward level, which for some reason called "fixed-wing". How to tell one of the older Asari, there was a time when they tried to activate a system of retention of strict horizontal, conditional, of course. Whether for the convenience of patients, or for tranquility staff. Therefore, it was believed that these levels remain immobility and stability when cornering any station in general and its petals separately. And then there were artificial gravity system and the system of strict horizontal retention has been disabled. For superfluous. But the name has stuck. To it just used.

  Elite Clinic has an elite clinic. Clean comfortable mostly single rooms, the best equipment, the best food. Shepard, walking on the floors this level, skeptical simultaneously scanned the walls and ceiling, wondering how many here will be attached beds, when it's time to confront the Reapers. ... The picture is terrible. And without the seal, as I thought with all the validity of the XO, you can not do without. The war will require - will thicken.

  - John, we have a lot of work here. - Said Karin when they finally reached the "waiting room" and stopped near the exit from the hospital. - I see that you are a little cheered up, you had a positive effect even working, but still walk through the station. Do not exceed the limits.

  - Make sure, Karin. - Shepard nodded and surrounded by paratroopers of "Volga" headed for the exit. Gryunt and Jennifer went after him.

  - Do not restrain himself. - Chloe said, looking at coming out of the hospital Shepard.

  - Do not restrain himself. - Confirmed Chakwas. - But he was and others will not be. Many people love it just for that. Come on, Chloe, we have a lot of work.

  Citadel. The pre-war period. embassy

  - Where now, John? - Svetlana sat next to Shepard in his chair, waited in the cabin will be Jennifer and Gryunt with paratroopers.

  - Embassy of Light.

  - Agree. - Svetlana gave information to the driver and the car hard passbusa rose above the parking area. - Twenty minutes will be in place.

  - Okay. So far - proventiliruem situation. - Shepard said, revealing instrumentron.

  All the way to the embassy of the town was quiet in the cabin. Normandovtsy instrumentronah worked on, received new data packets, poring over the contents of the received and existing files.

  The embassy had consistently town to visit a number of representative offices and embassies, so get a four-hour marathon. Shepard could hardly get rid of the idea that sometimes dipprotokol and dipritual prevented and moreover - very hinder the achievement of the final result.

  Together with Svetlana John visited the Embassy of the Russian Empire, which spoke with Sheremetyevo and her husband, and then visited the embassies of Asari, Turian, salarians, volus, Hanaro. Then came the turn of the numerous missions - not only diplomatic but also academic, industrial, commercial.

  Gradually it evolved a holistic picture of picture of the real state of affairs. One could say that it is absolutely absolutely nothing has been done to prepare to repel the Reapers attack, but do too little, too slow and too poorly.

  On the standard Shepard and Svetlana paid attention in the last instance - they were interested first of all the problems and shortcomings, mistakes and shortcomings. Yes, and to discuss the normal work of diplomatic missions somehow not particularly like - operate many tens of reasonable work and perform their functions and may operate them in the future, they are prepared to work in a particular period and may qualify.

  Stay normandovtsev proved particularly difficult at the Embassy, and representation of the Earth. Udine was furious: connection to many problems vnezemelya not only eighteen countries of the Alliance, but almost two hundred other countries, the cradle of humanity negate the importance and priority of the Alliance representative. One after another, opened offices in other countries and let t
he earth while their staff were not numerous enough, they soon developed a rabid representation activities in a variety of directions. Efficiency Alliance representative on this background looked quite pale.

  With Ambassador Alliance otryadovtsam was generally extremely difficult to talk - it crushed the head of NATO countries demanded insisted, even at times threatened. But what could they know exactly what is happening here, staying in the world? Many of them do not even believe that "Cerberus" has long worked under the auspices of the Alliance, would dare to commit an armed attack on the station.

  Ambassadorial town is also preparing to repel the attack. Almost all employees were transferred to the barracks - before they can live outside of town, now they are waiting for beds in hotel complexes at embassies and representations, the minimum amenities for work and life. Guard units received additional weapons, established additional engineering barriers and monitoring and control systems.

  - It will be difficult, Light. - Shepard, sitting in a chair passbusa not hide his negative experiences, although I tried to keep within the framework of constantly remembering girlfriend pregnant. - It will be difficult. Tossed about as sleepy seals.

  - Let him so, but toss and turn. Their time is running out, John. The time of the military units of any race of life mechanisms. And civil embassy officials know that they are losing power and influence. And they do not like. - Svetlana sat in the chair, nodded to the driver, the car lifted into the air. - Fly, visit the Bailey and return to the headquarters.

  - I agree - Shepard looked at animatedly discussing what they saw Gryunt and Jack. - Flew.

  Citadel. Commander Bailey. Attack of the "Cerberus"

  Armando Bailey was delighted to see once again a well-known to him reasonable. He asked his colleagues not to disturb anything but the most urgent in the near future, take care of sufficient number of chairs in my little study and how to Svetlana necessarily tightly lunch. For other guests, he prepared a standard soldering - for more time nor it was not possible.

  Watching as Armando manages Shepard recalled what he knew about the man. He started his career here at the station from the bottom, an ordinary patrol officer, BRP. Many times was refused on the increase, as the preference given to the persistently prevailing at the time as part of BRP Turian. It is only relatively recently become a C-Sec forced to employ and advance through the ranks of representatives of many other species, among which natural superiority captured people. The BRP is evidenced data collected Synthetic Corps, Bailey caught the opportunity to get a permanent job. In the full sense of the word permanent - Armando little time spent with the family, constantly present in the office and on the road. His wife and children is absolutely not like, but the Bailey paid little attention to family dissatisfaction, believing he came and settled on the Citadel for work, and not to live it comfortably. Commander protection compared to the protection of the Citadel is well known to him in New York and was well aware that in order to ensure adequate security for the inhabitants of the police can not always work stations exclusively in white gloves, and therefore, will have to beat out the testimony, and to participate in the system of multi-level bribes. At the same time, the police commander Armando Bailey knew that his service should benefit and not harm the residents of reasonable Station and its guests. So illegal actions of policemen and police officers Stations should prevail in his work. The law must also prevail - only then it will be possible to quickly achieve its desired improvement. to live it comfortably. Commander protection compared to the protection of the Citadel is well known to him in New York and was well aware that in order to ensure adequate security for the inhabitants of the police can not always work stations exclusively in white gloves, and therefore, will have to beat out the testimony, and to participate in the system of multi-level bribes. At the same time, the police commander Armando Bailey knew that his service should benefit and not harm the residents of reasonable Station and its guests. So illegal actions of policemen and police officers Stations should prevail in his work. The law must also prevail - only then it will be possible to quickly achieve its desired improvement. to live it comfortably. Commander protection compared to the protection of the Citadel is well known to him in New York and was well aware that in order to ensure adequate security for the inhabitants of the police can not always work stations exclusively in white gloves, and therefore, will have to beat out the testimony, and to participate in the system of multi-level bribes. At the same time, the police commander Armando Bailey knew that his service should benefit and not harm the residents of reasonable Station and its guests. So illegal actions of policemen and police officers Stations should prevail in his work. The law must also prevail - only then it will be possible to quickly achieve its desired improvement. in order to ensure adequate security for the inhabitants of the police can not always work stations exclusively in white gloves, and therefore, will have to beat out the testimony, and to participate in the system of multi-level bribes. At the same time, the police commander Armando Bailey knew that his service should benefit and not harm the residents of reasonable Station and its guests. So illegal actions of policemen and police officers Stations should prevail in his work. The law must also prevail - only then it will be possible to quickly achieve its desired improvement. in order to ensure adequate security for the inhabitants of the police can not always work stations exclusively in white gloves, and therefore, will have to beat out the testimony, and to participate in the system of multi-level bribes. At the same time, the police commander Armando Bailey knew that his service should benefit and not harm the residents of reasonable Station and its guests. So illegal actions of policemen and police officers Stations should prevail in his work. The law must also prevail - only then it will be possible to quickly achieve its desired improvement. that his service should benefit and not harm the residents of reasonable Station and its guests. So illegal actions of policemen and police officers Stations should prevail in his work. The law must also prevail - only then it will be possible to quickly achieve its desired improvement. that his service should benefit and not harm the residents of reasonable Station and its guests. So illegal actions of policemen and police officers Stations should prevail in his work. The law must also prevail - only then it will be possible to quickly achieve its desired improvement.

  - I've already forgotten the last time more than a few hours spent with his wife and son. - Armando said, finally sitting down in a chair. - A lot of work, a lot, but I definitely like it - I do not feel deadening stagnation in our policing. New York gave me the foundation and this foundation is constantly allows to develop. Communication with police officers from other races - a school that would be nice to go through many of my colleagues in the police department. Alas, this is not to organize the work. But I am glad that the majority of earthlings, policemen have found a strong belief that protecting law and order on the Citadel, at the same time they protect the law and order in the world, in fact - they protect the Earth and humanity, being here.

  Shepard saw Bailey tense, understand that it is difficult to combine work in the police and scout activities. normandovtsev conversation with a policeman turned a long and multi-faceted, lasted for several hours.

  - Unrest somehow. - Armando said quietly, saying goodbye with Shepard at the entrance to the Office. - I have never felt even in New York, where the vast majority had the excitement ... I'm afraid we all have a little time.

  Shepard nodded, understanding that any adjustments will be unnecessary.

  - Well, I had to send his son and his wife to the ground. - Armando said, watching passbus taking off. - At least, they would be safe. A divorce ... formality, nothing more. My son is still there ...

  - Commander, received signal. The system includes the fleets "Cerberus" - appeared on the control porch Deputy Bailey - officer of Valence.

  - Come on. Need to work. - Bailey turned and disappeared into the gateway.

  He did not know that but the son of his daughter was now in th
e world - his wife hid from him the fact of pregnancy and has not yet decided whether or not to report her ex-husband for the second child.

  Citadel. Attack of the "Cerberus" the Citadel

  As soon passbus lay on the return course to the headquarters, at the same time joined normandovtsev instrumentrony. Synthetic transmits a signal "invasion" and provided complete evidence.

  - Began. While the fleet of ships of the Citadel will be pressing cruisers and frigates from the station of Cerberus - amphibious ships will try to carry out their task. - Shepard shoveled files in a few seconds. - Gryunt Jenny - remains with me. You - Number One looked at the five tensed commander guard - Take Svetlana at the headquarters and guard her. And the three of us will try to play with the paratroopers "Cerberus".

  - John. - Voice Svetlana, already covered the instrumentron, proskvozilo displeasure.

  - Light I - guarded. Gryunt strong, Jenny - too. Next to them, with me nothing can happen to bad. And over time, the station and catch up our forces on both ships. You should take care of it. At headquarters, you will be able to coordinate the efforts of our otryadovtsev better. We can not all be in one place, and you know, and you know why. All. - Shepard said passbus floating in three feet from the pavement surface. - We are going. - XO jumped, not paying much attention to small panic prevailing in the surrounding streets. - Fly away. - He slapped the plating passbusa and he lunged forward and upward, going beyond the usual route trains, which also showed signs of panic.

  So far, the automatic air traffic control services supported on the tracks though some order, but many drivers learned of the approach of the fleets "Cerberus", instinctive flyer switched to manual control, and it has already resulted in different parts of the station to multiple collisions and accidents.

  - I suppose that the saboteurs will try to influence the Council. - First mate said. - So - back to the Presidency. Walking. - He said. - Kai Leng did not miss the opportunity to show off on a grand scale. And we will be able to stop him. Along the way, clearing the station from several landing units. Here a few kilometers peshedrala. - Shepard checked the direction of the small screen of your instrumentrona. - Jenny, do not blaze until biotics. Do not draw attention to themselves. Gryunt, shalt her smile, do not scare an already frightened civilians. - Shepard looked around, ducking into an alley. - Forward.


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